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Chapter 156 Drive me out

What kind of woman's family would recruit a son-in-law?

If it is in the mortal world, it is usually because the woman's family does not have a male son. In order to continue the family line, this is usually the most fundamental reason. As long as there is a male son who can pass on the incense, any wealthy family with the conditions to recruit a bride will be happy to hand over the family property to him.


Among monks, this is a joke. They are all rushing to ascend in the daytime, who cares about whether they have any heirs? A person can live for thousands of years, so what kind of descendants do he need?

So, if someone really wants to marry someone in this situation, I'm afraid it can only be due to other reasons. It is probably that the woman is so ugly that it is impossible to find a double monk, so she resorts to marrying someone else. Or else

It’s because the woman is naturally wild and demanding, so she will find some handsome men to satisfy her appetite, etc. Anyway,

These are not good reasons. If the country is really beautiful and the people are normal, why can't they find a Taoist partner if they want to get married? Do they need to recruit a wife?

Of course, there are rare cases where the woman is strong and the man is weak, but the relationship between the two parties is really good, and they don't care about these worldly comments. It is normal for the man to voluntarily get married. However, this method is rare.

If Shen Fengshu's name is confirmed, it will certainly be a huge blow to Shen Fengshu's face and personal dignity, but it will also be a huge damage to the reputation of Hu Lengshuang's master Qingluo Fairy.

Hu Lengshuang did not expect this at the beginning, and allowed those people to attach the title of son-in-law to Shen Fengshu. Although in her eyes, there was no difference between Shen Fengshu and her son-in-law, she must not let others misunderstand her.

Of course, many people have heard these words, and Hu Lengshuang is not the only one thinking about it. There are many smart people, and all the shops on the street are saying that Shen Fengshu is a son-in-law. How can this matter be considered fishy? Just look at this

How can the little guy resolve it?


Before Hu Lengshuang could take further action, Shen Fengshu's place had already ushered in a turning point. More than a dozen stores in a row had turned away Shen Fengshu, and many people were even watching Shen Fengshu's excitement from far or near, knowingly or unintentionally. This scene

Both the shopkeepers and the monks in the area were looking at Shen Fengshu and the others with smiles.

What will we do next so that we are not embarrassed under the attention of so many people?

"Want to see me make a fool of myself? So naive!" Shen Fengshu shook his folding fan and sneered in his heart. As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed. Faced with this kind of situation, this is simply the best way to deal with it.

"This store is good." Shen Fengshu didn't show the slightest awkwardness on his face, nor did he show any anger after being ridiculed. He just walked casually to the next store.

"Young master, stay!" As expected, a waiter at the door of the store stopped Shen Fengshu in his tracks, the sarcasm in his eyes undisguised.

"Not allowed in? Let's go!" Shen Fengshu didn't care, just smiled, turned around and left.

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing gave the shop assistant a hard look. Everyone could see their clenched teeth and angry eyes. However, the young master didn't care, and they didn't dare to get angry at will.

"If I remember correctly, was this the twentieth store just now?" Shen Fengshu, who was walking in front, suddenly asked.

"Yes, sir!" Xiao Bai quickly replied. "Don't be angry." Shen Fengshu heard the sound of Mrs. Bai clenching her molar teeth when she answered, and comforted her with a smile: "It was less than halfway into the city yesterday.

Within an hour, three people died one after another. It was really disrespectful to the city lord. Today

It's normal to be rejected. You have to let people vent their anger! Let's go on, gather thirty families and return this favor to others." When entering the city, the unruly young man killed a talkative one, and then Hu Lengshuang killed him again here. They hired a guard and a Taoist priest, a total of three people, and they killed them whenever they asked, but none of them came to the door afterwards, or even those who did came were sent away.

.Anyway, this is the city lord’s face.

"Yes!" Upon hearing what their young master said, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing suddenly stopped being angry. They agreed obediently and followed quickly.

It's just a matter of paying back a favor, that is to say, after paying back a favor, if someone behaves like a monster again, he should talk about it properly. Shen Fengshu's remarks were not high-minded and his tone was light-hearted, but Mo Yuecheng was all the same. A monk, even the most inconspicuous shop assistant, is also a young monk in the Qi refining stage. At this stage, hearing and seeing is the most basic thing. Shen Fengshu's words are word for word

It spread to everyone's ears.

Hiss! Some people began to take a breath of air. Only then did everyone remember that the various murders in the streets that were discussed yesterday were all related to the young man in front of them. Three people, including a guard from Moyue City, they simply Don't care, just kill if you tell me to, and you will be done with it afterwards

The main government didn't even say a word about it.

Who can kill the city lord so that the city lord's mansion doesn't even dare to say a word? These shop owners have such a great reputation, can they replace the city lord and let the other party repay the favor in this way? Then what if the city lord comes to visit? ?

Thinking of this, the faces of the monks who were watching the fun all changed. Their faces no longer looked like they were joking about watching a show, but were replaced by another cautious expression. What everyone was thinking about was that they should never get along with Shen Fengshu easily. conflict.

At the same time, the other group of people looked pale, wishing that what just happened had never happened.

