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Chapter 254 What is the wind

It seems that when Shen Fengshu refined the phantom of Zheng Kangping's soul hidden in his sea of ​​consciousness, he also got a detailed address and the method of entering. Come again this time?

What kind of statement is this?

Shen Fengshu would also understand if this address was where the former Zheng Kangping was buried, but this address is obviously not.

Not only is it not, but this address is in Nanyazhou in Zhongjiuzhou, not Yunzhou in Xiajiuzhou where it is now, which is not a concept at all.

How can it be?

Shen Fengshu's mind and Fuxi's side immediately began to deduce and analyze what the reason might be. Was it Zheng Kangping's backhand, or was it something else.

After a while, Shen Fengshu and Fu Xi both came to the two most likely conclusions. If there were no other interfering elements, then Zheng Kangping was probably a poor man who had his body taken away from him. But he himself did not realize it. Because of this, at the end of his life, he was still trying his best to find a suitable cauldron for him to seize.

After giving up, I met Shen Fengshu in a desperate situation.

There are also matryoshka dolls in people who have their bodies taken away? But this explanation doesn’t make sense! If Zheng Kangping was also the one who was taken away, then he should know all this, right? But Shen Fengshu didn’t find this at all from Zheng Kangping’s memory. Press The truth is, no matter how much Zheng Kangping hides it,

, it’s impossible to hide yourself, right? Or maybe Zheng Kangping also suffered from a robbery, but the guy who took the house was unlucky, and he didn’t know what happened, so he could only leave the address and the way to get in, and then leave. His soul is gone. Just like Zheng Kangping’s soul finally died.

Memory is that address. It wasn't until Zheng Kangping's remains were found that Shen Fengshu was able to retrieve Zheng Kangping's memory. This makes sense. Zheng Kangping's predecessor did not know what stupidity he had committed and what happened to him. The address died cleanly after that, but the address left by the soul remained in Zheng Kangping's mind. Poor Zheng Kangping spent his whole life.

I didn't know anything. I got this information when Shen Fengshu tried to refine the skull.

Good thing? Bad thing? Shen Fengshu can't tell. But if I have the chance, I will definitely go to this address to see it.

A master who can seize the body is at least at the peak of the Golden elixir or even the perfect state of the Golden elixir. Shen Fengshu doesn't mind that he can be greatly replenished by the life energy of the Golden elixir master again.

As for whether this would be suspected of desecrating the corpse, Shen Fengshu understood as early as when he encountered the white tiger's evil corpse that even being buried in the ground was a luxury when he embarked on the path of spiritual practice, and there was no psychological burden. .

The subsequent refining process was so smooth that it was unbelievable. Perhaps it was because the skull was originally part of Shen Fengshu's body, or perhaps because Zheng Kangping had a lot of experience in refining weapons. The process of crushing the skull was too difficult. Easily, easily done. That is, it will later replace the nanomachine

There were some difficulties when making the robot, but it was just that the steps were complicated and the operations were complicated. No accidents occurred during the process, and it was completed easily. The most outrageous thing is that Shen Fengshu does not need to refine the entire set of nano battle armor, he only needs to completely refine it After replacing the first nanorobot, you can actually leave it alone. The nanorobot has a self-replicating function and will be reset according to the

The subsequent materials are copied and replaced. In other words, to refine a mature magic weapon, others need to painstakingly refine more than several kilograms, hundreds or even tens of thousands of kilograms of materials in various ways, but Shen Fengshu only needs to The amount used to refine a nanorobot does not exceed one microgram,

After that, the refined nanorobot will naturally complete the duplication and replacement of all nanorobots under Fuxi's control.

But just such a small nanorobot took Shen Fengshu a full ten days and ten nights, and he was careful, fearing that something might go wrong. Finally, with the help of Fuxi, he completed the refining without any danger. .It is so difficult for Shen Fengshu to even make such a small thing. You can imagine how difficult it is for others to refine the natal magic weapon. Not to mention the preparation and refining of materials, this is time-consuming alone, and ordinary monks do not have the courage to do so. I'm afraid it won't be possible for dozens or even hundreds of years.

Completed preliminary refining.

No wonder so many golden elixir masters don’t have their own magic weapon. This thing consumes too much. When refining, Shen Fengshu almost enlarged the structure of the nanorobot into most of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and replaced it bit by bit. , so meticulous that it couldn’t be more detailed. This is made as a natal magic weapon, so Shen Fengshu’s attitude

The speed needs to be more correct and correct, the control needs to be more serious and conscientious, unprecedented.

Even the last time the nanorobots were fused with mist gold sand, there was no such effort and attention.

After refining, Shen Fengshu immediately asked Fuxi to evaluate it, and the evaluation results were quickly obtained.

Perfect! Whether it is functionality, affinity or controllability, it has reached the ultimate level that Shen Fengshu can achieve so far. The next step is simple. Fuxi immediately controlled the nanorobots and started copying and replacing them. Even if every nanorobot was It will take ten days and ten nights, but if all the nanobots in the body are copied and replaced, it will not exceed 500.

God. After all, this is exponential growth, not one step at a time.

