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Chapter 321 Paris Urban Renovation

"The government won't give you too much renovation funds, everything has to rely on your own efforts..."

As soon as these words came out, George Osman immediately felt an invisible pressure on his shoulders.

As we all know, urban transformation in any place requires a large amount of funds to be carried out. The amount of government allocation for urban transformation determines the speed of urban transformation.

How to successfully complete the urban transformation of Paris without government funding is a complete test of a high-ranking official's ability to govern.

There was an unnatural look on Georges Haussmann's face. Jérôme Bonaparte looked at Georges Haussmann with a half-smile and then said: "Don't worry! The government departments are not completely letting go. It's just the urban transformation of Paris.

The funds required are too huge, and the government can only afford a small part! Most of them require private capital to operate. I made a rough calculation. If Paris wants to undergo a comprehensive transformation, the government will need to invest about 200 million francs per year!

This amount is not calculated in one or two years, but in ten years!"

Jérôme Bonaparte once calculated that the money needed for comprehensive transformation would be about 2 billion francs, which was an ideal calculation without taking into account government corruption.

If all aspects are considered, the entire transformation of Paris will cost at least half of the Franco-Prussian War, which means 2.5 billion francs to complete.

This is equivalent to the entire country of France for more than a year.

Although the cycle of this money can be extended to ten or even twenty years, it is still a large expense.

Nowadays, military reform requires money, establishing military academies requires money, revitalizing industry requires money, and establishing nursing schools also requires a large amount of expenditure.

The government simply could not afford multi-line flowering, but Paris had to be renovated. This was the purpose of Jerome Bonaparte's invitation to Georges Haussmann to serve as the urban reconstruction designer of Paris.

"Your Majesty, how much funding can the government provide each year?" George Osman asked Jérôme Bonaparte.

"I will persuade the legislative group to provide you with 60 million francs in the first year. After that, the Ministry of Finance will allocate 30 million francs to you every year. This is the greatest help I can give you! It is not easy for the central government now.

They all need money!" Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head and sighed: "You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are if you don't become a householder!"

In order to allow the reform to proceed smoothly, Jérôme Bonaparte has tried to economize on food and clothing as much as possible within the effective scope.

Not to mention his current cousin who earned 12 million francs per year in history, even he was slightly less than he was two years ago.

Two years ago, he was still wrestling with the Legislative Assembly over the president's annual salary.

Of course, Pesini and others hinted at asking Jérôme Bonaparte to increase their wages, because only when Jérôme Bonaparte increased his wages could they continue the corruption with confidence and boldness.

However, every time, Jerome Bonaparte rejected the suggestions of Pesini and others, and at the same time slightly warned Pesini and other Bonapartists to restrain themselves a little.

As a parasite in France, you should not always think about hollowing out existing industries instead of thinking about how to expand the industry.

Only by making France's cake bigger and bigger will they be able to share more.

Jérôme Bonaparte recalled what the Bonapartists had done and couldn't help but sigh again.

Sometimes, careerists have the more tenacious willpower of revolutionaries. However, once they win, careerists fall far faster than the revolution.

"30 million francs?" Georges Haussmann, who pondered for a moment, nodded and responded to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Excellency, I will definitely do my best to complete the transformation of Paris!"

"In that case, go and find out more about the handover! Come back to Paris with me then!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to George Haussmann.

"As ordered!" George Osman said loudly with a smile on his face.

In the next few days, Jérôme Bonaparte and George Haussmann, who was about to serve as a senior official in the Seine Province, discussed the first phase of the reconstruction of the Paris area. George Haussmann also managed the connection work in an orderly manner.

On October 30, with the arrival of the new senior officials of the Bordeaux Province, Jérôme Bonaparte and George Haussmann will also leave Bordeaux and return to Paris.

At this moment, a piece of news came from the small town of Saint-Amand in southern France, disrupting all Jérôme Bonaparte's plans.

"You mean that old guy from Soult is dying?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked De Morny again about the authenticity of the news.

"That's right!" De Morny nodded and responded to Jérôme Bonaparte: "According to our police report in the town of Saint-Armand, Marshal Soult is now in critical condition!"

Since the coup on December 2, 1850, all influential generals in France have been monitored by Jérôme Bonaparte, and Marshal Soult of the First Empire was no exception.

However, the police officers sent by Jérôme Bonaparte only secretly went to the town of Saint-Amand, where Soult lived, to conduct surveillance, and did not disturb the dying generalissimo.

