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Chapter 370: Attack the Hegemony

Liang Ji's natal star is above, and he dominates the royal city.

While Liang Ji was concentrating on refining his soul and practicing in the Sun Travel Realm, on the natal star, Pope Mu's great cause of reunifying the Juan clan had also begun vigorously.

Pope Mu, after personally going to King Yajuan City and persuading King Yajuan to lead the Yajujuan tribe to join his army, now the Niujuan tribe is farming and the Niujuan tribe is fighting, and everything is ready. Naturally, he did not delay any more and started directly to deal with the war.

Each group split into independent tribes and conquered them.

And the first target he chose was none other than the Baxia Juan clan.

Pope Mu was born in the Qinniujuan clan, and his bloodline belongs to the wood family. He is not considered a good fighter among the various clans. However, the five elements are mutually reinforcing and incompatible. The Qinniujuan clan who are not good at fighting and are of the wood genus are more vulnerable to the earth-type Hajuan clan.

, but it has the power of restraint.

This is also the main reason why Pope Mu first chose the Baxiajuan clan after launching the conquest.

Moreover, the earth-type Baxiajuan clan can be said to be the most defensive Juan clan among all the Juan clans. As long as the Baxiajuan clan can be taken down, Pope Zongmu will have the leader of the prisoner Niujuan clan, Yazhenjuan, under his command.

The clan will focus on offense, and the Baxiajuan clan will focus on defense. The configuration of combat power will be more complete and increased several times.

Moreover, because the Pope has proven his identity as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven', he has won a lot of support among the various clans, especially the support of the civilian clans of various clans.

Those who really oppose him are the royal families, officials, generals and other vested interests of the various Juan clans. Therefore, Pope Mu Yi’s main opponents on his path to unifying the Juan family are also the royal families, officials, and generals of these Juan clans.

This time he led the Prisoner Niu Army, the Yazhen Army, and the Guardian Army to attack the Baxiajuan Clan. Although he did not "eat pots of pulp to meet the king's army" along the way, he encountered almost no strong obstruction.

Then he went directly to the gate of the Baxia King's city, which showed that the people's support was in the heart of the city.

At this time, in the city of Baxia King, the city defense formation has been activated. King Baxia has even searched all the Baxia Juan warriors in the city to form a battle team and formed a battle formation in the city to cooperate with the operation of the city defense formation.

An illusory and real mountain towers over the city as if it reaches the sky and the earth, suppressing all directions and resisting the attack of the three legions led by Pope Zongmu outside the city.

The Baxiajuan Clan is good at defense. Each branch of the Juan Clan has been divided for more than two thousand years. During these years, each lineage of the Juan Clan has fought against each other. The Baxiajuan Clan has already pushed the defensive power of this 'Yue Zhenyue Formation' to its extreme.

, In these years, the Baxiajuan clan has been competing with other clans, and there may be times where the offense is insufficient, but the defense has always been more than adequate.

In more than two thousand years of fighting, no Juan clan has been able to break through the Baxia Juan clan's "Zhenyue" defense. Even the most powerful half-dragon Juan clan led by the Golden Emperor, with the "Golden Seal"

No matter how they tried, they never broke through the Baxiajuan clan's 'Zhenyue' defense.

So this time, facing the incoming attack of three armies led by Pope Zongmu, Baxiawang showed no fear and showed no intention of surrender. He only focused on operating the 'Suppressing Mountain Formation' and pushed his own defense methods to the extreme.

He is confident that this time will be like the battles in the past two thousand years. No one can break through the "Zhenyue Formation" of the Overlord Clan. Even the "Messenger of the Heavenly Emperor" Pope Zongmu will definitely be able to lead his team.

Returned without success.

He will definitely continue to lead the Baxiajuan clan, sit firmly in the position of Baxiawang, and enjoy the support of the entire Baxiajuan clan. Why should he submit to Pope Mu, become his subordinate, and obey his orders?

I really don’t know what King Yajuan was thinking, giving up his throne and leading the Yajujuan tribe to surrender to the Pope and become his lackeys.

