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Chapter 181 Who agrees? Who opposes?

In this meeting, I'm afraid many people would never have imagined that there would be a winner on one side and a loser on the other, sitting together to discuss an issue.

Let alone discussion, this can lead to a direct fight!

Since you have already won the battle and won, why should you listen to the loser?

We are already miserable enough, so don’t worry about killing people, just give people a way to survive!

Therefore, in the opinion of Liu Bowen, who was very strict about integrity, he would rather commit suicide than come to participate.

But unexpectedly, Tamerlane was also very interested.

He was the first to stand up, "I would like to talk about the failure of the Yuan Dynasty... If you want to say, the failure of the Yuan Dynasty was due to the employment of people. They were extravagant at the top and greedy at the bottom. They listened to slanders and relied on villains. If they governed the country in this way, there would be no natural reason for it not to perish.


Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "That's very good, but I still heard some resentment!"

He shook his head vigorously and corrected himself: "It's not resentment, it's a pain that cuts through the skin and penetrates to the bone marrow!"

Zhang Ximeng actually followed the good advice and said, "Okay, it really hurts my skin. I would like to ask the big guys for advice. I would also like to start with the issues discussed by Tamerlane: extravagance at the top and greed at the bottom, giving priority to villains, and even listening to slander and deposing loyal ministers... This happened in the Song Dynasty...

Have you ever done this?"

With one sentence, everyone present turned their attention and asked, "What else are you asking?"

Not only did he do it before, he did it even harder than in Mongolia!

There are several people kneeling in front of the Yuewang Temple!

Zhang Ximeng saw that everyone felt something, but was unwilling to speak, so he simply went deeper into the question, "So, the Song Dynasty is also a country that deserves to be destroyed?"

Now everyone looked embarrassed. Do they deserve to die?

Zhu Sheng coughed twice and thought about it and said, "You still can't say that. Although the Song Dynasty was weak in benevolence, it was still a Chinese attire, and its treatment of the people was generous. The people's livelihood and the administration were far superior to the Mongolians, so they were not without merit!"


When he said this, several people immediately nodded in agreement, including Tao An and Li Xi. Tao An even said: "Now among the red scarves, there is a talk of restoring the Song Dynasty. I think the Song Dynasty is still good.


Zhang Ximeng's smile did not fade and he continued to ask: "Since the Song Dynasty was good, why did it perish? Was it because the king was stupid or because the ministers were incompetent? Or was it because the soldiers were cowardly?"

Zhang Ximeng's eyes swept over everyone, and he chuckled slightly, "You guys can't say that the destiny is not there, and the dragon's energy is heading north, right?"

Everyone was startled. This matter is indeed difficult to explain. It seems that destiny is the safest theory! But Zhang Ximeng blocked it in advance. Who has a better excuse?

At this time, Liu Ji, who was at the end of the crowd, had his brows twitching wildly and was horrified. He could naturally tell that Zhang Ximeng despised the Yuan Dynasty and looked down on the Song Dynasty. He even made fun of the theory of destiny, which touched the foundation of Confucianism's connection between heaven and man.

Liu Bowen felt that he had to speak. Even if he spoke happily and died, he was willing to do so.

Thinking of this, Liu Bowen mustered up his courage, stood up proudly, and spoke righteously: "After more than three hundred years in the Zhao and Song Dynasties, rituals and music collapsed, and the destiny was no longer there. The dragon's spirit flew north, the saint was born in the desert, and the Mongol army was invincible and rampant in the world.

, Attack must be taken, and battle must be won! Isn’t this destiny? Could it be that if you become a rebel, you don’t even fear God?”

Lao Liu directly called Zhang Ximeng a thief, and of course Zhu Yuanzhang was also a thief. This was a death-seeking act. Lao Zhu was furious and seemed to be about to take action. Liu Bowen also wanted to kill him at the neck, and he was killed.

But Zhang Ximeng's smile remained unabated and he didn't care. He actually turned his head to Timur.

"He said that Genghis Khan was destined by fate and had the dragon spirit in his body, so that he could sweep across the world and create the huge Yuan Dynasty. As Mongols, what do you think?"

