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Chapter 1572 Blood on the Day of Celebration

After Lin Ran finished listening, he calmed down for a while.

Fortunately, Su Qingcheng didn't go directly to Candice for revenge, otherwise she really wouldn't know how to start a fight.

But if he really had to choose between the two, Lin Ran's inner balance would definitely tilt more toward Su Qingcheng.

"By the way, I have always felt that Candice's position as patriarch has some hidden dangers." Lin Ran suddenly thought of something and asked, "Does it mean that once you sit in that position, you will have to face a lot of dangers and responsibilities?"

Fortunately, although it has been five years, many memories have not been forgotten.

"Your Majesty is right. Sitting in that position does mean heavier responsibilities and more dangers." Lin Sun said this, hesitated, and then said, "But the price that is more serious than the danger is the setbacks."

Chief Tisi will remain in the Cursed Valley forever."


Lin Ran frowned fiercely.

He finally understood why when the old patriarch mentioned what he would pay for being the patriarch, the answer he gave was - forever.

I didn’t understand it at the time!

"Isn't this the loss of freedom forever?" Lin Ran said coldly, "What is the difference between this and a life sentence?"

Now, he could not wait to dig the old patriarch out of his grave and kill him again!

What the hell did you do to the beautiful princess?

Lin Sun said, "In order to prevent the Cursed Clan from being enemies with adults, Chief Candice is willing to do this."


After hearing this, Lin Ran couldn't help but feel his heart throbbing.

These women had paid so much for him, and Lin Ran really didn't know how to repay them.

"Why can't she leave? Will she be restricted by the laws of space once she becomes the clan leader?" Lin Ran asked.

Lin Sun shook his head, "Sir, I'm sorry, I don't understand things at this level."

Lin Ran felt that he must go to the Cursed Valley again in the future to try to bring Candice out. If she was left trapped there for the rest of her life, he would always feel uneasy.

"What about Linda? Where did she go?" Lin Ran was silent for a while and asked.

"My sister and I fainted when we passed through the space barrier. When we woke up, I never saw her again." Lin Sun wiped her tears again and said, "It has been five years."

The way she gently wiped her tears revealed a strong sense of frailty, which could really arouse people's pity instinctively.

Lin Ran gently patted Lin Sun's shoulder.

He was also a little sad.

I don’t know how my friends have been doing in the past five years.

Of course, after talking so much with Lin Sun, at least there is some good news - if time can really be replaced in equal proportions, then on the distant planet, only two or three months will have passed.

That's all.

As for Blue Star, the same should be true.

"What are your plans next?" Lin Ran looked at Lin Sun.

"I will follow you, sir." Lin Sun lowered his eyes slightly and looked at his hands folded on his lap. "If you don't mind, I can wash and cook for you, and even..."

"Of course I don't dislike it." Lin Ran didn't let her say the second half of the sentence.

She is a sweet lady with a delicate body, can do laundry, cook and warm the bed.

He was really afraid that he would not be able to control such a beautiful woman, but Mr. Lin instinctively felt that his relationship with Lin Sun would not reach that point.

After hearing what Lin Ran said, Lin Sun hugged him again.

Although she had S-level strength, in such an environment, she still instinctively felt that she had no one to rely on.

The arrival of Lin Ran undoubtedly illuminated her dark future.

When the teacher was still alive, he once told her very seriously that the two sisters should have a good relationship with Lin Ran. After all the contacts, Lin Sun also instinctively felt that this descendant of the devil was much more reliable than other men.


She and her mother have the same vision.

"Sir, there is only one bed in my room." Lin Sun said, "If you want to rest, just sleep here. I can sleep on the chair..."

"Just call me by my name. Don't call me an adult. It will put a little distance between us." Lin Ran said.

"Okay, Mr. Lin." Lin Sun was a little touched by Lin Ran's words, so she blushed slightly for a moment.

"Also, the bed is for you to sleep on, so I can meditate no problem." Lin Ran said, "I have been in coma for five years, and now I don't want to sleep again for a while."

When Lin Ran thought of this, he felt a chill running down his spine.

Now it seems that there is a high probability that the old patriarch caused such a drama for him. Of course, he cannot rule out that someone suddenly made a trick when he passed through the space portal, and the old patriarch may also be completely unaware of it.

Fireworks have started to be set off outside.

It seems that today, the Creation Day, really makes the entire Netherworld feel like a New Year.

When Lin Ran saw this, his heart moved and he said with a smile, "Shall we go have some fun?"

"Okay, listen to your Majesty." Lin Sun still did not change his words, "But, I want to change my clothes."

"Okay." Lin Ran looked at the apron on the other person's body and said with a smile, "I have to change my clothes. I will never wear this again."

Well, either never wear it again, or just wear this one.

