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Chapter 902 Wayang suits soft

"Your Majesty, I promise that it will be completed on time!"

Alfonso Chassepo responded to Jérôme Bonaparte in an excited tone.

For Alfonso Xacepo at this moment, no amount of money could compare to the fact that his weapons were valued by the emperor, which made him feel even more proud.

"I'm waiting for your good news at the Tuileries Palace!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Alfonso Chassepo with a smile on his lips.

Immediately afterwards, Jérôme Bonaparte asked Alfonso Chassepo if he had given this machine gun a suitable name.

Alfonso Chassepo shook his head and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Because the weapon was developed not long ago, I haven't bothered to give it a name yet."

Alfonso Xacepo paused and then said: "If your Majesty doesn't mind, this multi-barreled shotgun can be called the "Napoleon Shotgun"!"

"No!" Jérôme Bonaparte decisively rejected Alfonso Chassepo's suggestion and proposed a new name. "Since this gun was invented by you, then call it Chassebo."

Machine gun "Let's go!"

"Xia Sepo machine gun?" Alfonso Xia Sepo muttered to himself.

"That's right! Chassebo machine gun!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Alfonso Chassebo in a determined tone.

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In this way, the world's first true machine gun (Mondini's one is an upgraded version of the discharge gun to be precise) was born in the hands of Alfonso Chacepo.

"Your medals and bonuses will be distributed together after the Xia Sebo machine gun is completely formed!" Jérôme Bonaparte once again promised Alfonso Xia Sepo and others.

"Yes!" Alfonso Xacepo responded in a sonorous tone.

Paul Mauser and William Mauser also had smiles on their faces. They also contributed to the design of the "Xia Sebo Machine Gun". They will definitely be indispensable when judging merit.

of that portion.

"Okay, it's getting late! We should go back!" Jérôme Bonaparte raised his head, squinted at the fireball hanging in the sky, then lowered his head and looked at Alfonso Chasse

Bo gave the order: "I'll leave the finishing work of the shooting range to you!"

Then, Jérôme Bonaparte, Nière, and Vaillant left the shooting range under the watchful eyes of Alfonso Chassepo and others.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who was walking slowly on the cement road in the park, looked at the vehicle frame getting closer and closer to them. He stopped and asked slowly: "Minister Vaillant, now you still think the new tactics are

Are there no necessary tactics?”

Minister Vaillant looked stunned, then lowered his head and responded to Jérôme Bonaparte in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I lost!"

The appearance of the Xiasebo machine gun was like an elephant stepping on the scales, completely crushing Minister Wayang.

At this time, Minister Wayang believed that even the most conservative-minded soldiers would not think of concentrating their troops in one place and launching an attack when they saw the terrifying shooting speed of the Xiasebo machine gun.

Unless the commander commanding this army is crazy.

[The Russo-Japanese War Nogi Nogi Nogi and the British Army in World War I expressed great praise.]

"Nière, did you hear that?" Jérôme Bonaparte smiled and said to Nière, Chief of Staff, "Our Minister of War chose to surrender so quickly!

The speed of your surrender has already surpassed the time it took for us to defeat the Kingdom of Prussia.

By the way, how many days did it take for us to defeat the Kingdom of Prussia?"

"Seven days!" Niel's chief of staff immediately replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Yes, yes! Seven days!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded and responded to Niel.

Minister Wayang did not speak, but silently endured the teasing from the emperor.

"Since Minister Vaillant has chosen to admit defeat, according to the bet, you must treat us to a meal!" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Minister Vaillant: "Are you going to invite us to your home for a meal, or are you going to the Louvre?"

Dining inside the Palace Hotel!”

"Your Majesty, you have the final say!" Minister Vaillant "consciously" handed over the right to choose the dining place to Jérôme Bonaparte.

After Jerome Bonaparte thought for a while, he turned to Niel and asked: "Niel, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I think it would be better to have dinner at Minister Wayan's home!" Niel replied seriously.

"Minister Vaillant, did you hear that?" Jérôme Bonaparte turned to Vaillant and said, "Why don't you lead the way!"

"Ah!" Minister Vaillant showed a hint of surprise on his face. He didn't expect His Majesty Emperor Jérôme Bonaparte to want to dine there right now.

"Ah what!" Jérôme Bonaparte raised his eyebrows slightly, "I am willing to admit defeat!"

"But... Your Majesty, this is too sudden! I haven't even asked anyone to prepare... Can you come over some time later?" Minister Vaillant proposed an extension to Jérôme Bonaparte. "

"Of course..." Jérôme Bonaparte replied in a long voice: "...Of course not! We must go now!"

