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Chapter 1054 The main mission has been updated

When Jiang Po heard this, she sighed deeply.

She gently stretched out her hand to cover the coffin, as if feeling something, closed her eyes in silence, and after a while said: "I originally wanted to take half of your souls with me to help eliminate the evil ghosts."

"Since you take this as a condition, fine, I'll give it back to you."

As she spoke, she opened her eyes and took out a miniature shadow puppet from her arms.

The faces and figures of the shadow puppets are very blurry, and the male and female figures and their appearance cannot be distinguished. Instead, the clothes are painted in intricate and colorful colors.

It had black hair disheveled and was wearing a five-color robe, like an ancient priest. Its bare feet were wrapped with layers of gold and silver anklets, with several bells hanging on them.

At first glance, it looks extremely agile, as if there really is a living soul inside its small body!

Yu Xing's eyes were attracted by the shadow puppet. Jiang Po gently stroked the shadow puppet's cheek with her fingers and said slowly: "This is the container to store your souls."

Yu Xing stared at it, and suddenly felt that the bells painted on the feet of this little shadow puppet looked very much like the "artifact" in the hands of Zhao Ruru, the goddess of the Dog God Clan in the stage world.

At the same time, the image of the little shadow puppet has been integrated into the Inu God Clan without any sense of disobedience.

An idea flashed in his mind.

The way to open this dungeon is closely related to the shadow puppet troupe in reality. After entering the dungeon, the Dog God Clan, which has nothing to do with the "flood" in Fengtou Town, appears inexplicably in the stage world.

Even if they return to the real world, Zhao Yijiu and Zhao Ruru, one a "dog god" and the other a "goddess", have very embarrassing identities, which does not bring them any benefit in deducing the story.

The stage world was built by Jiang Po. If she didn’t understand the Inu God Clan, she probably wouldn’t be able to create flawless Inu God Clan costumes and background stories.

The shadow puppet that stores the soul was also taken out by Jiang Po, so the Inu God Clan and the shadow puppet, two unrelated things, found an intersection in Jiang Po.

Could it be...

Is Jiang Po a member of the Inu God Clan?

Or maybe Jiang Po and Master Wanban, their common sect, are all related to the Dog God Clan?

Yu Xing thought of a lot in an instant, but he did not ask about this matter when he opened his mouth. Instead, he stared at Jiang Po and urged: "Give your soul back."

Jiang Po was a little reluctant to give up.

She touched the shadow puppet's hair again. Although the hair was also painted, the touch was no different from other parts.

"Okay, I'll pay it back to you. After all, you have already alarmed everything. Even if he senses the moving breath of the soul now, it can't be regarded as a warning."

As she spoke, Po Jiang suddenly struck hard and tore off the delicate shadow puppet's head.

A tearing sound.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Yu Xing seemed to hear another scream without any timbre coming from the shadow puppet, even though there was only the sound of tearing paper.

Immediately afterwards, the mutilated body of the shadow puppet began to shake, and a familiar breath came out from it. One of them floated towards Yu Xing. The power of the curse in his body was too late, or in other words, he did not have any thoughts of resistance. He easily let that ray

The breath penetrated into the body.

Suddenly, a long-lost feeling of fullness began to surge up, and the newly added invisible thing melted into the body bit by bit.

He couldn't feel it when he lost it, but now that he had it back, when Yu Xing was shocked to realize that his soul was incomplete, his every move and even his thinking ability had a sense of sluggishness, as if he had been in a room filled with cigarettes for a long time, and his nose had become accustomed to it.

There was a pungent smell, and it wasn't until I left the room that I realized how refreshing a smoke-free place is.

【The main mission has been completed.】

The system finally popped up, and the task of mending souls that had been stuck for a long time in the previous round was finally checked.

New tasks appear immediately.

[The main mission has been updated.]

[The deducers arrived too late. The turbulent situation in Fengtou Town has already had complete cause and effect and is about to come to an end. 】

[Due to the joint efforts of all the deducers, the copy has reached an important node. Regardless of whether the deducers help or not, Jiang Po will overturn this card table that has been held up for many years, and let the sword hanging above the head of the town fall completely. 】

[Countdown to disaster: 15 minutes and 27 seconds]

[Task 1: Witness the destruction of Fengtou Town.]

[Tip: Survive for one hour against the indiscriminate attacks of Jiang Zou/Jiu Yinligui, and the copy will be settled after one hour.]

[In addition to the rewards during settlement, a "ticket" will also be issued to a player based on the favorability of "???". 】

[Mission 2: Prevent the destruction of Fengtou Town.]

[Tip: Before disaster strikes, you still have 15 minutes to reverse everything. No matter what method you use, as long as the outcome is "most people in Fengtou Town survive and the damage to Fengtou Town's infrastructure does not exceed 60%", the mission is successful. 】

[After reaching the ending judgment conditions, the copy will be settled. 】

[In addition to the rewards during settlement, "???" will also issue a "ticket" to at least one deducer. 】

The broadcast ends.

Yu Xing looked at the decreasing countdown and curled his lips.

Very good, it seems that someone bypassed the restrictions set by Master Wanban and came to the white jade coffin, which is the key to the final scene.

Jiang Po would follow the deducer and approach the coffin, and there would be no way around this matter.

They originally chose the path of mission two. They originally just wanted to maximize their profits, but the subtle differences in the ticket distribution results in the broadcasts of missions one and two made Yu Xing certain that everyone would firmly choose mission two.

Task one is a ticket.

Task two is to get at least one ticket.

The difference in meaning is huge...

At the same time, the fragmented souls belonging to other people in the little shadow puppets also drifted outward along an invisible trajectory, pointing accurately at each person.

After all the souls slipped away, the color of the remaining shadow puppets faded and fell from Jiang Po's hands. One head and body fluttered in the wind and fell to the ground, never getting a look from Jiang Po again.

Jiang Po looked at Yu Xing, and finally there was a hint of eager emotion in her indifferent tone. She said, "Have you felt it? Everything is right outside the door."

Of course Yu Xing knew.

Ten seconds ago, the cursed black mist he placed outside the house had sensed a malicious and powerful aura approaching, and then he tried to break through the black mist outside.

Master Wanban came to find him.

But he can actually hold off Wanban for a long time. In terms of individual mental strength, even Master Wanban cannot penetrate the fog wall created by Yu Xing.

Jiang Po did not have this concept. She said coldly: "I have returned your souls. They belong to you. They have not been separated from the body for a long time. There is no need to suture them. The souls will naturally merge with you."

"Next, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

She grabbed Yu Xing's hand and thrust the dagger into his hand: "Kill me, do as I told you before!"

This chapter has been completed!
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