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The four hundred and ninetieth chapters go to weakening

"Inform Paris of the Russian Empire's withdrawal, and remember to act quickly!"

Marshal Saint-Arnaud's urging caused Brigadier General Trochu to focus all his attention on "sending a telegram to Paris" and did not notice the expression on Marshal Saint-Arnaud's expression when he said this.

There is a hint of pain in it.

"Yes!" Brigadier General Trochu responded quickly and turned to leave.

Just when Brigadier General Trochu was about to walk out of the camp, Marshal Saint-Arnault's slightly trembling voice appeared in Trochu's ears again: "Wait a minute!"

Brigadier General Trochu turned and looked at Marshal Saint-Arnaud, his eyes seemed to be asking Marshal Saint-Arnaud if there was anything else he could do.

"After sorting out the pile of documents in the second drawer, send them to Paris as well!" Saint-Arnaud pointed to the desk and said to Brigadier General Trochu.

Brigadier General Trochu strode to the desk, opened the drawer, grabbed all the messy documents in the drawer, and left the camp.

Brigadier General Trochu came out of the camp and looked south. There was a two-story Western-style building sitting on the hillside of a hill more than 200 meters away from the camp. That was the French telegraph office.

Since the French army was stationed in the Varna area, railways, telegraphs...all the equipment that conforms to the times have appeared in this place that seems to be fixed in the Middle Ages. While providing convenience to France, it has also broadened the horizons of the residents of Varna. (Although Varna residents

The residents of Namibia do not want to broaden their horizons, they even think that the railway is the embodiment of evil)

Brigadier General Trochu entered the telegraph office and saw that the telegraph office was filled with transmitters and wires throughout the room, as well as the staff walking back and forth in the room. His expression began to become serious along with the atmosphere.

Under the leadership of the staff of the Telegraph Office, Brigadier General Trochu entered the second floor of the Telegraph Office, where he met Major Victor, who was in charge of the telegraph work of the Telegraph Office.

Major Victor, who was sitting in the telegraph office with his legs on the table, quickly put down his legs after seeing Brigadier General Trochu's arrival. He did not dare to hesitate for a moment and came to Brigadier General Trochu and said respectfully.

: "Brigadier General Trochu, why are you here!"

"The Commander-in-Chief asked me to deliver a message. The content of the message is as follows: The Russian Imperial Army has withdrawn to the Danube Principality. I hope Paris will know it!" Brigadier General Trochu said to Major Victor in a solemn tone.

"The Russian Imperial Army has retreated?!! So, we can leave!" Major Victor asked Brigadier General Trochu with a happy face.

"That's right! The Russian army has indeed retreated!" Brigadier General Trochu nodded and said to Major Victor, and then added: "However, our army's strategic goal has not been achieved yet! The retreat will take some time.


Major Victor showed a hint of disappointment on his face when he heard that the army would continue to stay in Varna for a while. After staying in the Varna area for several months, he really didn't want to stay here anymore. Everything here was worse than in France.

A lot.

Looking at Major Victor's disappointed expression, Brigadier General Trochu immediately realized that staying in the Varna area for a long time could easily deplete a soldier's fighting spirit. Soldiers who were far away from home but had nothing to do were often at risk of mutiny.

Thinking of this, Brigadier General Trochu immediately changed his attitude and reprimanded sternly with a straight face: "Major Victor, you are a soldier! Obedience is a soldier's bounden duty!"

"Yes!" Brigadier General Trochu's scolding made Major Victor tremble. He hurriedly said to Brigadier General Trochu: "I'll go right away!"

After saying that, Major Victor immediately went to the telegram sending room.

"Wait a minute!" Before Major Victor could leave the office, Brigadier General Trochu's voice appeared in Major Victor's ears.

"Sir Trochu, do you have any other orders?" Major Victor asked Trochu again.

"After sorting these out, send them to Paris as well!" Brigadier General Trochu handed the documents in his hand to Major Victor.

"Yes!" Major Victor, who took the document, entered the room where the telegram was sent and began to send the message. After a while, a "didi-didi" sound came from the transmitting room.

Brigadier General Trochu also turned and left the telegraph office.

When Brigadier General Trochu came to Marshal Saint-Arnaud again, Saint-Arnaud had already returned to normal without Brigadier General Trochu's knowledge.

"How was the telegram sent?" Marshal Saint-Arnaud, who was sitting in the rocking chair, asked Brigadier General Trochu.

"The telegram has been sent successfully! It is expected to arrive in Paris soon!" Brigadier General Trochu responded, and then hesitated for a moment before continuing: "But..."