A few minutes later, Lin Sun came out again, she

She put on a grass green dress, and looking at the expensive material, it seemed that it could not be made in the netherworld.

At this moment, Lin Sun was standing in the courtyard, but he seemed to be more dazzling than the fireworks in the sky.

Lin Ran looked at the clothes and said, "I'm afraid I haven't worn these clothes for several years, right?"

Lin Sun's eyes became slightly moist again.

She has always been a very obedient girl. She had no worries before, but she has become sentimental in the past few years.

"My lord is here, I can wear these clothes." Lin Sun said.

Then, she gently held Lin Ran's arm, tilted her head and smiled, "Sir, let's watch the fireworks."

Walking side by side on the street, Lin Ran and Lin Sun's outfits made it obvious that they were not natives of the Netherworld, and they were very eye-catching.

At this time, more and more people came out to celebrate the festival, and the excitement in the entire gold digger town was simply exaggerated.

Soon, they arrived at the central square of the town.

Of course, this so-called small town can already be called a small town.

The square is full of stalls selling snacks and fireworks, and everything is full of the feeling of human fireworks.

"This is called Creation Square." Lin Sun introduced, "In order to celebrate the birth of the new world, this place was specially expanded and the name was changed."

"Well, I can feel that there is a breath of the new world everywhere here."

Lin Ran stopped in front of a stall. He wanted to buy two fireworks for Lin Sun to set off, but his pockets were empty.

Lin Sun knew his intention, smiled and shook his head, holding his arm and walking away. "Sir, I have already felt your kindness. Don't worry, I don't have any unhappiness now."

Lin Ran looked at this charming face, and then added in his heart, "If you still hate Su Qingcheng, then it will be my turn to be unhappy."

However, at this moment, Lin Ran's nose twitched slightly.

Lin Sun noticed the change in his expression and immediately put away his smile: "Sir, what happened?"

"I smelled a smell of blood." Lin Ran raised his finger and pointed in a certain direction and said, "There is a smell of blood coming from that direction."

The people in this small square are still celebrating the Creation Day, unaware of the coming danger.

Lin Ran squinted his eyes and was about to release his mental awareness, but found that there was a sudden commotion in the crowd in front!

Many people began to scream and cry, and ran wildly out of the street that smelled of blood!

Fear occurs suddenly and spreads rapidly!

People on that street ran to Genesis Square, almost causing a large-scale stampede. However, the people in the square were still confused and didn't know what was happening.


The street was soon vacated.

Then, an even stronger smell of blood spread out from it!

People started to panic even more, because everyone smelled it!

However, no one in the square ran away. After all, most of the aborigines in the Netherworld were A-level warriors. Even if they were panicked, they felt that they could eliminate the hidden danger this time with the strength of their numbers!

Everyone stared at the street nervously, and then, several men in black clothes appeared in everyone's sight.

In their hands, each held a head that was still dripping with blood! This scene indeed looked extremely bloody, which greatly stimulated everyone's visual nerves!

The leader of the man was tall. He chuckled and said, "Creation Day? Today, I declare that I, the Scorpio Temple, have the final say here!"

"Scorpio Temple?" Lin Ran frowned.

He remembered that the previous Keminli was the top star of the Scorpio Temple.

Could it be that the Scorpio God is still obsessed with this world and wants to send people to occupy it?

In fact, at this time, Lin Ran didn't know that he had a brief encounter with Scorpio... When he and Airaire were fighting against the Capricorn God, if it weren't for the key obstruction of the Scorpio God, the Aquarius God would have saved Capricorn.


Of course, time has changed, and the interests and positions of both parties are not the same. Perhaps, at this moment, in the eyes of the Scorpio God, this new netherworld is still the so-called lower world, and the people here are no different from ants.

He would not pity these people's lives, but Lin Ran would.

At this time, a middle-aged man in the distance shouted, "This is a gold digger town, and it belongs to everyone in the Nether World. We will soon hold a referendum to elect a government. Even if you are from the Sky Realm,

Don’t try to enslave us!”

"No to slavery!"

"Get out of the Scorpion Temple! Get out of our new world!"

The shouts kept coming and going.

There were at least tens of thousands of voices gathered together. Although it was messy, it did not lose its power.

Lin Ran couldn't help but be touched by this scene.

However, at this time, the leading man from the Scorpio Temple smiled coldly and threw out the head that was still dripping with blood!

The middle-aged man who was the first to speak was directly hit on the head and fell down with a bloody head.

Shoot the first bird!

The leading Scorpio Temple man sneered, "Let's see, who dares to say anything again?"

Although his voice was not loud, it silenced the protests in the entire square!

Lin Ran was about to take action when a laughter suddenly sounded from another direction.

This chapter has been completed!
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