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Chapter 127 You can play chess?

"Unexpected! Unexpected!" Shen Fengshu felt embarrassed. Who knew that writing Taizu's poems could actually bring about the Purple Energy of the Human Emperor?

However, Shen Fengshu did not refuse the benefits offered to him at all. Half of the Human Emperor's purple energy directly rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the other half was used to nourish the body and make it comfortable.

As soon as the human emperor's purple energy in the sea of ​​consciousness entered, they spontaneously merged with the purple sky divine thunder. A small part of the divine consciousness was also stained by Shen Fengshu's dozens of randomly flung divine consciousness threads, pulling Shen Feng The consciousness of the book is dyed a little lavender.

Of course, this only happened in an instant, and soon the Human Emperor's purple energy quickly disappeared. The outer one completely merged with the Zixiao Divine Thunder, and the inner one merged with Shen Fengshu's divine consciousness. The purple color also disappeared and could no longer be seen.

On the contrary, the piece of paper brought out from the secret realm of Qiancheng that could be written on countless times opened Shen Fengshu's eyes. The literary spirit that was originally impossible appeared, and the awe-inspiring spirit that should have fallen on Shen Fengshu actually fell on that. On paper, it’s simply magical.

After thinking about it deeply, Shen Fengshu finally understood it a little bit.

Although I don’t know the name of this set of Four Treasures of the Study, it is at least a high-end item left by the ascended senior to protect the inheritance. Although the Qiancheng Secret Realm is only an elementary secret realm, no matter how elementary it is, it is still more advanced than the incomplete space world in front of me.

No matter how hard the low-level magic weapons are blocked, they can only block Shen Fengshu himself and White Snake Xiao Qing, who are not yet at the highest level of cultivation. However, this world cannot block higher-level and more powerful magic weapons.

Unexpected surprise! Shen Fengshu thought this was just a magical set of four treasures of the study, but now it seems that it is much more than that. It seems that the witch lady said she would bring herself some magic weapons used by famous religious masters the first time, but last time she actually If you don’t bring her, you must ask her the next time you meet her. You can’t keep your word!

In the past, I was reluctant to use such high-grade products when I was painting and practicing calligraphy. I will use it next time when I paint.

"I have written the poem. This thing should belong to me, right?" Shen Fengshu stretched out his hand towards the white-robed scholar: "Senior, you must keep your word, right?"

"It's yours." The scholar in white robe didn't mean to cheat, and he put the emerald frog into Shen Fengshu's hand without hesitation. But he still looked at the paper on the desk, confused.

The sudden arrival of Haoran's righteousness and the Human Emperor's purple energy startled the black-robed scholar outside with the scroll of Little World. What's going on?

He quickly stretched out his hand to hold the scroll, and the scene inside immediately appeared in his mind.

A scholar in white robes stood in front of the desk. A piece of paper on the desk was absorbing Haoran's righteousness continuously. Shen Fengshu was holding a green toad in his hand and was looking at it fondly.

Seeing this scene, the black-robed scholar felt relieved and at the same time felt a lot more sympathy for Shen Fengshu.

Although he was unhappy with Shen Fengshu's arrogance and domineering attitude, he actually hoped that Shen Fengshu would not meet the chess fanatic in the Little World picture scroll. It would be a lifelong nightmare for Shen Fengshu who cheated on chess skills. Unfortunately, he was not lucky. , I still encountered it.

At this moment, the scholar in black robe was sincerely sympathizing with Shen Fengshu. Poor child, please take care of yourself!

In the situation just now, it was obvious that the chess fanatic was demonstrating to Shen Fengshu that everything was normal in the small world scroll. It seemed that he should have written an imperial poem, otherwise no one would have the imperial purple energy coming.

It's a pity that he can't see the content of the emperor's poem. It should be that the chess idiot, the scholar in white robe, doesn't want him to see it. The chess idiot is the spirit of the scroll of Xiaotiandi, and the scholar in black robe just holds the scroll of Xiaotiandi. The chess idiot doesn't want him to see it. He will never see it in his lifetime.

I don’t know how the senior master refined it. The spirit of the Little World Scroll is a chess fanatic, and he can actually compose poems by himself, and it is also a majestic imperial poem. The senior master is indeed unfathomable.

In any case, it doesn't matter as long as the aura of Haoran does not fall on Shen Fengshu's head. This situation is exactly the same as the previous energy of heaven and earth, which made Shen Fengshu think that the rules of this space are normal. No abnormalities were found in the scroll, the scholar in black robe Put the small world scroll back into the sleeve again.

Shen Fengshu is indeed worthy of bragging for being able to let him check what happened in the scroll twice in just a few days. It's a pity that this damn child is unruly, so he can only continue to suffer in it and kill him. arrogant.

"Since you have such literary talent, if you compose a poem every day, you will be out in a few days." The scholar in white robe stared at the inconspicuous white paper for a few times, and then withdrew his reluctant words. He turned to look at Shen Fengshu and said, "I was the one who was troublesome before."

"Senior is joking." Shen Fengshu was holding the jade frog in his hand. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. The carving was so outstanding and so lifelike. Even the details on the skin were so lifelike. It was amazing: "Senior, can Things can change in a moment, and whether you go out or not is not a matter of your words."

"Although I can control this world, I can't let people in or out." The white-robed scholar shook his head directly: "Actually, like you, I am just a passerby trapped in this world. You still have a chance to get out. But I am hopeless for the rest of my life.”

