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123. Disagreement

Xiao Di slept extremely soundly that night, and her sleep was not affected by changing beds or even changing places. Not only was she tired from traveling during the day, but also because Tan Xuan was beside her pillow, which made her feel at ease.

It was already bright when Xiao Di woke up. He touched his side and found that his hands were cold and there was no familiar touch.

"Tan Xuan!"

Xiao Di muttered hello, but there was no response. Xiao Di immediately opened his eyes. Tan Xuan was not seen in the room, but his cell phone was placed on the table in the room, and there was movement in the bathroom.

After getting up and getting dressed, Xiao Di walked out of the bedroom. He didn't see Tan Xuan in the outer room or the main hall, so he went out to the patio.

"Tan Xuan!"

Xiao Di shouted, but received no response from Tan Xuan, but he took Chun Gu out of the east wing.

Chun Gu saluted and said hello: "Madam, good morning, you are up."

"Chun Gu, good morning. Just call me Xiao Di. Don't call me Young Madam. Tan Xuan and I are not married yet."

Although we had met her last night and talked to Tan Xuan about Chun Gu's past last night, Xiao Di had some sympathy for this dark-faced but kind-hearted woman, but now that she was being called that way again, Xiao Di couldn't help but blush.

Chun Gu laughed and said, "Getting married is only a matter of time, so don't be polite. If you don't agree, the young master will not bring you into the family. Just get used to it."

"Humph! This little rascal." Xiao Di bit his lip, cursed in a low voice, and then asked Chun Gu very politely: "Chun Gu, where is Tan Xuan? Why did you search the whole house so early in the morning?

Where is his figure missing?"

"The young master should be practicing in the east courtyard at this time. You can go to the east courtyard to find him. My breakfast will be ready soon. You can invite the young master to have breakfast with you."

"East courtyard, where is the east courtyard?" Xiao Di asked with a confused look on his face. Although the small courtyard is not small, it is only so big. There is no east courtyard or west courtyard at all. The east and west wing rooms are all in front of him.

"The east courtyard is next door, I'll take you there."

"No, just tell me where to go. You go about your business first." Seeing that Chun Gu still had thin noodles on her hands, Xiao Di was embarrassed to see her again.

Chun Gu knew that the kitchen could not be separated from people at this time, so she pointed to the small patio and Xiao Di outside the east wing and said: "Young madam, you can go to the garden from here."

Walking along the corridor to the small patio, one end of the small patio leads to the backyard, and there is a door at the other end. Xiao Di opened the door and was stunned.


It turns out that there is really a garden on the other side of the door, not just the kind that was said, but a real garden. The garden occupies a large area, almost the same as the yard she just came over, but there are no houses blocking it, and it looks even more beautiful.

It is spacious and spacious. The terrain in the garden is undulating. There are fish ponds and rockeries in the garden, and there is no shortage of flowers, plants and trees. Although it is autumn, it is lush and lush, and there is no sign of depression.

"Good guy, is this the neighbor's house that was demolished and renovated?" Xiao Di couldn't help but sigh. Walking along the road to the garden, the scenery inside is even more beautiful, and you can see it at every turn.

Different flowers and plants, both vulgar and elegant, although most of them cannot be named, every flower and plant complements the scenery. Even a person like Xiao Di who doesn't understand flowers and plants thinks this place is so beautiful.

After turning around a rockery, Xiao Di finally saw Tan Xuan meditating in a pavilion among green bamboos. He seemed to have heard Xiao Di's footsteps. When Xiao Di entered the pavilion, Tan Xuan had already opened his eyes.

With the light in his eyes gone, Tan Xuan's original cold expression was instantly replaced by a flattering expression, and he stood up with a smile.

"You're here, how did you sleep last night?"

"It's okay. As long as you don't harass me, my sleep quality has always been very good."

Xiao Di sat down on the futon where Tan Xuan had sat. Tan Xuan's warmth was still on it, making it warm and comfortable.

Tan Xuan chuckled and put his hand on Xiao Di's shoulder, "If you want, I can stay here with you..."


