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Chapter 450: Whale Swallow Spectrum 6.0

There is no sure-win situation in life. For example, Shen Fengshu clearly spent a lot of energy and resources on Fuxi's computing power before forcibly optimizing Whale Swallowing Spectrum 5.\n0, but within a few days, Faced with having to do it again

The situation of changing the exercise method this time. This change of exercise method is different from the previous times. In the past, it was only necessary to optimize the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy. This time, however, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the practice of spiritual consciousness and spiritual energy at the same time. In the words of Lu Mingcheng Say, let’s cultivate one’s body and cultivate one’s spirit together

To grasp, both hands must be hard. Although Shen Fengshu has the memories of two peak Jindan masters in his mind, whether it is Zheng Kangping or Jiang Minghui, their practice experience is completely unsuitable for Shen Fengshu's situation, and they have rich practice experience. , but it doesn’t help at all

No. You have to be a quasi-sage master. Even if you have never encountered a situation like Shen Fengshu's, you can rely on your strong cultivation and simulation ability to find a suitable route for Shen Fengshu. Next to it is the most Those who know Shen Fengshu’s situation

Witch Zhiqing is also a powerful practitioner, and can provide some reference opinions from time to time.

During this period, Lu Mingcheng inevitably also explored the state of Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness. However, he could only see a mess of fragments of divine consciousness filling Shen Fengshu's sea of ​​consciousness.

I have never seen such a chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, and even the quasi-sage masters couldn't help but marvel.

In this regard, the explanation given by Shen Fengshu was that when he was in the underground space, several masters forced him into his sea of ​​consciousness when he was about to die. Got out.

Lu Mingcheng witnessed the entire battle at the Quasi-Sacred Tomb in the underground space. He naturally knew the levels of the dead masters. He was also sure that Shen Fengshu was at the scene at that time and had no suspicion.

But with such a sea of ​​consciousness, I'm afraid I can only find another way to find a solution. The effect of Zhiqing Witch's Guizang Jince seems to be somewhat effective in this situation. No wonder Zhiqing Witch has prepared it early, that's why.

Soon, in less than a month, Lu Mingcheng and Zhiqing Witch helped Shen Fengshu tailor a set of practice skills. This set of skills swallowed up part of Lu Mingcheng's reincarnation, life and death. Dao, plus Zhiqing Witch’s unknown cultivation techniques were blended together. More importantly, the cultivation techniques of spiritual consciousness were combined, and the Great Forgetting Worry Technique and Haichuan Technique were combined.

All the advantages of the three exercises of Guizang Jince and Guizang Jince have been extracted to form a set of exercises for cultivating the body and cultivating the spirit. Under normal circumstances, a master of the golden elixir can still practice according to his own practice system, cultivating the body and cultivating the spirit respectively. No delay. However, Shen Fengshu is in a special situation. He has never practiced the spiritual consciousness technique before condensing the pill, which resulted in

If there is a serious imbalance, you need to make up lessons. You can only use spiritual energy practice to drive spiritual consciousness to practice together, and refine the fragments of spiritual consciousness as much as possible. At the same time, the refined spiritual consciousness can in turn guide spiritual energy, and finally achieve the effect of simultaneous cultivation improvement.

In short, the whole set of exercises contains spiritual consciousness, spiritual energy, and you, but it is also very orderly. It can only be said that a quasi-sage is a quasi-sage. In this case, a suitable path can be found.

The name of the practice, Shen Fengshu still named it "Whale Swallowing Pu", but now it is a brand new version 6.\n0. The practice method is available, but it will take some time for Shen Fengshu to master it. Lu Mingcheng He took the trouble to chat with Shen Fengshu and his wife about the characteristics of various sects of practice, while continuing to perfect his way of reincarnation, life and death.

Guiding Shen Fengshu in practicing the new whale swallowing method. Of course, he did not forget to help Shen Fengshu refine a new Mingyu escape inkstone.

It took more than two months to learn the new technique. Shen Fengshu finally successfully learned Whale Swallowing Manual 6.\n0 under the personal guidance of the quasi-sage master.

It took so long. On the one hand, the technique was really difficult. Even Zhiqing Witch had a big head when she looked at it. On the other hand, Shen Fengshu had to hide his clumsiness. Since he had concealed something about the condition of the sea of ​​consciousness before, then You can't be inconsistent. The quasi-sage in front of you is not someone who can tolerate deception. You know, the last time where Jiang Minghui's body was, the area of ​​hundreds of miles was full of

The Mingyu inkstone, which was turned over completely by the angry quasi-sage, merged with the avoidance palette and three other inkstones. According to Shen Fengshu's request, the advantages of each were retained and became a brand new inkstone. Mingyu The appearance of the inkstone and the characteristics of the four inkstones are both

The function of the palette can also provide ink and paint. It is refined with the quasi-sage's technique and taken outside, and it is also a quasi-sage-level magic weapon in the academy.

All in all, Shen Fengshu came here for fun and returned home completely satisfied.

After three months of lingering in Shishixuan, Shen Fengshu and his wife finally said goodbye, and Lu Mingcheng personally sent him off. During this period, Lu Mingcheng also gained a lot. In the process of communicating with Xiao Shen Tanhua and his wife, he learned about the reincarnation of life and death. It has reached perfection. Apart from finding a suitable reincarnation partner, there are basically no modifications.

of room.

