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Chapter 603 Arrangements Before Departure

After reading the achievements and honors that should be awarded to the Marshal Red (Saint Arnaud) and the three generals (Pellisier, Canrobert, and Beaucas) who were responsible for commanding the entire Crimean War, Gérault

M. Bonaparte raised his head and nodded in approval to Couzin-Montauban: "You have done a good job in this aspect by the War Department. This method should be used for statistics!"

"This is all because of your good teaching!" Couzin Montauban replied respectfully to Jerome Bonaparte.

"This has nothing to do with me!" Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head. He didn't want to take all the credit on himself, "Let's do this! Give the department responsible for counting this list a collective credit!"

Couzin Montauban quickly expressed his gratitude to Jérôme Bonaparte on behalf of the Statistics Department of the Ministry of War.

"This is the honor they deserve!" Jérôme Bonaparte said calmly.

Then, he flipped through the first page again and looked at the content at the end.

Ranked after a marshal and three generals are the division-level chiefs of staff (military rank: brigadier general to colonel) of the first, second, and third divisions. It is precisely because they lead their staff according to the expeditionary force staff

The victory of Sevastopol Fortress was achieved only by formulating corresponding plans according to the general policy of the Ministry. Two of them, the Chiefs of Staff with the rank of brigadier general, were to be awarded the Legion of Honor (the silver quality was inferior to the medals of Canrobert and others).

First grade), a chief of staff at the rank of colonel was promoted to brigadier general.

After these three divisional chiefs of staff, McMahon and Bazin, who were familiar to Jérôme Bonaparte, appeared on the list.

As the only two sharp knives in the entire expeditionary force, the Zhuav soldiers of these two regiments can be said to have never left a war, from Silistra Fortress to Yevpatoria Landing, and then to the Battle of Alma

In the raid and the attack and defense of the Star Fortress, it can be said that McMahon and Bazin gave Jérôme Bonaparte a satisfactory answer.

If we only look at tough battles and tough battles, the contributions of McMahon and Bazin can be said to be greater than those of the three division chiefs of staff.

However, under the transformation of Jérôme Bonaparte, the current French army has gradually become an army centered on the instructions of the staff, instead of being entirely determined by the commander's personal qualities as before.

Therefore, the roles of McMahon and Bazin in the surprise operation were indeed much greater than that of the division chief of staff, and their combined contributions were far inferior to that of the division chief of staff.

Although McMahon and Bazin were listed behind the three division chiefs of staff, they were awarded the Silver Legion of Honor along with those chiefs of staff.

Next, the credit goes to the commanders of the regiments and battalions under the division.

Because many battles involve the vanguard regiments, after the battalion system determines the winner, the subsequent troops will choose to swarm up, or flee in despair.

The two victories on the Crimean battlefield were both based on the defeat of the remaining troops after the victory was decided at the regiment and battalion levels, and then the cavalry troops entered the opponent's camp and began to harvest heads.

If you are lucky, the enemy's army will be directly separated and surrounded by cavalry units after the first round, and then captured.

As for the merits of each company's troops, they are not included in the statistics of the War Department at all. Their appointment and removal power is in the hands of each division. All the War Department only needs to do is to process the list of promoted members.

After receiving instructions from the Ministry of War to compile company-level promotion lists, each unit will hand over the list of company-level cadres who have already been promoted to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War will then summarize and classify the lists.

However, although there were no names of company-level members in the list, Jérôme Bonaparte found the name of his nephew Jérôme Patterson in the last part of the list.

Jérôme Bonaparte Joseph Patterson, a member of the 1st French Division, military rank: captain, participated in the battles: Battle of Silistra, Battle of Alma, Battle of Sevastopol...

In the list of recommendations for awards, the War Department "recommended" that Captain Jerome Patterson be promoted to lieutenant colonel in an exceptional manner.

"Is this the suggestion of your War Department or the Expeditionary Force Headquarters..." Jérôme Bonaparte placed Jérôme Patterson's information in Couzin, Montauban and Niel.

Ask them in front of you.

"Your Majesty, this is the suggestion of the expeditionary force headquarters!" Niel responded quickly, "They also said that Captain Jerome Patterson performed his duties in the above-mentioned battles and was worthy of the Bonaparte family name!


"Yes!" Couzin Montauban also agreed.

"Even so, promotion cannot be made out of the ordinary!" Jérôme Bonaparte said firmly.

