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Chapter 924 Chasaipo machine gun equipment and preparations before the meeting

With the advent of summer, the weather in Paris has gradually begun to change. An hour ago it was sunny and sunny, and an hour later it started to become dark clouds, and then it started to rain.

The pattering light rain dispelled the scorching heat that lasted for half a day in Paris, bringing refreshingness to Paris. Under the continuous erosion of raindrops, Paris' cement pavement that had accumulated dust for a long time immediately became brand new.

At this moment, Jerome Bonaparte, who was sitting in the study and concentrating on his work, also heard the ticking sound coming from the window. He put down his pen, raised his head and looked at the window, then went straight to the window and opened the closed window.

, stretched out his hand and felt the raindrops outside the window.

After a while, the rain wet Jerome Bonaparte's palms, and a small handful of rainwater also accumulated in his palms.

"The rain is not bad!" Jerome Bonaparte muttered in a low voice, then opened his hand and flicked it gently, and the water in his palm was thrown away and fell towards the ground.

Jerome Bonaparte retracted his hand, then closed the window tightly, turned around and returned to his desk to continue working.

After a while, Basilio appeared in Jérôme Bonaparte's study and reported to Jérôme Bonaparte the results of the fourth round of tests of the Chassebo machine gun.

After Jérôme Bonaparte took a look at the results of the fourth round of tests, he nodded with satisfaction and said to Basilio: "Not bad! You sent someone to Norinco and told them that the machine gun can be opened up for mass production.


"Yes!" Basilio responded.

"By the way, one more thing! Wait a moment, send a carriage to the Rothschild Mansion and invite Alphonse Rothschild over!" Jerome Bonaparte then gave an order to Basilio


Basilio also nodded to express his understanding.

Afterwards, Basilio left the study, and Jerome Bonaparte continued to work in the study.

Another two hours passed, and the rain outside the window gradually began to weaken.

The sky in Paris also began to become brighter than before.

Feeling the change in light in the room, Jérôme Bonaparte raised his head again and glanced at the grandfather clock located in the corner. The time had reached five-twenty in the afternoon.

There is still an hour and forty minutes left before dinner starts.

Immediately afterwards, Jérôme Bonaparte took another look at the few documents left on the table for review and modification. He put down his pen and stood up and said: "Forget it, let's do this for now!"

Jérôme Bonaparte left the chair and opened the door and entered the corridor of the Tuileries Palace.

After seeing Jerome Bonaparte, an attendant who happened to be passing by the study hurriedly walked to Jerome Bonaparte and asked: "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"There are no orders at the moment!" Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head and said. However, after looking around with his peripheral vision in the next second, he responded to the attendant: "It's getting late, and there will be many people along the way.

Let’s light candles in all the corridors and halls!

Wait a moment, there will be important guests coming!"

"Yes!" the attendant replied to Jerome Bonaparte, and then turned around and did as Jerome Bonaparte asked.

Jérôme Bonaparte walked alone in the corridor of the Tuileries Palace and soon arrived at the room where Frederick was.

When he opened the door and entered the room, Queen Augusta was sitting on the sofa with Frederick in her arms. There were a group of attendants in brown maid uniforms around them.

The maid who was standing by the sofa at any time saw Jerome Bonaparte's arrival and quickly saluted Jerome Bonaparte.

"You go down first!" Jérôme Bonaparte waved his hand gently and said to them.

Upon seeing this, the maids left the room one after another, and then Jerome Bonaparte sat down next to Queen Augusta. He reached out his hand and gently teased Frederic Bonaparte.

Frederic Bonaparte had a happy smile on his face, and his fleshy little hands tried to grab Jerome Bonaparte's hand, and kept shouting: "Dad!"

After Jérôme Bonaparte saw Frederic Bonaparte, his slightly tired heart was instantly healed.

Why is he working so hard? Is it not so that the Bonaparte family can continue to stay in the position of emperor, so that Frederick Bonaparte does not have to work as hard as he does.

Seeing this, Augusta, who was sitting next to Jerome Bonaparte, handed Frederick Bonaparte directly into Jerome Bonaparte's arms, and then asked Jerome Bonaparte

Why did you "get off work" so early?

"Isn't this just to spare more time for you and Friedrich?" Jerome Bonaparte lied without blushing or heartbeat.

"Don't come!" Queen Augusta gave Jérôme Bonaparte a rolling look, but a sweet smile still appeared on her lips.

Although Augusta knew very well that the reason why Jerome Bonaparte left work so early was probably to meet Alphonse Rothschild, it was enough for him to say this!

