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Chapter 705 The treasure of Peking University

Huang Zicheng returned to his residence and immediately found several companions to discuss with each other.

When these people heard that Mr. Zhang was being invited to come, they were overjoyed and couldn't help but smile.

What is Mr. Zhang’s identity?

Not to mention official status, just in the academic world, he is also a top person. Standing on the top of the mountain, he is respected as a sage and a master in the world.

There was even talk of Zhang's theory early on.

But having said that, before that, Zhang's theory was still a bit empty. For example, Zhang Ximeng treated the division of history, advocated the equalization of land, advocated the unity of all peoples, advocated expelling the barbarians and restoring China... Although these contents are better than those of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism

Furthermore, it can be said that it is meaningful, but it still has little meaning.

Just like the Tao of Confucius and Mencius, there was a huge gap in what Confucius and Mencius said. This gave Han Confucianism the opportunity to depose hundreds of schools of thought and only respect Confucianism. When it developed to Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, the Tao of Confucius and Mencius was almost eclipsed.

Confucius and Meng Fuzi are like the door gods of the two doors, posted on the outside.

After pushing the door open, what is inside is beyond the control of the two masters.

The same is true for Zhang Ximeng. If he only had those opinions, maybe a few years later, he would be eclipsed by new opinions, or Zhang Xianggong would simply be turned into a symbol to make people forget Zhang Ximeng's opinions.

It's just that now, if you want to do this, the difficulty has doubled.

Zhang Ximeng lectured at Jimin Academy. In addition to elaborating on teachers' ethics, he also retold arithmetic, sorted out history, talked about the gains and losses of the past dynasties, and the geography of mountains and rivers.

Zhang Ximeng has traveled extensively in recent years, from the southernmost Yashan Mountain to Peiping.

He combines local customs, mountains and geography, and historical anecdotes to make his lectures fascinating and exciting, making him very popular.

But beyond this relaxing part of the course, something terrible came.

Zhang Ximeng re-taught astronomy, physics, and chemistry.

Later, Zhang Ximeng proposed statistics in response to some social phenomena, advocating the use of numbers to describe the status of the country and society.

So far, arithmetic has completely become the foundation and key of Zhang's studies... If you want to study Zhang's studies, it is absolutely impossible not to learn arithmetic well.

And arithmetic is something that makes most students gnash their teeth.

Therefore, Zhang Ximeng is almost the most loved and most feared teacher among students.

All in all, Zhang Ximeng spent about four or five months reorganizing and constructing new subjects and establishing a relatively complete subject system.

Since then, the building of Zhang's School has laid a solid foundation.

In the past, Zhang's studies were all about what Zhang Ximeng stood for and advocated... But from now on, Zhang's studies have a completely different ability from the Tao of Confucius and Mencius and Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism. That is prediction!

Yes, Zhang's theory can predict the future.

Of course, this prediction is not based on the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, which is a mystical and mysterious way of asking gods for divination.

It relies on a solid foundation in arithmetic.

For example, when Zhang Ximeng was at Jimin Academy, he and other teachers and students successfully predicted a lunar eclipse.

In addition, Zhang's School can also evaluate and predict policies... For example, how many people are there in each place, how many fields there are, how much land per capita, how much rations per capita, how high taxes the people can bear, and how much consumption they have

Ability... these can be roughly calculated as long as you pay attention.

With these numbers as a basis, anyone who is not too confused can know what cannot be done!

For example, there is excessive taxation and extortion regardless of the people's carrying capacity, such as large-scale construction projects and extensive recruitment of people.

According to past Confucian teachings, how should we deal with such matters?

Discourage the emperor to cherish the people, practice benevolent government, use the king's way, and not to impose excessive taxes. If it doesn't work, he will use big tricks, saying that God is sending a vision, the sky dog ​​eats the sun, the earth dragon turns over... It seems that that's all.

But when it comes to Zhang Ximeng, as long as he learns arithmetic well, he can produce solid data and explain the consequences clearly.