Xiao Shen Tanhua and his wife gave him a great surprise. Witch Zhiqing was very knowledgeable in cultivating the void, especially in the cultivation of the demon clan and the divine sect. She put forward a lot of eye-catching ideas. But what surprised Lu the most? The one who was surprised was Shen Fengshu. Although his cultivation level was extremely low, his thoughts and opinions were unconstrained and unrestrained. Just now he was talking about Buddhism's reincarnation, but in the blink of an eye, he jumped to Taoism's ascension, and then he jumped.

When it comes to the reincarnation phenomenon of dynasty changes studied in the academy, it can also give Lu Mingcheng a different kind of reminder. His detached thinking and bold ideas are simply unbelievable. Sometimes in practice, he is afraid that his imagination is insufficient and he cannot imagine a higher level. In the direction of the stage, Shen Fengshu gave Lu Mingcheng and Zhiqing Witch a solid surprise. Shen Fengshu benefited greatly, but in turn, Lu Mingcheng and Zhiqing Witch

Mingcheng and Zhiqing Witch also benefited a lot.

If not, how could the majestic quasi-sage condescend to send Shen Fengshu and his wife to the mountain gate of Wushixuan in person?

"Thank you, senior, for your guidance. Let me say goodbye to you, the junior couple!" Shen Fengshu said goodbye respectfully.

"The next time we meet, maybe it will be decades later." Lu Mingcheng also cupped his hands and said, "Take care!"

"I'll prepare some good wine and wait for senior to ask me for a drink." Shen Fengshu gave Lu Mingcheng a confident blessing and expectation.

"Definitely!" Lu Mingcheng laughed loudly: "You must bother me sometimes."

"Farewell!" Shen Fengshu and Zhiqing Witch did not fly away directly, but always maintained the greatest respect and left on foot.

Lu Mingcheng said that the next time they meet will be decades later, which also means that he has very strong confidence in his own way of reincarnation. If he finds the right "parents", he will be reincarnated. The way of reincarnation, in the end, The difficult part is actually the part of living toward death. No one has ever walked this road before. In Lu Mingcheng's words, either the monk's spirit burst the baby, or the congenital fetus was born with a mystery.

The monk's memory was completely erased. Lu Mingcheng should have found his way before making a decision without hesitation. This is how cultivation is, the road ahead is vast and unknown, and you always need to take this step. Just like Senior Brother An Zhengling back then, just like Li Changsheng back then, just like Lu Mingcheng recently, dared to take this step no matter what the outcome ahead was.

This practice is not in vain.

Shen Fengshu felt that he should do the same, face the road ahead with a calm attitude toward tactical nuclear bombs and death.

While thinking, Shen Fengshu felt the witch's gaze and turned around to see the loving witch.

"Master!" Witch Zhiqing's eyes held an unprecedented light: "Half of me, I don't want to kill the master and end the mortal world. Maybe I can always find a suitable direction on the path of cultivation."

"I look forward to the day when you will truly become enlightened, madam." Shen Fengshu smiled, stretched out his hand to hug the witch into his arms, and bullied her fiercely. It was not easy! I finally saw some hope. Although it was only half of it. Opportunity, but it is much better than the previous very determined mind. It can make a master of physical training change his mind. Shen Fengshu also has an indescribable feeling.

The sense of accomplishment. The feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife is really exciting and mysterious. This is also spiritual practice.

"It's time for me to go!" Witch Zhiqing closed her eyes and enjoyed some of Shen Fengshu's painful kiss, then she pressed herself against Shen Fengshu's chest and said Yiyi. "Well, take care of yourself too!" Shen Fengshu didn't care at all. Not surprisingly, Witch Zhiqing has stayed with him for the longest time this time. If Wang Shixuan hadn't delayed for so long, I'm afraid she would have left long ago: "Don't always think

Stop this mortal world and think about something better."

"I'm sorry for you." Zhiqing Witch obediently agreed: "Do you have any other instructions, sir?"

"If you can tell that you are in a dream, you can take the true dream-telling method a step further." Shen Fengshu thought for a while and warned: "However, you still have to be careful, who knows what accidents may happen."

"Hmm!" This time the witch didn't even have to speak, she just said hum.

Shen Fengshu couldn't help it, and kissed her fiercely again, and then let go of the witch. The witch turned back three times with each step, reluctant to leave, and finally left. Shen Fengshu was left alone, and she suddenly felt a little lonely, but for the time being she felt a little lonely. If you don’t want to release the maids from the world of satisfaction, it’s better to be alone for a while! Sometimes, a man strolls around quietly without being disturbed.

, is also a kind of happiness.

Mingyu's escape inkstone was thrown directly into the little toad's mouth to wash away all the breath first. Next, you can start practicing according to the new "Whale Swallowing Manual 6.\n0".

This upgrade is very interesting, and poor Fuxi is busy again. Although Lu Mingcheng's optimization is good, at most he has only found a general direction. To truly fit Shen Fengshu himself, he has to rely on Fuxi.

In addition, the origin of the next Matryoshka doll that snatches the body can also be traced. Shen Fengshu is now eager to know which matryoshka doll he is. "Xiao Shen Tanhua is so interested!" Shen Fengshu slowly walked alone. While flying, a familiar voice suddenly penetrated into Shen Fengshu's ears: "I have been waiting for a long time!"

This chapter has been completed!
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