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Eight hundred and seventieth chapters should be the eyes of the sky

"Father, you don't have to worry, this money should go to the court's clear account!" Zhu Biao said simply.

Lao Zhu rolled his eyes and looked at his son who was becoming more mature and stable. He didn't say anything, but pointed to the seat next to him and asked Zhu Biao to sit down side by side with him.

Zhu Biao was startled for a moment, but he sat down obediently.

"In the past few years, we have not been so concerned with the affairs of the junior high school. The burden of Ming Dynasty has fallen on your head. How do you feel now? Can you still carry it?"

Zhu Biao grinned and said, "You have to carry it even if you can't carry it... There are so many things going on now, and none of them can be taken lightly. But to be honest, on the whole, it is better to go up. I have also asked about it,

There are still people starving in the country, but not many people die of starvation. There are disasters in various places, but there are still grains in the government treasury. There are many corrupt officials, but on the whole they can still obey the government orders. The children have also learned from the masters and others, even if they are

The prosperous age of the Han and Tang Dynasties also had many shortcomings. The real prosperous age does not lie in doing nothing, but in being able to do things. No matter whether it is right or wrong, as long as you can do things, if you are wrong, you just have to change it. I just want to think about it. "

Zhu Biao had a smile on his face. He might be tired, but he was very calm.

Seeing this scene, Lao Zhu was really pleased. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand, pressed it on Zhu Biao's shoulder, rubbed it repeatedly and slapped it hard, and finally burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay! When you were just born, we asked the Grand Master to be your teacher. After so many years, you have not learned the knowledge of the Grand Master, but you have learned the ability to be an emperor. Looking back, I really want to thank you Taishi."

Master, he has good intentions!"

Zhu Biao was stunned for a while, and then he said with deep understanding: "Sir didn't teach you anything, but he taught you everything. Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements, so that's what I'm talking about, sir!"

The two men thought for a moment and realized that this was really the case.

In fact, Zhu Biao in history died before Lao Zhu in the end. Do you think there was someone who harmed him? Not entirely true.

As the most powerful prince, whoever dares to touch Zhu Biao is not seeking death? Rather, it is the best way to die according to Xiao Xiaole of the Nine Tribes.

The biggest problem with Zhu Biao's early death was that he was under too much pressure and had been smoldering for a long time.

This has a lot to do with Zhu Yuanzhang's overly aggressive philosophy of governing the country. Zhu Yuanzhang would launch large prisons and execute tens of thousands of people at every turn. From civil servants to military generals, even relatives of the emperor were not polite.

As Lao Zhu's favorite son, people will naturally look for Zhu Biao's protection. Zhu Biao is also recognized as a good boy, well-protected and well-liked by everyone. If he doesn't stand out, he will really live up to everyone's expectations.

In this way, Zhu Biao unfortunately got caught between Zhu Yuanzhang and the officials.

Especially since the death of Queen Ma, the pressure has become even greater. Day after day, year after year... there comes a time when I can no longer bear it.

All sons of saintly kings and heroes have this problem.

For example, the prince of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and the prince of Li Er.

Even Zhu Di's fat son in history, Zhu Gaochi, died after only being emperor for ten months. If Zhu Di persisted for a while and took good care of his health, the fat man might not be able to survive it.

In fact, if you understand these rules and look at Zhang Ximeng's care for Zhu Biao, it is simply a magical method.

He is Zhu Biao's master, but he is not close to Zhu Biao... It is absolutely impossible for others to ask Zhang Ximeng to do anything for him through Zhu Biao.

Then Zhang Ximeng opened a big net and restricted Lao Zhu's hands and feet.

If Zhu Yuanzhang wants to lose his temper, he will first fall into Zhang Ximeng's layout. The layers are layered, and the monarchs and ministers go back and forth, which relieves the pressure on Zhu Biao.

Furthermore, Zhang Ximeng did not arrange too much for Zhu Biao...for example, letting him learn martial arts and lead troops, or study literature, and he had no intention of inheriting science and becoming a sect.

Anyway, Zhu Biao just knows some things roughly, has mastered some methods of doing things, and can figure out some people's hearts... It's hard to say how strong he is, but he understands almost everything.

There aren't many people around me, let alone life-long friendships.

Even Zhang Ximeng's eldest son Zhang Shuning is good friends with Zhu Di, but he is very distant from Zhu Biao.

For a time, people wondered whether Zhang Ximeng looked down on Zhu Biao and planned to support Zhu Di?

After Zhu Biao had been supervising the country for several years and really started to handle government affairs, Zhang Ximeng's arrangements gradually produced results.

Even Zhu Biao himself had to admit that he was smart enough to be a role model for the prince's mentor.

First of all, Zhu Biao is a well-deserved prince. Anyone who wants to replace him is taking the wrong medicine. In this case, you are still frantically recruiting people to Zhu Biao, asking him to learn this, understand that, and cultivate his power.

Recruiting talents...what do you want to do?

Do you really want to test the relationship between father and son?

Even if Zhu Yuanzhang is willing to give up the throne, what will the government and the public think?

This is not a joke!

Therefore, Zhang Ximeng just kept quiet, isolated all kinds of forces, and at the same time gave appropriate tips to Zhu Biao, that's all.

This is why the stall in Peking must be built by Zhu Di.

It's not that the prince is left alone and that King Yan must be arranged...but based on this logic, Zhu Biao cannot be allowed to rush to the front.

