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Chapter 858: Frontline ‘Star Network’

In the Qingyi Galaxy, with the completion of the cultivation of the last life star, the creation and operation of the entire galaxy have initially stabilized, and there will basically be no major changes.

At that moment, the team of the "Dragon Snake" starship and the "Sky Serpent Academy" began to take action inside and outside the galaxy. They dismantled the temporary guard and warning arrays they had previously deployed, and instead began to deploy the Star Alliance's exclusive star in the outer star sea.

Picture array'.

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others have already had the experience of setting up the 'Star Map Array' several times, and the tens of thousands of years of inheritance from the 'Tian Serpent Academy' naturally does not lack experience.

and means.

Without the intervention of the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', the two teams connected the stars, moved the broken stars, sorted out the meteorite belt, and gradually arranged a 'star map array' in the 'Green Wing Galaxy'.

However, during the formation this time, the "Dragon Snake" starship found something different. The "power of the sky demon" still permeated the galaxy, eroding and distorting the void, stars, and even stars.

Therefore, when arranging the 'Star Map Array', it is also necessary to consider the influence of these 'powers of the sky demon' and even utilize the 'power of the sky demon' to avoid affecting the 'star map array' they have arranged.


Fortunately, the 'Sky Serpent Academy' has already occupied the galaxy in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' and arranged the 'Star Map Array'. As for how to deal with it, use the influence of the 'Celestial Demon Power' to complete the 'Star Map Array'

'The layout is quite experienced.

Chu Yue and others followed and studied for a while, and then they were basically able to master it.

Even with these experiences, they can increase their research on the 'Power of the Sky Demon' when setting up the 'Star Map Array'. Understand it and gain another understanding of the 'Star Map Array', which can be regarded as a gain.

Quite abundant.

After several months of hard work, the ‘Star Map Array’ was completed.

As the formation started, the starlights condensed in the void and connected into a 'star map'. The bright starlight soared into the sky, not directly connected with the Star Alliance's 'Celestial Star Array' like they did in the outer star sea before.

Get up, but first spread towards the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

Later, through the connection between the starship and the 'Star Map Array', Liang Ji and others clearly saw that there were thirteen other galaxies in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' where the 'Star Map Array' also appeared, and they

The starlight emitted from the Green Wing Galaxy's star map array is connected and connected into one.

"This is... the Star Alliance has previously occupied thirteen galaxies with living stars in the 'Celestial Demon Star Domain'!" Liang Ji reacted instantly, "Our 'Green Wing Galaxy' is the fourteenth!


The Star Alliance's pioneering war had only begun for more than ten years, but it had already occupied thirteen "life galaxies" in the "Sky Demon Star Territory". This really surprised him.

But then, Liang Ji thought that there were nine star palaces in the Star Alliance, plus the senior officials of the Star Alliance government and the military. If these star palaces, senior officials, and the military all participated in this pioneering war, then naturally they would all have

Enough strength to quickly capture his own 'life galaxy' in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

In addition, there are some large companies and groups such as Shandelou, Herborist Group, Penglai Chamber of Commerce, as well as academic palaces in various star regions, many academic teams, etc.

After a little calculation, it seems that occupying thirteen "life galaxies" is not too many.

On the contrary, it can be seen from this that the resistance in this 'Sky Demon Galaxy' is strong. Not all the Void Demon Clan and the monster beasts in the stars can be easily defeated.

He also thought about the counterattack of the Void Monster Clan when the "Tide of Sky Demon Power" broke out a few years ago, breaking through several "Life Galaxy" occupied by the Star Alliance, and even the high-level Star Lord "Star Spirit" died, and there were even more

A situation in which an already occupied galaxy like the Heavy Purple Galaxy is directly destroyed.

From this point of view, it does not seem to be an accident that their 'Green Wing Galaxy' only occupies fourteen 'life galaxies'.

From this we can also infer the hardships and dangers of fighting on the front lines of the Star Alliance's opening up war.

Liang Ji became more and more determined in his previous thoughts. He would never go to the front line until he broke through to the sixth level Star Master.

At this time, as the star map array of the Green Wing Galaxy was connected with the star map arrays of the other thirteen living galaxies occupied in the Sky Demon Star Territory, Liang Ji and others also quickly passed through the Dragon Snake.

Log in to the starship and enter a new 'star network'.

This 'star network' is not the Star Alliance's internal star network, nor is it the 'Pioneering War' logistics mission star network that they landed in Tianxingyuan, Tianyao City and other places.

Rather, it is a frontline battlefield star network dedicated to the various forces occupying the "Sky Demon Star Territory" and developing the "Life Galaxy"!

The other trade route that She Yuanjie was talking about, the trade route that belongs specifically to the frontline battlefields, refers to the "Frontline Star Network" built by the star map array of more than a dozen "Life Galaxy" occupied by the Star Alliance's frontline.

When they logged into the star network, they immediately received more than a dozen messages, most of which were welcome messages from other life galaxies.

Among them are the 'Qingyang Galaxy', the 'Sea Serpent Galaxy', etc. that they are familiar with, but there are also some frontline galaxies that they are not familiar with.

However, they are now able to occupy a star system in this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. Even if it is luck, they are qualified to join the front line 'Star Network'. Like the front line, they occupy the star palaces and large groups of other life star systems.

, big companies, etc. stand on the same platform.

Liang Ji and others first responded politely to the greetings from all parties, and exchanged views with the familiar 'Qingyang Galaxy', 'Sea Snake Galaxy', Kunlun Star Palace, Vientiane Star Palace, Xander Building, Herborist Group, etc.

, and then began to become familiar with this frontline 'Star Network'.

Compared with the backline and logistics 'star network' that can only be logged in in Tianyao City, Tianxingyuan and other places, the functions of this frontline star network are undoubtedly more powerful.

Here is the latest, most timely and comprehensive news and information on the front lines of the Star Alliance's expansion battlefield. Basically, it is the first-hand information uploaded by all forces fighting on the front lines. It is much better than the back line and the logistics "Star Network".

The information that has been screened, identified, and deleted by the Star Alliance is more comprehensive and timely.

Just the latest and most comprehensive news can allow Liang Ji and others to gain many benefits and make various adjustments and arrangements in a timely manner based on the situation on the front line.

However, this information is not the most useful to them. After all, they do not have the strength to enter the frontline battlefield. Even if they know where new life stars are discovered on the frontline battlefield, where there are cherished void resources, star resources are born.

, where there is an urgent need for combat support, a large number of spiritual stones and meritorious service rewards have been issued, but they are unable to participate and obtain these benefits.

For Liang Ji and others, the biggest and most useful benefit of entering the frontline "Star Network" is to gain access to transaction channels and rights within the frontline "Star Network".

This chapter has been completed!
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