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Chapter 443 Beating the Anti-Russian faction

When Prince Albert said "declaration of war" to Queen Victoria, there was a look of regret on Victoria's face.

"Poor Niki (Nicholas I's nickname), he must still be waiting for news that the Kingdom of Britain supports him, but he doesn't know that we are about to bring him bad news!" Victoria sighed heavily.

He complained to Albert beside him in one breath.

Although Queen Victoria herself had a vague feeling for Nicholas I, and she also tended to the Orthodox Church in the direction of religious belief, hoping to establish a "Greek Empire" to replace the declining Ottoman Empire, Queen Victoria was not a "real" person after all.

"Everything she imagined in controlling the King of Britain was not in the interests of Britain, and her ideas were destined to be as illusory as a castle in the air.

As the initiator of all this, Prince Albert is the one who truly controls the Queen and the entire British political situation. Everything he does is truly in line with British interests.

"Victoria!" Albert said to Queen Victoria in his magnetic low voice: "Britain's basic interest is to maintain the balance of the European continent. Everything the Russian Empire has done is destroying the original balance between the European continent.

The political landscape. Britain must take military action against such a political disruptor."

Having said this, Prince Albert paused for a moment, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said: "Besides, we have given Tsar Nicholas a chance! Aberdeen's rise to power and Palmerston and Russell's fall are both

We expressed goodwill towards the Russian Empire. However, Nicholas I repeatedly rejected our goodwill. He wanted to use force to force the entire Ottoman Empire to submit to the Russian Empire. This is something that the British Kingdom can never agree to!"

"Hmph!" Victoria wrinkled her nose and said coquettishly to Albert with an unhappy expression: "Don't you still allow us to form a joint army with the French Empire? The reason why Palmerston and Russell are so bold and reckless is also

Under your instructions!"

"The secret agreement between the Kingdom of Britain and the French Empire is nothing more than a verbal agreement! No country will regard a private agreement as an established fact!" Prince Albert denied it, and then continued to evade:

"Palmerston and Russell, these two guys who are afraid of chaos in the world, will not miss this opportunity to bring down Aberdeen even without my instructions!"

"By the way! And that Aberdeen, who can't handle even a small thing!" Queen Victoria once again pointed her cannon at the Prime Minister of Aberdeen: "You still appoint a person like this as Prime Minister! I think

You just deliberately want the British Kingdom and the Russian Empire to be at odds with each other!"

Faced with Victoria's almost "unreasonable" accusation, Prince Albert did not choose to explain to Queen Victoria, and then frankly admitted: "That's right! I just feel uncomfortable with Nicholas I. I don't like me."

My wife misses someone else’s man!”

Facts have proved that sometimes a woman doesn't care about the outcome of a thing, nor does she want to listen to your long talk. What she wants is that you care about her feelings.

Albert's rhetoric without telling the truth caused Queen Victoria to immediately change her attitude, and she began to feel proud of her charm.

"That's not bad!" Queen Victoria responded proudly, raising her head.

If you observe carefully, you can find that Queen Victoria's ears turned slightly red after Albert said this love story.

Prince Albert couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the internal conflicts in the family had been temporarily calmed down, and instead stood on the same front as Victoria on certain issues.

"However, you are right about one thing!" Albert frowned and said to Victoria in a serious tone, "I was indeed too indulgent towards Palmerston and the others. They used newspapers to lead the topic to declare war on the Russian Empire.

That’s it! Now you dare to direct the topic to the royal family. It’s really too presumptuous!”

Hearing Albert's words, Queen Victoria's eyes lit up and she asked eagerly: "Then what are you going to do?"

I saw Albert focusing on the bell placed on the fireplace. He strode to the fireplace and picked up the bell and shook it back and forth.

The bell rang loudly, and after a while, John Brown, wearing a black felt hat, a black gray button suit, a black kilt, and a pair of black leather boots, appeared in front of Albert and

In front of Victoria.

"Your Highness!" John Brown bowed respectfully to Prince Albert, then raised his head and asked meticulously: "What are your orders?"

