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19. Thank you

Seeing Tan Xuan again, although his expression was serious and there was no trace of a smile, Li Jianyang seemed much more pleasing to the eye. Although the tone of his words was very bad, it also made him feel endless gratitude in his heart, and he quietly took the knife in his hand.

Put it back in my pocket.

Tan Xuan raised his leg and kicked away the spinning plate among the crowd, and said domineeringly again with a cold face: "Don't you understand what I said? It's time to go home, don't kick your nose in the face, is it possible that you have to do it again?

I can’t send you away.”

The plate fell to pieces with a "snap", and a strong wind suddenly blew at the intersection. The strong wind blew past everyone and merged into the night. Only then did everyone else recover from their shock.

"What's going on here?"

"What the hell is he doing? Why did he mess up our activities?"

Everyone pointed at Tan Xuan, including the three girls who came with Tan Xuan. The event had just reached a mysterious and exciting part when he was suddenly interrupted. It was really disappointing, especially Wu Xuesong and Zhao Kexin.

They were just about to curse in public. After a long time, before it was their turn, they were disturbed by the person in front of them.

After all, he brought it himself. Su Cheng was more embarrassed than others. He smiled apologetically with the others, then took Tan Xuan's arm and asked, "Tan Xuan, what are you doing?"

"Let's go, it's getting late." Tan Xuan didn't have any explanation, just pulled Su Cheng and left.

"Stop, are you planning to leave like this?" Wu Xuesong stretched out his hand to stop Tan Xuan, his face looking very ugly. Then he turned to look at Li Jianyang. He was the organizer, and it was up to him to decide whether to let him go or not.

Tan Xuan ignored Wu Xuesong, but turned to look at Li Jianyang and asked, "Do you still want to continue?"

Li Jianyang, who was still in shock, shook his head, "No, it's getting late. Let's all go. It's time for us to go back."

"Let's go."

Tan Xuan couldn't help but pull Su Cheng and waved her two sisters away.

Li Jianyang also quickly drove away with the remaining indignant people. As for the pile of things they brought, he just threw them away without letting those people clean them up at all, and he left even more hurriedly than Tan Xuan.

, before Tan Xuan's car turned around, he had already driven the car and quickly disappeared into the night.

Looking at the taillights of the car that disappeared in front of him, Su Cheng was puzzled, "What happened to Li Jianyang? Why was he walking in such a hurry, as if he was chased by a dog?"

Tan Xuan sneered and said: "He has to be impatient, he is afraid that he will be in danger. Humph! He dares to show off casually after learning a little, and he will risk his life if he can't plead for mercy. It is true that the ignorant are fearless."

"What do you mean?" Su Cheng became even more confused after hearing Tan Xuan's words.

Tan Xuan glanced at Su Cheng and turned the car onto the road. "Stop talking about him. Throw away those things you are wearing. It's time for us to leave."

"What is it?" Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, took out the talisman Li Jianyang gave her and asked, "Is this the talisman you are talking about? What's wrong with this talisman? What kind of talisman is this?"

"Don't take things that others give you casually in the future, otherwise you will easily get into trouble. That's a sun-shielding charm, it's meant to cover your body's yang energy. It's not good for you to keep it on your body."

"Ah!" Su Cheng quickly opened the car window and threw out the talisman in his hand.

Su Cheng's two sisters were still hesitant to throw it away. They planned to keep it as a souvenir for this event, and they would be a little reluctant to throw it away. Su Cheng told them that Tan Xuan was right, because Tan Xuan was

Mage, so they chose to believe the man in front of them and threw the talismans out of the car one after another.

As the car drove onto the road, Su Cheng and Tan Xuan asked again: "You just said that Li Jianyang was in danger. Did you interrupt us deliberately just to help us? Is it really true that just now..."

Tan Xuan chuckled, "Are you worried about something? People say that walking at night is afraid of encountering ghosts. It would be better for you to come here in the middle of the night to invite ghosts."

"You said the Yin Shen we invited is a ghost?" Not only Su Cheng, but also the two people in the back row had their eyes widened. There was no fear in their expressions, but they seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied because they had been deceived.

"Humans belong to yang, and ghosts belong to yin. When Li Jianyang talks about yin gods, you should be able to guess which kind he invites. He also burns incense and paper. Yin is strong and yang is weak here, and it is difficult to invite them."

"So we really invited a ghost just now?"

"Otherwise, who will answer your questions? Do you also think that it is Li Jianyang's trick? You believe in ghosts and gods but do not respect them, you guys."

Tan Xuan shook his head and stopped talking mid-sentence.

"Then Li Jianyang..."

"He's fine. He and his girlfriend were at least a little frightened. You don't have to worry. Nothing's wrong. Go home, take a shower, have a good night's sleep, and go do whatever you need to do."

Tan Xuan thought that Su Cheng and the others were scared, so he tried to comfort them a few times, but he was disappointed by the three women in the car.

"It turns out that Yin Shen is a ghost. It turns out that there really are ghosts. I thought they were gods."

"Yes, after hearing the name, I thought it was so high-end."

"Hey! It's a pity that I didn't see what ghosts look like. Tan Xuan, can you open your eyes? You can let us see ghosts."

"Yeah, you can let us see it, we haven't seen it today..."

