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Chapter 415: Great future is in Lingnan

Faced with Zhang Ximeng's idea, Li Shanchang was a little surprised. Everyone knew that Zhang Ximeng's core proposition was to equalize the land, and it was completely equal, without any impurities.

Attacking aristocratic families, attacking powerful people, overthrowing Neo-Confucianism, advocating the establishment of schools... all of this points to two words: fairness!

A person with such an idea suddenly mentioned the development of industry and commerce, which really made Lao Li unable to keep up. He couldn't be joking, right?

Are you going to dig a hole for yourself again?

Do you think the household department is not enjoyable enough and want to involve yourself in it?

Li Shanchang was thinking wildly and was restless. He could only hold his breath and concentrate, and said seriously: "Prime Minister Zhang, wouldn't it be good to promote land equalization in Lingnan?"

Zhang Ximeng said with a helpless smile: "It's not that it's impossible, it's just that such a good land has been ruined by just equalizing the land."

"How do you say that?" Li Shanchang asked confused.

"Brother Li, please think about it. Lingnan is a vast area with sparsely populated areas and long distances. If we just level the land, how much food can be provided every year? How much of this food will be consumed on the road? We need to send troops to Lingnan to maintain government operations and handle various government affairs.

...These are all expenses. To be blunt, if it were just agriculture, we would probably lose money in Lingnan."

Li Shanchang took a deep breath, thinking deeply, and finally had to nod.

"Prime Minister Zhang can see clearly that this is indeed the case. In fact, our control of Lingnan is more to prevent Annan. Otherwise, if we give up Lingnan to the Central Plains, there will be endless troubles."

As a prime minister, Lao Li dare not say that he has far-sightedness, but his basic common sense is still clear.

Zhang Ximeng also sighed: "Brother Li has great advice. In fact, after talking so much, it also touches on one issue... We have talked so much, and the lord also has the ambition to achieve great things. But how big a territory can be maintained just by equalizing land? Or

How big a country can we build with agricultural land endowment?"

Li Shanchang thought more seriously. Zhang Ximeng's words were a bit deep. After a long time, he said: "What does Prime Minister Zhang mean, is that there are some places that are too remote and desolate, where birds don't poop, and there is no output, so it is useless for us to ask for them?"


Zhang Ximeng smiled, that's pretty much it, that's what he meant.

The core ruling areas of the Central Plains dynasties of past dynasties were so large, which involved several insurmountable obstacles.

First of all, the terrain must be suitable for farming, and it must be convenient for communication, so that orders can be issued smoothly, the climate must be suitable, and the water source must be sufficient... In this round, the area suitable for the founding of the Central Plains dynasty is such a large area, and it is basically recommended to the north.

When we reach the front line of the Great Wall, push southward to Lingnan, and continue to expand, it will be difficult.

In fact, some people have said that places such as Annan and Champa are also suitable for farming, and their food production is pretty good, right?

Why can't we rule for a long time?

The reason is that it is too far away from the core area. In order to maintain order, troops need to be stationed and officials arranged. The cost of governance is much more expensive than in the Central Plains.

As the civil and military officials became more greedy and incompetent, and the soldiers lost their combat effectiveness, they became even more uncontrollable and adopted a contraction strategy.

There are other places that are very close, but are too barren and have limited output. If you annex them, you will save them. Believe it or not, they will take a bite of you and become a burden to the dynasty... Yes, that's right.

It’s Goryeo!

Even though they have been so licking their knees and want to be the big brother of the Central Plains, that's all. There is really no other way, the place is too poor, and annexing them will bankrupt the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Therefore, how much territory a dynasty has depends on the method of controlling these territories, the choice of economic model, and the country's financial resources... Find a balance in the middle.

After all, there is no need for people six hundred years ago to cut their belts, open up new territories, and work hard to maintain it just for the sake of their grandson six hundred years later!

You are too embarrassing for your ancestors.

A huge territory is not easy to maintain.

The territory of the Yuan Dynasty seemed so large, but in fact there were many governance vacuums. Moreover, the Yuan Dynasty also adopted a feudal system outside of the provinces.

For example, there were many Mongolian kings in the Shaanxi-Gansu region, and Yunnan also belonged to Zaravalmi... The area that the Yuan Dynasty really held in its hands was far from that huge.

In addition, as we all know, before Daiying became an empire on which the sun never sets, it was once an empire on which the sun never sets. What maintained the huge empire was not only the roar of steam engines, but also related to Daiying's ruling methods.

They are known for their proficiency in stirring up shit, but if they want to stir up shit wonderfully, they need profound skills. Coincidentally, Dai Ying is a country that can lean down, carefully study the colonial cultural background, and look for opportunities to stir up shit. Gu Jia

If you think of Daiying as a colonial empire with a bunch of colonies below it, then it would be too simple to think of Daiying. You must know that there are many colonial stewards below Daiying!

For example, the third brother is the one who contributes the most and puts out the most effort.

The British relied on India's financial resources and even military strength to launch war and knock on the door to the East...

