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Chapter seven hundred and thirty third prince handle country

"Now we want to ask you a question, why should we develop industry and commerce? What benefits can this road bring to Ming Dynasty?" Zhu Yuanzhang put his hands in and asked with a frown.

Everyone was slightly startled, what do you mean? We have been discussing this for so long, and His Majesty doesn’t even know this most basic question?

No way!

Just when everyone was in shock, Zhu Biao suddenly said: "If I return to my father, I will not follow the path of industry and commerce. Men will still farm and women will weave. The handicraft workshop will just weave raw silk into silk. It can increase some income and supplement the income."

It's just for household use. But if you can use machines, one loom can be worth sixty-four, or dozens of times more. From one workshop, you can collect dozens of times the tax. If the tax is abundant, the court can do things that were impossible in the past.

Things that have happened and achieved achievements that the previous dynasties could not achieve!"

After Zhu Biao finished speaking, Lao Zhu nodded slightly. He turned and looked at Li Shanchang again, "Mr. Li, do you think what the prince said makes sense?"

Li Shanchang quickly replied: "Your Majesty, now there are workshops everywhere and every household. It is really difficult for the tax department to collect taxes. It's like a mess of hair that can't be caught. If the court can't control it, the local yamen will get involved and line their own pockets.

Exploiting the people will lead to endless troubles like previous major cases of corruption!"

This is today's environment. Zhu Biao promised in advance, and Lao Li was telling the truth. We have already set up a tax department, why has it not been effective? Will naval smuggling be so rampant?

The problem lies here. After establishing a department, it must have corresponding financial and human support. Will the tax department, which collects money, still be short of money?

Yes, after all, taxation also has costs.

Over the years, what the tax department has been able to manage is a few waterways and a few key tax cards, including several big cities in Yingtian and Suzhou. It cannot control other places at all.

Let the tax department trace taxes, and the following scenario will probably occur... If you want to collect taxes, you can, but please increase the staff and assign enough officials before you can collect taxes.

But if you increase the number of people and assign officials, you have to spend money. The court is short of money, so it has to levy taxes. If you don't tax, where will the court get the money?

If you don’t give money to people, how can we collect money?

If you don’t take money, how can we support others?

When things have reached this point, they are basically unsolvable again.

In fact, when you look at the taxes of the Ming Dynasty, you will feel helpless.

As for land tax, even if the land is not annexed and everyone pays the tax according to the rules, there is an upper limit and it cannot be exceeded at all.

Regarding commercial taxes, no matter how we think about it, there is always the problem of taxation costs.

There are small workshops everywhere and a small farmer economy.

There are hundreds of thousands of tax targets, or even more... Each family only has a tax of three melons and two dates. No matter how it is collected or what method is used, what can enter the national treasury is very limited.

You might even lose money if you don't do it well.

The remaining salt taxes, tariffs, and minerals can only be said to be small supplements, but they cannot change the overall situation.

If you take into account land annexation, corruption among officials, population expansion, etc., it is almost a dead end with no solution.

It’s no wonder that you are at your peak right after your debut, and the rest of the time is just maintenance. If you want to become bigger and stronger, and create greater glory, that is absolutely impossible.

To put it bluntly, Zhu Yuanzhang can still suppress it now. Once Zhu Yuanzhang is gone, salt tax, land tax, and customs duties will all be reduced sharply. At the same time, officials' salaries and other items will suddenly increase.

The financial crisis is coming in an instant. How about learning from Zhu Yunwen and starting to reduce the vassal status?

Or Fengtian Jingnan?

Anyway, it seems quite helpless.

Governing a country is really not an easy task.

Therefore, from very early on, Zhang Ximeng has been advocating the development of industry and commerce and finding a new path... As a result, this path has been staggering, and Suzhou, which has the best conditions, has not even been able to make it.

Peiping is the only hope. If Peking doesn't succeed, then everyone will really have no choice but to go to sleep.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked several more questions, and everyone present tried their best to answer them. At the end of the conversation, Lao Zhu was in a good mood.

"Bringing two kilograms of new tea to each Qing's family is our gift to everyone. We will hold more meetings like this in the future, not only for industrial and commercial matters, but also for other important matters. You should be honest and honest, and we will accept your advice with an open mind.


Good guy, it's really not easy to get a reward from Lao Zhu.

These two kilograms of tribute tea should be sent to the ancestor's ancestral hall as an offering... No, Xu Da did not allow officials to build ancestral halls, so they had to hide it at home.

Everyone dispersed one after another with various thoughts.

Zhu Yuanzhang whispered: "Sister, Biao'er, the three of us have a meal together, and we will talk about some things in detail."

Queen Ma was startled for a moment, then nodded quickly, "That's good, I'll cook! Let's talk."

After Queen Ma left, only Lao Zhu and Zhu Biao were left.

The two men looked at each other for a long time, but it was Lao Zhu who smiled first and said: "You made a good arrangement this time. Those people all told the truth, which opened our eyes. In the past, it was me who was shallow!"