At this point, if you still insist on going your own way and are unwilling to change...that is to encourage officials to take the initiative to sabotage.

That's right, it was at this time that the bureaucracy and provinces established by Zhang Ximeng came into effect.

Although many officials are evil-minded, calculating, prevaricating, prevaricating, and all sorts of messy methods, it is very frustrating.

But they also have another role that is often overlooked, which is that they can use their skillful tact, gorgeous rhetoric, and invincible ability to evade some absurd fate to stop them.

At least they won't let things get out of hand.

This is Zhang Ximeng's outline of the future of the Ming Dynasty, but he is only giving lectures in Jiangxi, and there is still a long way to go before promoting it nationwide. Moreover, waiting for these talents to grow up and become the pillars of the Ming Dynasty, and to truly grasp power, is still needed

Too long.

It can only be said that Zhang Ximeng sowed a seed, or at most planted a field. There is still a long way to go before a good harvest.

"Xiang Zhang, are you going to return to Beijing next, or go to other places to continue giving lectures and promoting education?" Liu Sanwu asked curiously.

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "I haven't fully thought about it yet. Your Majesty is probably jealous of me for being so free and easy. I guess he wants me to return to Beijing. Now Zheng Yuchun has also come over to clean up the place, changing customs and customs."

, he can do this very well, and I don’t need to say anything more.”

After a little calculation, Zhang Ximeng found that he really had nothing to do.

"As I said before, teach students with heart, study hard, and make progress every day!"

Liu Sanwu quickly agreed, "I've written it all down."

After Zhang Ximeng taught, he returned to his residence. This small building was already empty. Just two days ago, Zhang Shuning and his grandparents quietly left to go to a new school.

Without his son around him, Zhang Ximeng still feels a little empty.

So he invited someone over, Father Xia!

He came back from Yingtian... He didn't expect that so many things would happen during this trip. In addition to having mixed feelings, Father Xia still had mixed feelings.

"Ms. Zhang, that child Zhi Feng is really smart and unusual. She can become Mr. Zhang's disciple, which is a blessing that my family has cultivated for several lifetimes! I, I have nothing to repay, so I can only thank Mr. Zhang!"

As he spoke, Father Xia was about to kneel down. Zhang Ximeng quickly stretched out his hand and stopped him, "No need. Since you are a veteran, you should know that there is no need to be polite to me. And to be honest, my reputation will not be good for me in the long run."

, I also need to rely on Zhifeng Chuanyang, she is an excellent seedling, I like it very much."

Father Xia was slightly startled. He couldn't understand why Zhang Ximeng valued Xia Zhifeng, but he believed in Mr. Zhang's character and had no doubts about anything else.

"Ms. Zhang, the one who plans to marry Feng Yatou this time is the nephew of Deputy Inspector Tang Ao. I never expected that that old godly woman would be so bold as to do that. If I were at home, I would

I won’t agree to it.”

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with me. They want to use Zhifeng to curry favor with me as their master. In fact, they think too much. Now it has been found that Tang Ao embezzled tens of thousands of dollars, and their family also relied on Tang Ao

He uses his power to plunder, accept bribes, and settle things for others. Tang Ao has been escorted to Beijing. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be skinned. As for the other Tang family members, they will also be sent to guard the border. You don't have to worry."

Hearing Zhang Ximeng's assurance, Mr. Xia was overjoyed and quickly bowed and thanked him again and again.

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry from now on, I will make arrangements. Don't let Zhifeng be wronged. A talented person like her should concentrate on research and contribute to the Ming Dynasty!"


Being so praised by Zhang Xiang, Mr. Xia simply didn’t know what to say. He could only grin and unknowingly drank several more glasses of wine. He was so happy. Mr. Xia did not go home directly.

Instead, he ran to his wife's grave, cried and laughed, and said to her, "Thank you for giving me a daughter who is a genius. With this precious daughter, I will have no regrets in my life!"

Zhang Ximeng had almost arranged the matters at hand. On this day, a decree came from Beijing.