"Invite Mr. Palmerston and Speaker Russell (Speaker of the House of Commons) to me!" Albert pointed out the two leaders who now control the anti-Russian faction in British politics and are also responsible for this incident.

The originator of.

"Your Highness, do you want them to come over now?" John Brown asked Albert.

"That's right, now!" Albert nodded and said to John Brown.


John Brown left the room, and Albert and Victoria sat on the sofa, playing chess on the table.

About half an hour later, Palmerston and Russell first arrived at the room where Victoria and Albert were.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty the Queen!" Palmerston and Russell first saluted them to show their respect.

After hearing the voices of Palmerston and Russell, Prince Albert put the "cavalry" back into the grid, raised his head and invited Palmerston and Russell with a kind smile: "Pa

Mr. Maxton, Speaker Russell, please take a seat!"

Then he turned his attention to the chessboard again.

Palmerston and Russell sat at one end of the long sofa, neither of them saying anything but quietly looking at each piece on the chessboard.

A few minutes later, Prince Albert, who was playing chess, turned to look at Palmerston and Russell again, and said, "I see that you two have been watching for such a long time. I think you two should understand chess."




Palmerston and Russell answered Albert's inquiry at the same time.

"So what do you two think about chess?" Prince Albert asked Palmerston and Russell.

"Your Highness, I don't quite understand what you mean? Could you please explain it more clearly?" Palmerston asked cautiously.

"If these chessboards represent each of us, then what do you think the two of us should be on the chessboards?" Albert asked calmly.

"Your Majesty and Your Highnesses, you are the king and queen!" Russell responded without hesitation.

"So what do you two think you represent on this chessboard?" Albert said as he pushed the "rook" towards Victoria's "king", leaving only one "pawn" in front of the king.

"Of course we are soldiers in the hands of the Queen and Her Royal Highness!" Palmerston responded immediately.

"That's right!" Speaker Russell said casually.

"Then..." Albert lengthened his voice and glanced at Queen Victoria.

Queen Victoria understood immediately.

Then a scene that horrified both Palmerston and Russell appeared. Queen Victoria's "soldiers" did not act as "cannon fodder", but moved directly to the left.

"General!" Albert's chariot drove straight in and directly killed Victoria's "King".

"I lose!" Queen Victoria admitted defeat "defeated".

"Okay! I win!!" Prince Albert smiled slightly, then looked at Palmerston and Russell.

Now Palmerston and Russell do not understand what Prince Albert means.

As "little pawns", they ignored the safety of their "king" and caused the "king" to be driven straight into the opposite side by the "chariot". Doesn't this imply that the royal family ordered the newspapers to slander the royal family during this anti-Aberdeen movement?

the behavior of.

Unfortunately, the two of them didn't want to slander the royal family at all, but as public opinion became more and more intense, they gradually lost control of their direction.

"We really didn't mean to..." Russell, who was slightly lacking in political literacy, wanted to clear Albert's suspicion.

Before Russell could finish speaking, Albert raised his hand to stop Russell, and ordered Russell and Palmerston to leave: "I'm glad that you can watch us finish a game of chess! You two can leave now!"

Now that Prince Albert has told the two of them what he wants to say in a chessboard format, how they proceed next is their own business.

On this issue, Albert just needed to end it, and he did not want to hear too many explanations from Palmerston and Russell.

After Albert clearly issued an order to expel guests, Palmerston and Russell could only leave in frustration.

After Palmerston and Russell left, Albert spoke again: "This time I have taught these two family guys a lesson! I hope they will not involve the royal family so casually next time.

In the midst of strife!”

"The game just now doesn't count! Let's play another game!" Queen Victoria, whose competitive spirit was aroused, didn't care about any lessons. Now she just wanted to win in an upright manner.

On the other hand, after returning home, Palmerston and Russell, after hearing Albert's warning, quickly summoned their friends from the newspaper and ordered them to stop reporting on Albert.

Newspapers that have tasted the sweetness are obviously unwilling to engage in such a loss-making business, and they want to continue their attack on the royal family.

However, in the end, Palmerston made a shady private deal with the newspaper.

Only then did the newspaper's attacks on the royal family subside.

This chapter has been completed!
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