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Chapter 295 The Fall of the Second Republic (Part 2)

Jérôme Bonaparte, who stayed briefly at the City Hall, rode a white horse and left the City Hall while being "reluctant to leave" as a senior civil servant in the City Hall. The soldiers following Jérôme Bonaparte had transformed from infantry to

Lancers, they are members of the most elite lancer regiment of the 1st Division, a force directly controlled by Couzin Montauban, the commander of the 1st Paris Division.

In the coup in the early morning of December 2, the Lancers even acted as messengers. They accurately conveyed the instructions from the Ministry of War to the three subordinate brigades, allowing them to carry out arrest operations as quickly as possible.


The white horse carried Jérôme Bonaparte forward at a slow pace. The members of the Lancers were located in front, rear, left and right of Jérôme Bonaparte, surrounding Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte ambushed him while riding towards the Bourbon Palace. Every member of the Lancers following Jérôme Bonaparte was tall and burly, and they were enough to cover Jérôme.

Bona's body.

At the same time, each lancer's saddle was equipped with a pistol, allowing them to take out their pistols and kill the enemy immediately while protecting Jerome Bonaparte. And Jerome Bonaparte chose to go

The roads of the Bourbon Palace are also carefully designed, and each street has been carefully checked to ensure that no dangerous elements will appear on the streets.

Under this series of strict measures, Jérôme Bonaparte went from the City Hall to the Bourbon Palace without any danger. Along the way, he also warmly greeted the residents on both sides of the road. These "pre-arranged"

The residents" also responded enthusiastically to Jérôme Bonaparte.

After a political show, Jerome Bonaparte finally arrived at the Palais Bourbon, the seat of the Legislative Assembly, the highest authority in France.

Now this so-called highest authority has to add the word "former". He has dissolved the Legislative Assembly, which means that starting from the early morning of December 2, many of the powers that the Legislative Assembly can exercise have been completely deposed. He is about to establish the first

The two legislative assemblies will no longer enjoy as many powers as the previous legislative assembly.

In other words, as a conqueror he had completed the government of France.

Looking at the majestic Bourbon Palace in front of him, Jérôme Bonaparte couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

After decades, the Second French Empire is about to approach France with a completely new attitude.

However, it was no longer his historical cousin Louis Napoleon who founded the Second French Empire. He who was supposed to be a witness to history and a passer-by of time and space became the creator of history.

The dissolution of the Legislative Assembly was also about a year earlier than in history.

I am creating a brand new history! A history that is different from Napoleon III!

At this moment, Jerome Bonaparte felt a sense of pride from the bottom of his heart. He felt extremely honored that he could create history. He couldn't help but look up at the sky, and a sudden "open" appeared in the dark clouds.

Through the opening, a ray of sunshine "just happened" to shine on Jérôme Bonaparte's body.

Everyone present couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing such a "miraculous" scene. Many republicans hiding in the crowd near the Bourbon Palace also saw the sun shining directly on Jerome Bonaparte's body.

Doubt "whether God really cares for Bonaparte".

Seeing the right opportunity, Walewski immediately shouted "Long live the Empire, long live Bonaparte"!

After the "Long live", the army and the crowd also shouted "Long live the Empire, long live Bonaparte!" The shouts were like huge waves that completely shattered the last sacred authority covering the Legislative Assembly.

In its place is a sculpture called Bonaparte.

Could it be that it was Napoleon in heaven who really sent me to save Bonaparte? Emperor Napoleon? Is Napoleon III looking at me in heaven?

Bathed in the sunshine, Jérôme Bonaparte felt emotions that had been difficult to describe in words since ancient times. At this moment, something seemed to be growing on his shoulders.

In a trance, Jérôme Bonaparte seemed to see the emperor who had crossed the Alps above the Bourbon Palace. He was still so young.

Then please keep an eye on it! I will definitely be you!

Jérôme Bonaparte could not help clenching his fists and making up his mind.

Not long after, the dark clouds that shrouded the Palais Bourbon disappeared, and the sunshine spread the seeds of the future, as if covering the earth with a golden coat.

Jérôme Bonaparte turned over and dismounted, and the surrounding members of the Lancers also dismounted and made way for Jérôme Bonaparte to pass through.

Jérôme Bonaparte handed the reins to a lancer beside him. He walked firmly and steadily through the corridor composed of soldiers and arrived at a location less than 20 meters away from the Palais Bourbon.

