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Chapter 300 Yang Yun’s Team

Buzhou Star Territory, Tianluan Star.

Among the thirty-three stars in the Star Alliance, the Buzhou Star Territory is one of the earliest developed star fields. Deep within the Star Alliance, all the main stars are extremely prosperous.

Liang Ji teleported through the 'Star Gate' and came to Buzhou Star Territory, then took a starship to Tianluan Star and entered Chiluan City.

Senior Qi Changge has been waiting here for a long time. He picked him up and took him into the city on a flying car. Everywhere

At this time, Chiluan City was very lively, with parade floats and lively crowds everywhere. There were light curtains on several high-rise buildings in the city, in which various performances of fighting and fighting were played.

"These few days are a traditional festival on Tianluan Star. It is said to be related to the original 'Tianluan Saint'. All the cities on Tianluan Star are extremely lively."

"Float parade, food tasting, free drinking of spiritual wine, martial arts performances, etc."

Liang Ji was sitting on the flying car, looking at the lively crowds and the joyful city around him, and couldn't help but ask: "Senior, is there any mission for your team to gather here?"

"Are there evil cultivators hiding among these lively crowds?"

"Is the cult trying to use this festival to cause chaos or attack?"

Listening to Liang Ji's words, senior Qi Changge shook his head and said: "It's not your team, it's our team."

"Liang Ji, my application has been approved, and you have been assigned to our team. You should say 'our team'."

"Yes! It's our team!" Liang Ji heard this and said with a smile: "Well, Senior Sister Yang, Captain Yang chose to meet here. Is there any mission?"

"Senior, this is my first time meeting the rest of the team. If there is really any mission, you have to give me a heads up and don't let me make mistakes in front of others and be embarrassed."

Senior Qi Changge twitched his lips when he heard this, seemed to squeeze out a smile, and said: "Don't worry, this is just a simple gathering for you to get to know the people in the team."

"What's more, even if there is any sudden mission, no one will laugh at you."

Hearing what the senior said, Liang Ji became more and more uneasy and asked, "Is there really a mission?"

Senior Qi Changge smiled and said: "In internships in the security department, tasks are often divided into two types, one is arranged tasks and the other is sudden tasks."

"Scheduled tasks are predictable, while unexpected tasks are unpredictable."

"Liang Ji, in your future internship in the security department, you must be prepared at all times and get used to handling various unexpected tasks."

After hearing what he said, Liang Ji turned his eyes and looked at the floats parading on the street outside, the lively crowds, the various magical fireworks rising into the sky, and the various fairy music circulating in the city. What he felt was no longer lively and cheerful, but...

It's nervousness.

It seems that evil cultivators may jump out of these floats and crowds at any time to cause attacks and chaos. It seems as if the sky-high fireworks show will turn into attacking spells and explosions, and the flowing fairy music will turn into soul-destroying magic sounds or explosions.

Senior Qi Changge on the side looked at Liang Ji's nervous expression and the smile seemed to be a little bigger, but he didn't say much... Soon, the speed car arrived in front of a restaurant in the city, with a "Luan Zui" hanging on the restaurant.

Pavilion's sign.

The two got off the speed car, and Senior Qi Changge introduced: "It is said that Sage Tianluan was the best at brewing spiritual wine, and this Tianluan star also inherited it and has always been famous for its spiritual wine."

"In such a festival, it is also indispensable to compete with various spiritual wines and drink freely."

Liang Ji nodded slightly as he listened. He had seen that almost every float in the parade had a magic weapon filled with spiritual wine. As the floats paraded along the way, they continued to distribute various spiritual wines to the lively crowds on both sides.


Passers-by taste the spirit wine and if they think it is good, they will throw the flowers in their hands into the float.

This float parade is also a competition between different spiritual wine companies. In the end, the float with the most money will naturally have the best and most popular spiritual wine. The restaurant that produces the spiritual wine will also have a reputation far and wide.

Attract a large number of guests.

Senior Qi Changge pointed to the ‘Luan Zui Pavilion’ and said: “The spirit wine of this company has won the championship in the float parade for three consecutive years. This year it is also the favorite to win the championship. It is extremely famous in the entire Buzhou Star Territory.”

“It’s not easy to book a seat here on such a busy day.”

"This time, you, Senior Sister Yang, and the team members have put in a lot of effort to welcome you to the team."

Liang Ji smiled and said, "This is my honor."

The two of them entered the restaurant, climbed all the way to the third floor and entered the private room, where there were already people waiting.

In addition to Senior Yang Yun, whom Liang Ji had already met and recognized, there were five other people, three women and two men, all with good looks and good temperaments.

In fact, under the full name of the Star Alliance, the bodies, breaths, etc. of each generation have been continuously optimized, and now there are basically no flaws.

Unless some accident occurred during acquired practice, resulting in incompleteness and distortion.

However, the Star Alliance has been passed down for countless years, and the inheritance of various professions is also quite complete and mysterious, such as spiritual doctors, alchemists, etc. Most accidents, mutilations, distortions, etc. can be restored.

Wow! Wow...

Liang Ji and the two entered the box. Senior Sister Yang Yun, who was sitting in the main seat, stood up first, clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Welcome our new members to join the team."

The rest of the people also clapped.

"Hello everyone." Liang Ji faced everyone, bowed first, and introduced himself: "I am Liang Ji. I am a new member of the team. I would like to ask all the seniors and sisters for your advice."

Senior Sister Yang Yun looked at the others and said, "You have all read Liang Ji's information, and I believe you all know enough about him."

"However, Liang Ji knows nothing about you. Please introduce yourselves."

"Yes, Captain." After listening to Yang Yun's words, several people in the box responded.

Then, a tall and sturdy man on his right hand returned the courtesy and introduced him: "I am Qi Hao, a student of Taiyi Star Palace."

Next to him, there was another man with an ordinary figure, fair face, and a bit of a boy or girl. He stood up and returned the gift to Liang Ji, and introduced himself slowly: "I am Bai Yanxiu, from Taihao Star Palace.


Opposite them, to Yang Yun's left, were three female nuns.

At this time, the first person on the left stood up. She was a slender woman with a gentle temperament. She smiled gently at Liang Ji and said, "I am Zhang Xiu, a student of the Fortune Star Palace."

Next to him, a female cultivator with short hair thought she had some masculinity. She smiled broadly and said, "I am Qin Hongyan, from Lingbao Star Palace."

The last female cultivator, a woman with a charming face and voluptuous figure, returned the gift with a smile and said: "I am Xie Yuchao, a student of the Fortune Star Palace."

After several people introduced each other one after another, Senior Sister Yang Yun pulled Liang Ji into a spiritual message group and said: "With you, the eight people in the box are now all the members of our team."

"There were originally two of them, but a few months ago one of them was promoted and the other applied to join the Outland Exploration Team."

Chencang reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this


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