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Chapter 431 Zhang Xianggong breaks the city

"You don't deserve it!"

These three words deeply hurt Chen Youliang. Isn't he worthy?

Although he came from a humble background and was just a fisherman, he was better than Zhu Chongba, a beggar.

He was the last to join the Red Scarf, but his power developed the fastest. At one time, he controlled the territory of three provinces, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and thousands of ships.

If Chen Youliang bit the master and killed Ni Wenjun and Xu Shouhui in succession, then Guo Zixing would end up fine? Are you, Zhu Yuanzhang, that clean?

"Zhu Chongba, I just had bad luck and ended up where I am today. But don't be complacent. One day, you will be 10,000 times worse than me!"

"No!" Lao Zhu sneered: "No!"

"You are deceiving yourself!" Chen Youliang leaned forward and said with a ferocious smile: "Zhu Yuanzhang, you are such a hypocrite. At this time, you are still pretending! I don't think you will end well!"

Lao Zhu chuckled and said: "Chen Youliang, you are just trying to judge others by yourself now. You have a dirty mind and see everything like this... To be honest, we thought we could meet someone who could match our opponent in chess, but we didn't expect that it turned out like this.

Like a shrew, really disappointing."

Chen Youliang's defense was completely broken by this shrewish sentence. He was so angry that he wanted to grab a bow and arrow and shoot Zhu Yuanzhang, but he was two hundred steps away and it was too late.

If he wanted to bring in crossbow arrows, Lao Zhu would not just stand there and wait for him to collect the arrows.

What was left of Chen Youliang was incompetence and rage. Zhu Yuanzhang turned his horse's head and wanted to leave.

Zhang Ximeng suddenly said: "My lord, you are really wasting your energy talking nonsense to this shrew. Why don't you say a few words to him?"

Lao Zhu paused, nodded and said: "That's fine!"

Zhang Ximeng raised his head, looked at Chen Youliang at the crenel, and suddenly smiled, "Chen Youliang, you still think you are unlucky today... This is somewhat similar to Xiang Yu at Gaixia. Incompetent person

, I can only complain about the number of days, but it’s a pity that I’m just not talented. I have written articles long ago to refute the theory of destiny, and I don’t believe in any divine inspiration! To this day, when the matter comes, you are still a fool, which is really shameful.


"You, who do you think you are, worthy of teaching me a lesson?"

"Hahaha! I am indeed not an expert, but after all, I still have a pen in my hand. You, Chen Youliang, probably asked me to write your eulogy. Hundreds of years from now, when the coffin is finalized, I will probably be quoted as well.

article." Zhang Ximeng smiled and said: "Chen Youliang, after saying this, do you still dare to look down on me?"

Chen Youliang's face was livid, he stared at Zhang Ximeng, and suddenly said viciously: "So you are Zhu Yuanzhang's henchman. You are the one who deceives people and makes suggestions for Zhu Chongba. I, I will kill you!"

How could Zhang Ximeng care about the threat of a futures dead man? He just smiled indifferently and said, "Chen Youliang, it's hard for you to be considered a hero, but now, I want you to be a fool! Jufan can't even answer a few questions about destiny. The simplest


"Chen Youliang, under my rule in the Ming Dynasty, there were more than 20 million people, and a total of 8.5 million shi was collected from summer grain. About 3 million shi were used to support soldiers and officials, and the rest were used to build roads and water conservancy projects.

, building schools... Autumn food is more than summer food, and it is basically distributed in the same way. In addition, relief for disaster victims, debt reduction and other items must be added..."

Chen Youliang gritted his teeth. When he heard Zhang Ximeng reporting the accounts to him, he was so angry, "You, are you showing off how much food you have and how much money you have? When the Yuan Dynasty had an army of one million, it still collapsed at the first touch! You can't scare me!"

Zhang Ximeng couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "Chen Youliang, you are really confused... I tell you this number because I want to say that in addition to tax collection, taking Jiangnan Pingdi as an example... a family of five can almost make enough money."

For thirty shi of grain, the average person is six shi. According to our current standards, one shi is one hundred and twenty kilograms, and six kilograms is seven hundred and twenty kilograms. Each person is almost given two kilograms a day."

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "This is the livelihood of the people under my Ming Dynasty... Although the land in some places is barren and the yield per mu is not high, there is also a corresponding amount of land, so the overall food surplus is not much different. Calculated per capita, after one year

, the worst is three to five hundred kilograms... Although this number is incomparable with the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and even Zhao and Song Dynasties are inferior. But we have eradicated the powerful and equalized the land and property, so the common people no longer need to be exploited, and this is what they have in their hands.


"In addition, in addition to farmland, there are some mulberry fields, fruit trees, and some fish ponds and ditches where silkworms can be raised and silk reeled. Furthermore, we encourage the prosperity of rural industries and make money through crafts. Therefore, in places such as Jinling, the first to win

On this land, the people can basically have enough food and clothing."

"One more thing, I also want to tell you that we have recently made great efforts to promote schools. Taking Yingtian as an example, more than 30% of school children have entered schools and can study. The gap in other places is not small, but they are also actively promoting it.

Sooner or later, we can make more than 70% of people read and write."

Having said this, Zhang Ximeng's face was filled with a calm smile, "Chen Youliang, didn't you say that destiny is not here and fortune is bad? Let me ask you, how much tax can you collect under your rule? Can your people eat it?

