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Chapter 239 The Lonely Army

"This is not something you have to consider! You just need to choose to execute it! If there is any loss, all consequences will be borne by the Legislative Assembly."

Speaker Dupin did not fall into the trap of Saint Arnaud's rhetoric. He roared and emphasized that Saint Arnaud carried out his orders.

"I'm sorry! I'm a soldier! My mission is to protect France from harm! I respect the spirit of the rule of law in the Republic, and I also respect the Legislative Assembly. But..."

Saint-Arnaud first showed weakness to the enemy with peaceful words, and then suddenly changed the topic and roared: "I will never allow laymen to dictate in the army. We respect the Legislative Assembly, and we also hope that the Legislative Assembly will continue to respect us appropriately.


Saint-Arnaud paused for a moment, turned to face Speaker Dupin with a contemptuous smile on his lips and said: "If the members of the Legislative Assembly really need protection, then the minister and I and all our colleagues in the Ministry of War can do our best to protect the legislation.

We can mobilize a company, a battalion, a regiment, or a brigade. We can even send troops to surround the parliament outside the parliament! Is the Legislative Assembly satisfied with this?"

Saint-Arnaud's answer was no longer a question from the Legislative Assembly to the Ministry of War, but rather like a war threat issued by the Ministry of War to the Legislative Assembly.

The ferocious expression on Saint Arnaud's dark face seemed to say: If the Legislative Assembly continues to offend the army, the army will consider disbanding the Legislative Assembly.

Both Speaker Duban on the rostrum and the members of the Standing Committee below the stage showed expressions of shock and a hint of fear.

At this point, Speaker Duban, who was already riding a tiger, could only hold on to his face, bang the wooden hammer as hard as he could and said coldly: "Can I think that you and your ministers do not want to strictly implement the orders of the parliament!"

"No!" Saint-Arnault shrugged, then showed an innocent expression and said: "The Ministry of War is not willing to defy the resolution of the Legislative Assembly. We just need some time to study the mobilization and deployment of troops."

"How much time will it take?" Speaker Duban's voice was still stiff and cold.

"A month? Half a year? Or one or two years?" Saint Arnaud's expression became gentle and humble, but his tone seemed to be ridiculing: "It depends on when the Ministry of War can complete the plan! We are not like you

Members of the Legislative Assembly, all you need to do all day long is to sit here and lift the small card you put in front of you, and then put it down. You only need to do these two steps of lifting and putting it down. The specific work is all done by us.


Now Saint-Arnault has completely despised these MPs who are united on the outside but actually have evil intentions inside. They will only huddle in the Legislative Assembly and establish one law after another, and do not dare to confront the Ministry of War with real swords and guns. They

We have forgotten that the enforcers of the laws they established are them, tens of millions of French civil servants.

"Mr. Saint-Arnault, you seem to be incapable of doing this job!" Speaker Dupin threatened Saint-Arnault: "Not just you, we suspect that your ministers and the entire cabinet may not be able to do the job! Don't forget

, the Legislative Assembly has the right to recall you all!"

After bowing slightly to Speaker Dupin on the rostrum, Saint-Arnault said politely: "Mr. Speaker, this is the power of the Legislative Assembly! If you feel that I am not qualified, you can remove me!"

St. Arnaud's attitude of not being afraid of threats left Speaker Dupin at his wits' end. According to the laws of the Second Republic, Speaker Dupin was indeed able to dissolve the cabinet like Jérôme Bonaparte as long as he could unite the members of the Legislative Assembly.

, but the power possessed by Speaker Duban is only to dissolve the cabinet.

The power to appoint the cabinet naturally lies in the hands of President Jérôme Bonaparte, which means that the Legislative Assembly has just dismissed the Ministry of War, and Jérôme Bonaparte can completely replace the dismissed ones.

Members were hired back again.

Not to mention that the legislative assembly is not unified in its thinking. It is okay to expect them to keep in step once or twice, but it is obviously not possible to expect them to keep in step to confront the president.

Everyone has different interests, which makes it impossible for them to use the president to fight again and again.

Facing the tough-as-nails Saint-Arnault, Speaker Dupin and the members of the Standing Committee didn't know what method to use.

Seeing that Speaker Dupin and the members of the Standing Committee were all silent, Saint-Arnault yawned lazily, stretched his waist and said: "Mr. Speaker, is the inquiry meeting over? If there is nothing else, I will leave.

Got it!"

After saying that, Saint-Arnaud took the initiative to walk down the stairs from the podium without seeking the consent of Speaker Dupin and the members of the Standing Committee, and came to the corridor paved with bright red Persian carpets on the right side of the Legislative Assembly.

"Who told you to leave!" Speaker Dupin reacted and reprimanded Saint-Arnaud loudly, while banging the wooden hammer.