At the gate of the Bourbon Palace, Jérôme Bonaparte met Major General Canrobert, commander of the Second Paris Brigade, and Brigadier General Leboeuf, the presidential adjutant.

After a night of hard work, Canrobert and Leboeuf looked a little tired, but their eyes were still so determined.

"The Second Paris Brigade has successfully completed its mission without encountering any resistance!" Canrobert reported to Jérôme Bonaparte in a tense tone: "We succeeded!"

"Yes... we succeeded!" Jérôme Bonaparte also showed a heartfelt smile on his face. He and Canrobert were so excited that they held each other tightly: "I will never

Your achievements will be forgotten!"

Afterwards, Jerome Bonaparte looked at the officers behind Canrobert and said loudly: "The Bonaparte family will always remember you!"

The officers also had smiles on their faces. They worked hard for Jérôme Bonaparte just so they could have their own place in the future.

After a while, Jerome Bonaparte woke up from his excitement, and he slowly let go of Canrobert's hand.

"By the way, Canrobert! Are all the MPs here?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked about the news of MP Canrobert. After Jérôme Bonaparte launched a coup and detained most of the MPs, he would

The Bonapartist MPs were informed of the coup and invited to attend the Legislative Assembly on December 2.

"Mr. President, the number of members may be a bit small!" Canrobert responded awkwardly to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Among the more than 750 members, only about 180 were truly loyal to Bonaparte, and only 120 were able to reach the Bourbon Palace.

"Hmph!" Jerome Bonaparte curled his lips disdainfully: "Forget it! I don't expect them to accomplish anything big!"

Under the framework designed by Jérôme Bonaparte, members of the Legislative Assembly only had the power to agree to bills, and all their speeches would be locked up in the Palais Bourbon so that they could not be communicated to the outside world.

This political system is roughly the same as that of Napoleon III in history. The only slight change is that the plan in the proposal is based on a five-year template. That is to say, the parliament approves the five-year proposal, and the parliament has no right to interfere with the expenditure within five years.

Such a "rogue" loophole can effectively prevent Jérôme Bonaparte from being choked by the Second Parliament.

Historically, his cousin's proposals to increase military spending repeatedly failed because of too many opponents in the Second Parliament.

For four years from Prussia to France, the Second French Empire was caught in the wrangling between the parliamentary and military forces, thus missing the last moment.

400,000 vs. 800,000, unless old Moltke's brain is kicked by a donkey, otherwise, they only need a draw to beat France.

With the lessons of precedent, Jérôme Bonaparte left himself enough buffer room when it came to the political system to enable him to act in different ways and bypass the constitutional provisions.

Of course, Jérôme Bonaparte still chose to respect the decision of Parliament on unnecessary issues.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Canrobel nodded empathetically: "Only the army is your most reliable helper!"

Jérôme Bonaparte glanced at Canrobert again, with a smile on his face and said: "Let's go! Let me see who is here!"

Jérôme Bonaparte and Valewski entered the Bourbon Palace together. Canrobert, Leboeuf and others were stationed outside the Bourbon Palace to prevent anyone from rushing into the "sacred" National Assembly.

Although the army has completely taken control of Paris, the few fugitive MPs are still a hidden danger. Canrobert and others do not want to fail at the most critical moment.

"The president is here!"

With a shout coming from the conference hall of the Bourbon Palace, everyone in the Bourbon Palace looked at the corridor on the right at the same time.

Jérôme Bonaparte and Valewski appeared from the corridor into the conference hall.

The moment Jérôme Bonaparte appeared in the conference hall, all the Bonapartist MPs, including Jérôme Bonaparte's father, Prince Montfort, quickly stood up and paid their respects to the Frenchman.

Pay tribute to the new master.

Jerome Bonaparte looked at the group of Bonapartist MPs in front of him with a smile. He waved and said: "Please sit down!"

The deputies sat down quickly after hearing Jérôme Bonaparte's instructions.

Since Speaker Dubin of the Legislative Assembly has been arrested, the chair of the Legislative Assembly of the Palais Bourbon has become Vice President Blair.

As the presiding officer of the parliament, he did not sit in the original position of speaker, but sat in the position of deputy secretary-general to the left of the speaker.

Jérôme Bonaparte followed suit and sat in the position of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, which meant that Jérôme Bonaparte fully controlled the executive power and the power of judicial interpretation.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who was sitting in the speaker's seat, looked at the members in the audience. The expressions and movements of almost every member could be seen by Jérôme Bonaparte.

Great! That’s it!

This chapter has been completed!
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