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Chapter 945 Tear into pieces

As Li Yue picked up the red letter, the letter delivery task was immediately triggered the next second.

As a cold breeze blew by, information about this mission suddenly appeared on the wall in the corridor.

But before Li Yue could finish reading, someone jumped out and threatened him, asking Li Yue to keep the letter.

And there are quite a few people who hold this idea.

Although there was only one person speaking, there were many people nearby who directly pointed their guns at Li Yue, making naked threats.

Obviously, if Li Yue didn't do what they said, these people would definitely shoot him.

Anyone who can get to the second floor and has a gun in his hand is definitely a ruthless person.

Pointing a gun at Li Yue was not just talk.

If an ordinary person was pointed at so many guns, they would naturally not dare to do anything at this time. They could only follow what these messengers said and put down the letter.

But Li Yue seemed not to see those firearms at this time.

To be more precise, he ignored the gun in the messenger's hand.

After he glanced around at the messengers, a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

It's just that Li Yue's smile is not only devoid of any gentleness, but is instead full of cold sarcasm and disdain.

"I really don't know what to say." Li Yue said casually;

"To tell you the truth, we have sent a red letter on the first floor before. Once the red letter task is completed, the messenger from the first floor can go directly to the next floor.

That’s why there are so many right people coming up from the first floor at the same time.”

When the messengers heard this, they were shocked.

They never thought that the red letter could have such an effect.

The eyes of everyone looking at the letter were suddenly full of passion.

You know, with each level you go up in the Ghost Post Office, the rest time between delivering letters will be longer.

It can be regarded as indirectly extending their lives.

Seeing the changes in everyone's eyes, the sarcasm and disdain at the corner of Li Yue's mouth became more obvious:

"But the Ghost Post Office is not a charity. If a red letter can have such an effect, you can imagine how difficult it is to deliver the letter."

As soon as these words came out, some of the better-quality messengers regained their senses.

Except for Li Yue and others, the only people who could reach the second floor were old people who had delivered letters at least three times.

Of course we know how cold the ghost post office is.

You can also understand what Li Yue said.

At this time Li Yue continued:

"We have to go upstairs as quickly as possible. Although we can do it by sending the red letter, I still feel it is a bit slow.

Moreover, the impact of the red letter on the real world is too great, and I don’t want to mess up the real world just yet.

So I'm going to take a shortcut and not deliver this red letter at all."

Although Li Yue's words revealed some important information, as Li Yue spoke, the messenger suddenly felt uneasy.

Liu Mingxin is one of them;

From the moment he became a messenger, he has sent five letters in succession, and he has come into contact with real supernatural beings five times.

You can definitely call him an experienced person.

"don't want."

At this time, he had realized what Li Yue was going to do, and hurriedly spoke to stop him.

It's a pity that Li Yue won't listen to him at all.

Li Yue directly tore up the red letter in his hand under everyone's surprised gazes.

Although this is a supernatural letter, it is no different from an ordinary letter.

It tore into pieces very easily.

"Oh, I'm sorry you spoke too late." Li Yue casually scattered the scraps of paper in his hand on the ground and said slowly:

"But even if you say it in advance, I will not listen to you."

At this time, Li Yue's expression felt like he deserved a beating no matter how he looked at it.

In fact, Li Yue is sincere.

He acted very decisively and tore it apart thoroughly, without giving these people a chance at all.

Of course, these messengers could not stop Li Yue from tearing up the letters.

But he just wants to stimulate these people and tease these people.

Facts have proved that the effect of Li Yue's doing this is still very obvious.

"Did he tear up the letter? Damn it." Someone yelled, his voice trembling with anger.

"You madman, if you want to die, you can die on your own. Don't drag us into trouble. Do you know that tearing up the letter will attract evil spirits to attack you?"

At this time, Liu Mingxin's face also turned a little pale, and he was both angry and frightened.

The couriers in this post office basically know that shredding letters is equivalent to directly completing the post office's letter delivery task.

However, this also comes at a huge cost.

Otherwise, who would be the courier in the post office to deliver the letter? Wouldn't it be better if he could just tear up the letter and upgrade it all the way to the top?

After tearing up the letter, the messenger will be attacked by a fierce ghost, and such attacks will occur regardless of occasion, time, or place.

But the couriers at the bottom are basically ordinary people and cannot stop such an attack at all.

Therefore, for them, there is still a lot of possibility to survive by delivering letters.

Tear the letter into pieces and you will surely die.

The red letter appeared in the corridor outside the room, which means that this mission is a common mission for all messengers on this floor;

Now Li Yue will tear up the letter, which means that all the messengers on this floor will be attacked by evil spirits.

This is totally harmful.

This is why everyone was angry after seeing Li Yue tearing up the letter.

At this time, Li Yue tilted his head and said with a smile:

"Of course I know that tearing up the letter will attract attacks from the ghosts in the ghost post office, but what can I do? It's just a ghost attack, it's not a big deal.

Of course, this may not be the case for you, but in my opinion there is no difference, at least the results are the same;

Delivering letters is death, not delivering letters is death, both left and right are dead, so why bother adding chaos to the real world? It would be great to die peacefully in this post office."

Although it is true to say that, if they can live one more day, they still want to live one more day.

Moreover, Li Yue's words seemed to be correct, but when you think about it carefully, it is very unreasonable. This is completely a change of concept.

It's like everyone will inevitably die in the end, so why don't we live?

If that's the case, wouldn't it be more straightforward to kill him immediately at birth?

Of course, in fact, what Li Yue really wanted to say was not this.

What Li Yue said was actually aimed at the messengers at the ghost post office.

If they really follow to complete this message delivery mission, based on the experience of Fu Shou Garden last time, it is not difficult to imagine that few people here will survive in the end.

And even if you survive, you still have the next mission to deliver the message.

Sooner or later, you will still die in the mission of the ghost post office.

Moreover, delivering letters to a ghost post office will cause unimaginable crises in the real world.

In this way, looking at the overall situation, these people are more valuable if they die early, but living on the contrary is troublesome.

"Li Yue is right. You guys are going to die sooner or later anyway, so don't make it so complicated. If you die earlier, you can bring some disasters to the real world."

At this time, Yang Jian also said with an indifferent expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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