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Chapter 918 There is one more person who knows that you are not dead!

 This mysterious man in black is very powerful, but the strength of Carmen’s kings is definitely more than what it seems on the surface!

The level-crossing combat abilities they displayed at this moment are truly amazing!

Especially the Night King who was the first to enter combat mode.

With his own strength, the Night King single-handedly killed a half-step S-class and a real S-class. In this case, no one can tell where the upper limit of his strength is.

"Carmen's location is certainly mysterious, but as long as you investigate carefully, you can always find clues. The mysterious man in black once again had a huge and boundless aura. He looked around and said, "Your

The base camp is under attack now."

Kamishiro Risa and Wei Qingkong looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

King Qing squinted his eyes, and wisps of dangerous light were released from it. He said, "We can no longer control how the base camp is doing. What we really care about is not letting you leave alive."

"Very good, I really appreciate your courage, but you should have known that if you want to go higher in the world of Yuanli warriors, just relying on hard work is not enough.

." The mysterious man looked around and sneered, "Now, King Li can no longer fight, you guys, come together."

He wants to challenge four!

"Who said I can't fight?" A voice suddenly came from behind!

This is the voice of King Li!

Before he finished speaking, he seemed to teleport and appeared behind the mysterious man!

A fierce punch has been thrown!

This time, King Li's attack did not release all his power, but all his power was concentrated on his fist!

At this moment, his fist looked like it had a clear metallic luster!

This blow didn't seem to have much power, but it was a heavy punch that could bring an infinite sense of danger. It was about to land on the mysterious man's back!

Faced with King Li's full attack, the mysterious man did not choose to resist directly with his back!

He turned around suddenly, raised one hand suddenly, and actually blocked King Li's punch!

The mysterious man's palm wrapped around King Li's metallic fist, preventing the opponent's fist from advancing even half an inch!

And his other hand turned into a fist and landed heavily on King Li's chest!


An extremely violent explosion of air has already exploded in King Li's chest!


King Li vomited a large mouthful of blood!

The blood was sprayed all over the mysterious man's face!


The man in black made a confused sound.

Because King Li shocked him again!

I had just received the metallic punch from King Li, which caused my arm to feel slightly numb! The entire metacarpal bone was under great pressure, as if it had been electrocuted!

Moreover, according to the judgment of the man in black, if he received this slap from him, King Li would definitely be blown up! Even the complete body would not be found!

However, the other party just spit out a mouthful of blood! He only suffered some internal injuries!

It's still a long way from being beaten to pieces on the spot!

This king, who is famous for his powerful attacks, not only has a violent and fierce fighting style, but his defense is also so fierce!

, although he did not die on the spot, it is already unknown how much of King Li’s fighting power is left!

"King Li, your death has come! Let's see how long you can last!" The mysterious man shouted coldly and punched King Li on the head!

This punch is extremely powerful. If it hits, King Li's head may be smashed on the spot!

At this time, Kamishiro Risa and Haruou also took action together!

When the King of Power restrained the mysterious man, the two of them had completed their violent output, and the surging power hit the mysterious man's back without any fancy!


The energy from the scene was surging everywhere, and the road surface had become riddled with holes!

The mysterious man's fist missed after all and failed to land on King Li's head! And King Li's attack has come again!

After receiving a combined blow from Wei Qingkong and Kamishiro Risa, he suddenly kicked out and collided with King Li's oncoming whip!

The two legs collided, making a terrible sound! It was like thunder on the ground!

In this case, can King Li's legs be saved?

"Uh..." King Li let out a groan, and his whole body spun and fell several meters away!

He rolled around on the ground a few times and wanted to get up immediately. However, as soon as his legs touched the ground, severe pain suddenly appeared from his legs and then penetrated his whole body!

Before King Li could stand firm, he fell down!

But he didn't give up, he stood up again and took out the long knife from his waist!

He put his knife on the ground and stood on one leg!

Even though he was seriously injured, even if blood was leaking from the corners of his mouth, the aura displayed by King Li at this moment was like a god of death!

The contemptuous look on the mysterious man's face disappeared, replaced by anger!

"I didn't expect that an ant could almost bite an elephant. From now on, I won't play with you anymore."

He turned his head, looked sideways at Wei Qingkong and Kamishiro Risa, and said in a cold voice, "And you will eventually pay a heavy price for your choice!"

After saying that, he jumped into the air and punched out his left and right fists at the same time!

Two violent torrents of energy rushed forward fiercely!

The momentum of this attack was simply ferocious, as if the space began to tremble faintly!

Kamishiro Risa and Wei Qingkong had no time to escape! They could only activate their strongest source power and take the initiative to meet them!

A more violent voice sounded!

The figures of these two people seemed to have been submerged by a flood of source power!

Such a scene is really too terrifying!

"Even among S-levels, no one can resist my move." The mysterious man in black looked at the two people who were swallowed up by the torrent of source power, and sneered and said, "Ants are just ants, there is no need to struggle anymore."

However, immediately after, his expression changed!

Because, two more figures jumped directly into the torrent of source power!

One is the Night King and the other is Aquaman!

