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Eight hundred and ninetieth chapters of the emperor's inaction

There are some things that Zhang Ximeng doesn't need to say. Once he points it out, Jiang Nan will know what to do.

In fact, over the years, Jiang Nan has become very good at combating counterfeit currency.

Lu Zhou, in particular, was truly authoritative in this regard, and he successively recruited more than thirty people, who formed a powerful anti-counterfeiting bureau to provide advice and guidance.

Almost any counterfeit currency cannot escape their supervision.

Of course, there are still countless people who continue this kind of profit-free business without regrets. However, the Ming Dynasty court has been able to control counterfeit currency within an acceptable range, so as not to harm the credibility of the currency.

But this time, the situation is a bit special. The money the other party used was not counterfeit money at all, but genuine money, but it may not have been stamped.

Therefore extra caution is required.

Jiang Nan asked all branches to strengthen their vigilance. If they find a sudden increase in currency flow in a certain place, they must deal with it carefully and report it in time without slacking off.

At the same time, Jiang Nan contacted the Du Branch and the Arch Guard Department... Anyway, everyone in the Ming Dynasty had been mobilized and prepared.

Li Shanchang, with all his virtues and abilities, fell into such a dragnet. Old Li also suffered from bad luck for eight lifetimes.

His idea is not complicated, because if the currency is exactly the same, his Goryeo will be completely swallowed up by the Ming Dynasty and become an ordinary province, and his identity will be worthless.

So Lao Li must fight for it.

Even if the trouble comes to Lao Zhu, he has nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, as a hero, it was Lao Zhu who decided to entrust overseas. It has only been a few days?

You, Zhu Yuanzhang, are going to go back on your word and give up on your promise?

No, it can’t be so excessive!

Li Shanchang felt that with his old face, he could still work hard and there was nothing to be afraid of.

He thought so, but Zhang Ximeng didn't think so, because what happened this time would probably teach Lao Li an unforgettable lesson that he would never forget until his death.

Therefore, Zhang Ximeng is also informing his students to conduct research in this area.

In addition, Zhang Ximeng also went to Lao Zhu's place, especially the manor outside the city. If anything happened, he would deal with it as soon as possible... Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know this, he was focused on the casting of Jiuding.

The gold donated by Zhu Di was definitely enough to cast a golden tripod, but in principle this batch of gold came from Tianzhu and should be used as the "Tianzhu tripod", not the Huaxia tripod.

"Sir, what do you think the tripod over there in Tianzhu should be called?" Lao Zhu asked casually while collecting the peanuts.

Zhang Ximeng thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Lord, how about calling me Fanzhou?"

"Fanzhou?" Lao Zhu also pondered for a while, "Yes, don't the people of Tianzhu pursue the realm of the unity of Brahma and me? Now we will rename them Fanzhou. It is really well deserved, so it is decided!"

There is no doubt that with Zhang Ximeng and Lao Zhu here, future world maps will definitely have different distinctions.

China is called Chixian Shenzhou, Tianzhu is Fanzhou, Dashi can be called "Zhenzhou", Eastern Rome is called "Luozhou", what is Western Europe called... Zhang Ximeng has not thought about it for a while.

Anyway, the entire world must be re-divided according to Ming Dynasty's habits.

The emperor's grandson Zhu Xiongying is getting older and older. The little guy has beautiful features and soft facial features. He is completely different from Old Zhu... After three generations, Zhu Yuanzhang's sharp edges and corners, full of masculine and murderous aura, have become gentle and elegant.

Full of bookishness.

Zhu Xiongying has indeed read a lot of books in the past few years. He is very familiar with the art of mobilizing the people and Mengxi pen talk.

Compared with studying, Zhu Xiongying's practical results are even more amazing.

He participated in planting a large number of new crops, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, peanuts... They all came out of this manor and sown on a large scale, thus changing the entire Ming Dynasty.

Facing the green crop fields, Zhu Xiongying sighed deeply.

"Grandpa Huang, what do you think crops depend on to grow?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhang Ximeng and said to himself, if you know, just tell me!

Zhang Ximeng is wandering around the world, he is too lazy to talk nonsense, wouldn't it be nice to let the children explore by themselves?

"Well, of course it's the sun, rain, dew, and the fertilizer in the ground! The crops are all dependent on fertilizer. Didn't you already know that?"

Zhu Xiongying nodded, "I know, but when I helped Grandma Huang take care of the flowers she planted not long ago, I found that the soil that I put in at the beginning was still about the same weight after cleaning it out. According to Grandpa Huang,

Fertilizer from the ground is used, so why isn’t the soil reduced?”

This time Lao Zhu was asked again, and he was speechless.

"Mr. Zhang, it's time for you to say something!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled helplessly, "Your Majesty, I am not omniscient and omnipotent, but Your Highness did raise a good question. What exactly makes the crops grow in the land we have cultivated for so many years has not been clearly explained. If you can study it carefully, find out

We came to the conclusion that whatever is lacking in the fields, we can add it, and the grain output may be doubled. At that time, Kyushu China will no longer have to suffer from hunger and will always have enough to eat."