Zhang Ximeng and Zhu Yuanzhang once thought about establishing a territory larger than that of the Yuan Dynasty. Only in this way can China be worthy of China's third rise... The words have been spoken, but when it comes to implementation, if they rely on external troops to conquer cities and territories, then I'm sorry. , even if I risk my life, I still can’t do it.

Without systematic innovation, the upper limit would be the Han, Tang and early Ming dynasties, and there would be no surprises.

"Brother Li, in my opinion, many foreign barbarian lands may seem desolate, but they are actually not without merit. Since there are people there who can still maintain their rule, it means they can be included in the territory... The question is what method we use, Only in this way can we successfully control these places. If it is just a set of things from the Central Plains, it will definitely not work. I hope Zhu Ying can experiment in Lingnan, just to find a new model. After having the experience of Lingnan, we are in the Western Regions, in In Mobei, or even further afield, we can find suitable ways to smoothly incorporate the local area into the territory. All in all, this is a place that requires our efforts to explore."

Li Shanchang frowned and said in confusion: "Prime Minister Zhang, I understand what you are saying. But I don't understand. Since you think so, why can't you do this under the rule of a superior? We must insist on equality. Tian, ​​can’t you just follow the instructions below and find different ways?”

"No!" Zhang Ximeng said: "In the Central Plains, there are only so many people and so much land... For thousands of years, it has been clearly stated what can rejuvenate a country and what can destroy it! If annexation is not suppressed, it will be a dead end. Any new All methods will bring terrible consequences. If not handled properly, the world will be in chaos! In fact, I still agree with the wisdom of the scholar-bureaucrats. They pay attention to guarding the family based on their roots and getting rich through business. In other words, farming and studying are the foundation. What I think is that the land equalization model in the Central Plains is the foundation and our fundamentals."

"By maintaining this system, we ensure that the country's lower limit will not be too bad. On top of this, we will explore other paths. Every time we take a path, it will have a huge impact. As for failure... it will not be too bad.

The impact will be too big, but it can be easily dealt with. What do you think, Brother Li?"

Li Shan was speechless for a long time, his heart racing.

The overall situation outlined by Zhang Ximeng is really eye-catching. His approach can be regarded as a model of country-building, and he is convinced. Li Shanchang suddenly realized something, "Prime Minister Zhang, you said that in Lingnan, new methods need to be verified. Can you follow up?"

If I tell you something, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled, "What can't be said? I was just asking for Brother Li's help. I was thinking that we can develop more industry and commerce in Lingnan. With free land, we can also grow things other than food, and also have foreign trade...Anyway

As long as it's appropriate, there's nothing you can't do."

Li Shanchang's eyes flickered and soon turned into a round square hole shape... He already understood that Zhang Ximeng was planning to make a fortune in Lingnan!

Think about it again, why did you send Zhu Ying there?

Li Shanchang seemed to understand... It was only Zhu Ying who had to handle this matter so that there would be no misunderstanding and he could let go and take action. If it were anyone else, he would not be able to do it!

Because this is something groundbreaking!

Only Zhu Ying, who has Zhu Yuanzhang, Empress Ma, and Zhang Ximeng standing behind him at the same time, can Zhu Ying feel free to do anything boldly with the presence of these three pure gods, even if one of them is missing!

There is a high probability that a trip to Lingnan will not only make a fortune but also lead to a better future.

Li Shanchang's heart suddenly started beating wildly.

Lao Li is now successful, has a hereditary and irreplaceable title, and is nominally the first among hundreds of officials. He has nothing else to ask for.

Li Shanchang doesn't care much about leaving his name in history.

What he cares more about is his son. Li Shanchang hopes that his son can make a difference and live a better life. He also knows that if his son can only rely on his own influence and become a prince, he will not achieve anything remarkable.

, at least there is no need to think about entering and exiting the general phase.

Therefore, we need to let our son have a future and at least make a group of friends who can help each other in the future and continue the glory of the Li family... It just so happens that the trip to Lingnan is a good thing for both fame and fortune.

"Prime Minister Zhang..." Li Shanchang couldn't wait to say: "As the adopted son of a high-ranking official, Marquis Xiping is able to lead the troops to Lingnan without avoiding danger. I also intend to let Quan Zi go there. I wonder what Prime Minister Zhang wants?"

He is indeed a smart man, and Lao Li is really on the right track.

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Brother Li, why don't we let our nephew take the criminal law test? Do you think so?"

"Yes...yes yes yes!" Li Shanchang smiled brightly, with his heart in his stomach. He smiled and pulled Zhang Ximeng, and lowered his voice and said: "I know that the Du Branch has been checking the household department. In fact, I am also checking here.

, it’s hard to tell about Ruan Hongdao. After all, he is an old minister before crossing the river. I don’t dare to take action without confidence. But the minister Zheng Shiyuan has always been bold, and his reputation is not very good."

Li Shanchang stopped abruptly, but there was no need to waste any more words.

After the deal was concluded, Lao Li began to sell it off.

Zhang Ximeng returned to the mansion with a smile, then called Guo Ying, and asked Jiang Nan to do some hard work and go to Zheng Shiyuan's home to see how much the Minister of Household Affairs was greedy!

This chapter has been completed!
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