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Chapter 283 Otto von Bismarck

On November 21, the wooden sail gunboat carrying the Tsar's envoy arrived at the nearest port in Brandenburg after a day's journey.

When the gunboat was almost approaching the port, a wooden sail battleship appeared on the northeast side of the gunboat. At the same time, several shallow-water gunboats came from the port towards the gunboat where Alexander Menshikov was located.

The captain in charge of driving the gunboat quickly informed Alexander Menshikov of the news.

"Don't worry! Just wait until they get close to us!" Alexander Menshikov responded calmly.

The gunboat stopped under Alexander Menshikov's order, and the wooden sailing battleship and the shallow-water gunboat approached Alexander Menshikov's ship.

A wooden boat was slowly lowered into the water from the shallow-water gunboat. The sailors in the wooden boat paddled close to Alexander Menshikov's gunboat, and successfully boarded the Tsarist Russian gunboat with the help of the Tsarist Russian gunboat sailors.

"Dear friends of the Russian Empire, I wonder if you have lost your way! This is the waters of the Kingdom of Prussia!" the sailor reminded the captain of the shallow-water gunboat respectfully.

Just then Alexander Menshikov appeared, and he said to the sailors in an arrogant manner: "Go back and tell your captain! Don't block our way, otherwise Prussia will lose our friendship!"

After listening to Alexander Menshikov's speech, the sailor felt a little angry at his condescending aristocratic attitude. He suppressed his anger and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Alexander Menshikov, the special envoy sent by His Majesty the Tsar! Now I am going to Sanssouci Palace to talk to your regent, Prince William!" Alexander Menshikov continued to respond to the sailors in an arrogant manner.

Alexander Menshikov's speech made the sailor look happy, and he quickly responded to Alexander Menshikov: "Yes!"

Then, he took out two signal flags from his waist and issued instructions to the surrounding gunboats.

After receiving instructions from the sailors, the surrounding gunboats quickly moved out of the way, and Alexander Menshikov's gunboat was able to arrive at the port.

When Alexander Menshikov arrived at the port, the mayor who received the news warmly received Alexander Menshikov, which greatly satisfied Alexander Menshikov's self-esteem, and the balance in his heart tilted towards Prussia.


At the mayor's warm invitation, Alexander Menshikov decided to stay in this passionate city for one day before heading to Sanssouci Palace.

That afternoon, a tablet arrived at Sanssouci Palace from the port of Sassnitz.

At this time, Prince William, who was mobilizing Prussian soldiers to form a siege in Berlin, finally smiled after receiving the news from the port of Sassnitz.

Prince Regent William quickly ordered the soldiers to call the Count of Brandenburg...no, the Prime Minister of Brandenburg should be called over.

"Your Highness, what happened?" Prime Minister Brandenburg asked Prince William.

"The Tsar's envoy has arrived in Sassnitz!" Prince Regent William said to Prime Minister Brandenburg.

"That's great!" Prime Minister Brandenburg also smiled: "It seems that our efforts have not been in vain!"

"But!" After being happy, Prince William hesitated again. He pointed at Berlin and said, "What should we do now?"

On November 16, after the Prussian Regent William I announced the abolition of the constitution given to the entire Prussian people in 1848, the bicameral system was also abolished.

For a time, the whole Berlin was agitated. The revolutionary organizations that had been eliminated were re-established. The Prussian middle class Central Committee, which had not been baptized by artillery, resisted the regent's policies. The National Guard stationed in Berlin rebelled again.

The entire Berlin area turned into a state of autonomy overnight. This unexpected and reasonable behavior made Prime Minister Brandenburg determined to let the Berlin area know what obedience means.

On the evening of the 16th, mobilization orders began to be issued and soldiers from the East Prussia region began to gather in Potenz.

Prince William, who had experienced a defeat, knew that if a small group of troops entered Prussia, they would only be overwhelmed by the citizens of Berlin. He wanted to mobilize all the troops in East Prussia to surround Berlin.

During the three days of the 17th, 18th, and 19th, more than 60,000 Prussian soldiers (including regular troops and Junkers' returning regiments) were around Berlin.

This time, Berlin no longer had the internal and external echoes of the 1848 Revolution. With the suppression of revolutions in various places, only one city in Berlin and parts of the Rhineland were left to resist. Prussia still had the confidence to fight against this sporadic revolution.


What's more, during the period when Prince Wilhelm was dispatching soldiers, the "autonomous municipality" Berlin lost its last chance due to the chaos among the internal compromisers and the revolutionaries and capitulationists.