"It's enough to change the world!" Shen Fengshu showed surprise on his face and laughed loudly: "My ambition is to travel all over the world and see the beautiful scenery. If I can enjoy different scenery every day without leaving home, then what? Why do you have to work so hard every day? Senior, don’t you think so? Senior, you don’t have to worry about being alone. We, the master and the servant, will stay with you until you grow old. So what?”

The scholar in white robe was suddenly speechless. It seemed that before writing the poem, he had asked Shen Fengshu if he wanted to go out. Shen Fengshu's answer was that he definitely wanted to go out, but in the blink of an eye, he ended up staying with him until the end of the world? Only a ghost would believe it!

"Senior, where did you find this piece of material? The carving and the details are amazing!" Shen Fengshu's attention was always on the emerald frog. He looked at it again and again with his left hand, admiring it endlessly.

"This is not carved from jade." The scholar in white robe temporarily put aside other thoughts and smiled: "It is refined."

"Refined? The craftsmanship is amazing!" Shen Fengshu still praised: "The materials are good, and the technique is even more ingenious!"

"This is made from the body of a jade frog with the bloodline of the dragon species Pulao, so it looks alive to you." The white-robed scholar patiently explained: "It was the body when it was found. It should have failed to save the tribulation. .”

It's not emerald? It's actually a real frog? Although it's just a corpse, Shen Fengshu is becoming more and more interested. The jade frog of the dragon species that failed to survive the calamity has quite a lot of background! Make a profit! An emperor's song Poetry is such a magic weapon, the raw materials alone are worth it.

"It's just a simple refinement." The white-robed scholar continued to explain: "There is no other use except for simply expelling insects and evil spirits. The meaning of the poem you just made is very suitable. You can consider using the meaning of the poem to re-sacrifice it. Practice it once."

"What will happen if this jade frog is sacrificed with Wenyi?" Shen Fengshu really didn't understand, so he decisively asked: "Also, what is Wenyi?"

Although Zheng Kangping is a great master of weapon refining, he is not omnipotent. Taoist sects know a lot, but this Wenyi Sacrifice Refining sounds like the refining techniques of famous sects. Zheng Kangping does not have the unique techniques of famous sects. What concept.

"Literal meaning is the unique refining technique of my famous religion." As soon as the white-robed scholar opened his mouth, Shen Fengshu was convinced. Sure enough.

"After refining, it can achieve the effect of your sentence of spring coming. If I don't speak first, no insect will dare to speak." The white-robed scholar continued to patiently explain to Shen Fengshu: "In the future, as long as you wear this jade frog, no matter it is No snake, insect, rat or ant can get close to you."

"That won't work!" Shen Fengshu shook his head immediately after hearing this: "My two maids are snake demons. If they can't get close, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

While talking, Shen Fengshu realized that Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing seemed to be quite afraid of this jade frog. They almost suppressed their discomfort and stood behind him, looking pale and saying nothing.

It's so powerful even without any sacrifice. If you really practice it according to the meaning of that poem, I'm afraid it will be quite remarkable.

"Refining yourself, you can get whatever effect you want. You can continue to write more powerful poems. The more powerful the poems and the higher the literary style, the better the effect. Do you want to learn how to perform sacrifices?" The white-robed scholar discovered that Shen Feng Shu's expression changed, and he also saw the fear of the two maids. He continued with a smile on his face and said: "When you compose poems and compositions, and you have accumulated enough literary talent, you can do whatever you want, and the techniques for refining literary meaning can be used as well."

"Not interested!" Shen Fengshu has repeatedly verified that writing poems and compositions will not lead to a surge of literary energy. Even if he has a high-level magic weapon, it will not fall on him. After all, it is still a trap. The other party deliberately made him write articles. When it comes to writing poems, it becomes even more difficult to fulfill their wishes easily.

"In that case, I have to leave." The white-robed scholar shook his head and said with a calm smile: "If you want to see the scenery in your heart, I'm afraid you won't be able to do so."

Anyway, what the white-robed scholar has said is that if you want to get out of this small world, you have to accumulate literary skills. There is no other way. Don't look at Shen Feng's stubborn mouth now. When he really wants to get out after being locked up for a long time, he will naturally Obediently submit. This small world picture scroll can pass hundreds of smart people, but which one can persist to the end?

"You're busy, don't pay attention to me." Shen Fengshu didn't seem to care, and said lightly: "We have a flying chessboard magic weapon, just sit and look around."

"Chessboard? But you like playing chess?" Upon hearing the word "chessboard", the white-robed scholar's eyes lit up and he asked eagerly without even thinking about leaving.

"It's okay, it's okay." Shen Fengshu said lazily: "I used to play a few games for fun when I had nothing to do, but then I couldn't find an opponent, so I felt it was boring. I left it there, the chessboard is flat and big enough. It can accommodate a few of us, so it was refined into a flying magic weapon."

"How many games are we talking about?" The scholar in white robe instantly turned into a chess fanatic and couldn't find his opponent? Isn't there one right in front of him?

"You? Play Go?" Shen Fengshu raised his head and glanced at the white-robed scholar, then shook his head directly: "No, it's too easy to win without force. Senior, although you look young, you are definitely not young. I'm sorry if you win. I really can’t bear for senior to be embarrassed and unable to make that move because of a chess move. Forget it!”

What do you mean? The white-robed chess fanatic was stunned. Can't win without force? Can't bear it? Can't make a move? Is this what people say?

This chapter has been completed!
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