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Chapter 829 Phoenix takes action

 The He family probably doesn’t want to survive anymore!

After hearing these words, the secretary's expression suddenly froze!

He knew that if the boss said that, he was definitely not kidding!

She is really thinking about taking action against the He family!

Although the He family is strong, even though they have backgrounds in politics and the military, once their boss unleashes her anger, the He family may not be able to stop her!

The invisible true flame of the phoenix can definitely melt all enemies!

"Boss, do we need to give He Zhongming some warning?" the secretary said, "I can arrange this immediately."

The chairman pondered for more than ten seconds before saying: "I am worried that my rash intervention will not disturb my brother's situation... However, I don't want to wait and avenge my brother. Isn't this a matter of course?


When she said this, an infinite domineering temperament and an extremely strong sense of control were released from her body! .??.

After hearing this, the secretary seemed to feel much more relaxed and laughed: "Chairman, do you have any plans to meet with Mr. Lin?"

"It's good to just watch him spread his wings and fly high." The chairman tapped his fingers on the coffee cup lightly and said, "Is there anything else you want to report?"

The secretary immediately said: "There is a third thing... The old man asked me if you have any intention

The chairman put away her smile, and there were several sharp gleams in her eyes. She said coldly: "Tell them that I am not interested in politics, and don't bring up this topic in front of me again in the future."

"Yes." The secretary responded immediately.

After the secretary went out, the chairman looked out the window, with a hint of fierceness in his beautiful eyes.

She said softly: "What's the point of politics? Do you have to hit your head and bleed one by one on this road?"

After being silent for a long time, her beautiful brows wrinkled slightly, as if she had some doubts in her heart, and she said softly:

"The guys behind the Imperial City Group have become more and more restless recently. What are they going to do? Is there any rumor that I don't know about yet?"

Having said this, the chairman called the secretary in again.

"Chairman, I just reported to the old man."

"How did he say?"

The secretary hesitated for a moment and then said bravely: "He said... that it's time for you to get married..."

This destiny phoenix was not angry. Instead, he smiled softly. Without making any comment, he changed the topic and said, "Give my brother some vent."


Luo Dongwu spent most of his time in the Buji Islands learning Yuanli combat skills from Park Hyun-yong, and only returned home for three months every year.

After finally reaching level A, Luo Dongwu wanted to return home in glory and show off his strength, but he didn't expect that when he came back this time, he saw his little sister being wronged.
r> "Shijia, don't cry, we will definitely find our way back." Luo Dongwu comforted his sister and said, "My master is in Ningzhou. He is a well-known master in the entire Fuji Islands.

It's definitely not a problem to get rid of that guy."

"Brother, I'm really angry that my father treated me like this..." Luo Shijia was still crying: "Ever since I was a child, he has never been so cruel to me!"

Today, Luo Shijia did not wear smoky makeup, but she looked quite pretty and had a strong youthful atmosphere.

However, the redness and swelling on his face still had not completely subsided.

Luo Yuanye's slap yesterday really took a lot of effort.

Luo Dongwu felt very irritable when he saw his sister crying all the time.

He pounded the coffee table heavily: "My dad doesn't know what's going on. How can a mere S-level person scare him like this? He actually attacks you because of this!"

"You two, brother and sister, are really not afraid of flashing your tongue when talking."

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting opposite the sofa said with a smile: "It's just S-level? There are more than a billion people in Great Xia, but how many S-levels are there? Overtly, secretly, in seclusion, fake death

, counting them all, are there a hundred people? Some aristocratic families want to ask for an S-class to be worshiped as a town house, but they can't get it even after paying a sky-high price."

After hearing this, brother and sister Luo Dongwu were a little confused.

Luo Dongwu couldn't help but ask: "But, Uncle Zhongming, when you called my dad before, you didn't seem to care much about S-class..."

Yes, this person is none other than He Zhongming!

This man wore gold-rimmed glasses, his hair was meticulously combed, and he looked like a very refined elite.

This image makes it difficult for people to associate him with the big boss of the family.

"The reason is very simple, because your master Pu Xianyong is in Ningzhou." He Zhongming smiled sarcastically: "Let him get rid of the man named Lin and save us trouble."

After a slight pause, He Zhongming added: "Of course, my tone of voice is also a provocation for your father."

It turned out that when He Zhongming was on the phone with Luo Yuanye, the latter's son and daughter were right next to him!

If Luo Yuanye heard the news, he would probably be furious!

"Uncle Zhongming, what should we do?" Luo Shijia asked.

Her boyfriend Zhao Yuehe was suddenly abandoned, and Luo Shijia could never get over it.