"That's it?" Hu Lengshuang watched Shen Fengshu begin to relax and rest after being serious for ten days, and couldn't help but shake her head speechlessly. She knew that Shen Fengshu was going to preliminary refine the natal magic weapon, and Shen Fengshu said it before he started. , but this is too much to not use bean bags as solid food? The refining of the embryonic form of the natal magic weapon determines the power and upgrade potential of the natal magic weapon in the future.

, as the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. To put it bluntly, if you don’t put in the effort at the beginning, I’m afraid there is really no hope for the future. Alas! Rotten wood cannot be carved! Hu Lengshuang sighed in his heart. This young master is really a person. Yes, he is very focused on the things he is interested in, such as playing chess or painting, but when it comes to serious matters, he should practice hard and practice hard.

Refining the natal magic weapon has become careless. Is it possible to fool around with the initial refining of the natal magic weapon? If you really want to refine it seriously, it is normal to go into seclusion for several years. Only then did you persist for ten years. I gave up so happily that I didn’t even see a trace of disappointment or self-blame. It’s really

It's hopeless.

Before, he said that he wanted to become stronger, go to Zhongjiuzhou, and go see Xiaoman, but his enthusiasm only lasted for ten days and he gave up immediately. What else can Hu Lengshuang expect?

Although it is true that the cultivation qualifications are not good, but if he does not have an attitude, then Shen Fengshu will probably have to live in Xia Jiuzhou for the rest of his life. Well, at least Xia Jiuzhou will live a comfortable life and be safe and wealthy. Lao. To put it nicely, it’s called self-awareness. To put it harshly, it’s like a dead dog can’t climb a wall. But on the other hand, Hu Lengshuang’s task will be much easier and he can complete it better.

If you fulfill your master's instructions, you can still have plenty of time to continue pondering over the corpse of the Nascent Saint Ancestor to improve your cultivation. Why not?

Let it be!

Shen Fengshu didn't know that Hu Lengshuang and others had so much inner drama, but it seemed that even Xiaobai Xiaoqing gave him a few words of advice and asked him to be careful about the refining of his natal magic weapon, which made Shen Fengshu very speechless.

Why am I not being cautious? Is it okay to be more cautious than ever before? Unfortunately, there are some things that I can't explain to them, so I can only let them misunderstand them first!

The young master listened to the advice verbally, but did not change his actions at all. Xiaobai and Xiaoqing saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts. They could not force Shen Fengshu to do things, and they were so worried that they did not know what to say.

One advantage of the nano battle armor is that when one part of the nano robots is copied, it does not affect the work of other parts of the nano robots, so subsequent copying and replacement will not affect Shen Fengshu's daily activities at all. So, he vowed to go to Zhongjiuzhou Xiao Shen Tanhua, who went to see Xiao Man, got the latest batch of master works from the city lord brother, and after concentrating on it for a month, he immediately left Mo Yue again with Xiao Bai Xiao Qing.

They went to a strange city and started drawing it with gusto. For this, Xiaobai Xiaoqing could only follow helplessly, and Hu Lengshuang was no exception. But soon, the girls discovered that Shen Fengshu was outstanding both in terms of painting skills and speed. Great progress has been made. Originally, to draw a city, one had to at least divide it into

It took thirty pieces to draw, but now Shen Fengshu could only draw ten pieces at most to include the entire city.

It seems that Hu Lengshuang's guess is true. Shen Fengshu definitely has an extraordinary talent for painting, which is something he is interested in. Just by studying some master paintings, he has made such a huge improvement. And everyone has Knowing that painting is practice for Shen Fengshu, now that Shen Fengshu has not neglected practice at all, it also gives them some comfort in their hearts. It is probably that the magic weapon of their destiny was not fully thought out, so they continued to do it for ten years.

I gave up after a few days and needed to reconsider what to use.

After all, Young Master still knows what he is going to do, he is just trying various possibilities while keeping his fundamentals unchanged. If you think about it this way, everyone seems to feel a little better.

Shen Fengshu could clearly see the psychological changes of the people around him, but he said nothing. There was no need to explain too much to others what he wanted to do. Telling them that he was going to Zhongjiuzhou was enough. No one will know that among the subsequent batch of master paintings, there is another one, or maybe a combination of several paintings, which adds a concrete area to Shen Feng's book knowledge. Shen Fengshu is in a strange city I'm painting like crazy just to get there as quickly as possible

It can completely fix the two subsequent areas of realization.

It took about ten days for each city to finish painting and then rush to the next city. Such days lasted for three full months. Amidst the loud roar of the Consciousness Sea Planet, the three disconnected areas were each covered by several buildings. The cities were firmly nailed to their respective positions, and the resulting refining of divine consciousness below the area instantly pushed the refining progress of Shen Fengshu's divine consciousness fragments to over a hundred.


At that moment, Shen Fengshu felt that his consciousness was five times stronger than before, and he felt more confident than ever before.

"Let's go!" After packing everything, Shen Fengshu took a few deep breaths, and then solemnly ordered to Xiaobai Xiaoqing: "Let's go to Zhongjiuzhou!"

"What?" Xiaobai Xiaoqing was immediately stunned. What is going on with the young master? Hu Lengshuang was also completely confused. He was painting well. What kind of wind is this?

This chapter has been completed!
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