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Chapter 432 The Ottoman Combined Fleet

Faced with Abdul Meguid I's worries, Generalissimo Mahmoud did not take them to heart at all, and even felt that Abdul Meguid I was worrying in vain.

"Your Majesty, I can assure you that even if all our fleets are destroyed by the Russian Empire, Constantinople will not be invaded by the Russian Empire!" Mahmud said to Abdul Mai in a calm and calm tone.

Jide I responded.

"Why is this?" Abdul Meguid I looked at General Mahmoud in confusion. He was suffering from anxiety and did not understand why Mahmoud was really so confident.

"Your Majesty, the British and French warships are docked in Greece now!" Mahmoud replied to Abdulmecid I: "They can join the battlefield at any time and fight alongside the Ottoman Empire!"

"But, after all, they haven't joined the battle yet! And the British fleet seems to be deliberately blocking the French fleet!" Abdulmecid I responded to Mahmoud.

After Jérôme Bonaparte issued a war warning to the Russian Empire, Valewski, who was stationed at the embassy in Constantinople, immediately sent a message to the port of Toulon to send the Mediterranean fleet stationed in the port of Toulon.

Called over.

When the French Mediterranean Fleet arrived in the waters near the Ottoman Empire, it was intercepted by the British Mediterranean Fleet.

The British Mediterranean Fleet stationed in Malta sent a request to the French Mediterranean Fleet not to continue to the Ottoman Empire.

The French Mediterranean Fleet immediately rejected the request of the British Mediterranean Fleet and claimed that they came to protect the peace and stability of the Mediterranean.

Just when France and the Mediterranean fleet were about to become tense in the waters of the Ottoman Empire, French Ambassador Valewski and British Ambassador Canning appeared and asked the fleets of both sides to calm down.

Finally, the French fleet and the British fleet headed to the Greek waters to station themselves.

The joint presence of the British and French fleets caused the Kingdom of Greece, which was originally preparing to declare war on the Ottoman Empire, to immediately stop. Under the gunfire of the British and French fleets, the Kingdom of Greece immediately gave up the idea of ​​declaring war on the Ottoman Empire.

The Kingdom of Greece could only courteously to its British godfather and French godfather to seek their protection.

When the Foreign Minister of the Ottoman Empire asked Canning why he did not allow the French Empire to fight alongside the Ottoman Empire, Canning smiled bitterly and explained to Fouad Effendi that he had received an order from Prime Minister Aberdeen, who was in

After receiving the news of the French Empire's declaration of war against the Russian Empire, he immediately sent a telegram requesting the British fleet to stop the French fleet.

Canning knew that Prime Minister Aberdeen was close to the Russian Empire, but he did not expect that he would be so close to the Russian Empire. This order was simply a joke on his political future. (Aberdeen believed that he had been implementing a strategy against France)

From the moment he received the order from Aberdeen's Prime Minister, Canning had concluded that Aberdeen's political life had completely entered the countdown stage. The next step was to see what reasons Aberdeen would collapse.

However, even if Aberdeen is close to collapse, as long as he is still serving as Prime Minister, Canning must carry out his tasks.

Canning had no choice but to explain the situation to Walewski, and after obtaining Walewski's understanding, the scene of the confrontation between the British and French fleets took place.

Otherwise, it is very likely to see the British and French Mediterranean fleets firing at each other in the Ottoman waters.

Although the French fleet cannot directly help the Ottoman Empire, French supplies are being continuously transported to Rhodes Island. As long as the Ottoman Empire suffers serious damage, the French Imperial Army can immediately join the battle.

"Your Majesty, this is the reason why I want to send a fleet to escort!" Marshal Mahmoud showed a fox-like smile, and he said to Abdul Mejid I unhurriedly: "If you say this

If the fleet suffers heavy damage, then the entire Black Sea will become the domain of the Russian Empire. By then, can Britain and France still sit idly by?"

"You mean to ask me to give up the Ottoman Empire Navy?!" Abdulmecid I asked urgently with his eyes widened.

"Your Majesty, I did not say that I would give up the Imperial Navy!" Mahmud coughed twice, spread his hands and said innocently to Abdul Meguid I: "I was just talking about a possibility.

There is a possibility of the destruction of the Imperial Fleet! Based on the comparison of the strength of the Imperial Navy and the Russian Imperial Navy, I don’t think the Russian Imperial Navy has the ability to completely annihilate our fleet!”

In traditional naval battles under solid artillery shells, it is simply impossible to completely annihilate the opponent's navy, unless there was an extreme situation like Trafalgar a few decades ago.

