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Chapter 127: The Bloodshed in Paris

June 10, 1849.

As the news of the French army's victory in Rome spread throughout Paris through the "Bonaparte" and "Latin", the clergy in Paris cheered.

In the eyes of the clergy, Rome's victory was undoubtedly a precursor to the church's recovery, and it also dealt a major blow to the revolutionaries.

In order to celebrate this victory, all the clergy in Paris formed a mighty procession under the leadership of the bishop. The procession stopped after arriving at Place Vendôme and prayed under the guidance of the bishop.

The Bishop of Reims Cathedral, located in the northeast of Paris, even took a carriage to the Elysee Palace to express his gratitude to President Jerome Bonaparte under the "advice" of the Holy See... no, it should be said that it was the Holy See in exile.

This is an unprecedented first time.

You must know that during the Bourbon Dynasty and the Bourbon Restoration Period, Reims Cathedral has been the coronation place for the Bourbon royal family of all generations. One can imagine the honor and status enjoyed by the Bishop of Reims during the Bourbon Period.

However, with the fall of the Restoration Bourbon, Louis Philippe of the Kingdom of Orleans was crowned at the Paris City Hall, which symbolized that the source of royal power changed from divine power to secular power. The status of Reims Cathedral became slightly embarrassing, and honor and

The status was gradually revoked.

Even after 18 years of suppression by the Orleans Dynasty, the Reims Church still enjoys a high historical status.

The fact that the bishop came to the Elysee Palace in person to thank him was enough to surprise many people.

"Your Highness, thank you for your help to Rome! Everything the Bonaparte family does for the Pope and for God will be favored by God..." The old man wearing a bright red bishop's robe and a flat red headband said respectfully

They expressed their blessing to Jerome Bonaparte who was sitting on the chair, and hinted that they would follow the will of Rome and stand on Jerome Bonaparte's side.

"Thank God for allowing me to do what I can for Him. I will spend my whole life maintaining the relationship with Pope Pius IX! Although the church is no longer the state religion of France, it has penetrated into every aspect of France.

, it has been integrated with France." Jerome Bonaparte also reciprocated the favor of the church and said: "I think the church should be more deeply involved in the supervision of public education to prevent some French students from taking detours. I think

Every high school in France should have a priest who is responsible for teaching them what they should do and what they should not do! Prevent them from going astray!"

Jérôme Bonaparte's words made the Bishop of Reims even more overjoyed. After 18 years of suppression, they no longer expected to return to their previous status. They only hoped to go one step further on the basis of preserving their existing industries.

Now that President Jérôme Bonaparte has given them the opportunity, what reason do they have not to submit?

For the Archbishop of Reims, it was a pity that the ruler of France was not his intended Count of Chambord, but the church could never be hanged from a tree.

For thousands of years, the French Church has long summarized a winning experience.

That is, whoever wins follows who!

As long as they can benefit the church, the French church never minds being the king, even the devil!

During the Bourbon dynasty, the French Church unswervingly followed the king to "punish evil and eliminate evil" and captured the pope and imprisoned him in France.

After Emperor Napoleon was crowned and succeeded to the throne, the church quickly changed its position to support his coronation.

Now, the original emperor has just been turned into the emperor's nephew. As a "kneeling tribe", the church once again expressed its surrender to the new ruler.

"That's great!" Bishop Reims shouted excitedly, with an almost flattering expression on his wrinkled face and said nakedly: "It is a great honor for France that the Bonaparte family can protect France. I

I think Bonaparte should protect this country from generation to generation!"

"That depends on the will of God and the entire French people!" Jerome Bonaparte's eyes flashed with disdain, and he still pretended to be pious and said: "If God really wants to let the Bonaparte family

If you protect this country that is riddled with holes, then he will definitely issue a decree, am I right, Mr. Bishop!"

"Yes! That's right! Although God cannot communicate verbally, the servants he has appointed will speak for him with practical actions!" Bishop Reims nodded and responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

For a large MLM organization with a MLM history of more than 1,000 years, promoting Jérôme Bonaparte is simply a simple matter.

Let alone a real, flesh-and-blood person like Jerome Bonaparte, even if it is a fictional character, the church can make the people in the countryside believe that this is a real person.

In the final analysis, the French priests monopolized the right to speak at the grassroots level and blocked the information channels at the grassroots level.

Just when Jérôme Bonaparte was having a pleasant conversation with the Archbishop of Reims, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Jérôme Bonaparte pointed to the door and asked the Bishop of Reims for his opinion.

"Easy!" Bishop Lance said softly.

"Come in!" Jerome Bonaparte said to the visitor outside the door.

Pesini pushed the door open and entered. He glanced at the Bishop of Reims and then reported to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Excellency, there is a commotion taking place in Place Vendôme!"

Jerome Bonaparte's unprecedented serious expression, the unpremeditated commotion in France is undoubtedly the most terrifying: "What is going on?"

Pesini explained the situation to Jérôme Bonaparte.

It turns out that the cause of all the commotion came from the priests' prayers in the Place Vendôme. The priests' prayers in the Place Vendôme stimulated some Montagnard believers, who were already quite concerned about the French Republic's army forcibly intervening in the Roman Republic without the approval of the National Assembly.

They complained and couldn't hold back their emotions.

Under the deliberate guidance of some people, the Montagnard believers began to use spears and clubs to pay "friendly" visits to the priests in Place Vendôme.

A conflict is inevitable.

The Montagnards, who had an advantage in numbers and weapons, beat the priests on the Place Vendôme to the ground in the first round.

This happened to the respected clergy, who were soon expelled from the Place Vendôme by the Montagnards.

If the police force had not arrived in time, some elderly and infirm senior priests would have been beaten to death by them.

The police who arrived at Place Vendôme quickly brought the situation under control, and many of the guys involved in the fight were jailed.

"Your Excellency, these thugs must be punished severely!" Bishop Lance shouted to make those guys look good.

We cannot let the blood of the priests be shed in vain.

This chapter has been completed!
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