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Chapter 222: Practice brings true knowledge

Zhang Ximeng took Luo Guanzhong to check the number of Miao soldiers. The matter did not go so smoothly. The soldiers were very repulsive and unwilling to accept it at all. Some even clamored to expel Zhang Ximeng.

Seeing this, Luo Guanzhong felt extremely angry.

"Xiangong Zhang, you came to see them with good intentions, but these Miao soldiers don't know what is good or bad. I don't think there is any need to be polite. Lock them up and don't give them food. When they are hungry, they will understand what is good and what is good."

Zhang Ximeng listened and just shook his head, "Send the order and increase their food allowance by 20%. Let everyone eat first and think of a solution later."

On the same day, Zhang Ximeng called Liu Bowen, Song Lian and others, and they all gathered together to discuss a solution.

Liu Bowen had heard Zhang Ximeng mention this matter before, so he didn't get too carried away, but thought about it very seriously.

"Prime Minister Zhang, these Miao soldiers of the Yang family originated from the Feishan Barbarians. Counting upwards, they are the Wuxi Barbarians of the Han Dynasty. Going back further, they can even be traced back to Chi You, which is the San Miao, or Miao Barbarians..."

Hearing Liu Bowen talk about Chi You, Luo Guanzhong couldn't help but laugh, "Mr. Bowen, this is not about ancient times, does it need to be so complicated?"

Liu Bowen laughed and ignored Luo Guanzhong at all. Your level is incomparable to that of me a few years ago, let alone now.

"The Miao soldiers and the Han family have been separated for thousands of years. There are constant frictions and conflicts, and they are wary of each other. It would be wishful thinking to let them give up their wariness all at once and become as close as one family. Prime Minister Zhang, so be it. I and I

Brother Jing Lian, go take a look at the Miao soldiers and find out what’s going on!”

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "It's good that Mr. Bowen is willing to work hard. But I can't be idle. This matter is related to whether we can surround Tianwan from the flanks. There is no room for carelessness. I remember Naha Chu, and there are other things.

Bu Hua, they all have dealings with Miao Bing, and by the way, there are also Aru Hui and Tu Jian. Let’s work together, take a multi-pronged approach, visit and understand, open our hearts, and find out what Miao Bing is thinking. As long as we can communicate,

That’s more than half the win!”

Liu Bowen nodded. Although Song Lian was unwilling, he reluctantly decided to work hard.

Luo Guanzhong disapproved of this. All the Miao soldiers surrendered and their general was also controlled.

Isn't it easy to deal with them?

Give them rewards, use them if they are willing to obey, and get rid of those who are not willing to obey. As long as the means are powerful and strong enough, you will not worry about them being disobedient.

Zhang Ximeng was simply looking for trouble for himself.

That's tens of thousands of people. How long can we chat one by one?

What a joke!

Luo Guanzhong was puzzled, but he couldn't interfere and could only endure it.

This visit lasted for half a month.

Zhang Ximeng and others went out early and came back late, sometimes even staying in the military camp. Not only them, but also Sun Yan and many of his classmates were mobilized by Liu Bowen.

They all arrived among the Miao soldiers, ate and lived with the big guys, chatted together, asked each other's thoughts, and inquired about their thoughts... After half a month, the big guys sat together again, with tiredness and relief on their faces.

There are some things that you can't really grasp unless you understand them carefully.

"Reading thousands of books is not as good as walking thousands of miles. In the past, I thought that what I read in books were the wise sayings of the sages and their subtle meanings. But now that I have been away for these days, I am a little doubtful. I am afraid that real knowledge cannot be achieved through...

It only counts when your feet are out!”

It was Song Lian who spoke. He didn't like this move very much at first, so he just did it forcefully. But after half a month, Song Lian really had a profound understanding. Looking at Miao Bing, he was completely different.

The one who felt even deeper was Liu Bowen.

Zhang Ximeng had told him before that he had to travel thousands of miles and travel all over the world in order to restore China and rebuild the country. At that time, he said that he would wait until the world was unified, but he soon encountered the problem of Miao soldiers, which opened Liu Bowen's eyes.


Talking about the battle between Yanhuang and Chiyou seems to be a bit too far away, and it is not close to the current events... But after actually walking down and talking, everyone has a clear understanding, this is really not as simple as a myth and legend.

After Chiyou's defeat, most of the tribes were annexed by the Yellow Emperor and integrated into the civilization of the Central Plains, but a few people migrated southward... Later, during the years of Yao and Shun, these Sanmiao tribes continued to rebel. Yao and Shun sent troops to conquer and defeated them again.

Forced to continue moving south.

These things were all before the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and they all look like ancient legends. Although they are recorded in historical records, they always feel not so real and reliable.

But after learning about Miao Bing's situation, everyone actually felt that this might be true.

Because the Miao soldiers were mainly distributed in the mountainous areas of southwestern Hunan, which later became known as Xiangxi and Guizhou... Yang Wanzhe's base camp was in Shaoyang and Huaihua in southwestern Hunan.

This was also the main distribution area of ​​the Wuxi Barbarians during the Three Kingdoms period.