Before Tan Xuan finished speaking, Xiao Di scolded Tan Xuan angrily and hit Tan Xuan with his elbow at a very tricky angle. He went straight to Tan Xuan's "Ming Gate", frightening Tan Xuan to jump all the way away.

"What are you doing? Are you so cruel?" Tan Xuan was still in shock and asked Xiao Di.

Xiao Di's anger was still lingering and he gave Tan Xuan a look, "Rogue, that's what's on your mind all day long."

"Why am I such a rogue? I'm asking you if you like it here. If you like it, I'll sit here with you for a while. Otherwise, I guess Chun Gu has already made breakfast. Let's go back and have breakfast now."

"Ah!" Xiao Di was stunned, his face turned red for a moment, but he stood up in a blink of an eye, and said angrily: "I'm just here to ask you to eat, and you don't bring your phone with you. I'm almost starving to death."


"Okay, let's go eat." Tan Xuan didn't dare to provoke Xiao Di, so he turned around and walked out of the pavilion. He had no choice but to see Xiao Di's hand stretched out again. A good man will not suffer the consequences.

"This courtyard is what you call a garden?"

"Yes, this is how the people here used to design it. My master didn't make any major changes when he bought this place. He just made some adjustments that he thought were unreasonable. Most of these flowers and plants were made by village girls.

She was never this beautiful before."

"Oh." Xiao Di followed Tan Xuan and pouted, "If Jiang Yingyue's family knew that you had such a house in Yanjing, their whole family would probably regret it."

"If they regret it, they will regret it. Anyway, you are the mistress of this courtyard, so you won't give it away."

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense. They care about your things, but I don't. Who agrees to be your hostess here? I won't clean up such a big yard for you. Okay, I guess I don't have to do anything else in a day.

If I don’t even clean this garden, don’t think about using me as a young man.”

"Haha, I don't need to worry about other things, just worry about me. I will help you clean it when the time comes."

"Get out of here..."

Tan Xuan went back to the room to wash up and change his clothes before returning to the restaurant. When he arrived at the restaurant, Xiao Di was already sitting at the dining table and eating.

"Tan Xuan, the breakfast made by Chun Gu is delicious. Try it quickly. The wontons are so fresh. The pastries are sweet and have a refreshing fragrance. Even the side dishes are very delicious."

"Haha, just eat it if it's delicious. You're so happy just after you tasted Chun Gu's cooking. You really haven't eaten anything good. Let me tell you, Chun Gu's best is medicinal food, and the taste is called

A perfect one."

"Really?" Xiao Di's eyes immediately lit up when he heard that there was something more delicious.

Tan Xuan chuckled and said, "Are you greedy? If you are, just be greedy. The ingredients for medicinal meals are difficult to assemble, and it is time-consuming and troublesome to make. You won't be able to enjoy it this time, so wait until next time."

"It's not troublesome, it's not troublesome." Chun Gu, who was waiting on the side, said immediately, "Young lady wants to eat, I will prepare it now. Those ingredients that are easy to prepare are ready-made at Miss Yao's place. I will go to her to get them now.

One o'clock, start making it now, you can have it in the evening."

Tan Xuan stopped Chun Gu who was about to go out, "No, Chun Gu, Xiao Di has a party tonight, and she and I are not at home for dinner. Let her be greedy for the rest."

"Yes, Chun Gu, don't bother with that, wait until you have the opportunity in the future." Xiao Di also said with an apologetic look.

Chun Gu waved her hands stubbornly, "What's the point? The young lady likes what I make. I have to make it for my young lady. At worst, it will be a midnight snack."

With that said, Chun Gu pushed Tan Xuan's hand away, untied her apron and walked out, not listening to their advice at all.

"Chun Gu!"

Xiao Di wanted to chase him out, but was stopped by Tan Xuan.

"Okay, don't chase me. Let Chungu go. Adding new people to the family will make Chungu happy. If you don't eat, she will be unhappy."

Xiao Di shook off Tan Xuan's hand and said dissatisfiedly: "Then you still said that to me on purpose. Didn't you mean to cause trouble for Chun Gu?"

Tan Xuan scooped up a wonton and put it into his mouth. While chewing, he said vaguely: "Hey...it's not too late for Chun Gu to be happy. Haven't you seen the way Chun Gu looks at you? As long as you like it, she will do whatever she wants."