On November 20, which was the time when Alexander Menshikov was ordered to go to Berlin, more than 70,000 Prussian troops had completely surrounded Berlin. Heavy artillery was deployed on the outskirts of Berlin. As long as Prince William gave an order, the entire Berlin would be

Caught in a bloody massacre.

The stage for the revolutionary drama of massacre has been set, all that is left is to attend the show.

Now the Tsarist envoy in charge of watching the play arrived, and the painful drama in Prussia could begin.

On November 22, Alexander Menshikov arrived at Sanssouci Palace in Potenz.

Prince Regent of Prussia, Prince Wilhelm, warmly welcomed Alexander Menshikov to Sanssouci Palace.

In front of Prince Regent William, Alexander Menshikov lived up to his previous arrogance. He said to Prince William, King of Prussia, with full respect: "Dear Prince Regent, I came here on the order of His Majesty Nicholas I, Emperor of the Russian Empire.

The purpose here is to mediate the dispute between Prussia and Austria! His Majesty Nicholas I said that both Prussia and Austria are brothers of the Russian Empire, and we should unite and work together to safeguard the Holy Alliance!"

Alexander Menshikov's words played into the hands of Prince Regent William and Count Brandenburg. The reason why they dissolved the 1848 Constitution was not to please the Tsar in this way, so that they could mediate.

Count Brandenburg immediately came out and said to Alexander Menshikov: "The Kingdom of Prussia is very grateful to the Russian Empire! I hope our two countries can support each other and move forward in the future!"

With that said, Count Brandenburg invited Alexander Menshikov to watch a "big show".

At the invitation of Brandenburg, Alexander Menshikov arrived at the military camp on the outskirts of Berlin.

At this time, military camps were lined up in dots, and the entire Berlin was surrounded by military camps.

"Mr. Envoy!" Count Brandenburg pointed at Berlin and said to Alexander Menshikov: "Berlin is now being occupied by a group of damn thugs. We must keep this charming city in the capital!"

"Yes! Revolution is like a cancer that will spread from one city to another. We must cut off the spread of the cancer at the source! The broken Berlin will definitely become dazzling again because of the eradication of the revolutionary cancer!" Alexander.

Menshikov also said with satisfaction.

While Alexander Menshikov was talking with Count Brandenburg, a guy wearing the uniform of a Prussian militia quietly approached them.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Envoy!" the voice of a Junker landowner in militia uniform came from behind Alexander Menshikov and Count Brandenburg.

Alexander Menshikov and Count Brandenburg turned and looked back.

Standing behind them is an imposing middle-aged man. Just from his appearance, it can be seen that he has the style of a Prussian soldier and the alarm of a politician. These two styles of painting are seriously incompatible.

It happened to the same person, which surprised them greatly.

Looking at his appearance again, he has a burly figure and a tough face with two sexy beards, a broad forehead, and sharp eyes. His unhesitating style is clearly visible.

Alexander Menshikov and Count Brandenburg immediately became fond of the guy in front of him, and he quickly asked the name of the militia landlord in front of him.

"Otto von Bismarck! He was once a member of parliament!" The guy in front of him was Bismarck, who would be known as the "Iron-Blooded Chancellor" in later generations.

Now he is following the Prussian army to complete the siege of Berlin.

Although he believed that this suppression might have a negative impact on Prussia's future, he still supported this suppression because his butt decided his head.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing this one of his own, Count Brandenburg asked with a kind smile.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I think we should give Berlin some more chances!" Bismarck said tactfully,

Although he knew that his words would inevitably be refuted, it was better to say it than not to say it.

Bismarck's euphemistic response successfully aroused the dissatisfaction of the Count of Brandenburg. He said to Bismarck with a stern face: "Mr. Bismarck, don't you think we should suppress them?"

"No!" Bismarck immediately responded to Count Brandenburg: "I just want to say..."

Bismarck wanted to say that once Prussia's contradictions were suppressed, they would become uncontrollable, but his class did not allow him to say such a thing.

Bismarck responded with a bitter smile: "We should suppress them!"

Count Brandenburg nodded to Bismarck with satisfaction. After Alexander Menshikov left, Count Brandenburg found Otto von Bismarck again and gave him a good job.

(The Count of Brandenburg considers himself a good job.)

Otto von Bismarck successfully served as the commander of the militia to suppress Berlin, and followed the regular army to massacre Berlin.

After this was accomplished, the Count of Brandenburg promised to find a suitable position for him.

This chapter has been completed!
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