It's like Wang Yangming is so famous, but he has never entered the cabinet or held central power. The better Zhu Di does outside, and the bigger the noise, the further away he will be from the throne.

The officials in Yingtian would not let Zhu Di enter the capital, otherwise wouldn't they be replaced by the people in Peiping?

Therefore, there are too many delicate operations and full of profound calculations.

Zhang Ximeng will not tell anyone, and people outside may not be able to guess it.

In the imperial palace and the Taishi Mansion, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng are not just monarchs and ministers, it is as simple as trusting each other. Friendship alone cannot maintain the two people until today.

There is Lao Zhu’s great talent and ambition, as well as Zhang Ximeng’s delicate thoughts and clever arrangements.

Perhaps one day, if you look through Lao Zhu's actual records and Zhang Ximeng's diary, and compare them, you can guess some clues.

What’s interesting is that when it comes to Zhu Biao, Zhang Ximeng basically adopts a free-spirited attitude, but when it comes to Zhu Xiongying, Zhang Ximeng supports his beloved disciple, gives him some guidance, and even cultivates him since childhood.

This reflects another layer of Zhang Ximeng’s calculations.

There is no need to doubt Zhu Biao's position as the crown prince.

But it won’t work for Zhu Xiongying’s generation.

The world has been at peace for a long time, and the crown prince has little prestige. He can only rely on the favor of his ancestors to sit on the throne. How much prestige can he have?

Therefore, Zhu Xiongying worked hard on learning, studied agriculture, and achieved certain achievements, which was a great help to him, the grandson of the emperor...

Both generations of children and grandchildren were clearly arranged by Zhang Ximeng.

We have accomplished this step without leaving a trace or making a sound.

What do you think Zhu Yuanzhang can do?

Does he dare to fall out with Zhang Ximeng?

Will he fall out?

Who wouldn’t say that the Grand Master is so brilliant?

"Father, last year, including Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places, the equalization of land was basically completed, and 70% of the chieftains were eliminated...Junior brother Shu Ning put in a lot of effort. He is not just a person over there.

It’s so simple to be the head of the school. Now, including Bashu, the new land system has been finalized. To put it into perspective, the people in Huaidong can’t get an average of five acres of land. In Suzhou and other places, they can’t even get three acres.

No. It can still fill my stomach, but it’s definitely not going to be that good.”

Zhu Biao and Lao Zhu were talking about it. Although it was just a few sentences, there was too much content in it... The second equalization of land in the Central Plains region has been successfully completed after several years of hard work.

The abolition of chieftains in the southwest and the complete equalization of land for the first time were all accomplished quietly.

Accompanying the reform of the land system, there are also tax system reforms, currency system reforms... If these things are completed, they will be able to shine in the annals of history and boast about it for thousands of years.

Zhu Biao completed everything. Although the officials in the court, headed by Sun Yan, stumbled, they generally performed their duties well and are definitely worthy of commendation.

Zhu Biao has experienced enough to be able to complete such a large and complicated matter calmly. He has enough confidence to face this country.

However, if you want to go further next, you will still have many difficulties, and even the existing results may be reversed.

Zhu Biao was naturally worried, and Lao Zhu also sighed slightly.

"The Grand Master and I have been staring outside for the past few years, just trying to find a way. The Grand Master is encouraging technology now, and that's probably what he means. He is a deep-minded person, and he is unwilling to speak out until the end, and even to the end

, you may not be able to see through what arrangements he has made. Anyway, let’s wait and see what the results are after the bonus is released!”

The father and son reached a consensus and immediately asked Zhongshu Province to order the money.

This time it is not that the Ming royal family wants to cause trouble, but that the entire Ming Dynasty uses the will of the country to encourage the development of science and technology. The significance of this cannot be overstated.

Tao Chengdao was full of confidence because his flying wings were almost successful.

Tao Chengdao imitated the shape of wings and sewed a huge wing out of silk.

Under the wings, a light seat was hung.

This seat is not made of the original hardwood, but is made of lightweight rattan. People can sit on it and control the wings through ropes.

As long as it is released at a high place, it can rely on the power of the wind to soar in the sky for a period of time.

As the time continued to improve and the time went on, Tao Chengdao became more and more excited.

He is only one step away from success.

The imperial court's bonus is a trivial matter. Being able to fly high in the sky, overlooking the earth, and realize your dreams is real. Of course, the three hundred thousand gold bonus must be very fragrant.

But just when Tao Chengdao was full of confidence, a huge sphere suddenly rose from the west of Yingtian City. There was a simple and honest man on it, rubbing his hands constantly, and his wrinkled face was full of joy.


It’s really done!

"Dad, someone is competing with Tao Chengdao!" Zhang Chengtian said excitedly.

Zhang Ximeng was surprised, "Do you know who he is?"

"I dare not say anything about the Ming Dynasty, but there is nothing I don't know about Yingtian City. This man is a veteran of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division."

Zhang Ximeng was startled, "Why does he want to invent?"

"I heard that he is usually in charge of the water tanker, which is used to put out fires all over the city. He thought that he could see clearly from a high position and send the water tanker in advance to avoid burning innocent people."

Zhang Ximeng's heart moved, he nodded and said: "This man is virtuous!"

I recommend a new book on Xianxia. You can try it. It’s quite interesting.

(End of chapter)

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