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Chapter 743 I have arrested His Majesty

Zhang Ximeng accompanied Lao Zhu and secretly returned to the camp. Only Queen Ma was still awake and had a stove ready. Seeing Lao Zhu come back, he immediately asked him to sit down and rest, and then put the prepared spring rolls in the oil pan to fry.

I also prepared a large bowl of milk tea for Lao Zhu.

She smiled and said: "When we get to the north, let's change our habits...don't always eat noodles. By the way, Mr. Zhang, you should eat something too!"

Zhang Ximeng quickly thanked him, "Empress, I have stopped eating midnight snacks since I was thirty years old. I can't bear the fried food and milk tea. I'd better take my leave now. I will leave for Peking tomorrow morning."

, Master, don’t eat too much and go to bed early.”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Only Lao Zhu and his wife were left in the imperial tent. Zhu Yuanzhang didn't care about this, "Look at Mr. Zhang, he is just hypocritical. If you don't eat midnight snacks, what fun is there in the evening? By the way, where is Zhu Di? Where is that Zhuzi?"

Queen Ma said: "Don't scold the child all the time when he goes to bed. We have been feuding since he was ten years old, and it has been two or three years now. It is really not easy for children. You don't know how distressed I am as a mother."

It still hurts!"

Lao Zhu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Who says we don't feel bad! After chatting with Mr. Zhang, we realized that being in love with this Peiping is like a tiger's nest and a wolf's lair, compared to the eighteenth level of hell and the Hall of Hell.

That big frying pan is quite dangerous!"

Queen Ma was stunned for a moment, then looked at the spring rolls that she had fried to a golden crisp, and suddenly felt something.

"I plan to secure a match for the fourth child, and the woman is Xu Da's daughter. What do you think?"

"Okay! This is a good idea!" Zhu Yuanzhang agreed without any hesitation and almost instantly.

Empress Ma was slightly startled, "Chongba, Xu Da is now a censor, an important minister in the court, and the leader of all the generals. Are you not afraid of letting his daughter marry the fourth child?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly smiled, "What are we afraid of? We're just afraid that this thing won't work!" Lao Zhu drank milk tea and said with a smile: "We can finally get a taste of it. Peking is really different from other places. Here.

The land system, tax system, and employment are all different from other places. In addition to authorizing the fourth child, we also need to ask the Yushitai to cooperate. It would be good for the fourth child to get engaged to Xu Da's girl."

After another pause, Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Is it possible that we are still worried about the fourth brother's fight with the boss? Maybe the relationship between the two brothers is deeper than ours! Isn't Peking just left to the fourth brother by the boss!"

Queen Ma nodded happily, "Okay, with your words, I feel relieved... Come, eat more."

The couple enjoyed a supper, then took a rest, turned to the sky, played the gongs and drums, and the emperor's guard of honor was displayed.

Although Lao Zhu is a simple person, he cannot have nothing.

In addition, Zhu Di had to prepare sufficient ostentation to welcome his father and mother, so the royal guards in flying fish uniforms, carrying colorful flags, opened the way in front, majestic and murderous.

The Han general, tall and tall, holds a sword in his hand, which is bright and thrilling.

Surrounded by thousands of people, there is the emperor's royal chariot, which is also tall, spacious and full of majesty.

Zhang Ximeng also has a special carriage following behind.

Not far from their exit, someone suddenly called to stop.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang who stopped the team.

Lao Zhu took Queen Ma, got out of the car, and walked quickly forward. At this time, Zhu Di and Zhang Ximeng also caught up.

Lao Zhu stretched out his hand and pointed, "Is this the Gaoliang River ahead?"

Zhang Ximeng said hurriedly: "To return to your majesty, since the Yuan Dynasty, the waterway has changed, and the Gaoliang River is no longer the same as it used to be. However, according to research, the location in front should be the former site of the Battle of Gaoliang River, so I saved the donkey cart."

Come on, put it here."