Everyone is willing. That's how Chun Gu is. The person she likes is eager to give her heart to him." "But..."

Just when Xiao Di was about to reprimand Tan Xuan, Chun Gu came back again, and Xiao Di immediately shut up.

Chun Gu walked to Tan Xuan and whispered: "Master, Miss Yao is here."


Tan Xuan was startled. The wontons he had just eaten fell back into the bowl. The soup in the bowl splashed everywhere. Tan Xuan's expression changed again and again. It was hard to tell whether he was happy or sad.

In the end, it settled on suffering.

"She, why is she here?" Tan Xuan asked stutteringly. After saying that, he stood up from his seat and walked towards the door.

Xiao Di looked puzzled and asked Chun Gu: "Chun Gu, who is Miss Yao? Why did Tan Xuan become like this when he heard she was coming?"

Chun Gu smiled and patted Xiao Di's hand, "Don't be afraid, young lady, you will know in a moment."

Sure enough, as soon as Chun Gu finished her words, a woman's voice came from outside and asked, "Xiao Xuanzi, why didn't you tell me when you got home?"

The voice was so sweet and delicate that it made one's bones soften. However, when the voice reached Xiao Di's ears, she felt a chill in her body and instantly lost her appetite.

As we got closer, there were two more "pop" sounds from outside, and Tan Xuan cried out in pain, "Hey, yo, eh, yo".

"Holy shit, who is it? Bullying comes to your door, right?"

Xiao Di was angry. He slapped the table and stood up. He picked up the plate with pastries on the table and rushed out the door. When he got out of the door, he saw Tan Xuan being grabbed by a young and charming woman dressed in beautiful clothes.

Her ears hurt, and she was even more furious.

"Let me go."

Xiao Di shouted loudly, raised the plate in his hand, and rushed towards the woman.

"don't want!"

"don't want!"

Tan Xuan and Chun Gu both shouted to stop her, especially Chun Gu, who didn't see her running. She arrived in front of Xiao Di in an instant and hugged Xiao Di's body.

"Young Madam, you have misunderstood. Miss Yao is not an outsider."

The woman holding Xiao Di's ear was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Di, smiled slightly, and asked: "Little girl, who are you?"

"I am Tan Xuan's wife, who are you? I heard Chun Gu and the others call you Miss Yao. I don't care what the relationship was between you and Tan Xuan in the past, but now I am her wife. You should let Tan Xuan go as quickly as possible. Don't

Come and pester him. As a woman, I advise you to respect yourself, have self-compassion, and love yourself, and not to pester married men."

"You are his wife? How come I don't know about this?" The woman giggled, as if she had heard a big joke. Her whole body trembled with it, especially her proud parts which did not stop for a long time.


"There is no need to tell you what happened between us. Let go of Tan Xuan immediately."

"Then what if I don't let go?"

"If you don't let go, I will beat you until you do. You are still lawless. There is only one woman in this world who can bully Tan Xuan, and that is me."

Seeing that the woman had no intention of letting go, Xiao Di angrily tried to take action, but Chun Gu was so strong that she couldn't struggle at all.

"Chun Gu, let go of me, I will fight with her."

"Young Madam, don't be impulsive, she is..."

"I don't care who she is!"

Since he couldn't break free from Chun Gu's restraints, Xiao Di stopped struggling and slammed the plate in his hand at the woman who had been looking at her and smiling. The person couldn't get past her, but the plate could get past her.

"don't want!"

Chun Gu yelled and froze completely on the spot. The woman also let go of Tan Xuan before the plate hit her hand, and took the plate in her hand easily. Then the woman's wrist flicked,

A good plate fell into pieces in an instant, and she held the sharpest piece in her hand.

"This..." Xiao Di was confused. He didn't expect to encounter trouble today.

"You dare to hit me, do you know the consequences of hitting me?"

The woman's "sharp weapon" walked towards Xiao Di, but Xiao Di seemed to be frozen, watching stupidly as the other person pressed the broken pieces of the plate against his face.

"Hey!" Tan Xuan patted his forehead hard on the side. This scene was completely unexpected.

This chapter has been completed!
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