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Chapter 291 The crumbs of the world

Chang Yuchun stared at the copper coins in front of him and suddenly laughed loudly, "It's ridiculous that Zhang Shicheng is self-defeating. He cast the God-Blessed Tongbao, but God did not bless him! This is all Zhang Shicheng's lack of morality, abandonment by heaven and earth, and lack of protection by the gods in this battle.

We will win!"

All the copper coins were all front-side, and Chang Yuchun's words quickly spread among the fleet...

The soldiers were immediately shocked and admired Chang Yuchun to the point of admiration.

After all, they had just joined the country not long ago. Although they relied on a land deed to tie the hearts of most people, they always lacked the tenacity that could be tempered by hundreds of thousands of people.

In addition, Chang Yuchun was not so confident when facing his recent master, so he pulled off such a move. It seemed that some famous general had used the old wisdom. He also occasionally heard Zhang Ximeng mention it, thinking that these sailors should not be here.


Chang Yuchun was so aggressive in fighting because he learned the news after talking to Barbarian Hague. Zhang Shicheng was still sending grain to Yuan Ting. The annual amount was not much, only 110,000 shi.

The fleet of the Barbarian Hague was responsible for protecting this batch of grain.

Hearing the news, Chang Yuchun was so angry that he laughed. What a shameless Zhang Shicheng, you are still filial to the court! You said that you surrendered to the Yuan Ting, but you really sent food to the Yuan Ting. How could I let you give these things?

The wealth of the people and the anointing of the people are given in vain to the foolish king of Dadu?

Chang Yuchun asked where the grain ships departed from? Barbarian Hague told him that originally the fleet was assembled from Jiangyin, but later considering that it was too close to the Zhu Jiajun, it was placed in Shanghai County, Songjiang Prefecture.

Yes, Shanghai at this time was just an inconspicuous small county.

Songjiang Prefecture was upgraded in the Yuan Dynasty. Originally it only had Huating County. After the upgrade, Songjiang Prefecture still administered Huating County, and Shanghai County was added at the same time.

Because it is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, it has superior water and heat conditions and fertile soil. It is an important grain-producing area... Although Zhang Shicheng needs to get grain from Zhu Yuanzhang, he will still send the grain to Yuan Ting every year.

Zhang Shicheng also had some ingenious logic about this: by losing most of the grain, the Mongols could be well fed, and then they could make a bold move to annihilate Liu Futong of Han and Song Dynasties. If Futong was destroyed, Zhu Chongba would be isolated and helpless, and he would be completely defeated and his body would be missing. I am not

Sending grain to the Great Yuan Dynasty actually eliminated a serious trouble for the family.

It probably means that the curve resists scarring!

Of course, Zhang Shicheng only believed this. After all, anyone with a little bit of intelligence would understand that given Yuan Ting's greed, sending this little food was not enough for the people above to exploit it, let alone use it to deal with Zhu Yuanzhang.

It's hard to say how much of it can be used on Liu Futong.

In the final analysis, cowardice is cowardice.

Facing Lao Zhu, what Zhang Shicheng needs to think about is not how to deal with Lao Zhu, but how to make people believe that he can deal with Lao Zhu... Can Zhu Yuanzhang believe it?


It is to make the people of Suzhou believe that Zhu Yuanzhang knows that he does not!

Even such a way to deceive oneself and others is now in danger. Chang Yuchun is stunned to expose the scam. You think this person must be so hateful!

"Brothers, these grains are the people's treasure and they should not be used to feed the ignorant emperor and traitorous ministers... Zhang Shicheng is shameless, let's help him get his face back! Pass my order and immediately mobilize two thousand elites to follow me to land in Shanghai.

County, take away the food!”

If you can fight side by side with the divine generals, the concubine will bless you.

For a time, countless people clamored to join. Finally, Chang Yuchun selected 2,150 people from more than 5,000 people. After Chang Yuchun landed, these people rushed to Shanghai without hesitation.