Lao Zhu couldn't help but laugh. Regardless of whether the river course changes or not, this thing is really worth looking forward to.

Even a kind person like Queen Ma couldn't help being narrow-minded and walked over quickly.

After walking for a short distance, a unique sculpture suddenly appeared in front of us.

The sculpture faces the south. There is a little donkey, raising its hooves and running forward. It adopts the shape of a horse stepping on a flying swallow. It lifts three hooves and stamps on the ground with one hoof, giving the appearance of running like crazy.

You can’t do it without risking your life!

Because the people in the car are really important.

He is a practitioner of brother-friendship and brother-respect, a lucky person of the Little Zhou Empress, a donkey cart drift enthusiast, a famous micro-manager, the last God of War in the Song Dynasty, Song Taizong Zhao Jiong!

This statue is simply full of bad taste. Zhao Jiong was half-clad in armor, looking panicked and timidly looking back. At the same time, he was holding the donkey cart with one hand, preparing to climb up.

On his back butt, there was an arrow nailed impressively.

Trembling, the situation was extremely critical.

Lao Zhu and Queen Ma seemed to be looking at something rare. They walked around three times and looked at it carefully and clearly from beginning to end.

Empress Ma couldn't help but laugh at first, "After all, he is an emperor, why is he like this!"

Zhu Di, who was standing next to him, quickly explained: "Mother, this was not done casually. It was carefully studied based on the history of the Song Dynasty and local chronicles. Even the breed of the donkey was found out. It is absolutely true!"

Empress Ma couldn't help but want to laugh, "What kind of breed? Tell me and listen."

"This is called dark clouds walking on snow. The little donkey is not big, but it runs like flying. It is no worse than a good horse. There is a special donkey market in Beiping. This kind of donkey sells the best, and it is said in the newspaper

, Song Taizong agreed to use it!"

Queen Ma couldn't bear it anymore. Who are these people?

People were defeated and injured, and relied on donkey carts to save their lives. As a result, you not only made the people into statues, but also used them as advertisements to sell donkeys. It is really unkind.

Lao Zhu, on the other hand, was not burdened at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "Zhu Di, get us two ends later and let us try it too."

Zhu Di readily agreed, "Father, please take a look. I promise to choose the best for you and my mother."

Lao Zhu immediately smiled and said: "Sister, it's not that we are unkind, it's really that the emperor of Zhao and Song Dynasties has no future. A defeat is not terrible, and losing the land of Yanyun is not a fatal thing. It's just that after losing it, you have to accept your fate.

It would be so shameful if we gave up and failed to recover! The Zhao and Song dynasties were truly a shame to the Central Plains!"

Lao Zhu suddenly said: "Although Emperor Zhao and Song were embarrassed, there was still no shortage of loyal ministers and righteous people. We remember that many soldiers died in this battle, so we still need to build temples for them to worship their heroes."

Zhang Ximeng said quickly: "Your Majesty is kind and has made arrangements a long time ago. In addition, Yang Ye died at Chenjiagukou. The Liao Kingdom once built a Yang Wudi Temple at Gubeikou to commemorate this loyal minister. I went to the temple to see it, and after the Liao and Jin Dynasties

During the Yuan Dynasty and the Three Dynasties, the temple was abandoned, the main hall collapsed, and was in a state of disrepair. I ordered the temple to be rebuilt, and a monument to the recovery of Yanyun was erected, mainly to comfort the heroes. I, the Ming Dynasty, have represented China, recovered the land of Yanyun, and washed away the shame. Please also ask

My ancestors may rest in peace soon.”

Lao Zhu nodded repeatedly, "Sir, this arrangement is indeed appropriate. Later we will go to Gubeikou to worship at Yang Wudi Temple."

Lao Zhu's words naturally won the approval of the soldiers. The common people's right and wrong are not complicated. They respect heroes and admire warriors.

No matter how clever he may be, he may be as loyal and kind as Yue Fei and will always be respected by others.

