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Chapter 897: Both are casual cultivators

Chapter 899 Both are casual cultivators

These guys were simply curious about the intruders like Yuan Ming and had no intention of attacking.

But their appearance still cheered everyone up and made them really nervous.

One of the monks at the core-formation stage couldn't hold back and shot a sharp ice spike several feet long at a salamander that was getting closer, piercing its head directly and instantly scaring away all the other salamanders.

"I haven't given the order yet, who asked you to do it!" Wei Ling immediately scolded him when he found out.

"I, I'm too nervous... Didn't this cause some trouble?" the pill-forming monk said in a panic.

"Next time, I will expel you from the team and fend for yourself." Wei Ling looked like a scholar, but he was also full of majesty when he was angry.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Ming's reminder came.

"Pay attention to the left and right sides, there are monsters approaching." Yuan Ming's voice was calm and steady, making everyone panic but not panic, and they all looked at both sides with caution.

Sure enough, the sound of sand sliding could be heard from the dunes in the distance, and black shadows were densely packed, layer upon layer, like a black wave, rushing towards this side.

"Don't panic. It's the Desert Fire Scorpion. It's not even a level three monster. It's attacking at a close range. Don't waste your mana." Yuan Ming glanced at it and said.

After hearing this, everyone did not rush to take action. When the black fire scorpions surged ten feet away, they began to use their magical powers to attack the fire scorpions.

Pieces of fire clouds, ice blades, thunder and lightning... fell into the fire scorpion tide one after another, crackling, roaring and exploding, and soon all the fire scorpions were cleared away.

Yuan Ming did not take any action during the whole process, but calmly watched the performance of others and silently estimated their combat power in his heart.

What surprised him was that among the two twin brothers, the one with stronger magic power and more powerful spells was not the older brother, but the younger brother.

This person's cultivation has reached the peak of the late stage of pill formation, and he has the magical power of the Wutu Divine Thunder. When he attacks, huge Wutu thunder balls are blasted out one after another. If his brother hadn't dissuaded him in time, he might have recklessly killed him.

Will stop only when all mana is exhausted.

After this group of fire scorpions were repelled, some more fire beasts attacked one after another, but they were relatively weak and were repelled in a few hits.

After everyone searched for another half an hour, Wei Ling found Yuan Ming.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, the efficiency of searching like this is really low. We haven't found any powerful monsters along the way. How about we divide the team into two teams and you and I each lead a team to search?" Wei

Ling asked.

"Okay." Yuan Ming didn't care and nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, the team separated into four Nascent Soul Realm monks and thirteen Alchemy Formation monks, following Yuan Ming and searching further west.

The twin brothers were also among them.

After they separated, Yuan Ming changed the formation arrangement again. He came to the front to lead the formation. Four Nascent Soul Stage monks were scattered around, and the thirteen Pill Formation monks were in the middle.

The team separated again. Whether it was the four Nascent Soul Stage monks or the thirteen Pill Formation stage monks, they were all more careful and used all their methods.

The burly man among the twin brothers summoned an iron-feathered black eagle, which was flying overhead, patrolling the surrounding area.

Although this eagle is only a third-level monster, it looks extremely divine. Purple thunder patterns appear on the dark iron feathers, which is quite similar to a thunderstorm.

Yuan Ming looked at the iron-feathered black eagle and waved to the burly man.

The burly man flew over in a hurry and bowed to Yuan Ming: "Senior Wan, what are your orders?"

"There is no need to confine it like this. This black eagle of yours has thunder marks on it. It looks unusual. What kind of monster is it?" Yuan Ming asked.

"This is an iron-winged bird, but it has some Lei Peng blood, but unfortunately it is very thin. Apart from its faster flight speed, there is nothing special about it," said the burly man.

Yuan Ming nodded slightly and continued: "Is your iron-winged bird female?"

"Not bad." The burly man was slightly startled and said.

Yuan Ming said nothing, but a hint of joy flashed across his eyes.

Ever since he learned about the magical power of Jin Kui's beast control seal, he had been sending messages to Huazhi and King Kong to come over as soon as possible while trying to improve the level of cultivating spiritual beasts as much as possible.

A few days ago, Yuan Ming spent a large amount of spiritual stones to buy a book on the cultivation of spiritual beasts in Baidi City. Among them was a secret technique similar to that of evil cultivators, which could absorb the original demonic power of female demonic beasts.

, increasing the chance of spiritual beasts breaking through.

It's just that this secret art of replenishing has very strict requirements. It can only replenish monsters with the same bloodline power.

Leiyu's talent is far inferior to that of Huazhi and King Kong, and his potential has been almost exhausted. There is no problem in cultivating to the upper level of the fifth level, but it is impossible to break through to the sixth level, even with the assistance of Jinkui's Beast Control Technique.

Jin Kui's Beast Control Technique can only pass on the experience of breaking through the realm. If the spirit beast is not qualified enough, it is still impossible to break through the realm.

If you want to increase the chance of Thunderstorm breaking through to Level 6, you can only use this secret technique of nourishing.

This iron-winged bird has the blood of Lei Peng and is a female, so don’t miss it.

"This iron-winged bird is of some use to me. Can you sell it to me? The reward is negotiable," Yuan Ming said.

