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Chapter 1435 If you can’t get it, destroy it!

 Lin Ran squinted his eyes and looked up at Fergus in the sky with a serious expression.

Sudden rebellion.

Lin Ran was very sure that even though this Fergus had wanted to cause trouble for a long time, he never thought of choosing today.

Originally, they just wanted to take the opportunity to challenge Lin Ran, frustrate the spirit of the heir line, and make the old patriarch, Lu Diqi and others lose face. However, Kisla's unexpected death disrupted Fergus's plans.

The plan! This forced the opposition leader who had been hiding for a long time to come forward in advance!

Sure enough, as Fergus finished speaking, a large wave of energy energy erupted in the audience of tens of thousands of people!

All the opposition present have already taken action!

Even though they had not made complete preparations before, after seeing the dead Kisla, these people felt sad! The unwillingness in their hearts was really affected by Fergus's words.

Picked up!

Princes, generals, would you rather have your own kind? We all have the same blood, so why can you be the ruler of Atlantis, and why should we be ruled by you?

Faced with such a sudden attack, the unprepared successors and moderates suffered a large number of casualties in an instant!

Lu Diqi's figure has also risen into the sky!

He pulled his left hand from the golden long sleeve, and a long knife appeared in his hand!

"Guards, counter the rebellion!" Lu Diqi shouted in a deep voice!

Swish, swish, swish!

The long swords of the family guard members were all revealed!

Lin Ran stood there without making any movement. His eyes fell on Kisla's body, and his mental power had completely enveloped it.

After scanning it once, Lin Ran said coldly, "I'm very sure that he didn't die in my hands."

These words were not spoken to the old patriarch or Anita, but to Heliantian who was standing there.

However, Lin Ran knew that now that the yellow mud had fallen into his crotch, it was either feces or feces. When Kisla died, he would become a murderer who could not be cleansed.

Although the Succession Faction doesn't care whether Kisla is dead or alive, and although Ludiqi is preparing to kill the dandy young master as a warning to others, Kisra's death in such a way will still leave a huge gap for the opposition.

The reason for the uprising.

In fact, the heir faction might even hate him for this!

When Lin Ran first arrived, he didn't know that Atlantis never lacked rebels!

He Liantian, who was stared at by Lin Ran, still lowered his head slightly, but did not speak or take action.

His eyes seemed to be still on Kisla's body. Since he couldn't see his expression, he didn't know whether there was any sadness on the face of this master of stars.

"You killed the person, right?" Lin Ran smiled coldly and asked Heliantian, "You gave the opposition a chance to rebel.
The reason immediately pushed the whole matter to a climax."

He Liantian shook his head silently.

Anita grabbed Lin Ran's arm and whispered, "I know it wasn't you who killed him. The few times he threw Kisla, they would have caused fractures and internal injuries at most, that's all."

Although she was talking to Lin Ran, her attention was still entirely on He Liantian.

After all, having a star powerhouse with ulterior motives next to him is really something that people cannot ignore.

In the air, Ludiqi was already fighting Fergus.

"Fergus, you will definitely not be able to get what you want today!" Lu Diqi roared, full of energy, and the air exploded with explosive sounds.

However, at this time, Fergus showed a completely different super fighting power than usual.

I don’t know whether it was the rebellion that gave him a combat power bonus, or whether his son’s death ignited all his anger. In short, Fergus can actually hold a stalemate with Ludiqi now!

The old patriarch Rafs stood on the ring, sighed deeply, shook his head silently, turned around and walked away.

He didn't know whether it was because he couldn't bear to see the whole clan killing each other, or because there was something in the distance that worried him more.

In short, Rafs's pace became faster and faster, and his figure soon disappeared from everyone's sight!

Lin Ran was stunned for a moment, "Why is he gone?"

There is such chaos in the field. If Ravs is here, it will undoubtedly be equivalent to the magic needle in the sea. If he leaves, then won't the opposition be even more unscrupulous?

Anita said, "Father has people he must control. If Fergus suddenly raises his flag to rebel, I am afraid that some senior figures in the family may not be able to hold back."

"I understand, the water in Atlantis is really deep enough." Lin Ran shook his head. "Whatever you need me to do, just ask me."

"I made you laugh." Anita said with a hint of apology in her eyes, "I didn't expect that such a funny thing would happen when you came here."

"Coveting for power is part of the human heart, and it is normal."

Lin Ran said and looked at He Liantian, "But when someone killed Kisla, they splashed dirty water all over me. I really can't bear it."

In his opinion, this genius Helian is the biggest suspect in killing Kisla!

Maybe, this man had colluded with Fergus a long time ago and killed Kisla directly in public. Once this big boy died, Fergus would have the most sufficient reason to rebel!

