Turn off the lights
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Chapter 980 The second footsteps

It seemed that because Li Yue and the others didn't do anything special, the night went particularly smoothly.

Although there were footsteps outside the door, no evil ghost came to the door.

It was already entering the middle of the night, and it would be dawn in a few hours.

Suddenly, Li Yue, Yang Jian and Li Yang opened their eyes and looked towards the door.

Just now, the three of them heard footsteps coming from outside the door again.

This was already the second footsteps they heard tonight.

"Is the third floor so dangerous? There are actually two ghosts wandering around." Li Yang looked a little horrified.

He was very sure that the footsteps that sounded this time were different from the ones before.

The footsteps before were very heavy, but this time they sounded like the sound of high heels.

Under normal circumstances, Li Gui will not change the way he walks.

"First, there was the ghost who opened the door before, and now there is a ghost walking in high heels. Could it be that other messengers did something to attract the evil ghost?"

Li Yang's eyes narrowed and he felt an inexplicable danger.

Yang Jian's expression was also very heavy.

However, a strange color flashed in Li Yue's eyes.

"The footsteps before were indeed very much like a ghost opening the door, but this time it's hard to tell." Li Yue said calmly;

"You remember what I said, the messenger on the third floor should know about the existence of the letter paper. Maybe someone ventured out of the room."

This is not just random talk by Li Yue, but there is some basis for it.

Just now, after listening carefully, he discovered that the footsteps of the high-heeled shoes were not regular, but light and heavy.

But Li Yue was very sure that this was not something Li Gui could do.

It's just that the footsteps are very light, so it's not easy for ordinary people to detect this.

However, this is just Li Yue's guess after all, and cannot be completely confirmed.

After all, the Ligui building is weird in itself, and it is not impossible for some special circumstances to occur.

"We can't tell for sure now, but whether the footsteps outside are from ghosts or other messengers, as long as they don't disturb us, we don't need to pay attention to them for the time being."

After Yang Jian was silent for a while, he continued: "Let's wait until daybreak to talk about everything."

Li Yue nodded casually.

Li Yang also nodded.

Although he said this, Li Yue, Yang Jian and Li Yang still listened carefully to the movement outside the door.

In fact, according to Li Yue's original idea, he wanted to open the door directly and go out to take a look.

This way everything will come to light.

But considering that he had just reached the third floor and wanted to be safe, he finally suppressed this idea for the time being.

At this time, the sound of high-heeled shoes was still lingering in the corridor outside the room.

Perhaps it was because from the beginning, Li Yue did not regard the owner of this voice as a ghost;

Therefore, through detailed sound analysis, Li Yue felt that the "person" outside seemed to be looking for something.

Thinking of this, Li Yue became even more sure that the person outside was not a ghost.

At this moment, the owner of the footsteps may have achieved his goal and walked quickly in a direction on the third floor.


The next second, the old wooden door opened, and the sound of wood friction suddenly sounded.

The sound came from the darkness, and it was very clear. It should be that a door to one of the rooms was opened.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of walking in high heels gradually disappeared.

It seemed like he had walked into a certain room.

Finally, a clear "squeaking" sound of closing the door came again. It should be that the door of that room was closed again.

"Oh my god, could it be that a ghost has entered a room on the third floor?" Li Yang felt horrified all over.

Although Li Yue just said that the person outside was most likely not a ghost but another messenger, Li Yang still did not give up his suspicion.

As long as you haven't seen it with your own eyes, who can say that the person who just appeared in the corridor is definitely not a ghost?

If the footsteps just now were really coming from a ghost, then the problem would be serious.

The evil spirit actually entered the room.

What a terrible discovery.

It's just that the feeling in Li Yang's heart at this time was a little hard to explain.

I am both happy and worried.

Fortunately, the ghost walking in high heels did not enter Room 31. What was worrying was that he had no idea which room the ghost had entered.

Because of the zigzag structure of the post office, the sounds outside have a little echo.

Therefore, it is impossible to clearly determine in which room the last footsteps disappeared.

But what is certain is that it will definitely not be rooms 32 and 33 nearby.

Because Li Yue and the others are now in Room 31, if they had just opened the doors to Rooms 32 and 33, they would have heard very clear sounds.

But the sound of opening and closing the door just now was not so clear.

So it should be in other rooms. In other words, rooms 34 to 37 are all likely to be entered by ghosts, and the possibility becomes greater the further in the room.

Although the footsteps had disappeared, neither Li Yang nor Yang Jian had any intention of resting. Instead, they were a little worried.

It seems to be because there are only a few hours until dawn.

In the following time, nothing unusual happened on the third floor, and it returned to deathly silence.

In this way, the night passed safely and soundly.

As soon as six o'clock in the morning arrived, the darkness inside the post office dissipated quickly and on time.

The faint yellow lights in the corridor were turned on at the same time, and the place returned to its usual gloomy and dim environment.

When the time came, Li Yue walked out of Room 31 without saying a word.

Yang Jian and Li Yang followed closely and walked out of the room.

"The sound of walking in high heels that disappeared last night seemed to be in that direction."

After Li Yang walked out of the room, he thought for a moment and pointed in the direction of rooms 35, 36, and 37.

At this time, the doors of the three rooms were closed tightly, no messenger came out, and no ghost appeared.

"Don't scare yourself. It hasn't been confirmed yet, and we can't be sure who the owner of the footsteps is."

Li Yue said casually.

While speaking, he began to walk in the direction pointed by Li Yang;

"However, I didn't hear the sound of opening the door again and leaving, which means that the owner of the high-heeled shoes stayed in one of the rooms here. If you want to know what it is, just take a look and you will know."

While speaking, Li Yue had already arrived at the door of Room 35;

"You guys are on guard outside, I'll go take a look."

After saying that, Li Yue reached out and pushed open the door and walked in.

No matter what that thing was, Li Yue was not afraid at all.

So I walked in without hesitation.

Yang Jian and Li Yang watched quietly in the corridor.

At the same time, Yang Xiaohua, Cai Yu, Wang Shan, and Liu Mingxin also walked out of the room one after another.

These four people also heard the conversation between Li Yue and the others just now.

I didn’t hear it all, but I roughly guessed it.

Therefore, I stood still and watched from a distance, not daring to get close to the rooms where there were suspected problems.

Li Yue dared to do this simply because he was a skilled artist and others were bold, but they were not.

Although they are now messengers on the third floor, they know their level.

Their actual level is not up to the level of the third floor. They only got up there by following Li Yue and the others.

Any abnormality may cost them their lives.

This chapter has been completed!
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