"What the hell? Open your heavenly eyes?" Tan Xuan smiled and shook his head. As expected, they are a group of people who don't know the importance. They really don't know how to write the word "fear", so he and Su Cheng asked back: "Have you forgotten that in your brother-in-law?

Is that the person who called me at home? She used some methods just to get a ghost, and as a result, she was tortured so much that she almost had trouble taking care of herself."


Thinking of the two phone calls she heard, Su Cheng shook her head vigorously, "Let's forget it. I'd better think of other ways."

"Do you still think of other ways?" Tan Xuan was speechless for a while, and did not stop them from "seeking knowledge". If they were willing to go through the trouble, they could go for it. If ghosts were so easy to see, things would have gone wrong by now. But Tan Xuan just said in his heart

He said, without saying anything that might cause them displeasure.

On the way back, the three women had something to talk about. After all, tonight's event was not without success. The three of them crowded in the back row and whispered together. Maybe the topic was about the answer Su Cheng asked for. They were afraid that Tan Xuan would hear it, so they specifically let Tan Xuan hear it.

Xuan turned up the music in the car.

It was almost dawn after sending the three women home, because the three excited women did not go home directly, but took Tan Xuan with them to have an almost all-night supper. Fortunately, they all lived in Suzhou.

Cheng Cheng, otherwise it will be even later if Tan Xuan is sent back one by one.

Women are born to be pampered, and men feel happy even when they spend money. But Tan Xuan is very depressed because he spends money on women who are not his. He does not feel happy, he just feels that he is a victim. Do it for free for others.

The driver not only missed work, but also had to pay for gas and meals. The most annoying thing was that he was teased for a long time because he didn't drink.

When Tan Xuan got home and planned to go to bed, he received a phone call. Fortunately, although the call came from someone he didn't want to see, it still brought him good news - he was invited to dinner tonight.

If Xiao Di invited Tan Xuan at other times, Tan Xuan would definitely refuse, because he thought they were not good enough to sit together for dinner, and he didn't think he had a reason to be invited. The illness was treated by Lu Zhengyang,

Xiao Di spent the money himself. If he insisted that it mattered, it would have been a free pick-up and drop-off at most. But Tan Xuan quickly agreed because he spent a lot yesterday and planned to get some back at Xiao Di's place today.

As a compensation.

The place where Xiao Di was treating guests was a hotpot restaurant called "Shu Prince". The appointment was made at six o'clock, and Tan Xuan arrived at half past five. Fortunately, Xiao Di arrived just when he was about to enter the gate.

"Why are you here so early?" Xiao Di came over and asked with a smile.

"I can't help it. I'm a driver and I'm not used to being waited for." Tan Xuan said mockingly.

After a few days, Xiao Di's complexion has returned to its original state. Whether it is her expression or temperament, it is completely different from the sick look before. Although she is bare-faced and dressed casually, it cannot hide her charm at all, especially her smile at this time.

His face was so full that he immediately outdid those around him.

"Let's go in."

"Let's go."

Although Xiao Di's words were very kind, Tan Xuan's attitude towards her was still the same. After all, he was rushing to get back what he had this time, and it had nothing to do with others.

This hot pot restaurant is not small, and its business is also good. Although it was just lunch time, it happened to be the weekend, and there were already many people in the store at this time. The two of them did not go to the private room upstairs, but just sat around on the first floor.

I found a spot near the corner.

Xiao Di smiled and explained to Tan Xuan: "There are many people downstairs and the Yang energy is strong, so it is more suitable for me."

Tan Xuan laughed and said, "You can do whatever you think is appropriate. Anyway, I'm just here to eat your meal. It doesn't matter where I sit."

"Then what do you eat from the bottom of the pot?"


"What do you want to eat?"


"That's what you said, I can order whatever I want." Xiao Di smiled slyly and scanned the QR code to order.

After a while, the waiter brought the bottom of the pot. Looking at the thick layer of chili peppers, Tan Xuan couldn't help grinning. When he saw the waiter bringing plates of pig brains, sausages, and chicken butts, Tan Xuan's mouth was filled with tears.

It almost reached my ears.

"You treat me to these?"

"Hahaha...eat, you're welcome, I ordered a lot." Seeing Tan Xuan slumped, Xiao Di smiled very happily.

After making trouble and laughing, how could Xiao Di make the guests really feel hungry after a banquet of thanks? After a while, the waiter brought plates of beef and mutton, shrimp paste, hairy tripe and crispy meat.

There's no room for it on the shelf next to it.

"That much?"

"Otherwise, how can I express my sincerity? Let's have a drink." Xiao Di picked up the sour plum juice on the table and signaled to Tan Xuan, then smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been drinking these days, so I forgot to ask you what you were drinking."

Tan Xuan picked up the sour plum juice in front of him and said, "I don't drink either, so this is good."

"Really?" Xiao Di looked at Tan Xuan with wide eyes, "I sincerely invite you today, so don't be polite. There won't be a shop like this after passing this village."

"Why am I being polite to you? I'm here just to make you poor."

Tan Xuan directly put a plate of meat into the pot that had just boiled, and then waited eagerly. When the meat was finally cooked and Tan Xuan was about to feast, his cell phone rang again.

"Brother, you have read the Spring and Autumn Period, brother, you have drank boiled wine..."

This chapter has been completed!
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