Lao Zhu frowned and sighed in his heart.

"Our good grandson, it's good for you to think about these things, but you have to know that your imperial grandfather has laid down such a huge country for you. Your father has taken care of it carefully and worked hard to manage it. Sooner or later, it will be passed on to you.

On your head. You can't indulge in these things, you still have to learn how to govern a country."

Zhu Xiongying has always been very honest and obedient, but after hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang said, the little guy rarely fell silent. After a while, he said: "I don't want to learn!"

Lao Zhu was shocked. If it had been anyone else, he would have slapped him with a big slap.

However, this is the grandson he cares about most, how can he do it!

"Tell Grandfather why you don't want to learn?"

Zhu Xiongying scratched his head, "Why not! Grandfather, you see, I study plant genetics. If the research is right, it is right. I want to study crop production. If I succeed, I can increase the yield per mu... The numbers are there, they are real.

Now, it's within reach. I can know what's going on. But when you talk about governing the country, I don't know what is good and what is bad... Working hard to govern may not make the country strong. Governing by doing nothing may also make the people happy.

I always feel that it’s just like that without me. Anyway, I don’t have the wisdom and prowess of my imperial grandfather, nor the conscientiousness of my father. I just want to do something I like..."

Zhu Xiongying said, suddenly raised his head, stared at Old Zhu and said: "Grandfather, will you be disappointed with my thoughts?"

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned slightly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Mr. Zhang, you should say something this time!"

Zhang Ximeng thought for a while and said helplessly: "Your Highness, you can't think like that... It is precisely because of His Highness's existence that the officials in the court have value! Especially those in Zhongshu Province... They are busy every day, collecting news from all over the country.

, Your Highness, they are busy and diligent. If it weren’t for Your Highness, wouldn’t these people’s work be in vain? Your Highness said so?”

"Oh! Come to think of it, it's still useful!" The little guy said seriously: "Then I can learn it, but I may not be able to learn it well."

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to cry when he heard this. Good guy, we are only in the third generation, why are we going to become decorations?

The purpose of the emperor is to make a group of officials have something to do and not be idle and bored... If this is really the case, let's dissolve the Zhongshu Province!

Lao Zhu was furious, while Zhang Ximeng remained silent and stared at the sky.

Whatever you think, the trend is probably the same and it is difficult to change.

The first generation of emperors took great measures and worked hard to create a peaceful and prosperous era, which was handed over to the second generation.

If the leader of the upper-level inner defense can catch this situation, prevent it from collapsing, and continue to do so, it will be considered a good skill.

By the time the third generation arrives, they will manage things vertically and follow their habits and run downwards.

You really can't expect too much. As long as Zhu Xiongying doesn't engage in strategic contraction, doesn't waste his fleet, doesn't give up Annan, and doesn't use military force to cultivate literature, he will be much stronger than Ren Xuan in history.

You, Zhu Yuanzhang, must know how to be content!

Lao Zhu's face was gloomy. After a long time, he didn't have an attack. He just sighed.

"Sir, do you have any new news recently? Tell us about it so that we can enjoy it too?"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Lord, if you want to talk about this, I actually heard that there is a man named Zhang Xin who opened a loan company in Yingtian."

"Zhang Xin? I think we have heard of it!"

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "Indeed, he was the first in the imperial examination, but he didn't want to go to the county to be an official, so he gave up on his own initiative. After all, people who don't want to be the top scholar are still somewhat famous."

Not only is he somewhat famous, he is simply famous!

Time has developed to the present. Although the Ming Dynasty still has the Jinshi Department, there is a problem. After passing the examination, it is difficult to directly become a high-ranking official. Even noble yamen such as the Hanlin Academy cannot enter.

You need to practice at the bottom before you can climb up.

Although they will be promoted quickly, they are not as good as in history.

And as the number of scholars increases, we can’t have literary stars per capita, right?

Therefore, the No. 1 Scholarship is not that valuable, but most people are still willing to take part in it.

But there are always exceptions. For example, the number one scholar Zhang Xin took the initiative to give up his fame and go into business. After two or three years of hard work, I still don’t know what he did.

But recently, a lending business has opened, providing a large number of loans.

This is nothing. The strangest thing is that his business seems to have unlimited funds. Not only does it not borrow money from banks, it also does not attract investment from wealthy businessmen.

It seems that with his own money, he is constantly lending money to others...

"My lord, just because you can take the exam doesn't mean you can turn stone into gold! His ability is truly astonishing!"

Lao Zhu frowned, "Check! Check carefully for us! We hate this kind of empty-handed wolf!"

Zhang Ximeng nodded. A full month later, Lu Zhou found Zhang Ximeng with the results. On this day, the batch of gold donated by Li Shanchang was also delivered to Yingtian.

"Grand Master, according to my inspection, the serial numbers in the batch of loans provided by Zhang Xin Trading Company are indeed the same batch as those printed by the Bank of China to Korea!"

Lu Zhou said, placing the evidence in front of Zhang Ximeng, "Grand Master, King Li Han has been fooled after all!"

This chapter has been completed!
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