Zhu Biao also smiled bitterly and said: "Father, in fact, the one who really saw through this step is Mr. Zhang. He has realized it a long time ago, so he laid out the plan in Beiping, hoping to break through from Beiping."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said: "Mr. Zhang's ability goes without saying. I just want to ask you, your fourth brother Zhu Di, can he handle such a big thing?"

This is an old question, and Zhu Yuanzhang brought it up again.

Zhu Biao pondered for a long time and then asked: "Father, who do you think is needed to run the business well?"

Lao Zhu was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "We can't really say for the moment. It's just that your fourth brother is too out-of-the-box. Although he has some tricks, he is not so lovable after all. Brothers are not that honest. They are courageous and thoughtful.

There are too many... we are really worried!"

Zhu Biao lowered his head and muttered silently. He raised his head after a while and said, "Father, how is my fourth brother? It's hard to say. But if I let my son take charge of the industry and commerce in Peiping, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do anything!"

Zhu Biao said it very seriously and was not being modest about it.

A Peking University has an annual investment of three to five million dollars.

Thousands of looms are impossible without millions of investment.

Then we have to purchase raw materials, sell them to outsiders, hire craftsmen, and train workers...

After a messy calculation, it’s several million strings!

This is a necessary expenditure to maintain Peiping's industry and commerce.

When the matter falls on Zhu Biao, can he make up his mind?

King Zhu Fang of Qin, King Zhu Fan of Jin, and other brothers, as well as so many courtiers, all stretched out their hands to develop... The Central Plains wanted to control the water, the southwest wanted to build roads, and the Lingnan wanted to build schools.

Everyone is right, and everyone is right.

It’s just one thing. The resources of the Ming Dynasty are only so few. If they are sprinkled everywhere like pepper noodles, it will be basically useless and they will still be spinning in the quagmire.

Lao Zhu pondered again and again, and then slowly said: "It seems like this is really the only way."

Zhu Biao nodded vigorously.

The father and son fell into a brief silence again.

At this moment, the aroma wafted in and Queen Ma had already prepared the meal.

When Zhu Yuanzhang stood up, he suddenly said: "Zhu Biao, from now on, you will be responsible for supervising the country!"

Zhu Biao was startled suddenly and looked at his father in disbelief.

"My father is in his prime and full of energy. How can he allow his children to supervise the country? This is not appropriate!"

Lao Zhu smiled and patted Zhu Biao on the shoulder, "Needless to say, my father thinks it's appropriate! If you must shirk it, then you will only be responsible for the business-related part. You can ignore other things."

Zhu Biao was stunned, and finally nodded, taking over the new position.

A family of three sat together and enjoyed dinner.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly said: "Sister, you haven't been to Peiping for so many years, right?"

Queen Ma was stunned. She had never been there before. It seemed that after entering Jinling, she had never even left Yingtian!

"Let's do this. After some time, we will patrol the border with you and go to Yanshan to have a look. We will see where we drink Yanshan with the heroes. We will also see how big the Peking University Hall is!"

Good guy, Lao Zhu is ready to travel, and the couple should go on tour together.

Normally, if the emperor neglects his duties and indulges in entertainment, he needs to be remonstrated. But in today's atmosphere, Queen Ma couldn't say anything, so she could only nod slightly, "Sure!"

Then Empress Ma added: "Biao's daughter-in-law is already pregnant with a child, and he will also be a father in a while!"

Is Zhu Biao a father?

Doesn't that mean that he is going to be a grandfather?

Zhu Yuanzhang finally couldn't help laughing loudly, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

The new generation always gives people unlimited hope.

Daming will not be unable to get out of the quagmire.

Absolutely not!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang became extremely confident.

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang issued an edict, and Prince Zhu Biao ended his administration and was promoted to supervisor. He also specifically stated that he would be in charge of industrial and commercial development matters.

Zhu Biao finally began to officially participate in government affairs.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, thinking that the prince would have some unusual means... Zhu Biao suddenly issued a puzzling order.

Zhu Biao asked the Ministry of Education to come up with new clothes to meet the requirements of rebuilding the world and revitalizing China.

Moreover, Zhu Biao personally went to the Ministry of Education and took out a few samples for everyone to take a look at.

"This is woolen clothing. It is simple and warm, stiff and convenient...it is energetic and strong, and it is very suitable for students to wear! The Ministry of Education will give it a little thought and place the order as soon as possible."

After Zhu Biao said this, he left directly.

Only these adults were left looking at each other... What the hell is this?

Do you really want to wear it for students?

It looks awkward no matter how you look at it!

After everyone made some inquiries, they found out that it was originally done by Beiping.

Since the promulgation of the compulsory education order, there have been more than one million students in Ming Dynasty!

With so many orders falling into Zhu Di's hands, he is going to become a big fat pig!

No, absolutely not!

Clothes cannot be changed casually, and King Zhu Di cannot be partial to him!

The Ministry of Education immediately raised objections, but as soon as they were sent up, Zhu Biao beat him back, and the two leading officials were demoted three levels in a row.

I am not negotiating with you, I am giving you orders!

(End of chapter)

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