In front of Baxia King's City, Pope Mu looked at the giant shadow of the mountains that reached the sky above Baxia City, and he sent a letter of surrender to King Baxia into the city. It has been half a day, but there is still no response from the city.

At that moment, he also knew the other party's choice.

The Pope didn't waste any more time. He stood up from his seat, raised his voice and shouted: "Commander the Prisoner Ox!"

"The end is here!"

A man walked out from the prisoner ox army. He was tall and strong, with a pair of jade horns. He was also from the lineage of the prisoner ox king, and he was not a cousin to the Pope.

When Pope Mu began his campaign to unify the Juan clan in the world, the Qi Niu Juan clan where he came from naturally gave them their full support. The Qi Niu Juan clan gathered the strongest members of the clan to form the Qi Niu Juan Legion to fight with him.

"Form a great formation of ten thousand trees and follow me to defeat this city!"

The pope gave the order.


Commander Qi Niu immediately agreed and returned to his legion. He commanded the legion to form a 'Ten Thousand Woods Battle Formation' and attacked Baxia Royal City.

In front of Baxia City, spring suddenly returned to the earth. Countless grass, vines, and trees emerged, grew, and expanded, spreading toward Baxia Royal City and the giant shadow of the mountains that suppressed and shrouded it above.

Among the five elements, wood overcomes earth.

Wherever these grasses, vines, and trees spread and take root, no matter how hard the earth is and how strong the mountains are, they cannot withstand the penetration and invasion of the soft roots of the grasses and trees.

The 'Ten Thousand Trees War Formation' was in operation, and the vegetation spread everywhere, and countless roots penetrated the earth, broke through the mountains, tore apart the restrictions, and invaded the defense of Baxia Royal City.

Soon, countless green grass and trees were seen invading the Baxia King's City, spreading and eroding towards the huge mountains that covered the city that suppressed the city in all directions.

Buzz! Boom!

Facing the attack of the Qi Niujuan clan, the Baxia King in the city would naturally not be left without a response. He also operated the city's grand formation and the Baxiajuan clan's battle formation.

Suppressed on the city, the giant shadow of the mountain that reached the sky and the earth suddenly burst out with immeasurable yellow light, blooming, and the entire giant shadow of the mountain shook violently, and the majestic and terrifying power swept across all directions.

The power of these yellow lights all spread towards the bottom of the mountain, washing away the countless vegetation that had been eroded.

For a moment, countless plants and trees shook in the mountain. They were destroyed, shattered, and even rooted under the impact of the yellow light. The roots of the plants and trees that broke into the mountain were shaken out and turned into powder in the wash of the yellow light.

In the civil war of more than two thousand years, various Juan tribes have fought against each other, and war is undoubtedly the best catalyst for various fighting methods. The Baxia Juan tribe has actually deduced the power of various methods of this 'Zhenyue Battle Formation'.

, after pushing it to the extreme, the methods of 'Zhenyue' and 'Yellow Light Washing' were developed on the basis of 'Zhenyue'.

Because the Prisoner Niu Juan tribe is not good at fighting, during the past two thousand years of civil war, they have used their own methods of spiritual planting to make friends with various spiritual plants, spiritual grains, elixirs and other financial means.

, tried their best to avoid fighting, but it was quite effective.

But because of this, the Qi Niujuan tribe has experienced the least war in the troubled times of more than two thousand years, and the deduction and development of the 'Ten Thousand Woods Battle Formation' is therefore far from sufficient.

So now, even though wood is used to conquer earth, the power of the 'Ten Thousand Woods Battle Formation' operated by the Prisoner Niu Legion is far less powerful than the 'Zhenyue Formation' in Baxia City.

Countless grass and trees spread, grow, and climb towards the giant mountain shadow suppressing the city, but they are always destroyed. It is even difficult to climb up the mountainside of the giant mountain shadow, let alone spread the entire giant mountain shadow and break through the city.

It's a big battle.

Wood can defeat earth, but when wood is weak and earth is strong, earth can also destroy all trees!

This chapter has been completed!
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