Whether it is erecting a donkey-drawn war god here, a sculpture of a wolf fleeing in panic, rebuilding the Yang Wudi Temple, or offering sacrifices to heroic spirits, in the final analysis, it is all for the purpose of distinguishing right from wrong and correcting the three views, which is the most important thing for a country.

But for Zhu Yuanzhang, there was a deeper consideration.

Because this time he arrived in Peking and discussed the land issue with Zhang Ximeng, Lao Zhu felt even more profoundly.

He did get the land in Peiping back, but it was still very difficult to hold it. The original method of playing in the Central Plains, the method of equalizing land that he was most familiar with, seemed to no longer work.

In other words, we need to innovate.

Establish a larger reclamation company and give them enough preferential treatment so that they can own a large amount of land, build roads, build granaries, and even own a veterinary hospital.

Labor can also be hired.

By the way, we also need to give them weapons and form a militia. Externally, we can guard against the Mongols, and internally, we can naturally suppress this group of laborers.

If you want to continue to fish from the lake, others must agree.

Lao Zhu felt that this was really not a small matter and that only smart and capable people could handle it.

Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking about this matter when he came out of the God of War in Gaoliang River.

At this moment, the car was getting closer and closer to Peiping, and the ranks of officials and people on both sides were getting bigger and bigger. Zhu Yuanzhang also stuck his head out of the imperial chariot and waved to the people.

Among the crowd, there were many court officials, including Huang Zicheng, Qi Tai, Fang Xiaoru and others.

Some other officials from Peiping were also among them, including the junior official who stopped Lao Zhu at the tax card.

In fact, after arresting Lao Zhu, he didn't panic at all and even wanted to laugh a little.

"That man obviously has no businessman spirit at all, but he still wants to bribe me. It's like a joke! I think he is probably testing me."

When his old lady heard this, she was a little scared, "Testing you? Have you offended someone? Are you not malicious? Are you trying to frame you?"

The tax collector laughed loudly, "In this position, even if I offend others, there are many people who want to harm me. But don't worry, they don't have the ability. I guard the tax card, and I only get various bonuses for a year.

I have one hundred thousand guan. If I work for two more years and we save hundreds of thousands guan, I will resign and return to my hometown. By then we will also be rich men. Not to mention how beautiful those days will be."

"I've got the person now, so I'm not in a hurry. I'll just wait slowly. Someone will definitely be scared and will take the person. Maybe we can still make a fortune by then!"

His calculation was clear, but soon news came that someone had taken the prisoner away.

He wanted to ask, but he was told directly not to ask questions that he shouldn't!

That tone clearly meant that the other party's identity was unusual.

The tax collector was trembling and out of his mind. Even if he came to greet Zhu Yuanzhang, he still had a thorn in his heart. Looking blankly, he happened to meet Zhu Yuanzhang greeting the big guys.

It looks familiar!

The tax collector was startled and suddenly realized something.

His Majesty!

Me, the person I arrested is Your Majesty!

Why do I feel a little dizzy!

This guy's legs became weak and he fell down immediately.

The people around him were shocked and quickly sent him home.

This person just lay on the bed stupidly, looking up at the ceiling, saying nothing, as if he was stupid.

After a long while, everyone else retreated. He suddenly jumped up and yelled at his wife, "Quick, let's go!"

Madam doesn't know what hysteria happened to him.

"Why are you leaving? No longer an official? You no longer make money?"

"What kind of money do you make? You have to spend your life to make money!" Without saying a word, he grabbed his wife and ran outside in a hurry. As a result, as soon as he ran out, he ran into two royal guards.

"Let's go, His Majesty wants to see you!"

The lady was greatly surprised and looked at the tax collector stupidly, "Damn it, why does your Majesty want to see you?"

The tax collector cried, "Madam, please prepare your funeral arrangements for me. I have captured His Majesty!"

This chapter has been completed!
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