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Chapter 784 Monetary Union Signed

As soon as Count Algu finished speaking, the representatives from the surrounding countries once again applauded Count Algu's speech.

Immediately afterwards, Count Algu put forward his plan.

In view of the large gap between the gold and silver reserves of the countries participating in the conference and France, the Count of Argoux system, and the countries participating in the European Monetary Union from now on, should be based on the French imperial monetary system, that is, the gold content of the main currency determines the gold content of each country.

The franc is 0.2903325 grams of gold or 4.5 grams of silver, which can be circulated in all countries that have signed a national currency union.

"Everyone, what do you think?" Count Argu asked the representatives present.

Representatives from various countries looked at each other, and no one dared to speak.

"Everyone, you can speak freely now! This monetary union meeting invites you to come and discuss together. Every country has the right to speak. Even if what is said is wrong, no one will blame you!"

It was not until Jérôme Bonaparte's voice reached the ears of the representatives from various countries that the representatives from various countries started whispering among themselves.

After about five minutes, the representative of the Kingdom of Württemberg was the first to stand up and asked: "Representative Algu, I have a question for you. I wonder if you are willing to answer it for me!"

Count Argu glanced at the Württemberg representative. He knew that the Württemberg representative in front of him was Jérôme. Bonaparte invited him to ask for help, and his role was to attract others.

So Count Algu responded with a smile: "Of course!"

"What I would like to ask Representative Argu is, you just said that you will build a monetary system based on the franc currency. Does that mean that the currencies of all our countries must have the same specifications and styles as the franc!"

The Kingdom of Württemberg focused on the core currency issuance rights, which is also an issue of greatest concern to all countries participating in the meeting.

If the currencies of all countries were to replicate the franc on a one-to-one basis, then their countries would be equivalent to losing part of their currency issuance rights.

This is an unacceptable thing for some countries (such as Naples, Greece).

Of course, for a small number of countries that were originally highly consistent with the French Empire (Swiss franc, Belgian franc), this was an insignificant matter.

"Of course not!" Count Argu shook his head decisively and said to the ambassador of the Kingdom of Württemberg, and then still smiled and assured everyone present: "Representatives, please rest assured that the French Empire will never force any country to do what they do.

Things you don’t want to do.

The franc system I just mentioned is just a measurement standard, and the styles of gold and silver coins can be completely determined according to the national conditions of your country!"

As he spoke, Count Argoux took out a gold coin worth 5 francs from his pocket.

The gold coin was sparkling, and it looked like it had just been minted. The front of the gold coin was a reduced version of the map of France (if the currency itself was not too small, Jérôme Bonaparte was planning to add Algiers to the gold coin), and the reverse was a miniature map of France.

It is a map of all Europe.

"This is the new currency we minted!" Count Argu handed the 5-franc gold coin to the representative of the Kingdom of Württemberg.

Württemberg took the currency from Count Argu, looked at it carefully for a long time, and then handed the currency back to Count Argu.

After Count Argu took the currency, he handed it to the Sardinian representative beside him and told him that after he had read it, he would pass it on to the next person.

The Sardinian representative also looked at it carefully for about half a minute and handed it to the Belgian representative next to him.

Then, the Belgian representative handed it over to the Swiss representative...

After all the representatives had finished reading, nearly 7 or 8 minutes had passed, and the gold coins returned to Count Argu's hands.

Count Argu said to everyone present, "You are free to engrave whatever you like on the gold coins, but you must ensure that the weight of each gold coin you mint must be consistent with French standards, otherwise

France will not recognize the currency in your hands.

It will also not be exchanged!”

"What is the exchange ratio of gold coins to silver coins in the French Empire?" the representative of the Kingdom of Württemberg asked again.

"1 to 15!" Count Argu replied to the representative of the Kingdom of Württemberg, and then added, "But this is not as good as being fixed! In the absence of huge changes in the international gold and silver market, France

The ratio of 1:15 will always be adhered to.

I can assure you that even if the price of silver coins in the international market drops slightly, France's exchange rate will not change.

Unless a very large-scale silver mine is discovered in the international market, which affects the price of silver in the international market, France will consider changes in the gold-silver ratio as appropriate.

Until then, you don’t have to worry about the fluctuations in silver prices!”

After hearing Count Algu's assurance, the representatives of various countries had a stronger desire to join the alliance.

After all, what every small country hates most is the ups and downs of silver prices, which will have a huge impact on the silver they hoard.