Due to the dense mountains and rugged terrain in this area, the farming conditions are far inferior to those in the plains. This also proves the results of the ancient wars. The Yellow Emperor became the winner and occupied the fertile plains. The losers had to retreat to the mountains and build strongholds.


After entering the mountainous area, the Miao soldiers were different from the Han people in the Central Plains, and the differences were getting bigger and bigger. Song Lian took the lead and said: "I chatted with several Miao soldiers and asked them whether their leaders and generals were bullying or exploiting them.

Excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes...What did they say? They said that the leaders did not collect land taxes and there was no exploitation!"

Luo Guanzhong was startled. He shook his head subconsciously: "How could it be? They lied!"

Song Lian shook his head, "They didn't lie. The Miao soldiers did not accept land tax."

"Then, are their lives good?"

Song Lian couldn't help laughing. How could Miao Bing live a good life? Common sense tells everyone that it is impossible.

When he took a closer look, he understood the situation.

"It is true that the Miao soldiers did not receive land tax, but all the young men in the village had to serve the leader for free, and they also had to serve as soldiers and go into battle."

They have no land tax and no exorbitant taxes, but this does not mean that their burden is small.

On the contrary, most Miao soldiers have lived in mountain villages since childhood. They have to work for their leaders for free, farming, serving as soldiers, building bridges and roads, building mansions and estates... In a word, their situation is more like that of serfs.

Life is harder than that of ordinary Han people.

Hearing Song Lian talk about this, Liu Bowen also laughed, "Speaking of which, I also discovered something. I talked to them about whether there was corruption and perversion of the law, framing innocent people, and whether there were unjust, false and wrong cases? Many people don't even know what the law is!


Are there any places without laws?

It all sounds fresh!

In fact, there are indeed some. Going back to the beginning, Miao soldiers' villages were scattered among the mountains, forming a world of their own.

They don't have much contact with each other, and they don't obey the control of the government. They are like small kingdoms. How can they have unified laws?

But do you think they have no rules?

That's wrong too.

Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, these areas have evolved an organizational form called "Mencai". There are probably a few or dozens of neighboring villages that come together to recommend a clan head.

The leader is responsible for managing this area.

Not everyone is qualified for this so-called public recommendation. Naturally, the clan elders and leaders of each village discuss it together.

When something happens, the head of the clan takes the lead, and the clan elders of each village get together and hold a meeting to resolve the matter. This meeting is called a joint clan meeting.

Roughly speaking, the alliance of the village is called the clan, the meeting to solve the internal problems of the clan is called the joint clan, and the leader is called the clan leader.

Some large sects control a large population and are powerful. If they want to use troops externally, just one money head is not enough, so they will recommend "hard hands" responsible for the military, as well as "outfits" responsible for administration, and those responsible for worshiping gods.

Sacrifice and other positions.

In addition to these people who hold power, the other people are collectively called Tianding, that is, the serfs who farm for the leaders.

When there is a war, you have to serve and fight.

They are completely controlled by the leader and must obey the leader's orders in everything.

At this time, it would be a little funny if you told them to divide the land equally.

We don’t have any acres of land to begin with. The land belongs to the gentlemen. The gentlemen are all born noble. Don’t look at the Central Plains dynasty’s emphasis on three hundred years of reincarnation. We don’t pay attention to this. The leaders are passed down from generation to generation.

For example, Yang Wanzhe's ancestors can be traced back to Yang Zaisi in the Five Dynasties. Even though they have changed dynasties many times, they are still at the top.

It controls the fate of this land. Even if Yang Wanzhe dies, the land still belongs to the Yang family. They will still work as slaves for the Yang family and obey the orders of the Yang family. As for the court, the Yamen, and the national laws, they are all bullshit!

After talking to this point, everyone suddenly realized that the matter of Miao Bing was indeed not that simple.

Zhang Ximeng saw that everyone, except Luo Guanzhong, was deeply moved, and a smile appeared on his face.

"The so-called prescribing the right medicine means that the situation of the Miao people is different from that of the Han people, but let me tell you, after removing the appearance, their situation is even more difficult! It is easier than mobilizing the Han people! The key is that we have to explain the truth clearly!"

Everyone's spirits were lifted, "Please give me some advice, Prime Minister Zhang!"

"Not to mention giving advice, we used to tell the common people that officials were corrupt, perverted the law, framed innocent people, and had numerous unjust, false and wrongful convictions... But when it comes to the Miao people, there is no unified law at all, and their lives are in the hands of their leaders.

Live and kill, you can do whatever you want."

"As for the issue of acres of land, they are not an issue of equal and uneven distribution, but the most basic issue is that the tiller has his own land. What they need to understand is that princes and generals would rather have land! This place is really not the Yang family

Always have the final say!”

"To make it clearer, what we need is to bring the natives back to their hometowns, completely solve the problem of chieftains, and use our officials to govern the Miao people. Let the Miao soldiers know that they can get more, own their own land, and face injustice.

When the case is false or wrong, they still have the possibility of getting justice."

"Precisely because they are squeezed deeper, they will suffer more! Their resistance will be stronger!" Zhang Ximeng said with confidence: "Everyone, the key here is whether we can explain the truth clearly and let Miao Miao

Soldiers awaken!"

This chapter has been completed!
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