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Chapter 406 Ottoman Partisans

The reason why Abdulmecid I was willing to "happily" bear the negative political consequences of losing the Danube Principality was because the Ottoman Empire itself could no longer endure the pain of being adjacent to the Russian Empire.

As an important link in preventing the Russian Empire from reaching out to the Balkans, the Ottoman Empire suffered pain that it could not bear.

Rebellions within the empire and the influence of external forces have made this decadent empire in turmoil all day long. The economic turmoil brought about by political turmoil has made the already final and acute ethnic conflicts more serious. Some areas in the Balkans (Serbia, Montenegro,

Bosnia and Herzegovina) have shown signs of mutual vendetta.

All this forced the high-ranking officials of the Ottoman Empire, who were already tired of dealing with the Ottoman Empire, to turn part of their attention to ethnic vendettas and try to ease conflicts by supporting local pashas.

Due to various factors, the Ottoman Empire has become a bloated and lame giant. In order to prevent the "wound" from continuing to bleed, Abdulmecid I could only consider giving up the Danube Principality, and Fouad Effendi happened to

Tell him at this time that as long as the Ottoman Empire completely abandons the Danube Principality, the Austrian Empire will definitely fill the vacancy. In this case, the Russian Empire's aggression will have to stop in Bessarabia, and the Ottoman Empire will have enough energy to deal with it.

Some rather sharp contradictions.

Furthermore, the Austrian Empire itself would not be as deadly a threat to the Ottoman Empire as the Ottoman Empire. At least the Austrian Empire was not as greedy as the Ottoman Empire.

If Abdulmecid I was asked to choose between the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire, then Abdulmecid I would choose the Austrian Empire without hesitation.

However, even though Abdulmecid I was mentally prepared to lose the Danube Principality, from a perceptual perspective, he still had certain illusions about the Danube Principality staying in the Ottoman Empire.

Of course, Abdulmecid I did not tell the Danube Principality’s ministers the news of the betrayal.

The Danube Principality has once again been placed on the gambling table of the imperialist powers as a bargaining chip in the competition between various forces. Only the victorious camp can determine the fate of these two regions.

No one in the Danube Principality knows all this.

"By the way! Is there any movement in the Caucasus?" After discussing the fate of the Danube River, Abdulmecid I casually asked about the situation in the Caucasus.

Due to the Russian Empire's continuous encroachment on the Caucasus region in recent years, the Ottoman Empire had to adopt a strict defensive strategy in the Caucasus region to prevent sudden attacks by the Russian Empire.

Especially after Russia and the Ottomans fell into a diplomatic freeze, the high-level government listed the Caucasus as one of the key targets for the Russian Imperial Army. They planned to send some of the miscellaneous troops stationed in the Constantinople area to the Caucasus for defense.

"The Russian Empire has not taken much action. On the contrary, Imam Shamil has frequently sent us news recently! He hopes that our troops in the Caucasus can give them all the help we can!" Fouad Effendi told Afghanistan

Abdulmecid I said.

"Oh? That invulnerable guy! Now he wants to ask for help from us!" Abdul Meguid I asked Fuad Effendi with an interesting smile on his lips.

"Facing the huge Russian Empire, his ineffective mountain people alone cannot play a big role! They can only be used as a strategy to contain the Russian Empire. The war with the Russian Empire in the Caucasus still requires our help.

That’s right!” Fouad Effendi responded to Abdul Meguid I.

"Looking at his respect for us, allow our army to provide them with some help!" Abdul Meguid I gave the order to Fouad Effendi.

"Understood!" Fuad Meguid nodded to express his understanding.

"That's right! Don't carry out large-scale assistance!" Then, Abdul Mejid I reminded him coldly, "Otherwise, those unruly guys may become even more disobedient! We must be like training

Like fierce horses, you have to tame them!"

Fuad Effendi nodded in response to Abdul Meguid I.

After the lawyers in the Caucasus temporarily came to an end, Abdulmecid I asked Fuad Effendi when the French Empire entered the war.

Fuad Effendi told Abdul Meguid I that the French Empire had to wait until the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire officially started war before they could join the battle in a logical manner.

Hearing Fuad Effendi's words, Abdul Meguid I complained a little bit about the French Empire. They pushed the Ottoman Empire into the "pit of fire" and then stayed out of it. It really didn't look like a

"Good big brother".

Thinking this way, Abdul Meguid I still could not see any hint of complaint on his face.