Jérôme Bonaparte looked at what his nephew was doing in the Crimean War, and he found that Jerome Patterson was either serving as Canrobert's adjutant or serving as Pelissy.

Ye's temporary adjutant did not really go deep into the grassroots at all. All he did was to convey the instructions of Canrobert or Pelissier.

Therefore, Jérôme Bonaparte absolutely disagrees with the Expeditionary Force Headquarters’ proposal to upgrade the army to two levels at once.

He would rather let his nephew's career in the army be slower and more stable, rather than let him reach the top in one step.

Although on the surface it seems that it is easier to establish power at level 3 than at level 3, but this kind of power is like a sandcastle on the beach that cannot withstand any impact.

Just like Jérôme Bonaparte's own father, Prince Montfort, despite the title of Marshal of the Empire that he currently wears on his head, his prestige in the army is not to mention compared to that of Saint Arnaud.

Marshal Reignault, the commander of Strasbourg, cannot be compared with him. All his titles are based on the fact that Jerome Bonaparte himself is the emperor of the empire.

The establishment of any power cannot be built overnight. It requires the accumulation of contacts bit by bit to succeed.

If Jerome Patterson is promoted to major, it will be more in line with his merits, and it will also give people a sense of stability.

Being promoted to lieutenant colonel is obviously a forced promotion.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?" Couzin Mombonto asked cautiously.

"Promoted to major, and then awarded a knighthood (fourth degree)!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Couzin-Monbonto.

"Yes!" Kuzan Monbonto replied quickly.

Later, Jérôme Bonaparte put down the list in his hand and asked Couzin, Mombonto and Niel: "By the way! You two departments also need to draw up one!"

"Are we still going to draw up?" Couzin Montauban looked at Jérôme Bonaparte in confusion. He didn't understand what Jérôme Bonaparte meant.

"Yes! You two departments also need to draft one. I said that the honor of war belongs not only to the soldiers who fight in blood on the front line, but also to the logistics department that provides support to the front line soldiers! Without them to provide ammunition supplies to the front line soldiers, I am afraid that the front line soldiers will

We can only fight the enemy with our bare hands!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Couzin Montauban and Niel with a clear logic, and then added: "However, the awards of your two departments,

Promotions need to wait until the end of the war! You only need to record those who performed well during the war, and then wait until the war is over to give them rewards!"

Couzin Montauban and Niel nodded, saying that they would definitely do what Jérôme Bonaparte said, and at the same time asked Jerome Bonaparte if he could disclose it to their department subordinates in advance.

This news.

"You can't mobilize them by voluntarily disclosing it! You have to make them think that you discovered it yourself!" Jérôme Bonaparte showed a wicked smile on his lips: "People always like to do things in secret!"

Couzin, Montauban and Niel immediately stated that they would do what Jérôme Bonaparte said.

"Okay! Now that all the preparations have been made, when do you think I should set off?" Jérôme Bonaparte gently touched his chin and asked Couzin, Montauban and Niel.

"Your Majesty, I think it is better to let the Ministry of War handle this matter! You only need to stay in Paris!" After many days, Couzin Montauban once again suggested that Jérôme Bonaparte should not leave.


Although the empire has used successive victories to conquer the people of Paris, there is no guarantee that there will be no mistakes. If the guys lurking in the dark start a rebellion again after Jerome Bonaparte leaves, the empire may have to

Facing destruction.

"This matter is non-negotiable! I must go to Constantinople in person!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Couzin Montauban uncompromisingly.

"Yes!" Facing the powerful Jérôme Bonaparte, Couzin Montauban had no choice but to surrender.

"While I'm away, Niel!" Jérôme Bonaparte turned his attention to Niel.

"Here!" Niel's heart beat a few times faster when he heard Jérôme Bonaparte call his name.

"You will be in charge of the army!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Niel: "All the troops in Paris must not be mobilized without permission!"

"Yes!" Niel replied decisively.

"As for the government, I will appoint a person! You just need to work with him!" Jérôme Bonaparte continued: "Set the departure time on July 20th! From now until I arrive in Jun

During this period in Constantinople, no news can be leaked! If anyone leaks the news..."

Jerome Bonaparte snorted coldly, and the meaning was self-evident.

After Couzin-Montauban and Niel left, Jérôme Bonaparte ordered Mokar to call Minister of Justice Rouet.

About half an hour later, Minister of Justice Rouet appeared in Jérôme Bonaparte's office.

"Rue, sit down! I have something to discuss with you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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