It has to be said that the Barbarian Hague led the navy and joined Zhu Yuanzhang in an organized manner, which dealt a huge blow to Zhang Shicheng. In the past, Zhang Shicheng had an advantage on the river. He did not need to set up beacon towers and establish an early warning system along the river like Zhu Jiajun did.

But suddenly taking away the naval advantage, Zhang Shicheng's troops and horses were stretched thin.

He wants to station a large army in Changshu to prevent Zhu's army from Jiangyin and Wuxi. He also wants to deploy heavy troops in Suzhou to protect his hometown. In addition, the war in Hangzhou is still going on and there are wars everywhere. What can you tell him to do?

As a result, Chang Yuchun marched straight in, as if entering an uninhabited country, and quickly headed towards Shanghai County without encountering almost any obstruction.

The man stationed in Shanghai County was not a general, but a civilian official. He was Zhang Shicheng's army soldier Yu Siqi, who was from Taizhou. In fact, Zhang Shicheng was unwilling to send food to Yuan Ting at first, but this man was particularly insistent.

He also said that he was a bandit in the past, but now he is a minister of the Yuan Dynasty. How can he not pay tribute to the emperor? Should he be compared with bandits like Zhu Yuanzhang?

When the word Zhu Yuanzhang was mentioned, Zhang Shicheng immediately became interested.

That's right, we are loyal ministers of the Yuan Dynasty, and we have Yuan Ting behind us, and there are so many loyal ministers and good generals. There is no need to be afraid of people named Zhu. This grain must be sent!

In order to show his loyalty, Yu Siqi was specifically put in charge of this matter.

Every year before the summer and autumn grains are harvested, Yu Siqi will supervise the grain harvesting in Shanghai, prioritize loading and shipping, and send it to Dadu.

When the grain was sent out, they felt much more at ease. At this moment, they were with the Yuan Dynasty again.

This year it was time to supervise the summer grain production again, and Yu Siqi came early.

He personally made arrangements and ordered the yamen's officers to go to various villages and communities in advance to inform the large households who had helped collect grain in the past that they must complete the task on time this year. Anyone who dared to resist would be severely punished.

But not long after Yu Siqi issued the order, several large households came to complain.

"Sir, sir, it's not because we are unwilling to contribute to the country. The floods are really serious this year. There was a peach blossom flood in April. Many fields were flooded. Livestock, food, and people were swept away. Even our farms were swept away.

We have suffered a lot of losses, but we really can’t get any more out of it, so please join the army and take pity on me!”

Another big owner also followed up and said: "Yes, there is no day without fighting now. Originally, there were more miscellaneous taxes and taxes, with money and people coming in. In addition, there are always rumors that it was Zhu Yuanzhang who gave the distribution.

If the land is returned to a lighter state, the people's hearts will be unstable, and we are afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

Yu Siqi suddenly slammed the table and roared: "I ask you, what are you afraid of?"

Several wealthy people were frightened by his harsh voice and expression. They were dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer.

Yu Siqi, on the other hand, was furious, pointing at these rich people and scolding them harshly.

"Are you all pigs? Don't you care about the rumors about Zhu Yuanzhang below? Are you waiting for those unruly people to get up, behead you one by one, and hang your heads on the city gate tower?"

"I told you a long time ago! Don't be too merciful when dealing with those unruly people. You have to keep them half-dead so that the place can be peaceful. What are you afraid of if there is a disaster? If there is a disaster, we must let them contribute and share the hard times! It's not like they haven't been affected by it.

Wash it away? You should be grateful. Work honestly, cultivate the land well, and don't think about useless things."

"You should have a plan. The fields in Shanghai are good and the yield is more than other places. For one acre of land, the court takes 40%, and you take another 40%. The remaining 20% ​​is enough for the people to eat and drink... they can't afford it.

