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Chapter 168 Hugo's battle

As the news of Odilon Barrow's dismissal for failing to meet the president's expectations spread throughout Paris via the Elysee Palace, the calmness of the Paris civil service system was stirred up by the dismissal of the prime minister. Many mid-level civil servants were worried.

The sudden dismissal of the prime minister came as a surprise.

Surprised, life has to go on. Except for a few civil servants who were deeply involved with Odilon Barrow and were frightened, the rest continued to work according to the original track.

If there is any change, it is that the work efficiency of civil servants during the gap period has generally improved a lot.

Every time the cards are changed, some civil servants will be kicked out of the government. In order not to be among the people kicked out, all civil servants are working overtime and desperately trying to get involved.

I would rather exhaust myself to death than involve others to death.

After Odilon Barrot resigned, all cabinet ministers subordinate to Odilon Barrot also submitted letters of resignation to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jerome Bonaparte approved their resignation letters one by one.

On October 17, Jérôme Bonaparte announced that he would appoint Count Opul as Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

As soon as the news came out, the whole of Paris once again fell into small-scale chaos. Many republicans and remaining Montagnard MPs criticized the cabinet formed by Jérôme Bonaparte as a military cabinet, with the purpose of currying favor with Changarnier.

The soldiers applauded Jérôme Bonaparte's appointment of General Opul as Prime Minister of the Cabinet, which meant that military interference in politics became a possibility.

As for the Party of Order, after Odilon Barrot returned to the headquarters of the Party of Order, the contradictions that had been hidden in the dark resurfaced again. Thiers, Molay and Odilon Barrot, the left and right members of the dynasty, once again started to fight.

, the orthodox faction is also fanning the flames.

During the internal strife within the Party of Order, some members of the Party of Order saw the "weakness" of the Party of Order, and they moved closer to the Elysee Palace.

The Elysée faction grew again, and its numbers gradually surpassed those of the Republicans and the Montagnards.

On October 20, after three days of "intense preparations", Prime Minister Opal disclosed the list of cabinet members to the outside world.

On this day, Victor Hugo went to the dilapidated newspaper office he ran as usual.

Influenced by Odilon Barrot's "Association Law" and "Newspaper Law", Victor Hugo's newspaper has gradually become unable to make a living.

In addition, Havas News Agency recently raised the price of its newspapers to about 4 centimes on the grounds of "creating cheap newspapers for readers."

Under the power of 4 centime newspapers, many small and medium-sized newspapers are unable to compete with Havas News Agency on price. They are either forced to announce their acceptance of the merger with Havas News Agency, or they are dragged down and bankrupt.

Except for a few semi-official newspapers, such as "Bonaparte", "National" and "Constitution", the entire Paris is already dominated by the Havas News Agency. Victor Hugo also heard that the Havas News Agency has recently

They also received investment from Achille Fuld and Emile Perel, which meant that they could use price wars to bring down all the surviving newspapers in Paris.

Comparing prices with Havas News Agency is unwise.

"Mr. Charles Havas is really a terrible person!" Victor Hugo sighed with emotion.

Of course, Victor Hugo did not know that the president of the Havas News Agency was not actually Charles Havas. The current Charles Havas was only assuming the responsibilities of a professional manager. Behind him was an invisible force.

Black Hand, the owner of Black Hand is in the Elysee Palace.

"Father, we can no longer lower the price of newspapers, otherwise we will go bankrupt!" Francois Hugo said to Victor Hugo anxiously.

"I know!" Victor Hugo nodded helplessly in response. He also didn't want to lower the price, but the newspapers under Havas News Agency were almost out of breath. Since the content of the newspapers was not as good as others, they could only compete on price.

Asked: "Francois, how is the loan going?"

Francois Hugo said sadly: "Father, those bankers are not willing to lend us money! They think that your newspaper is a loss-making business! If you are willing to go back to your old business, then

Let’s talk about the year separately.”

"Alas!" Victor Hugo sighed, thinking whether he should return to his old career and write a play.

However, there is no time for Victor Hugo to write a play now. As a member of parliament, he has been running around all day and has not written for a long time.

"Father, I heard that the cabinet members will be announced today!" Francois Hugo turned the topic to the cabinet members.

Victor Hugo was silent, remembering the scene when Jérôme Bonaparte visited him a month ago.

One month ago, the living room of Hugo Mansion.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who came uninvited, was still wearing the uniform of Lev, with the Legion of Honor medal hanging on his chest, sitting in front of Victor Hugo. Victor Hugo looked at the man in front of him with a serious face.