Saint-Arnault, who heard the sound of the wooden hammer on the rostrum, stopped, turned his head and looked at Speaker Dupin and said: "Mr. Speaker, I think I have done my job well! I will leave the rest to you.

The National Assembly itself talks about it, isn’t your favorite thing to do these useless things?”

Saint-Arnault wantonly mocked Speaker Dupin and the members of the Standing Committee. During this inquiry meeting, Saint-Arnault seemed to be just to show off the clown behavior of Speaker Dupin and the members.

"The guards will catch him, and then expel him from me!" Speaker Dupin, who was so angry that he went crazy, loudly ordered the members to arrest Saint-Arnaud and then expel him from the Legislative Assembly.

The two guards responsible for guarding the corridor heard Speaker Dupin's call and came to Saint Arnaud with a grimace, but they did not take action and looked at Saint Arnaud with apologetic expressions.

"You don't need to do anything!" Saint Arnaud said with his head held high and a rebellious expression.

Followed by two guards, Saint-Arnaud left the Legislative Assembly.

Shortly after Saint-Arnault left the Legislative Assembly, Speaker Dupin, who had regained his composure, once again banged the wooden hammer in his hand and announced to the members present that the question session had been dissolved.

The entire process of the hearing was recorded in detail in the Paris Constitution the next day. They pointed the core of all contradictions at Saint-Arnaud and the Ministry of War for disobeying orders and defying the Legislative Assembly.

[The Constitution: The royal newspaper of the Orleans faction. Most of the articles published by the newspaper are comments from the left-wing royal faction and speeches by the leaders of the Order Party in the Legislative Assembly.]

This time the "Constitution" tried to use the public opinion in Paris to force the president to remove Renault and Saint-Arnaud from the Ministry of War.

However, the members of the Party of Order seem to have forgotten that the leading power of public opinion in Paris is in the hands of the Bonapartists.

Almost on the same day as the newspaper was published, a group of "crowds" wearing various costumes and old felt hats got tangled together. Armed with long guns and short sticks, they broke into the Constitution in the name of "debt collection."

base camp, and then beat members of the Constitution indiscriminately.

The reporters and editor-in-chief of "The Constitution" never thought that this would happen. They wanted to reprimand these blind people justly, and then resisted, but they were beaten even more severely by the "mobs".

Many articles were torn to pieces, and the printing press was also violently damaged.

After some gentlemen from the "Government" secretly went to a nearby police station to tell the police what happened inside the "Government", they were rejected by the police on the grounds that they were only administrative police (urban management law enforcement brigade) without law enforcement powers, and then suggested that they look for "

Armed Police".

By the time the "Constitution" reporter found the "armed police" and came to the newspaper office, the interior of the newspaper office had already been completely destroyed.

The "Blind Liu" who stayed behind at the Constitutional Newspaper pointed at his bruised and swollen face [resulting from the Constitutional News reporter's counterattack] and cried to the police about the news about the Constitutional Newspaper beatings. After hearing this, the "armed police" suddenly changed their faces and immediately

All the members of the Gazette were imprisoned in the family in the name of fighting and causing disability.

After this news alarmed Thiers and Barrot in Poirtier Street, Odilon Barrot was responsible for negotiating with the police and rescued all members of the "Constitution" from the police station.

During the period when the Gazette was arrested, Le Bonaparte also launched a "counterattack" against the Gazette.

The article exposed the conspiracy of "the Legislative Assembly's attempt to divide the army into pieces, making France unable to face foreign invasion" and instilled in Paris citizens the idea that "the division of military power is to plunge France into civil war."

The citizens of Paris still vividly remember the civil war two years ago and do not want to experience another civil war. Under the leadership of some thoughtful people in the literary world, Paris citizens issued a voice calling for "the Legislative Assembly to stop dividing the army."

Subsequently, the Observer, which had been silent, also expressed its voice at this time. It called on Paris citizens to unite and actively make their voices heard.

An option "about prosperity and order or chaos and the rule of law" appeared in the newspapers.

Reporters from the Observer actively conducted interviews and investigations.

After several days of "investigation", it was concluded that Parisian citizens preferred "prosperity and order" to "chaos and the rule of law."

"The Observer sincerely hopes that the Legislative Assembly will have the courage to admit its mistakes. Prosperity, strength and order are what the Republic needs most now! Every outstanding Frenchman should act for prosperity, strength and order..." Sitting in Poir

Speaker Dupin's face turned the color of pig liver while he was reading the content of "The Observer" on the sofa of Ty Street Residence. He yelled: "Shit article!"

"That guy Napoleon is better at mobilizing the public opinion in Paris than we are!" Thiers showed no anger at all, and there was even a little more appreciation in his words.

This chapter has been completed!
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