Now as long as they join France's European Monetary Union, the currency in their hands will not fluctuate as before.

Moreover, some countries can also rely on France's endorsement to issue bank notes.

With the credibility of France on its back, there will definitely be many people willing to pay for the bank notes.

"Representative Argu, I also have a question!" The Belgian representative stood up and asked Count Argu.

"Please speak!" Count Argu replied to the Belgian representative with a calm expression.

"What is the maximum denomination of currency issued between countries, and what is the minimum denomination!" The Belgian representative asked Count Argu.

"My suggestion is that the maximum amount should not exceed 100 francs, and the minimum amount should not be less than 20 centimes!" Count Argu replied to the Belgian representative: "Currency larger than 100 francs is inconvenient to carry! After all, one franc contains about 0.3 grams of gold.

, a gold coin of 100 francs requires 30 grams of gold! If gold coins of 200 francs and 300 francs are minted, 60 grams and 120 grams of gold will be needed, so the gold coins must be larger!

In this case, it is better to bring more gold coins.

If it is less than 20 centimeters, the silver content is too little.

It’s okay to use it as a auxiliary currency in your own country, but don’t take it out!”

"I understand!" The Belgian representative sat down again.

"Everyone, do you have any other questions you want to ask?" Count Algu asked everyone present again.

This time, no one was asking questions.

Later, Count Argoux continued: "Any country that joins the currency union can mint gold coins with face values ​​of 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, and 1 franc, and can also mint 5, 2, 1 franc, and 50 and 20 centimes.

of silver coins!”

The representatives from various countries nodded one after another, and Count Algu began to ask the representatives of each country which country was willing to join the currency union.

The Kingdom of Württemberg, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Papal States expressed their willingness to join the monetary union, and Switzerland, Sweden and Naples also followed suit and expressed their willingness to follow the French Big Brother.

Now only the Kingdom of Greece remains without any perversion.

Since the vast majority of countries are willing to join the rules set by France, Count Argu simply does not wait for a certain country.

After all, France is also a country that cares about face.

Therefore, Count Argoux immediately decided to end the discussion of the monetary union meeting: "Okay! I will sign the monetary union agreement with you tomorrow. I hope you can arrive at the Louvre on time!"

After finishing speaking, Count Argoux did not care at all about the feelings of the representatives of the Kingdom of Greece, and turned to Jérôme Bonaparte to report: "Your Majesty, we are finished!"

"I understand!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded and responded to Count Argu, and then he stood up and said to the representatives of various countries: "I am very happy that you can stand here for the unification of European currency!

This currency union can be said to be the most progressive one in Europe since the Enlightenment. I believe that in the near future the monarchies of all Europe will be able to establish (the Swiss Confederation expressed embarrassment) a community of shared destiny throughout Europe!"

After saying this, Jerome Bonaparte also received warm applause from everyone present.

"Okay, everyone! It's time for us to report this good news to the outside world!" Jérôme Bonaparte greeted everyone present to leave the Louvre.

Representatives from various countries followed Jérôme Bonaparte and left the Louvre in a grand procession. When they walked out of the gate of the Louvre, they were immediately squatted by reporters stationed at the Louvre.

However, before these reporters could reach Jérôme Bonaparte, they were stopped by soldiers.

"Let them come over!" Jérôme Bonaparte waved his hand and said to the soldiers.

The soldiers obeyed Jérôme Bonaparte's order and moved out of the way, allowing the reporter to get close to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Dear His Majesty the Emperor, I am a reporter from the "National Newspaper"! May I ask what step has been taken in the monetary union initiated by you this time? Can you please disclose it conveniently?"

"If I say I have no comment, then you will definitely not be happy!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded calmly to the reporter of the National newspaper: "All I can tell you now is that the conversation between us was very

What a pleasure! The time for signing the agreement is very close!”

After the reporter of "National" finished asking questions, the royal newspaper "Observer" also asked Jérôme Bonaparte, but he did not ask the same question as "National".

The Observer asked Jérôme Bonaparte what he thought, and Jérôme Bonaparte also responded to the Observer in an unofficial way.

Immediately afterwards, Rastignac appeared again. He told reporters with a serious expression that their question time was over, so don't hinder His Majesty!

The reporter was obviously unwilling to give up, so Rastignac immediately led people to disperse the reporter.

Jérôme Bonaparte took a deep look at Rastignac, and then led the representatives from various countries to the Tuileries Palace.

This chapter has been completed!
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