Mahmoud's explanation made Abdulmecid I a little moved. The Ottoman Empire alone would only lead to death, and he had to rely on the help of Britain and France.

Britain is now unwilling to help the Ottoman Empire due to certain influences, and at the same time it is unwilling to let France help the Ottoman Empire.

Abdulmecid I had to give them some stimulation, even if it meant losing some people.

Abdulmecid I paced back and forth in the empty palace, thinking about the pros and cons.

Mahmoud stood quietly and waited for Abdul Meguid I to make up his mind.

When Abdul Meguid I stopped and raised his head again, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, "Marshal Mahmoud, will our fleet really not be completely annihilated?"

"Your Majesty, please rest assured!" Mahmoud assured King Abdul Meguid I with a smile on his face and patted his chest.

"In that case, then I agree to your request! The remaining fleets of the empire will be placed under your command. Please don't let me down! Grand Marshal!" Abdul Meguid I said to Mahar in a rhetorical tone.

Maode said.

Marshal Mahmoud nodded to Abdul Meguid I with understanding.

After Grand Admiral Mahmoud left the palace and went to the Imperial Navy Headquarters, various fleet commanders at the Navy Headquarters asked Mahmoud, the "holy judge" of Abdul Meguid I.

"Don't worry! His Majesty did not blame our Navy for this matter! On the contrary, he thinks that our Navy should be praised!" Marshal Mahmoud cheerfully replied to the group of fleet commanders in front of him.

Hearing the words of Marshal Mahmoud, the fleet commanders present breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, no one wants to face the wrath of His Majesty the Sultan. Besides, the navy's problems were not caused by them in the first place.

They also hired people (British instructors) and bought equipment, but they were still not as good as the Russian Empire. What could they do?

In the final analysis, there was a problem with the Ottoman Empire's naval system itself.

Just when the fleet commanders were thinking wildly, Mahmoud spoke again: "Everyone! We must take a warning from the series of tragedies that happened in the past few days! Now, at your Majesty's request, I have reorganized a ship escort formation.

, this formation will cover most of the empire’s existing fleets, who of you is willing to serve as the commander of the fleet?”

Mahmoud looked around, and he saw the desire in the eyes of the fleet commanders around him. Undoubtedly, all the fleet commanders present wanted to command this fleet.

"Generalissimo, I think you should be in charge of this fleet personally!" came a voice from the fleet commander.

All the fleet commanders present reacted immediately, and they all expressed to Grand Marshal Mahmoud that since Mahmoud proposed this suggestion, it should be taken up by the Grand Marshal.

Mahmoud shook his head and declined: "I am already old and I really can no longer carry out long-term maritime operations. The future belongs to you people!"

The fleet commander present quickly praised Marshal Mahmoud, saying that he could still serve His Majesty the Sultan for decades, so how could he talk so lightly about his old age?

Mahmoud just smiled at these almost disgusting compliments. He was very aware of the ambitious fleet commanders under his command.

If they were given a chance to rise to the top, they would definitely replace themselves without hesitation.

"Since none of you are willing to recommend yourself, then I, the old man, will be the one to appoint you!" Mahmoud said to the fleet commander present.

"It should be like this!" All the fleet commanders present agreed with Mahmoud's suggestion.

After much thought, Mahmoud decided to choose a more reliable fleet commander to serve as the commander of the new fleet.

The commander of this escort formation does not need a brave man.

After careful screening, Mahmud selected Osman Pasha, the most reliable commander among the fleet commanders present. He believed that as long as Osman Pasha did not lead his army to carry out rash actions, even if he just parked the ship in the port of Sinop, the empire would

The navy will not suffer much damage.

Although Mahmud kept saying that he would use a fleet as a burial to induce Britain and France to take action against the Russian Empire, when it came time for him to appoint a defeated general, Mahmud was unwilling to appoint him. He was unwilling to do so.

Seeing all your hard work go up in flames.

After receiving the appointment, Osman Pasha showed confusion in his eyes. He looked at Marshal Mahmoud at a loss.

The surrounding fleet commanders also cast envious glances at Osman Pasha.

"Generalissimo, I..." Osman Pasha wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

"Protect this fleet and try to avoid unnecessary conflicts!" Marshal Mahmoud sighed and said to Osman Pasha earnestly.

"I know!" Osman Pasha responded with a nod to Mahmud.

A large Ottoman Empire fleet with four sailing battleships, eight double-decker battleships, two three-sail fast battleships and eight steam engine ships was formed. It will be responsible for maritime transportation from Sinop to the Caucasus.

Mahmoud did not know that the fleet commander he appointed would become the "culprit" in destroying the entire fleet.

This chapter has been completed!
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