Previously, Shen Fengshu walked all the way to the store that rejected Shen Fengshu continuously. From the shopkeeper to the waiter, everyone's mind was blank. What did he just do? How could he listen to that family and do such a thing? Lard was confused. Are you convinced?

"This shop is good, let's go in and have a look." This street is full of shop fronts. After Shen Fengshu walked a few steps, there was another shop selling elixirs. Shen Fengshu walked in. There was a waiter at the door. , according to the shopkeeper's instructions, he should have directly stopped Shen Fengshu from entering, but at this moment, he stood there without moving. He did not stop Shen Fengshu, nor did he say hello. His posture seemed to be Let Shen Feng

The book itself is average.

If silent prayer works, the store clerk will definitely say in his heart: "You can't see me! You can't see me!"

Unfortunately, things went counterproductive.

"Eh? Why didn't you stop me?" Shen Fengshu had already walked to the store clerk, but the clerk didn't respond. Shen Fengshu was not used to it, so he couldn't help but ask.

The store clerk wanted to die. He wanted to yell at Shen Fengshu, just go in by yourself and ask me what to do? But Shen Fengshu had already asked the question in front of his face. He could no longer pretend not to see it but he couldn't explain it anymore. .

"Young Master is here, you can do whatever you want!" Fortunately, the waiter is also a quick and precise person, and he thought of a response instantly. In short, the central idea is to neither block nor invite, even if he slightly disobeys the shopkeeper's words.

If the shopkeeper is unhappy, the most he can do is quit his job. The unhappy shopkeeper in front of me seems to have died three people yesterday, right?

"What are you doing? I'm my adopted son-in-law!" When others didn't stop him, Shen Fengshu started acting like a monster: "My adopted son-in-law! What kind of store do you have? You even accept your adopted son-in-law?"

The store clerk almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Is there anyone who claims that he is a son-in-law like this? Is having a son-in-law very honorable?

"Your guest is joking!" I cursed so many times in my heart, but the waiter still had to keep a smile on his face.

"I'm not joking with you." Shen Fengshu had a serious look on his face, pointing to the half of the street he had just walked on: "So many people just said that I was the son-in-law, and the voice was so loud that you didn't hear it? Are you deaf? ah? "

"Ah? What did you say, distinguished guest?" The waiter looked surprised and made a loud noise. He put his right hand to his ear as if listening: "My ears are not very good, so I can't hear clearly."

"You're cruel!" Shen Fengshu was immediately offended when he met a guy who was pretending to be deaf and dumb. He gave him a thumbs up and turned away: "Damn it, is it so difficult to give someone face? "

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing looked at this serious-looking guy with an innocent smile, and couldn't help but feel speechless. There's a bright future!

Watching Shen Fengshu's master and servant leave the door of his shop, the shop assistant let out a long breath, stretched out his hand to wipe it on his forehead, then waved his hand to shake off the non-existent sweat beads, turned around and looked To the shopkeeper in the shop.

When the shopkeeper saw the clerk at the door, he looked over and gave the clerk a thumbs up and nodded vigorously. Well done! Shen Fengshu said that he was trying to save face for the city lord, but the implication was that the city lord was responsible for what happened before. ? If this matter is not handled well, not only Shen Fengshu will not be happy, but the city lord will probably not be happy either. It seems that the arrangements were made overnight

The historian family was in trouble. Suddenly, the shopkeeper felt sad for those colleagues who had rejected Shen Fengshu before. He knew that this young man would cause three lives when he came, but he only wanted to give face to the local family. Why didn't anyone think about it? I wonder why I offend people so harshly

Woolen cloth?

But his own store wasn't much better. If the boy hadn't said it himself, it would have been the twenty-first store that rejected Shen Fengshu.

How dangerous!

As long as there is an example of the first one, there will immediately be a second one. When you go to the next store, the clerk directly at the door has disappeared, and the door is open, allowing you to come in and out at any time. Sometimes in order to maintain business and give face to the local family, doing business People will do some things against their will, but only if these things do not cause much loss or danger to themselves. But when Shen Fengshu said to himself, it hinted that people

After they thought about the dangers, the smart people immediately started to use their imaginations. Is Shen Fengshu the murderer? Obviously not, it was Unruly Young Master and Hu Lengshuang. Is Shen Fengshu capable of stirring up trouble in Moyue City? It's just a matter of time. It is obviously impossible for a young person who has practiced for two or three years to be born. But some people will use their brains to think about it and let themselves

Don't fall into great danger.

When the third store also had no doorkeeper, the previous arrangements for Shen Fengshu basically disappeared.

"Why is it so difficult to save face?" Shen Fengshu walked through the second half of the street, everything went smoothly, which made Shen Fengshu very unhappy: "Let's go, turn around, and let the first few companies reject it again. You have to make up for it thirty times!"

Seeing Shen Fengshu waving the folding fan and walking back with a step of disowning his relatives, the shopkeepers and clerks in the shops in the first half of the street were all crying, while the people in the second half of the street were gloating. "I, just now That son-in-law!" Shen Fengshu directly grabbed a waiter who had not had time to hide back: "Quickly, drive me out and don't let me enter the store, quick!"

This chapter has been completed!
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