"Mr. Hugo, I came to visit you specially today. Firstly, I want to thank you for your support for me. Secondly, I want to ask you what you think of Mr. Odilon Barrot?" Jérôme Bonaparte said sincerely.

Victor Hugo said.

"Mr. President, I am not a person who likes to manipulate power!" Victor Hugo did not respond to Jérôme Bonaparte's question, and said insinuatingly.

In these six months, Victor Hugo has clearly seen the true face of Jérôme Bonaparte.

What about public education! What about removing the influence of religion!

None of the promises made by Jerome Bonaparte were realized. All he saw were increasingly strict laws and the gendarmes hidden in the dark watching the movements of Paris all the time.

Democracy and freedom have gradually become a luxury in Paris, and the atmosphere of autocracy permeates the entire Paris.

Victor Hugo saw the ugly face behind Jérôme Bonaparte's ambition and his lust for power.

"Well... Mr. Hugo, I also don't like people who are manipulating power!" Jérôme Bonaparte seemed not to understand what Victor Hugo meant. He still pretended to have an innocent expression on his face.

Victor Hugo said: "So I think we should overthrow Mr. Odilon Barrot. Only in this way can France usher in true freedom!"

"His Excellency Jerome Bonaparte... No, should I call you His Majesty the Emperor!" Victor Hugo simply tore open the veil of hypocrisy and criticized Jerome Bonaparte: "You do whatever you want.

You control the entire country, trying to make everyone in this country crawl at your feet and call you emperor. Wake up! France has awakened! You are just a despicable imitator!"

Victor Hugo's sharp words made Jérôme Bonaparte silent. He didn't understand how Victor Hugo saw his ambition. Could it be that his ambition had really reached the point where he could no longer hide his weakness?

to the point?

"Mr. Hugo, I don't know where you heard these unfriendly remarks! I respect the Republic and am willing to fight for it. I am not a so-called careerist!" Jérôme Bonaparte still did not take off his disguise.


Jérôme Bonaparte's words were ridiculed by Victor Hugo.

In his eyes, Jerome Bonaparte has become synonymous with ambition.

Alas! After all, are we not traveling together?

Victor Hugo's refusal to cooperate made Jérôme Bonaparte a little disappointed. Although he had been careful to avoid breaking with Victor Hugo, Victor Hugo still followed the trajectory of history.

He parted ways and couldn't even accept the removal of Odilon Barrow, so how could he accept his future coup!

"Mr. Hugo, I know you have many misunderstandings about me!" Jerome Bonaparte sighed, and still said to Victor Hugo in a sincere tone: "But I still respect you! If you

If you are willing to support me, that would be great!"

"I will never support you!" Victor Hugo replied word for word to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jerome Bonaparte left full of regrets, knowing that this might be his last face-to-face conversation with Victor Hugo.

"Father, if you had agreed to the president's request! Maybe you would have been the Minister of Education! Odilon Barrow was dismissed even without you!" Francois Hugo said with regret.

"Francois!" Victor Hugo scolded Francois Hugo with sharp eyes: "I will never help an ambitious man realize his ambition! There cannot be an emperor in the Republic!"

Facing the furious Victor Hugo, Francois Hugo could only smile angrily and said: "I...I understand!"

Just when Victor Hugo was scolding Francois Hugo, Charles Hugo's newspaper broke in and shouted: "Father!"

Victor Hugo and François Hugo were both attracted by Charles Hugo's voice, and they focused their attention on the newspaper in Charles Hugo's hand.

Charles Hugo opened the folded newspaper in his hand and said: "Father, the list of new cabinet members has been determined!"

"Read!" Victor Hugo responded to Charles Hugo.

"List of cabinet members!" Charles Hugo read word for word. Everyone in the newspaper office listened attentively, and even those who were rushing to finish the work also put down their printing work: "Prime Minister of the Cabinet: Alphonse Henri.

Opul (Orléansist), Minister of the Interior: Fernand Barrot, Minister of Finance: Achille Fuld, Minister of Public Works: Morny, Minister of War: Jean Regnault, Minister of the Navy: Di

Co (centrist), Minister of Agriculture and Commerce: Biffet, Minister of Public Education: Palio, Minister of Justice: Eugène Rouet, Minister of Foreign Affairs: De Ruys (Orleanist).”

Among the entire cabinet team, except for a few departments controlled by the Orleans faction, all the remaining departments are controlled by the Bonapartist faction.

This chapter has been completed!
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