He originally thought that it was Lao Zhu who asked him to return to Beijing, but when he unfolded it, Zhang Ximeng was shocked.

Lao Zhu actually asked him in a negotiating tone if he was willing to go to Peking to give lectures... Then a letter led by Huang Zicheng was sent over.

Huang Zicheng's words above are sincere. The land of Yanshan has been abandoned since the Five Dynasties. For hundreds of years, it has been invaded by Hu Feng and the education has declined... Now it has returned to China and has been included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

In the past few years, I have worked hard to develop the school and worked together, not daring to relax overnight.

After several years of hard work, there were 500 elementary school schools around Peiping and 68 schools in prefectures and counties.

There are more than 25,000 students on campus.

Fortunately, the students relied on God's help and the generosity of the King of Yan to build the Peking University Hall.

Students and others have empty schools, but no one who can educate them. They look up to Duke Zhang and look forward to Prime Minister Zhang coming to give lectures, just like the seedlings looking forward to the rain after a long drought.

I also hope that Mr. Zhang will appreciate the enthusiasm of the students and spare no time to come and educate them. His merits will be immeasurable!

After Huang Zicheng finished writing, there was a thick pile of signatures at the back, full of sincerity and no need to say more.

Zhang Ximeng pondered for a moment, he really didn't expect that Huang Zicheng was quite capable of doing things, and he had already set up a school after only a few months there.

It’s really not that simple!

Could it be that he used his ability to do bad things to do things with such high efficiency?

Just as Zhang Ximeng was sighing, someone suddenly came.

"Xiang Zhang, King Yan has sent a gift."

Zhang Ximeng was stunned for a moment, Zhu Di?

His father has issued an edict, and Huang Zicheng has also written a joint letter. Is he worried that I won't go? What other tricks can this kid come up with?

After Zhang Ximeng came out, he found Li Jinglong running over quickly.

"Mr. Zhang, I have been ordered by King Yan to come and present a gift to Prime Minister Zhang for inspection!"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Li Jinglong, you know that I never accept gifts."

Li Jinglong was full of confidence, "Xiang Zhang, you will definitely accept this gift."

"Really?" Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Then let's take a look!"

Li Jinglong waved, and someone came to Zhang Ximeng with exquisite trays. He unfolded the red silk and found a piece of golden gold inside! It was as big as a book!

Zhang Ximeng frowned and said, "Li Jinglong, are Zhu Di so direct when giving gifts now, without any concealment?"

Li Jinglong chuckled and said, "Ms. Zhang, please keep your eyes open." He walked to the first tray and unfolded it slightly. Only then did Zhang Ximeng see clearly that it was a gold box.

"Xiang Zhang, I have discussed it with the King of Yan. He heard that Mr. Zhang is teaching arithmetic again at Jimin Academy, and has opened new courses in physics, chemistry, statistics, etc... The King of Yan knows that these subjects are very important, and he is also the one in Peiping."

The main courses of the University Hall. So he made more than a dozen gold boxes, hoping to contain Prime Minister Zhang’s teaching materials and send them back to Peking as a treasure of the University Hall!"

Zhang Ximeng was startled, and then laughed out loud: "What do you mean? You are so calculating! This gold box is not for me, but you want me to put a few books on it? He dares to take advantage of me, Zhu Di is really impressive!"


Li Jinglong quickly smiled and said: "The gold box is not expensive, but knowledge is worth a thousand gold. I also ask Mr. Zhang to make all the students in Peiping have a heart to learn!"

Now Zhang Ximeng had no choice but to sort his manuscript lecture notes into categories and put them into gold boxes... Li Jinglong got the treasure and quickly sealed it up and transported it away immediately.

"Don't let the people at Jimin Academy know about it!" Li Jinglong said proudly, "Prime Minister Zhang was giving lectures to them, but he didn't leave any manuscripts. Let us at Peking University Academy get there first. Then we'll see why they can compete with us.


(End of chapter)

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