"This..." Timur gritted his teeth first, struggled for a long time, and then sighed: "Zhang Qingcheng, I look down on the current Emperor Yuanting, but you want me to scold Genghis Khan, this man can't do it! Think about that time

, We Mongolia started from the beginning, destroyed the Jin Kingdom, pacified Xixia, destroyed countless countries to the west, and then attacked and destroyed the Song Dynasty to unify the world. Now that I think about it, it is really our destiny!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled slightly, and this time he focused on Zhu Yuanzhang, "My lord, Liu Ji is a Han scholar. He said that Yuan Ting had destiny, and Timur also said that Genghis Khan had destiny. Naturally, my knowledge is

I don’t know what destiny is, but I’m a little curious as to why they both have the same views!”

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly realized that he and Zhang Ximeng had been talking all night and had actually made many things clear. Why did they think so? The reason is very simple, because they have common interests!

Mongolian aristocrats and Han scribes are all regarded as a group of superior people. Although their ranks are obvious and their differences are very different, they are all out of reach for ordinary people.

At first, Timur admired Genghis Khan, which can be said to be a simple emotion. But when it came to Liu Ji, the situation became a bit complicated.

Therefore, Zhang Ximeng was the first to ask him.

"Liu Bowen, since you are talking about destiny, let me ask you one more question. Where do you think Yuan Ting's destiny is now? Has it been lost?"

"This..." Liu Bowen was speechless for a moment. He firmly believed that the Yuan Dynasty was as stable as Mount Tai and could put down all rebellions? He could say this even though several important Mongolian ministers didn't believe it.

But if the destiny is not there, does it belong to Zhu Yuanzhang? Do you want to comply with the destiny?

Liu Bowen was caught in a dilemma, "I, I have little talent and little knowledge, and I don't know anything about destiny!"

"If you don't understand, how can you tell me that Genghis Khan is destined to die?" Zhang Ximeng asked with a smile.

Lao Liu only felt that his face was burning, and Zhang Ximeng's smile was as disgusting as a kid's bared teeth! This man was not very old, but the words he spoke and the questions he asked were all cunning and weird, and his ideas were so clear that people were completely helpless.


"I, I am familiar with classics and history, so I naturally know that the destiny of the Yuan Dynasty was Longxing. Now I have to ask future generations whether the destiny is still there."

Zhang Ximeng smiled, "This is also a rhetoric... But once it is said like this, it means that only by writing it into the annals of history and turning it into a history book can future generations understand the changes in destiny. People in this world do not understand the changes in destiny at all, so how can they correct the path and assist them?

How to govern a country and its people? How can we talk about responding to heaven and man? How can we talk about obeying nature and responding to people?"

Everyone present was either a senior official or a scholar. Although Zhang Ximeng's question was subversive, it was also very thorough and could even be said to be thought-provoking. However, it was a pity that no one could grasp Zhang Ximeng's true thoughts and could only fall into silence for a long time.

Zhu Yuanzhang was impatient. He was eager to solve the mystery, "Mr. Zhang, now that the matter has come to an end, you can tell us everything in your heart, and then everyone can discuss the details together. Let's be honest today, and the speaker is not guilty. Whatever

Whatever you say is fine!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "In this case, we can only act recklessly... In fact, according to destiny, one day the lord can rise up, drive out the Mongols, and dominate the world. When the time comes, it is the destiny of destiny and has been blessed by God. The lord and

Genghis Khan is the same. At that time, the lord must respect Yuan Ting as Zhengshuo. He must also admit that Yuan Ting has been in charge of the Central Plains for decades, and his parents and ancestors have relied on Yuan Ting to survive and reproduce... Yuan Ting is mainly good, but in the end

The destiny is not there, the foolish king slanders the ministers, and the country is lost."

When Zhang Ximeng said this, he just pointed out some of Lao Zhu's attitudes towards the Yuan Dynasty after he ascended the throne.

"My Lord, I dare to ask for advice. Are you convinced?"


Lao Zhu pondered, are you convinced? Of course he is not convinced.

But you are not convinced and still don’t acknowledge destiny?

"Mr. Zhang, you know our experience very clearly. Our parents and brothers died one after another, we were displaced, and our wives and children were separated... As of today, only my sister-in-law, nephew, brother-in-law and nephew are still alive... We have lost almost ten relatives.

! If we say that both parents depend on Yuan Ting for their childbirth, is this how they treat us? We are not convinced!"

It was true, but when Lao Zhu said this with grief and anger, Zhang Ximeng knew that he had really succeeded.

Historically, Zhu Yuanzhang's treatment of the Yuan Dynasty was very complicated. Of course he hated the Yuan Dynasty, but after he ascended the throne, he could not avoid the Yuan Dynasty, so he respected the Yuan Dynasty as Zhengshuo and said a lot of good things about the Yuan Dynasty.

