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Chapter 22 Layout Creates God

"Your Highness, why do we do these things?"

After leaving the Times Building, Pesini finally couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart.

In his opinion, isn't the most important task now to think about how to relocate Louis Napoleon?

Jérôme Bonaparte, who was walking in front, stopped and asked: "Pessini, what do you think we should do now?"

"Of course we are discussing a way to properly accommodate His Majesty!" the loyal Pesini blurted out immediately.

"Then how are we going to bury our cousin?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked, "should we bury him in London?"

"Of course not!" Pesini shook his head and refused.

When Louis Napoleon was still alive, he told Pesini more than once that he must return to France and kiss the land of France.

Nowadays, returning to France has become Louis Napoleon's last wish, and Pesini dare not bury Louis Napoleon's body in England.

"Then how are we going to transport our cousin back to France?" Jérôme Bonaparte spread his hands and said to Pesini: "Two months ago, my cousin was expelled from France by Lamartine, the leader of the republic! We have no reason.

I don’t believe that my cousin’s body will not be turned away from the country again by Lamartine! My cousin is still charged with being a war criminal!”

When Jérôme Bonaparte mentioned the word "war criminal", his expression was a bit playful and mocking.

"War criminal"? What an ironic word, a crime that Louis-Philippe imposed on his cousin for the sake of his dynasty.

It still applies during the Second Republic, whether the leader of the Republic is Lamartine or the Party of Order in the National Assembly.

Although the Orleans Dynasty died suddenly, the soul of the Orleans Dynasty still lingers in the body of the Second Republic, and is ready to seize this young "body" for resurrection.

In the final analysis, the revolution of the 19th century was nothing more than the revolution of a small group of people.

The self-proclaimed elite class never once looked at the workers, and he contemptuously called them "lower people".

Even those who believe in communism are no exception. Few people can regard the "lower class" as a truly equal existence like those two people. The remnants of the hierarchical system of the 18th century still linger in the 19th century.

"So, we..." Pesini still didn't understand the connection between returning the body of His Majesty Louis Napoleon to France and his article in The Times.

"Pessini!" Jérôme Bonaparte raised his head and opened his arms to soak in the sunshine and said: "Not only do I want to bring my cousin's body back to France, I also want my cousin to be treated like the emperor who returned eight years ago.

Welcome from the people of Paris!”

"Then what should we do?" Pesini blurted out.

“We are doing it now!” Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Pesini: “Sometimes, the power of public opinion can dominate a country’s policy! We need to let our voices reach Lamartine’s ears!


No one understands the current situation of the French Republic better than Jerome Bonaparte. Having hastily gained power, they not only have to face possible counterattacks from within (in fact, Louis Philippe, who lost the throne, did not have any desire

The idea of ​​​​counterattack and calculation.), and also face the threat of polar bears lurking behind Prussia and Austria.

The arrogant Tsar Nicholas of St. Petersburg preached more than once that he would lead the army to eliminate the heresy of the French Republic.

The recognition of the United Kingdom is undoubtedly the most important thing. Surely the timid and cautious Lamartine will not ignore this matter that "surprises the friendly countries"?

"That's why you want to use the power of The Times?" Pesini was surprised by Jérôme Bonaparte's bold plan.

The power of public opinion is indeed very strong, but it is also very likely to backfire on them.

"Your Highness, if the Lamartine government really wants to break up, wouldn't we be even more passive?" Pesini asked worriedly.

"So, we must not only rely on the power of the United Kingdom, we must also rely on the power within France!" Jerome Bonaparte specially emphasized: "Especially the power of our followers, Pesini

You must have contacted a lot of people during your eight years in France! I hope you won’t disappoint me this time!”

During the eight years that Napoleon III was imprisoned in prison, Pesini helped Napoleon III contact the outside world and attracted a large number of speculators to carry out a conspiracy to overthrow the Orleans Dynasty.

With the help of internal and external forces in France, Lamartine was made mute and unable to express the pain of eating Coptis chinensis.

"I understand!" Pesini responded with a slight start.

Once upon a time, he (referring to Pesini) was also a master at manipulating public opinion.

Running around for His Majesty for many years made him almost forget the food he needed to survive. This was really not the right thing to do.

"By the way, and..." Jérôme Bonaparte suddenly thought of something and said to Pesini: "Let the Bonapartists in Paris restrain themselves and don't get caught at this critical moment again! The next thing is

"Month, France is going to undergo earth-shaking changes."

Jérôme Bonaparte suddenly thought that in one month's time, the atrocities against workers led by hard-line republicans would begin.

The June Revolution definitely did not happen in a day or two. The accumulation of nearly four months intensified the contradiction between the two classes to a certain extent.

Jérôme Bonaparte must complete all his plans before the idiot Lamartine leaves office. Otherwise, if the charlatan Cavaignac comes to power, it will be difficult to implement the plan. Otherwise, he may be killed by the charlatan.

Sent to jail.

Historically, his cousin was almost suspected by Cavaignac of having connection with the June Revolution (some Bonapartist members were indeed found in the June Revolution), and he considered sending his cousin to prison.

He is not an easy character to deal with! If you don't make a mistake, you will be sent to jail by this guy.

"As you command!"

Although Pesini didn't understand what Gérôme was talking about as a radical change, he still followed the orders of his new boss.

"Let's go! Go back!" Louis Bonaparte did not ask what method Pesigny used to contact Bonaparte's followers in France. An excellent superior only needs to know the outcome of the matter and then reward and punish him.

The two worked together to stop a carriage, which carried Pesini and Jérôme Bonaparte back to their mansion on King Street in St. James.

What Jérôme Bonaparte and Pessini didn't know was that at this moment, the mansion on King Street in St. James also welcomed an uninvited guest.

This chapter has been completed!
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