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Chapter 650: Harmful


Will it really rain in the desert? Xiaomei and others actually hold a negative view.

But when they saw a dark cloud sweeping over and rain falling, their original firm belief suddenly collapsed.

In the desert, it really does rain, and it rains heavily.

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing are a little nervous. They have all been absorbing dragon energy in recent years, but the process of transforming into a dragon is different from the dragon's mind. They still need to walk away from the dragon. But once they walk away from the dragon, they will face the floods of the rivers and the loss of life.

Therefore, no one dared to take advantage of the situation until they were sure. Even if it was not a formal decision, as Shen Fengshu said, it was just a drill, but they were still nervous.

"Don't worry, don't be afraid of failure." Of course, Shen Fengshu noticed the nervousness of the two concubines and comforted them with a smile.

Shen Fengshu has never regarded himself as a practitioner, so he does not have the mentality of a practitioner. The concept that once he fails, he will give up all his efforts and have no chance again. In fact, Shen Fengshu has always regarded himself as a researcher. He is a scientist. What is the mentality of a scientist? A failure does not mean failure, but it means success. You have found a blocked path and changed it.

The way is. In his opinion, without practical operation, you will not be too sure of anything, and the same is true for walking on a dragon. If you have not seen famous mountains and rivers, and do not understand the distribution and flow of mountains and rivers, no matter how powerful your cultivation is, you will be able to walk on a dragon. Failure. So, practice in advance

It is absolutely necessary to familiarize yourself with the method several times. Studying medical principles textbooks a hundred times and memorizing them backwards is not as good as sewing up a wound once.

The dark clouds slowly drifted over, and the raindrops finally turned from heavy rain to heavy rain.

As soon as the raindrops fell to the ground, a burst of white mist rose up. The hot sand directly atomized the raindrops, and the surrounding area was filled with white mist, like a fairyland.

But soon, as the raindrops fell, the temperature in the desert also slowly dropped, but it was like being in a steamer, not as comfortable as when it was hot and dry. The raindrops became heavier and heavier, and under the surprised eyes of the girls , water really started to accumulate. The accumulated water everywhere slowly gathered from high places to low places, first forming a pool, then a stream, and then a torrent carrying countless sands.


"Go!" Shen Fengshu smiled encouragingly at Xiaobai Xiaoqing: "Go and try it, get familiar with it, you don't have to think that you can succeed in one go, your Huohuo cultivation level is not even there yet."

Xiaobai Xiaoqing nodded immediately and jumped into the torrent. As soon as he entered the water, his original shape appeared. He drifted with the current and slowly tried to control it. Two beautiful snakes joined in, and the amount of water seemed to be getting more and more. In the vast desert, A vast country. In the mortal world, this would be considered a catastrophe that would destroy all living beings. But here, it did not cause the slightest disturbance, let alone the destruction of living beings.

Tan, except for Shen Fengshu and a few other monks, there are no living beings at all.

Knowing that what Shen Fengshu was looking for was the direction of the water veins, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing were familiar with the control of the torrent while carefully feeling the direction of the water flow.

Without needing to be reminded by the two women, Shen Fengshu himself had already followed the two women not far away in a paper boat folded from satisfactory paper and sailed down smoothly.

No matter how heavy the rain is, it will stop. The heavy rain only lasted for one day and one night, and then the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and the sky was clear. Xiaobai and Xiaoqing tried their best, taking advantage of the situation and pushing a little bit of water to meander along the naturally formed waterway for hundreds of miles. I had to stop inside. Otherwise, there was too little water, and a lot of water leaked along the way, and the high temperature evaporated it.

Many of them have turned into shallow streams before they even reach the edge of the desert.

After stopping on the spot, just over an hour later, even the small stream disappeared completely, and it turned into the desolate and hot desert again.

The heavy rain that day and night seemed to have only wetted the sand in the desert and changed the distribution of some sand dunes, leaving nothing else behind.

Shen Fengshu followed Xiaobai and Xiaoqing all the way until he could no longer continue. When Xiaobai and Xiaoqing quietly returned to Chengxin Tiandi to appreciate the harvest of this "simulated walking dragon", he also began to search around.

Shen Fengshu searched almost everywhere within a hundred miles in the sky and on the earth with his spiritual consciousness, but could not find the fourth nesting doll.

Either the rainfall was not just right, or the search was in the wrong direction. Shen Fengshu couldn't tell yet and could only continue to wait for the next heavy rain.

Seeing that Shen Fengshu seemed to have returned without success, the girls gathered around to comfort him and try to please him, for fear that the master would be depressed and unhappy.

In fact, Shen Fengshu was not as unhappy as they imagined. Again, scientific thinking determines that a certain failure is just the success of finding a dead end, rather than a real failure.

Since he didn't find it this time, Shen Fengshu stayed and waited. Anyway, according to calculations, this climate cycle can last at least twenty or thirty years, and it may last for fifty, sixty or even hundreds of years. There will always be a time when he finds it.

However, Shen Fengshu was still a little surprised. Could it be that his super good luck had expired? He actually failed the first time.