"But what?" Marshal Saint-Arnaud asked Brigadier General Trochu.

"Marshal Your Excellency, I have made a discovery that I don't know whether to talk about or not!" Brigadier General Trochu said hesitantly to Marshal Saint-Arnaud.

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have something to say, say it quickly!" Saint Arnaud laughed and cursed, "After all, you have been following me for many years! Is there anything you can't say?"

"It's like this..." Brigadier General Trochu told Marshal Saint-Arnaud everything he found at the telegraph office.

Marshal Saint-Arnault's expression gradually changed from casual to serious: "Are you saying that there are general signs of weak morale in the entire French army?"

"I dare not say all, at least a large part of the people are like this!" Brigadier General Trochu responded to Marshal Saint-Arnaud: "Marshal, think about it! You come to a strange environment, surrounded by a group of people.

Give you people with different looks! Will you feel a sense of loneliness, will you want to go home..."

Marshal Saint-Arnault nodded subconsciously, then slapped his forehead and said to himself: "Damn it! How could I forget this!"

I think Marshal Saint-Arnaud experienced this feeling when he was in Algeria. At that time, the assault force he led almost mutinied out of excessive fear.

Now that he has become the commander-in-chief of an army, he has forgotten this incident that almost cost him his life.

"What do you think we should do now?" Marshal Saint-Arnaud asked Brigadier General Trochu.

"Marshal, I think the reason why soldiers have this kind of mentality is due to excessive relaxation!" Brigadier General Trochu confidently proposed his solution to Marshal Saint-Arnaud: "As long as we

Just let the army move again!"

"You mean to hold a military exercise?" Marshal Saint-Arnaud immediately understood what Brigadier General Trochu meant.

"That's right! Military exercises can not only make the idle army active again, but also improve the mutual cooperation between the troops and keep the army in the best condition!" Brigadier General Trochu replied to the St. Toilet.

"Okay! Let's do it!" Marshal Saint-Arnaud pointed at Brigadier General Trochu and issued an order: "You immediately appoint Brigadier General McMahon, acting commander of the first division, General Bosquet, commander of the second division, and Pelley, the acting commander of the third division.

General Xiye has come here!"

"Yes!" Brigadier Trochu responded to Marshal Saint-Arnaud and turned to leave.

About 20 minutes later, two division commanders and an acting division commander appeared in Marshal Saint-Arnaud's camp.

In the doubtful eyes of the three division commanders, Saint-Arnault announced: The French army will hold a military exercise in three days, and all three divisions will participate.

Later, Saint-Arnaud explained the purpose of the exercise to everyone present and urged them to seize the time to reorganize the army to cope with the exercise.

After receiving the order, the three people left the Marshal Saint-Arnaud barracks after asking about the location of the exercise and the size of the troops to be dispatched.

Watching the three division commanders/acting division commanders leaving, Saint-Arnaud lowered his voice and asked Brigadier General Trochu beside him: "Who do you think will be the last among them?"

After Brigadier General Trochu pondered for a moment, he put forward his final thoughts: "I think it should be Brigadier General McMahon!"

"Why? The first division should be the stronger of the three teams, right?" Marshal Saint-Arnaud asked in return.

"If Major General Canrobert is commanding the First Division, then the last one is really unpredictable, but McMahon..." Trochu spread his hands before the brigadier general and said to Marshal St. Arnaud: "Maybe he does have

Some talent, but he's just a brigadier general!"

"Yes! He is just a brigadier general!" Marshal Saint-Arnaud repeated again.

Documents from the Varna area arrived at the port of Marseille quickly via telegraph transmission, and then were immediately transferred from the port of Marseille to Paris.

This epoch-making invention enables the ruler of a country to control all the movements of an army thousands of miles away, achieving the purpose of controlling war in real time. It also changes the communication between countries on the earth from the original year, month, to

It has become the present day and hour.

If the railway transformed a decentralized market into a whole, thereby enhancing the control of the heart (central) over the body (local), then the telegraph completely controlled all the nerves of a country, enabling the country to truly and effectively control

Every piece of land nipped any possible rebellion in the bud.

After receiving the good news from the Varna region, French Foreign Minister De Ruys, who worked until midnight, left the minister's office and rushed towards the Tuileries Palace without stopping. He knew that the current emperor was probably

He hasn't slept yet, and he is most likely waiting anxiously in the office for news from the front line.

Taking a carriage from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we quickly arrived at the Tuileries Palace.

The Guards soldiers guarding the gate of the Tuileries Palace saw De Ruys's carriage through the gas lamps on both sides of the gate, and immediately opened the door and let De Ruys in.

This chapter has been completed!
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