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Chapter 89 Additional Title: Invasion of Civilization

Among the rankings of the Tian Serpentis Star Three Model Assessment, Liang Ji's Juan clan has jumped to within the top thirty, ranking 29th, after passing the ninth level assessment.

And after the Half-Dragon Tribe passed the final tenth level assessment with less than five thousand sacrifices, his ranking jumped up again, directly reaching the seventeenth place.

Among the top 50 rankings, he was still able to jump over a large range of more than ten places. He was undoubtedly unique and attracted the attention of almost everyone watching in the three-model assessment hall.

As for Liang Ji's half-dragon clan, after passing the first ten levels of assessment, they finally got a short rest. They released the changes in the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', took elixirs to recover their injuries, and regained their bloodline energy.

Organize the rune equipment.

Here, Liang Ji received a message: Congratulations on passing the top ten tests of the three models. In view of your excellent performance in the assessment, you are now invited to participate in the additional question assessment. Do you accept it?

You can choose whether to participate in the additional questions assessment, so Liang Ji naturally chose to accept the small goals he set.

So, some assessment information about additional questions was sent to him:

In the ancient universe, the sea of ​​stars is boundless, and the star field occupied by the Star Alliance is just a drop in the ocean. There are countless stars outside the scope of the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Among these stars, more than ninety-nine percent are dead stars without spiritual veins and life, but with a probability of one in ten million, a miracle of life will still be born.

Now, the Star Alliance's "Tengshe Exploration Team" discovered a star in a strange star field, in which a first-order spiritual vein was born, and life was born.

Your Juan clan received the mission and entered this star...

Assessment task: Explore on your own.

Assessment objectives: free decision.

After the assessment, the assessment organizing committee will give scores and evaluations based on your Juan clan’s performance in the stars.

Note: During the assessment of the stars, your Juan clan will encounter other Star Lord Juan clans participating in the assessment. You can decide by yourself whether they are hostile or join forces.

Liang Ji looked at the information in the additional questions, but there was nothing strange about it.

Outside of the Star Alliance, there is the boundless sea of ​​stars, and there will naturally be other living stars in the sea of ​​stars, even forces no less powerful than the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance encourages outward exploration and development.

In this way, it can not only expand the coverage area of ​​the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array", enhance its power, cultivate more star masters, and enhance the strength and power of the Star Alliance.

At the same time, it can capture more resources and even inheritance.

On the Star Network, there has been a popular saying that among the Star Alliance, the inheritance of other traditions, such as human immortals, gods, ghost immortals, Qi alchemists, etc., are all the result of the Star Alliance's exploration and expansion of the star sea in the past.

In the process, the inheritance of various life stars was captured and developed.

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At the same time, on the other hand, it can also divert many conflicts within the Star Alliance.

These life stars discovered outside the Star Alliance are not protected by the many laws and prohibitions of the Star Alliance, so they have become the best choice for many other Taoist monks who have reached the end of their cultivation and want to go further.

The Star Alliance prohibits other Taoist monks from refining the natal stars of fallen star lords into blessed places, but it does not prohibit them from refining the life stars found outside the Star Alliance into blessed places.

All of this makes the action of exploring the star fields outside the Star Alliance and searching for life stars always very popular among the Star Alliance, and it is a very profitable business and action.

It is not surprising that the three-model examination, or even the later college entrance examination, would include assessments on the exploration of life and stars and the invasion of civilization.

At this time, the rest time was over, and a 'star gate' opened in front of Liang Ji's half-dragon clan, leading to the 'star of life' for the additional question assessment.

This shows that this 'Life Star' has actually been under the control of the 'Zhoutian Star Array' for a long time, and it was specially used for the assessment of the three-mode additional questions at this time.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the life stars outside the scope of the Star Alliance and outside the 'Celestial Star Array' to be reached directly through the 'Star Gate'.

It is necessary for monks responsible for exploring the sea of ​​​​stars to take a starship sailing in the sea of ​​​​stars to approach, invade, and control it, and then bring it into the envelope of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array" and control it, in order to pass the "Zhoutian Star Array"

Array map' directly opens the star gate and enters.

"The scout team will enter first to explore the information on the other side."

The leader of the half-dragon warriors, Chi XVII, immediately ordered to reassemble a "scout team" numbering five thousand and immediately enter the star gate first.

Different from the previous ten levels of assessment, the time for each level of 'Star Gate' to be opened is limited, urging Star Master students to complete the assessment as quickly as possible.

For this additional test, the opening time of the 'Star Gate' will be much longer, giving the Half-Dragon Tribe more time to explore the situation.

Of course, from the time the ‘Star Gate’ opens, the assessment of additional battlefield questions has already begun.

Star Master students and their paper performance have all fallen into the eyes of the invigilator, affecting their scoring and evaluation.

After a while, it was confirmed that everything was correct, and 'Chi XVII' led the remaining team of half-dragon warriors through the 'Star Gate' and entered the life stars for the additional questions assessment.

This is a mountain range, surrounded by high mountains and dense forests, and there is a big sun hanging high in the sky.


At this time, there was a bird song in the air. Looking up, you could see a large bird with a wingspan of ten feet flying through the air. It seemed to have found some prey. It flew down from the air and reached the mountains in the distance.

He grabbed a figure and then rose into the sky.

The figure was a humanoid creature, wearing clothes and holding a weapon in its hand. It was still struggling under the claws of the big bird, trying to attack the big bird.

Liang Ji looked at it from a distance, his eyes slightly bright, and he knew that it should be the intelligent life on this star, and there should be more such intelligent life in the mountains in the distance, or even their settlement.

At that moment, he ordered the half-dragon Juan tribe to move towards the distant mountains to explore.

If you want to explore a life star, the first thing you have to do is naturally find and understand the intelligent life on this star, if there is any.

After all, the intelligent life on a star often represents the highest level on the star, whether it is knowledge, culture, or level of force.

By understanding these intelligent life forms, we can roughly judge the specific situation of this star, which will make it easier for subsequent exploration and action.

Of course, intelligent life often represents the highest level above the stars, and is therefore often very dangerous. The invasion and confrontation of civilizations are often even more dangerous.

Therefore, the Half-Dragon Clan must be more careful and cautious in their actions.

This chapter has been completed!
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