Not only that, he also specially patted Fuad Effendi on the shoulder and told him to strengthen his ties with the French Empire.

Upon seeing this, Fouad Effendi made a request to Abdul Meguid I to send a team to Paris.

After hearing Fuad Efendi's request, Abdul Meguid agreed to Fuad Effendi's request without hesitation.

Under such circumstances, any form of exchange can affect the future direction between the two countries.

Of course, Abdulmecid I also hoped that the French Empire could join the war as soon as possible.

After all matters were settled, Fuad Effendi left the Ottoman Empire's palace and headed to the residence of Reshid, the new Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire.

Under the guidance of the North African slaves, Fouad Effendi entered the Reshid reception hall. Sitting on the sofa, he quietly waited for the arrival of Prime Minister Reshid.

Not long after, Prime Minister Reshid appeared in the reception hall, and the person walking side by side with him was none other than Ambassador Canning.

Fouad Effendi, who saw Ambassador Canning, quickly stood up and said hello to Ambassador Canning. After Ambassador Canning looked at Fouad Effendi, he immediately shook hands with Fouad Effendi and praised Foad.

De Effendi was the most accomplished diplomat in the Ottoman Empire.

Fouad Effendi, who heard Ambassador Canning's praise, remained humble as always.

After bidding farewell to Ambassador Canning, Reshid and Fouad Effendi sat face to face.

After a while, Reshid said: "What's the matter with you coming to my place?"

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, this is what happened..."

Fuad Effendi told Reshid everything that happened in the palace, and then watched Reshid remain silent.

"Since His Majesty has entrusted you with the matter, I can't say more! However, I hope that you will give priority to the Ottoman Empire when doing anything!" Reshid warned Fouad Effendi.

Fuad Effendi immediately told Reshid that he would prioritize the interests of the Ottoman Empire.

Subsequently, Fouad Effendi left Reshid's office.

On June 28, the mission headed by Rifat Pasha began a state visit to the French Empire under the order of Fuad Effendi.

On the other hand, an express message was sent urgently from the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Caucasus.

On June 30, the urgent express arrived in the hands of the Ottoman supreme commander of the Turkish army in the Caucasus.

The Supreme Commander of the Caucasus, who carefully read Fuad Effendi's manuscript, immediately followed Fuad Effendi's suggestion and provided support to leader Shamiled to the best of his ability.

Due to the recent liquidation of the Peace Cult tribes in the Caucasus by the Russian Imperial Army, the Ottoman Empire's garrison in the Caucasus has been completely unable to contact Shamil. They can only resort to casting a wide net to advise Shamil.

After the Ottoman Empire cast a wide net, the envoys sent out finally found Shamil hiding in the dense mountains and forests of the Caucasus.

At this time, Imam Shamil, who was heavily encircled and suppressed by the Russian Imperial Army, showed an unprecedented embarrassment.

The envoy felt an inexplicable sourness in his heart when he thought that the guy in front of him, who was surrounded and suppressed by the Russian Empire in 1834, now had to rely on the support of the Ottoman regular army.

It's like a student who is underachieving and sees that the scores of the top students in this exam are almost the same as his.

On Shamil's side, or to be precise, Shamil's subordinates looked at the ambassador in front of them with indignation.

Many people are angrily criticizing the ambassador's attitude towards these self-indulgent people.

In response to the angry rebuke from Shamil's men, the envoy directly defended himself by saying that the Ottoman Empire had not declared war on the Russian Empire. If a rescue operation was launched, the relationship between the two countries would be broken.

The emissary's explanation made the people present even more angry, and many people clamored to shoot this "traitor".

"Quiet!" Shamil said with dignity just as the crowd was getting excited.

The men who were originally high-spirited and prepared to kill the envoy with one shot suddenly stopped.

Then, Shamil came to the envoy and said: "Mr. Envoy, I have been fighting against the Russian Imperial Army here since 1834! During these nearly 20 years, our brave and tenacious fighting has caused a lot of damage to the Russian Empire.

With so much damage, I convinced the generals of the Russian Empire that I was invulnerable!"

Immediately, Shamil said in a sad tone: "How did those Russian Imperial troops know that I am not invulnerable at all! The reason why I was able to fight against the barbaric Russia time and time again was because of me and the Peace Cult tribe under my command.

The empire, my incomparable love for the great His Majesty the Sultan! It is precisely because of this pure love that I can’t live without it, that supports me in moving forward in difficult situations!”

This chapter has been completed!
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