"This beast has been following me for many years, and I have a deep affection for it. However, Senior Wan needs to be given by the villain's natural hands. As for the reward, can you please give me one or two pills or spiritual objects that can help break through the Nascent Soul?" The burly man was overjoyed.

, but there was an expression of a difficult decision on his face.

He put the iron-winged bird into his spirit beast bag, picked it up with both hands and handed it over.

Yuan Ming could see the burly man's true thoughts without any emotion, but he didn't reveal it. He took out two jade bottles and threw them over.

Inside the jade bottle are two level four Pregnancy Pills, which have the effect of assisting in breaking through the Nascent Soul.

"Thank you, senior, for the elixir." The burly man opened a crack in the cork of the medicine bottle, his eyes immediately lit up, and he thanked him happily.

Yuan Ming ignored this person, pressed his palm on the spirit beast bag, used the Golden Sunflower Control Technique to clear out the beast control runes planted in the iron-winged bird by the burly man, and then used the Golden Sunflower Control Technique to conquer it again.

"Senior Wan, you don't seem to be a Sunset Sect monk, right?" After doing business with Yuan Ming twice in a row, the burly man was no longer as reserved as before and asked.

"I am a casual cultivator." Yuan Ming said calmly.

As soon as he heard that Yuan Ming was a casual cultivator, the burly man immediately relaxed a little, his face showed a hint of intimacy, and he introduced himself: "I am plowing the fields with Niu. My younger brother is called Niu Fengshou, and he is also a casual cultivator."

"You two are considered accomplished practitioners, but this name is a bit mundane." When Yuan Ming heard this name, he was stunned and said.

"Our brothers were born in a secular farming family. This name was given to me by my parents. After practicing cultivation and living for a long time, I have almost forgotten what my parents looked like. The only thing left is this name given by them. If it were changed

, I no longer think about it." Niu Gengtian shook his head and said.

Yuan Ming nodded, thinking back to his parents, he couldn't help but feel sad.

"How did you and your brother embark on the path to immortality?" He quickly adjusted his mood and asked.

"It's a long story..." Niu Gengtian started talking.

He seemed to have great admiration for Yuan Ming's ability to reach the realm of returning to the void through casual cultivation, and he told the story of his own cultivation process.

He and his younger brother came from a farmer's family who cultivated long acres of land. Their master traveled to that remote mountain village and unexpectedly discovered that he and his younger brother were both talented in cultivation, so he accepted them as disciples and brought them with him.

The path of spiritual practice.

By then they were already in their late twenties.

The path of cultivation is slow one step at a time, not to mention people like them who have wasted their best years of cultivation. Cultivating is naturally a hundred times more difficult than others.

Fortunately, he and his younger brother were very committed to the Tao, practiced diligently, and had a good chance. Finally, he surpassed his master who had been practicing hard all his life and had only reached the early stage of elixir formation. By reaching the late stage of elixir formation, he was considered to be better than his predecessors.

"My brother's mind seems to be inconsistent with his age. Is this innate?" Yuan Ming looked at Niu Fengshou next to him and asked.

He can see the seven emotions of a good harvest of cattle, which is very different from ordinary people.

"Yes, he has been a fool since he was a child. But this is not all bad things. He has a simple mind and can do it with twice the perseverance of ordinary people when he sees something clearly. Whether it is cultivation or cultivating magical powers, I

Not as good as him." Niu Gengtian took a look at Niu Fengshou and said.

"I see, but he seems to be very naive in his behavior. You should watch him closely in the future." Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows and warned.

"That was Master's teaching. The last words he said before he passed away were that we, as casual practitioners, are not easy to practice. We should try our best to be kind to others and not to hinder each other. My brother will keep this sentence firmly in mind. When he sees other people's behavior,

He will help when there are difficulties, and I can't do anything to him." Niu Gengtian smiled bitterly.

"Your brother is quite interesting." Yuan Ming smiled.

Having seen enough intrigues in the world of immortality, he did not agree with Niu Feng Harvest's actions, but he also did not have the habit of being a teacher, so he did not refute.

"Since you are a casual cultivator, you came to this flaming desert after receiving a mission, right?" Yuan Ming asked.

"Yes, I accepted the task from the Tianpeng Chamber of Commerce, and the reward is very generous. After receiving it, we can rent a cave with strong spiritual energy, and with the elixir given by Senior Wan, my brother and I will have great hope of breaking through the Nascent Soul stage.

Improved." Niu Gengtian said with a simple smile.

"Do you have any plans after breaking through the Nascent Soul stage?" Yuan Ming asked.

These two people have good cultivation and good character. He intends to recruit them to join the Ming Yue Sect.

Besides, regarding this cow harvest, his mental problem involves the seven emotions. If he can study it thoroughly, it will be of great help to him in controlling the power of the seven emotions.

"This..." Niu Gengtian was about to speak.

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Ming's heart jumped suddenly, and an unspeakable sense of crisis suddenly enveloped his whole body.

"There's an ambush! Stay back!"

Yuan Ming frowned, shouted loudly, and raised one hand.

An invisible force of potential was centered around it, and a dozen monks, including Niu Gengtian, didn't even realize what was happening. They felt their feet leave the ground and fly dozens of feet away.


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