He Zhongming looked at this girl, his eyes swept back and forth from her body twice without leaving any trace. Feeling the youthful temperament, he smiled and said:

"It's very simple. Hongyuan Bu of the Huangcheng Group

The game cannot be interrupted because of anyone, but you two brothers and sisters must remember,

Luo Yuanye warned his children this way before on the phone!

However, this sentence seems to have more impact when it comes from He Zhongming's mouth!

Looking at the two brothers and sisters who fell into silence, He Zhongming smiled lightly and said: "Whoever disobeys will be kicked out, including your father."

These words sent chills all over the bodies of the young men and women opposite.

"Luo Shijia couldn't help but say something.

"What's the point?" He Zhongming smiled sarcastically, shook his head and said, "You are still too young. The water in Daxia is very deep."

Luo Shijia pouted, not knowing what to say.

Her eyes were red and she seemed to be about to cry.

However, this look made He Zhongming even more interested.

The older he got, the more he liked young girls, and he couldn't help but look at Luo Shijia a few more times.

Luo Dongwu didn't notice He Zhongming's eyes. He took a deep breath, as if he had made a decision, and said:

"Uncle Zhongming, do you think I can

After hearing this, Luo Shijia's eyes widened.

She said: "Brother, do you know what you are talking about?"

He Zhongming seemed a little surprised.

He was stunned for a few seconds, and then stared at Luo Dongwu without turning his eyes.

It wasn't until Luo Dongwu saw him that his heart went crazy that He Zhongming burst out laughing!

This laughter is very harsh!

Luo Dongwu said awkwardly: "Uncle Zhongming, why are you laughing? Do you think my idea is too outrageous?"

"No, no, no, it's not outrageous. On the contrary... I like ambitious young people very much!" He Zhongming said with a smile: "I prefer young people like you who sacrifice relatives for justice!"

After hearing this, Luo Dongwu's eyes suddenly became hot!

Luo Shijia fell into a confused state.

She didn't even want to understand what caused her brother's sudden change!

"Since you have such an idea, then after a while," He Zhongming said with a smile, "I guess you won't have any objections to this."

Luo Dongwu took a deep breath, laughed, and said, "I understand.

He Zhongming also laughed again.

However, there was a light of amusement and the fire of ambition in his eyes.

But, immediately after, they stopped laughing.

A male secretary walked in quickly and said in a deep voice: "Sir, it's bad, something happened."

He looked at the Luo brothers and sisters present and hesitated to speak.

"There are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, speak directly." He Zhongming said.

Seeing the secretary's heavy expression, he had a bad premonition for no reason.

The secretary said: "Boss, the No. 1 warehouse of the Huangcheng Group suddenly caught fire."

After hearing these words, the tea cup in He Zhongming's hand fell directly to the ground!

His face turned obviously pale!

The secretary never expected that the news would be so devastating and make his boss lose his temper to such an extent!

"Then go put out the fire! What are you doing to come to me!" He Zhongming blushed and shouted!

The secretary's face was extremely ugly: "Boss... the fire is too fierce and it's too late to put out the fire..."

"Has everything been burned?" He Zhongming slumped down on a chair and murmured.

There was weakness in his voice.

"Everything was destroyed, and there were several explosions..." The secretary took a deep breath: "It must be man-made, but the murderer hasn't been found yet..."

"Warehouse No. 1 was burned down?" Luo Dongwu still didn't know why: "What kind of goods was stored in warehouse No. 1?"

Luo Shijia was even more confused.

"Warehouse No. 1 is not just a warehouse, but the core reserve area of ​​the Imperial City's Yuanli Warrior Plan!" He Zhongming said fiercely: "We have invested more than 18 billion yuan in just the few laboratories there.

Xia coins!”

"so much?"

Luo Wudong took a breath of air.

In addition, what He Zhongming did not say was that several tons of concentrated source crystal liquid were stored in a certain low-temperature warehouse in Warehouse No. 1!

This concentrated source crystal liquid could only be refined and synthesized at the Black Hawk National Science Laboratory before!

The existence of this No. 1 warehouse is the confidence for the Imperial City Group to invest in Yuanli Warriors! It is their future base!

However, with this fire, all the hard work in advance was in vain!

"Report the case to the Capital Supervision Department and let them investigate and come up with a result." He Zhongming casually wiped the sweat from his face and said.

He was obviously confused. After he finished speaking, he immediately changed his words: "No, no, no, how can the local supervision team take action on this kind of thing... I will explain the matter to my ancestors and ask the He family to send out investigators...


The secretary asked again: "Boss, do you want to say anything to the other Imperial City shareholders..."

"It doesn't matter whether we tell it or not. After all, it's impossible to hide such important news from them!" He Zhongming slammed the coffee table heavily and shouted: "Who is it! Who did it!"


At the same time, in the suburbs of the capital, angry roars rang out from several mansion compounds located in different areas!

This chapter has been completed!
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