How much food can we get? How many people can go to school and study and make progress?"

Chen Youliang said nothing for a long time, and the city was silent.

Zhang Ximeng laughed loudly and said, "Chen Youliang, you are also the leader of one party. Do you know these things? Since you don't know everything, how can you have the nerve to talk about destiny? Could it be that God has sent food to us?"

"You...you lied!" Chen Youliang was furious, shook his head and said angrily: "Zhang Ximeng, you are wagging your lips and talking sweet words. You want to weaken my prestige, so you are trying to make me fat. Under your rule, the people are in dire straits, and the bones are everywhere.

Who else knows?"

Gu Zhen

Hearing this, even Zhang Ximeng couldn't help laughing.

"Chen Youliang, I'm telling you this not to show off... I just want to tell you that we still have a lot of room to work hard... Food can fill our stomachs, we also need some meat, some chicken, duck and fish eggs, and we also need housing and clothing...

...We never feel that we are doing well. Since you think we are showing off and trying to make ourselves look fat, it means that you still know clearly in your heart how the people's livelihood is under your rule? Yes or no?"

Chen Youliang was stunned. What else could you say?


If Chen Han's people's livelihood was much better than that under Zhu Yuanzhang's rule, how could he break the defense after listening to Zhang Ximeng's report?

If you can't reach it, you can't reach it.

"Zhang Ximeng, you, you are so eloquent! You are insidious and cunning. Don't worry, I will not give in easily!"

Zhang Ximeng laughed and said: "Chen Youliang, even at this time, you are still stubborn and hopeless. I am talking about this because I hope you understand that the defeat of Wang Chenggong is based on the will of the people. Ever since the emperor of the Ming Dynasty raised his army, he must have equal control.

Divide the land, cherish the people, restore people's livelihood, and ensure that the people have enough food. We have not changed our minds along the way. How can the emperor of tomorrow be confident and not make the same mistakes again? Because we are different from nouveau riche like you.

Fortune rises in one fell swoop and becomes the hegemon of one side."

"Some people scold you for continuously biting the Lord, but you are not convinced. But if you do well, let alone biting the Lord, even if you kill your brother and imprison your father, you will still be a famous king through the ages! If you can improve people's livelihood and let the people live and work in peace and contentment, kill Ni Wenjun and Xu Shouhui just got rid of two hemorrhoids. The world will only praise you for your wisdom, wisdom and courage. But to this day, you are still arrogant and arrogant, and you don't even know where you failed."

"Chen Youliang, you only need to walk around the countryside, see what the people eat, what they wear, and ask them what they think, and you will know how bad you are! Jinghu is the world's granary, and the population is not dense. How can people starve to death? It’s not like you. You don’t have any concern for the welfare of the people. All you want is to build buildings and ships and gather soldiers. You think that with hundreds of thousands of troops, you can destroy us by sailing down the river!"

"Chen Youliang, don't you think it's ridiculous? If you are like you, knocking bones, sucking marrow, and squeezing to excess, it will not be difficult for our Ming Dynasty to gain an army of millions! But if you overdraw the people's power and are unwilling to benefit the people, how can you win the support of the people? People's support Just like a river, it is rolling. You and I, the Emperor of Heaven, are both boats on the river. We have a solid foundation and are safe and sound. You have long been superficial and full of loopholes, so naturally you cannot withstand the wind and waves."

"Chen Youliang, to this day, you are just bringing the blame upon yourself and are about to die. I would like to see how many people are willing to die together with you!"

After Zhang Ximeng finished speaking, he turned around and rode away, returning to the military camp with Zhu Yuanzhang... When the monarch and his ministers returned, the sound of "Long Live" could be heard in the military camp.

What Zhang Xiang said was so good. Chen Youliang was not even a primary school boy in front of Xiang Zhang. He could only be taught a lesson by his ears.

The morale of the Ming army was high and the hearts of the people were excited.

On the other hand, Chen Youliang's side, especially the soldiers who heard what Zhang Ximeng said, were all shocked. Facing the enemy's prime minister, they couldn't hold their heads up.

And the ordinary soldiers were even more stunned... Each person received several hundred kilograms of grain a year, which averaged one or two kilograms of rice per day... There were also raw silk and other incomes.

Being able to eat well, being able to study... This, I'm afraid this is not the day of gods!

I didn't see our Majesty being so angry. People have said, if your people's livelihood in Chen Han is really good, do you need to be angry?

Why don't you tell the truth and slap the opponent in the face?

If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work!

In this battle between kings and kings, Chen Youliang was completely defeated and completely defeated.

Chen Youliang also knew about this. He was impatient and issued an order not to discuss the matter. However, the more he acted like this, the more he couldn't bear it. The soldiers were all discussing the matter in twos and threes, especially the prospects described by Zhang Ximeng. So tempting.

Even if it's only half, it's still much better than now.

As night fell, Zhang Ximeng was eating, when suddenly Guo Ying came in from outside.

"Sir, you are amazing!"

Zhang Ximeng put down his bowl and chopsticks and said with a smile, "What else is going on?"

"Sir, you don't know yet? Just now, a few soldiers from the city sneaked out and joined us. The superior said it was Prime Minister Zhang's words and opened Wuchang City, asking sir to come over to discuss the military situation!"

This chapter has been completed!
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