"Yes!" Minister Wayang had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After Jérôme and Bonaparte left the Northern Industrial Park in a carriage, they headed south.

After driving for nearly twenty minutes, the carriage finally arrived near the Bois de Boulogne on the outskirts of Paris, where Minister Vaillant's residence was located.

When the carriage stopped at the gate of the mansion, the concierge who was responsible for guarding the gate of the mansion saw an unknown carriage (Jérôme Bonaparte rarely rode in gorgeous carriages, and all carriages were no different from ordinary carriages.

This made it difficult for people to judge from the carriage who was riding in the carriage.) He hurried to the side of the carriage and stood on tiptoe to look at the situation inside the carriage.

Since the windows of the carriage were hung with yellow-gray curtains, the porter could only vaguely see the number of people in the carriage, but could not clearly see who was in the carriage.

After a few seconds, the curtains slowly opened and Minister Wayang's face appeared in front of the concierge. The concierge was shocked and hurriedly ran to the driver and said, "Come in!"

The driver drove the carriage straight in and parked the carriage near the main entrance of the mansion.

Vaillant, Niel and Jérôme Bonaparte got off the carriage one after another. Jérôme Bonaparte, who got off the carriage, looked at the gorgeously decorated mansion standing in front of him and couldn't help but praise: "Vaillan"

Minister Yang, you have put a lot of effort into decorating this mansion!"

"Your Majesty, you have done me a favor!" Minister Vaillant humbly replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Then, Jérôme Bonaparte, Niel and Vaillant entered the main hall.

When the housekeeper in the mansion saw the arrival of Minister Wayang, he showed a surprised expression on his face. He didn't understand why the minister who usually didn't go home at noon on weekdays suddenly came back at noon.

So, the butler hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to Minister Wayang: "Welcome back, master!"

"Where is Madam?" Minister Wayang asked the housekeeper after looking around for a while.

"Madam..." There was a trace of embarrassment on the butler's face, "Madam, you should still be at the opera house now!"

After hearing the butler's answer, Minister Wayang also couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression on his face. Of course he knew the purpose of his wife going to the opera house.

To a certain extent, his wife's actions were all with his tacit approval.

After all, a person in his fifties will inevitably feel powerless, and his wife is just a young woman in her thirties.

But now Emperor Jerome Bonaparte is at the palace, but his wife is still at the opera house, which is simply embarrassing.

"Why don't you hurry up and call her back!" Minister Wayang angrily scolded the housekeeper.

"Yes!" The housekeeper was startled and hurriedly responded to Minister Wayang.

After the key left, Minister Vaillant showed a forced smile and explained to Jérôme Bonaparte: "My wife likes opera so much, so she often goes to the opera house!"

"Yes!" Jerome Bonaparte responded lightly. He did not want to stay on this topic for too long.

The opening up of Paris is a kind of unspoken opening, rather than an openness that can be stated openly.

In today's mainstream society in Paris, although there are some discordant voices, the mainstream still advocates loyalty and morality.

After a while, Minister Wayang's wife appeared in the living room.

Originally careless, she immediately showed an expression of disbelief on her face when she saw Jérôme Bonaparte sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!" Minister Vaillant's wife said to Jérôme Bonaparte slightly nervously.

"Hello! Madam Alainde!" Jérôme Bonaparte said with a smile to the lady in her thirties.

Immediately afterwards, Jerome Bonaparte followed the basic etiquette and kissed the back of Alliande's hand. Mrs. Alliande also kissed the back of Jerome Bonaparte's hand.

Later, Jérôme Bonaparte told Madame Alliande that he was going to have dinner in the mansion.

"This..." Mrs. Alliande thought for a moment and then told Jérôme Bonaparte.

There are not many kinds of food in the mansion at present, so I'm afraid I won't be able to make many expensive dishes.

You don’t need too many dishes, too much is a waste, just prepare some casually.

"Please wait a moment, I will go to the kitchen right now!" Mrs. Alliande replied to Jérôme Bonaparte, and then turned and went to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Alénde appeared again. She told Jerome Bonaparte that she had ordered the kitchen to prepare lunch for Jerome Bonaparte and expected it to be completed in two hours.

Jerome Bonaparte also took advantage of this time to play chess with Niel and Vaillant respectively.

During this period, Mrs. Alliande, the mistress of the mansion, did not sit next to the man of the house. Instead, she kept trying to get closer to Jerome Bonaparte.

If Jérôme Bonaparte hadn't chosen to sit on the single sofa later, Mrs. Alliande would have been close to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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