"Really!" Jerome Bonaparte responded with a serious expression.

Queen Augusta's smile grew even wider, and then she asked Jérôme Bonaparte if she needed to attend tonight's dinner!

"It depends on Alphonse Rothschild! If he brings his wife there, then he will have to trouble the Queen to guide his wife to another restaurant for dinner!" Jérôme Bonnet

Ba responded to Queen Augusta.

"Buy it!" Queen Augusta nodded and said to Jerome Bonaparte. Then she took a look at her clothes and asked Jerome Bonaparte: "Should I change my clothes?


"Queen, no matter what you wear, you can reveal a noble and elegant temperament!" Jerome Bonaparte became rich again, Augusta ridiculously praised.

Queen Augusta said with a smile, "This is what you said, I won't change it!"

"No!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded quickly to Queen Augusta, then changed the topic and said: "I think a change of clothes can better highlight your noble and elegant temperament as an imperial queen.


"Your Majesty, I am willing to accept your criticism!" Queen Augusta also said to Jerome Bonaparte in a teasing tone.

Then, Jerome Bonaparte handed Frederick Bonaparte to the maid in charge of dressing Frederick, and prepared to go to another room with Augusta to change clothes.

Looking at Jérôme Bonaparte and Augusta gradually going away, Frederic Bonaparte couldn't help crying.

"I..." Hearing Friedrich's cry, Queen Augusta couldn't help but want to return to the room again.

Jérôme Bonaparte took hold of Queen Augusta's hand and shook his head at Queen Augusta.

Augusta had no choice but to leave Friedrich's room and go to the room where the dress was.

When Jerome Bonaparte and Augusta entered the dressing room, they were immediately surrounded by maids. They asked Jerome Bonaparte what clothes he needed to change.

"Just give me a change of military uniform! As for Augusta..." Jérôme Bonaparte turned his attention to Queen Augusta, and he indicated that Augusta could make her own choice.

Queen Augusta told her maid that she needed a simple and elegant dress.

"Your Majesty, Queen, please whichever of you two comes with us!"

Under the leadership of the maid, Jerome Bonaparte and Augusta entered their respective dressing rooms.

After changing clothes and putting on makeup for nearly half an hour, Jérôme Bonaparte, wearing a sky blue breasted military uniform, walked out of the dressing room.

After waiting quietly at the door of the dressing room for a long time, Queen Augusta, who had changed into a pure white dress, also walked out.

"It's so beautiful!" Jérôme Bonaparte couldn't help praising Queen Augusta.

Queen Augusta smiled slightly, and then stretched out her hand.

Jerome Bonaparte gently took Augusta's hand with his hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed it.

The two of them arrived arm in arm at a certain reception room on the first floor, where they would wait for Alphonse Rothschild's arrival.

The time soon came to 6:40, and Basilio also brought Jerome Bonaparte the latest news about Alphonse Rothschild.

Alphonse Rothschild and his wife had already boarded the carriage at the Tuileries Palace. Jérôme Bonaparte glanced at Queen Augusta and said: "Queen, I have to let you go now."


"Don't worry!" Queen Augusta replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

At 6:50, Alphonse Rothschild and his wife walked arm in arm into the hall of the Tuileries Palace.

Basilio, who had been waiting here for a long time, hurriedly said to Alphonse Rothschild: "Mr. Alphonse, your Majesty has ordered your wife to go to another restaurant for dinner!"

Alphonse Rothschild let go of his wife's hand and followed Basilio to the restaurant where Jerome Bonaparte was.

When Alphonse Rothschild entered the restaurant, he saw Jerome Bonaparte sitting at the main seat.

"Please sit down, Mr. Alphonse!" Jérôme Bonaparte stretched out his hand and asked Alphonse Rothschild to sit down.

Alphonse Rothschild bowed to Jerome Bonaparte, and then sat in Jerome Bonaparte's room.

Immediately afterwards, the attendants serving Jerome Bonaparte and Alphonse Rothschild poured wine for them.

Jérôme Bonaparte raised it and said to Alphonse Rothschild: "This glass is dedicated to France!"

Alphonse Rothschild had no choice but to pick up the glass and drink it all in one gulp.

After a glass of wine, Jerome Bonaparte said to Alphonse Rothschild: "Mr. Alphonse, you are a smart man!

I won’t beat around the bush with you, the reason why I called you here is to hope that you can raise the Rothschild flag again at the Bank of France!”
This chapter has been completed!
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