At least, that’s what the logic seems to be!

However, at this moment, He, who had been silent all this time,

For days, it suddenly soared into the sky!

His speed was extremely fast, and the violent source of power had already surged out from the front of his fist, slamming into the battle circle in the air!


Following He Liantian's attack, violent turbulence of source power suddenly shot out in all directions, and the sky was filled with dust and smoke. This area was simply blinding!

"Where are the people?" Lin Ran narrowed his eyes.

Before the smoke and dust dispersed, he had already released his mental power and felt the scene in the sky.

However, within the range that Lin Ran could perceive, only Lu Diqi and Fergus did not notice Heliantian's shadow!

"I'll chase him!"

Lin Ran said, and was about to take a step, but was pulled back by Anita.

The sister-in-law said coldly, "Lin Ran, you are a distinguished guest. If you need to take action here, then Atlantis will be too embarrassed."

Tista had already rushed into the opposition camp at this time and was fighting with several of the opponent's top S-class masters.

Every once in a while, chaos like this happens in Atlantis. There is no way, there are too many capable people and too few vacant positions, which will lead to extremely tragic involution of the strong!

At this moment, many people in this venue of ten thousand people have fallen into a pool of blood!

Lin Ran narrowed his eyes.

In fact, if he was in the opposition, he could also find a reason to rebel, but Tista was his brother, and Lin Ran could not just watch his good friend fall into crisis!

After all, the number of successors only accounts for a very small part! If the moderates choose to remain neutral and watch at this moment, then the successors will really be alone and under great pressure!

At this time, the sea in the distance suddenly erupted with an earth-shattering explosion!

Endless air waves rush high into the sky, like overwhelming mountains and seas, making it impossible to see where the end of these big waves is!

Obviously, there are star warriors fighting in the sea! Their figures faintly flashed in the waves!

Anita stared into the distance and said, "Father has also taken action. He has more than one opponent."

At this moment, more than a dozen golden figures fell to the ring one after another. They were all senior members of the family guard, coming to protect Lin Ran and Anita.

Now, after experiencing the first wave of chaos, the successors have temporarily stabilized the situation. After all, the army and guards are in their hands.

However, the battles of ordinary warriors will not play a decisive role.

Even if the fight here is really overwhelming, what really determines the ownership of the royal power is the battle at the top!

Lin Ran's attention has been drawn
The powerful stars in the sea were attracted to fight, but he still did not choose to take action.

"Are those who are fighting against the old patriarch coveting your family's holy land?" Anita said.

"Yes, there is the Crystal of Life in the Holy Land. It is said that it is one of the core mysteries of the existence of Atlantis." Anita said, "If the opposition can really grab the Crystal of Life, then it means that they

With the qualification to command the heroes, those neutrals and moderates will also fall to them."

Lin Ran understood this logic very well. The Crystal of Life of Atlantis, just like the Blade of Holy Light of the Sem Empire, has been given the special meaning of "inheritance".

Whoever can possess the Crystal of Life will be the King of Atlantis.

However, at this time, Fergus, who had just been beaten away by Ludiqi, was vomiting blood in the air and laughing loudly, "Ludiqi, you and the Ravs and your son are going to die here today! He was killed by two

The elders of the stars are besieging them, they are just old bones that are about to die, can they hold on? Hahaha!"

Fergus's laughter was extremely harsh, making Ludiqi's expression even more gloomy!

"It's impossible for you to grab the Crystal of Life!" Lu Diqi shouted.

Fergus steadied himself, stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered, "Who said we had to rob it?"

Judging from this guy's expression, it doesn't seem that he is too sad about his son's death.

Looking at his expression, Lu Diqi felt an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

"We are going to destroy that thing!" Fergus yelled arrogantly. "Why should the position of heir be recognized by a crystal of unknown material? Why can that thing define the blood of inheritance?"

As he spoke, he continued to shout "Attack me!"

At this moment, in the distant sea, there were already several coastal defense submarines belonging to Atlantis, and they changed directions at the same time!

Two torpedoes were released from each submarine!

As soon as these more than ten torpedoes appeared, the speed was pushed to the extreme!

Attacking the Undersea Temple with Modern Thermal Weapons?

I have to say that this is something that no one in Atlantis has ever thought of before!

too exaggerated!

Everyone wants to fight for the Crystal of Life, but who would have thought of destroying it in such a violent way!

At this moment, the old patriarch Ravs was entangled by two elders and was unable to do anything at all. It was impossible for him to go to the sea to stop the torpedo attack!

However, at this moment, a young figure suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance!

The golden sword in his hand has erupted with hundreds of rays!

Those golden lines shot down menacingly across the sea!

This chapter has been completed!
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