Those who are dry can drink something thin, and at the worst, they can go down to the river to touch some fish and shrimps. In short, they will be starved to death. You want them to have nothing to think about except working and eating every day, and you cannot let them be idle.

, do you understand?”

Facing Yu Siqi's careful teachings, these rich people were dumbfounded... We ask ourselves, we are not good people, but compared with you, we are still far behind.

What is the crumbs of the world!

Since the adults who have joined the army say so, what else do the wealthy people have to say? There is nothing more than obeying orders.

Get started quickly!

In fact, Yu Siqi also made things simple. He wanted 40%, and the clerks and servants in the Yamen also wanted a share. The rich households took 40% of the land rent, and the servants and thugs under the rich households also wanted a share.

After all, the harder the exploitation, the more likely it is that there will be enough thugs to help.

Otherwise, if you are just a rich man standing in the village and asking the common people to ask for land rent, I will see if you will be beaten to death!

As a result, the local area suddenly became chaotic. In order to avoid tax and land rent, the people simply threw the grain in the fields. Anyway, they would be robbed if they took it back. It was better to escape to the sea and find a place to hide at random. There would be no way to survive anyway.

Why bother giving those people any effort?

There are also some people in the village who are not willing to be exploited. They get together and select all the young and strong people. They still have to collect food, but if they dare to come to collect food, we will fight to the death.

I would rather die in battle than give a grain of food.

The common people have also been forced into a corner, and there is no way out. The people are not afraid of death, and the food is here. Come here!

At this time, a group of soldiers landed from the river bank and rushed towards Shanghai. It was said that they wanted to settle accounts with Yu Siqi. When they heard this, the people were excited and cried.

This damn beast, finally God is going to take him.

The old man took out the last bit of food hidden at home and rewarded the soldiers... The young and strong young men formed a team and led the way with simple spears and swords.

In this way, Chang Yuchun led his soldiers and horses to the outside of Shanghai County without any obstruction.

Facing the Zhu family army's magic soldiers descending from the sky, Yu Siqi was dumbfounded. He sat there and stared blankly in front of him, "What can I do? What can I do?"

This guy kept talking and couldn't say anything else.

There was also a general who was leading the army. He couldn't stand it any longer and interrupted Yu Siqi's muttering with an anger.

"Your Majesty came here under the order of the King, but now the red thieves are coming to kill you. How can you mess up your position? The general is willing to lead the troops to defend the city. Your Majesty can sit in the city, mobilize troops and horses, and ask for help from the King. You can't live up to the kindness of the King.


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Yes, there is also Your Majesty!"

Yu Siqi seemed to be waking up from a dream, and he could still count on Zhang Shicheng!

He managed to calm down and said, "You are right, go and be on guard against the red thieves now, I, I have my own plan!"

After sending away his men, Yu Siqi suddenly jumped up, rushed behind the county government office, grabbed a horse, and with two of his confidants, rushed out of the county before closing the city gate, and headed straight for Suzhou.

However, before they could get very far, they were discovered by a group of militiamen. Someone recognized Yu Siqi, and the two followers were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

Yu Siqi also wanted to run away, but his horse was disobedient and pushed him to the ground. He almost fainted... When he struggled to escape, a big foot wearing a straw sandal stepped on his back hard.


"Beast! Dog officer! Today is the day for you too!"

Another militiaman came over, grabbed Yu Siqi, and without explanation, dragged him to a pile of steaming horse manure and pressed his head down hard.

Yu Siqi was wailing in pain. He was stuffed with horse dung and smoked out half of his life.

That wasn't enough, the militiamen dragged him to a quagmire and pushed Yu Siqi into it, over and over again, until he was drowned and passed out. The militiamen jumped on him one after another and trampled all the bones in his body.

They were all trampled to pieces, their orifices bled, their flesh and bones turned into mud, and they died in the hands of a group of common people who were only worthy of half-death!

There is no more reasonable ending than this...

This chapter has been completed!
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