"An era is ending!" Jérôme Bonaparte said calmly.

The imperial era, an era that once gathered stars, will end with the death of Surte and others, and the next stage will be an even more cruel and bloody era.

"Your Majesty, are we..." Morny tentatively asked Jérôme Bonaparte if he wanted to see Soult for the last time.

Jérôme Bonaparte stood up and paced back and forth. After a while, he raised his head and responded to Morny: "Let's go! Come with me to witness the end of an era!"

"Yes!" Morny responded immediately.

Later, Jérôme Bonaparte called George Haussmann over and told him that he was about to go to the town of Saint-Amand, and that he could go to Paris first to serve as a senior official in the Seine department.

Although George Osman did not know why Jerome Bonaparte went to Saint-Armand in the southernmost part of France (few people knew that Marshal Soult lived in seclusion there), he still nodded and expressed his willingness to listen to Jerome

.Bonaparte's order.

On October 31, Jérôme Bonaparte and George Haussmann parted ways. One continued southward to the border between France and Spain, while the other took a cargo ship to Calais at the Port of Bordeaux, and then took a train to Paris.

On November 2, Jérôme Bonaparte and De Morny, who were riding in a black open carriage, were escorted by the army and arrived near the town of Saint-Armand after two days of travel.

Jérôme Bonaparte in the carriage looked at the majestic and continuous Pyrenees Mountains in the distance and the lush green fields nearby, and suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

"It seems that our Generalissimo is quite a sentimental person!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Morny in a brisk tone.

"Yes!" Morny nodded empathetically.

After a bumpy ride, the carriage finally arrived at a hillside surrounded by greenery. The sides of the hillside were covered with trees. Looking along the tree net, there was a castle on the top of the hillside, which was Sirte's residence.

The carriage climbed up along the artificial path and soon arrived at the gate of the castle. After observing the castle up close, Jérôme Bonaparte discovered that this was a fortress with a long history. Although he did not

We don’t know who the original owner of the castle was, but judging from the masonry of the castle, this castle has obviously gone through the baptism of time, and every brick and stone has traces of time.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Jérôme Bonaparte once again lamented the "extravagance" of Generalissimo Soult. Generalissimo Soult must have made a lot of money.

Later, Jérôme Bonaparte and Morny got out of the car and knocked on the door.

After a while, footsteps came from inside the door, the heavy door opened, and an old man wearing a servant uniform appeared, with a hint of impatience on his face: "The Generalissimo does not want to receive guests today!"

"Please tell Marshal Soult that Jerome Bonaparte has arrived!" Jerome Bonaparte responded to his servant in a kind manner.

"Jérôme... Bonaparte?" The servant immediately put away his impatient expression after hearing the name Jérôme Bonaparte. He quickly showed a flattering smile and said: "Please wait a moment, I will immediately

Common knowledge!"

After saying that, the servant ran in. Jérôme Bonaparte and Morny pushed open the door that could only accommodate half of their body and entered the living room of the castle.

In this living room with a mixture of Rococo and Imperial styles, Jérôme Bonaparte saw many Spanish-style collections and armors.

Marshal Soult made a fortune in Spain! Jérôme Bonaparte commented again.

After Jerome Bonaparte and Morny walked back and forth in the living room several times, the servant appeared in front of Jerome Bonaparte and Morny again!

"Your Excellency, the marshal asked me to tell you! He can't get up now. If you really want to meet him, please follow me to the bedroom!" The servant carefully changed the title of marshal for Soult from the imperial period.

Jérôme Bonaparte pretended to be surprised and said: "I didn't expect that Your Excellency the Duke's condition has reached such an advanced stage!"

"Yes!" Thinking of this, the servant couldn't help crying and said: "The doctor said that the marshal may have..."

The servant swallowed back the rest of his words and secretly blamed himself for being lax.

"Alas! If the Marshal is really unlucky, it will be a real loss for the whole of France!" Jerome Bonaparte said this without any fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Please come with me!"

Under the leadership of his servant, Jerome Bonaparte walked up the stairs and soon arrived at the door of Soult's bedroom.

"The marshal is inside!" the servant made a gesture of invitation.

Jerome Bonaparte nodded and opened Soult's bedroom door.

The moment he opened the door, Jerome Bonaparte saw...

This chapter has been completed!
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