Of course, this is just one side of Lao Zhu, and the other side is that Zhu Yuanzhang continued to send troops to the Northern Expedition to the remaining Yuan Dynasty. He went out to the Northern Expedition more times than Zhu Di.

The entire Hongwu Dynasty continued to pursue the remaining forces of the Yuan Dynasty, and never showed mercy.

At this point, we can conclude that Zhu Yuanzhang undoubtedly hated the Yuan Dynasty, but for the sake of the orthodoxy of destiny, he had to recognize the Yuan Dynasty, and that was all.

Today, Zhang Ximeng wants to break this view of destiny and completely reshape Lao Zhu's three views!

"Lord, I am not convinced either. My parents died in the hands of Yuan Bing, and I almost lost my life! There are too many people who have had the same experience as me. Yuan Ting has indeed occupied the Central Plains for decades, and it is indeed an important part of our Chinese history.

But just because of this, I was asked to say good things about the Yuan Dynasty, acknowledge the destiny of heaven, even say good things about the Yuan Dynasty, put on rouge and powder, but I still can't do it!"

Zhang Ximeng suddenly raised his head and his eyes fell on the sixteen characters hanging on the wall.

"Expelling the barbarians and restoring China, in fact, this is about destiny, where the dragon's energy is, and God's blessing. The lord will carry the three-foot sword, sweep away the world, and severely defeat the Yuan Dynasty. Sooner or later, the Han family will be restored!"

"But after these eight words, there are eight words... divide the land equally and help the people." Zhang Ximeng smiled lightly, "I think the key lies in these eight words, divide the land equally and help the people! These eight words

The word is not only aimed at the Yuan Dynasty. The Zhao and Song Dynasties established the country without restraint and annexation. The rich had a lot of land and the poor had no place to stand. Because of this, after the rise of the Mongols, they swept the world. The people of Zhao and Song had nothing. They had to change to another emperor.

, how can they be willing to sacrifice their lives for the Song Dynasty? This is the reason why the Song Dynasty was completely defeated, and it is the true destiny!"

"After the Mongols entered the Central Plains, they not only failed to reflect on the bad policies of Zhao and Song Dynasties, but instead wanted to occupy land and squeeze the people. A life of the Han people is not worth as much as a donkey! The Song Dynasty had some exploitative methods, and the Yuan Dynasty carried them forward, which the Song Dynasty did not have

, the Yuan Dynasty introduced the old and brought forth the new. All in all, the Yuan Dynasty's ability to break bones and absorb marrow was ten times and a hundred times better than that of the Song Dynasty!"

"In less than a hundred years, the people of the world have been driven to the edge and had to raise troops to rebel. This is how the red scarves spread all over the world! This is also the key to Yuan Ting losing its destiny!"

"Having said that, what is destiny? I think destiny is the people's will! The biggest key to influencing people's hearts is people's livelihood! And the foundation of people's livelihood is land! It is food! Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that food is the real destiny.


Zhang Ximeng's detailed analysis was already shocking at this point, but he still felt it was not enough, so he continued: "So the purpose of our uprising is two-fold... The first is to expel the Yuan Dynasty, restore the Han people, and take back the land.

Abolish the laws that oppress the Han people, unify the north and the south, and there will be no distinction between Mongols, Semu people, and Han people...Human life is of paramount importance, and it is not allowed to equate the lives of some people with animals! Never allow it!"

"As for the second level, it is to cut off the already existing bad government, which can be traced back to Zhao and Song Dynasties, or even earlier...Crack down on the powerful, equally divide the acres, realize land to the tiller, equalize the labor and tax, and establish a fair and just

Kingdom! This is the fundamental purpose of this uprising!"

Zhang Ximeng glanced at everyone again, and finally his eyes fell on Liu Bowen. He found that Liu Bowen's forehead was covered with sweat. He was obviously shocked and could not be deceived!

Zhang Ximeng has completely established the height. Don't worry about the Yuan Dynasty. What we have to do is far beyond the rise and fall of the dynasty. What we have to do is to eradicate thousands of years of bad governance!

If you are willing to join, you are naturally welcome, even if you are a Mongolian. If you are not willing to join, you still want to live a life of superiority, oppressing the people, and squeezing the poor. Even if you are a Han, you are still an enemy!

Zhu Yuanzhang finally showed a happy smile, "Who agrees with what Mr. Zhang said and who opposes it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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