In the eyes of this mysterious man, his attack was definitely a surrender.

Wei's attack is truly from a higher level of source power suppression!

Not to mention that these people are half-step S-level, even if they are real S-level, it is absolutely impossible to stop them!

Under such circumstances, those two heavenly kings actually dared to jump into this torrent of energy. They really thought they were impatient!

However, next, the mysterious man's two attacks suddenly began to explode!

Yes, every inch will explode!

Especially in the middle of the torrent where several figures were located, a huge shock wave suddenly erupted!

That was caused by the collision of the source forces between them!

All the exploding source power has soared into the sky!

The moonlight in the sky will be obscured by this scattered power!

Whether it was the members of the Boma mercenary group or the elites of Carmen Prison, they were all dumbfounded and shocked beyond measure when they saw this scene!

At the same time, deep in their hearts, they felt extremely worried about the four heavenly kings among them!

In such a horrific scene, can they still survive?

However, when all the source power exploded, they saw four figures among them, still standing!

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that the corners of the mouths of the four heavenly kings have blood overflowing to varying degrees!

However, they did not fall after all, and even... stood proudly!

The mysterious man's eyes narrowed, and a more dangerous light bloomed from them!

"Very good, in that case, I want to see what kind of waves you can make in the face of absolute suppression of strength!"

The mysterious man roared, rose up, and took the initiative to attack!

His black robe spreads out like a roc spreading its wings, giving people the illusion of blocking out the sky and the sun!


Half an hour ago, eight hundred kilometers away.

There is an unknown mountain range that stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

In fact, there are many places similar to this on the vast Black Sea continent.

A black off-road convoy has already arrived here, but there is no road in the mountains ahead, and they can no longer go forward.

"Get out of the car and enter the mountain!" An order came from the leading car.

Others got out of the car one after another.

And the person who just spoke also walked down.

He has slightly white temples, a tall and straight figure, and is wearing a black suit!

No, to be precise, the clothes he is wearing are not suits!

If you look carefully, you will find that what this person is wearing is... the uniform of Carmen Prison!

To be exact, it’s an old style uniform!

After Lin Ran took office as the prison warden, Carmen's clothing of this generation has been completely updated! In today's Carmen Prison, no one wears the old uniforms anymore!

This person is wearing these clothes, which at least shows his identity...

It's the old man from Carmen Prison!

Looking at the heavy shadows of the mountains ahead, the man's eyes were full of memories. He said softly, "I haven't worn these clothes for several years."
Today, I returned to my hometown again, and I feel really emotional."

The man next to him in black attire said, "Sir, the four kings of Carmen Prison are not here, and the warden Louis XVII doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. You can play the Return of the King to your heart's content."

This flatterer is really mellow.

"I don't care if I want the King to return, I just want to get back what should belong to me." The man's eyes penetrated the night and said, "That's all."

His voice was calm, and all the previous slight fluctuations in emotion had been suppressed in his heart.

After saying that, he continued to step forward.

And a group of his men had all drawn out their long knives and followed behind him.

In the eyes of these subordinates, today, facing the Carmen Prison with insufficient defense power, they will definitely win!

"Sir, why didn't you stay back in the first place?" asked the subordinate on the side.

This man seemed to be in a good mood for chatting, he said

"At first, I thought Carmen was just a private prison just trying to make money, but after I left Carmen, I went there and realized that Carmen is not just a prison, but its existence has a more important meaning."

Then, the man shook his head and emphasized, "That's why I came back. If I didn't give up, no one could take that position away."

This sentence already reveals a strong determination!

After a slight pause, the man's expression gradually turned grim, and he continued, "However, I was very unhappy about the temporary cancellation of the appointment at the Palace of Auburn Hills."

It seems that he had made an appointment with Oden, the master of the Auburn Mountain Palace, to act together!

However, Oden gave up temporarily!

Obviously, Hall Master Oden has received instructions from a higher level!

"Sir, Oden is too disobedient. Once we conquer Carmen Prison, we will immediately attack the Palace of Mount Auburn..."

After hearing this, the adult's eyes showed a dangerous light, and then he nodded slightly and said

"You're right, Auden can't be kept."

The group walked for another twenty minutes.

The mountain road is quiet, and the moonlight shines on the leaves, which inexplicably brings a rather sad beauty to people.

It is precisely because of this feeling that the people walking into the mountain feel more and more nervous as they go on.

"Sir, do we still need to face Carmen's frontal defense today?" the men on the side asked again.

When he said this, he looked around cautiously, as if he was worried that Carmen's defensive attack would appear in the next second!

"This time, it's me who's coming. The four heavenly kings have been restrained, and there won't be any more frontal defense."

The man said, "There is a hidden back way in and out of Carmen Prison. There are no more than five people who know this way, and I am exactly one of them."

After saying that, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and a rich smile began to flow out uncontrollably. "Everyone thought I was dead, but I just came back at this time."

However, at this time, a voice suddenly came from the mountain road ahead.

"So, now there is one more person who knows that you are not dead, Mr. Former Deputy Warden."

This chapter has been completed!
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