But thinking about it, it wasn't really a failure. At least the first rain was heavy enough to cause desert floods. Compared with the drizzle and apricot rain, this was already good luck.

Shen Fengshu calmed down and continued to practice his homework while waiting for the second rain.

We were really lucky. We only waited for half a month for the second one, and it was still raining heavily. Xiaobai and Xiaoqing once again tried the low-temperature walking dragon. Compared with the last time, this time Obviously, they have become much more proficient. With almost the same amount of water, the torrent pushed by the two women obviously flows out twenty or thirty miles longer, which is a ten-fold improvement.

Very obvious.

But one thing makes people speechless. This time the direction of the torrent has completely changed. Last time it was going east, this time it is going directly to the north.

The sand dunes in the desert can easily change their shape by the wind, causing the desert terrain's height distribution to change, and the water flow to be completely different from last time.

"Did you feel the same point in the two water vein flow directions?" Shen Fengshu didn't get into the water himself, and he didn't have the ability to sense the water vein aura, so he could only ask Xiaobai Xiaoqing for advice.

"It's completely different." Xiao Qing was straightforward and shook her head without thinking much about the impact of this answer on her master.

"Actually, it's not completely different. There's a lot of sand mixed in the water flow." Xiaobai wanted to express it tactfully, but after a few words, he couldn't continue.

"Do you feel it seeping down?" Shen Fengshu didn't have any expression of frustration or disappointment at all, but only the curiosity when exploring something interesting, and the excitement of trying to solve a certain mystery.

The main reasons for water loss in deserts are fast evaporation and fast penetration. However, many deserts actually still have abundant underground water resources, but the water cannot be stored on the surface of the desert.

The commonality between the two water flows in different directions is that they must all penetrate downward. Shen Fengshu guessed this, but he was unable to locate the specific location and depth.

"It's seeping down?" Xiao Bai thought about it carefully and shook his head slightly: "Basically, it didn't seep down."

"No, sir." Xiao Qing also affirmed: "A little, not too much. It can penetrate down to ten feet at most and then there will be no movement." Ten feet is not even a depth of forty meters, so there is no need to penetrate downward. Is there a rock layer or soil layer under the sand? This is not normal! The thickness of sand in ordinary deserts on the earth is 100 to 200 meters. Such a hot desert is only

Forty meters of sand?

Shen Fengshu was afraid that he had made a mistake, so he probed down with his spiritual consciousness for more than a hundred meters. What he felt was still sand, not something else, and nothing special. But why didn't the water seep down? ?

"Next time, carefully feel the flow direction of the water veins at the deepest penetration point." Shen Fengshu thought he had found something and quickly ordered.

The sand dunes above change again, and only ten feet deep underground are affected. Perhaps, the water flow direction that has not changed for thousands of years is hidden at this depth. I ignored it the first two times, and will study it in detail next time.

The third rain was unlucky. It was just a light rain and stopped before the sand even got wet. The fourth rain came four days later and was a heavy downpour.

Xiaobai Xiaoqing received guidance from Shen Fengshu, and this time the main focus was on the ten feet underground. With their cultivation, they quickly noticed the flow of water ten feet underground.

In fact, the amount of water in underground veins is very small, and there is a large amount of sand accumulation. The flow of water veins can only be difficult to pass through the gaps in the sand. The flow rate is very slow, and it is very difficult to find the direction of the water veins at once.

In order to find out the direction of the flow, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing didn't even bother walking around this time, and specifically stayed in certain areas with the largest amount of water to feel it respectively, hoping that the two of them could find some common ground and find the direction he wanted for the master.

After much trouble, while the heavy rain continued, the two women changed dozens of places in succession, and finally came to the conclusion that the flow direction of underground water veins is basically the same as that on the ground, except that the underground flow is very slow.

This time it was the two girls' turn to be in a bad mood. They were very frustrated at not being able to help the master, and Shen Fengshu had to comfort them. "You've done a good job." Shen Fengshu was always in a hurry. In a calm mood, he smiled and said: "I probably know it well. Let's confirm it next time. In addition, you don't have to be so meticulous next time. Don't forget that you still have to practice walking."


Another heavy rain has come, and the girls in Yixin Tiandi have become accustomed to it. Not only can it rain in the desert, but it can also cause heavy rains and floods. This is actually common sense. Where can I explain it?

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing were very obedient this time. Not only did they work diligently to push the river to flood and drive away the flood dragons, but they also paid attention to the direction of the underground water veins ten feet below the surface, very seriously.

Shen Fengshu still followed the two women on the boat to explore, but when he reached a certain area, he suddenly felt a sense of danger in his heart, but neither his consciousness nor the battlefield scanning system found any enemies, which was very contradictory.

This dangerous feeling is hard to describe. It comes from the battlefield intuition of soldier Shen Fengshu. Shen Fengshu couldn't help but look around. "Huh? We were discovered?" A strange voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the three of them. : "Are these two little snakes walking like dragons? Aren't you afraid that such a harmful spiritual practice will bring disaster to all living beings and trigger divine punishment?"

This chapter has been completed!
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