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Chapter 71 The Way to Get Rid of

Shen Fengshu and the others moved very quickly. They picked up their things and left. Even the little monk chanted sutras on the road. When someone came after them, they saw corpses scattered all over the ground. There were no valuables. Leave.

When someone dies, it means someone is starting to take action. The people behind him suddenly become anxious and speed up to catch up.

The four rookies walked in a hurry, leaving very obvious traces on the scene and on the road, all the way into the mountain. The masters behind them and nearby couldn't care less about exposure and conflict, and they all followed in eagerly.

As soon as they entered the forest, someone soon noticed something was wrong.

The few people who were chasing the most energetically were chasing quickly along the traces left by Shen Fengshu and others. Suddenly, an extremely elastic tree trunk popped up from behind a big tree, and there was also a naturally formed tree trunk due to breakage. Sharp wooden thorns.

No one expected this to happen. The master at the front was hit hard by the tree trunk. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and avoided the vital point, but he was still pierced into the chest by the sharp thorns. Many foundation-building masters have After learning the identity of Shen Fengshu, he suddenly decided to come in. He was not well prepared, and some smart people wore armor. However, as long as the refined magic weapon and armor are not light, it is easy to have difficulty moving in this situation.

Some of them only carried weapons and no armor.

Suddenly, I was unable to use my usual spiritual consciousness or spiritual energy. I could only rely on my body's instinct. Even the flying swords that I had handy could not be used. I could only use the most primitive methods to fight or even defend. Many people were extremely uncomfortable with it.

The spikes on the tree trunk knocked one down on the spot, but the others did not bother to take care of him, and hurriedly placed him under a large tree that looked stable, and then hurriedly chased after him.

The faster you chase, the more impatient you are, the more hectic you are, and the easier it is to get into trouble. The first few people are not in trouble, but there is a person behind who is fine watching the people in front of him running past, and he is not too defensive in his heart, but he does not expect the footfall. As soon as he was in the air, he stepped into a small pit one foot deep. The stone at the entrance of the pit happened to flip over and stuck the small pit.

The leg was facing the bone, but it was a small downhill at this time. The person was rushing too fast, and there was no way he could stop the car. Under the action of the leverage, a very loud cracking sound of the bone was heard, and the monk who was hit screamed on the spot. He let out a miserable howl and lay down on the road. No matter how powerful the monk was, no matter how strengthened his body was, he could not withstand his own strength.

It's about breaking yourself apart with your own strength.

Bai Sensen's bones stubble directly penetrated the flesh and blood, and the scene... was too horrific to watch.

There were people lagging behind. I was afraid that I would lose the chase. I rushed too fast and followed the traces. Unexpectedly, there was nothing behind a big leaf in front of me. I stepped on the air and rushed out of a small cliff.

The cliff is not high, and the distance to the bottom of the cliff is only more than twenty feet. If you can use spiritual energy, such a small height will not be a problem for any foundation-building monk who comes in, and you can easily and safely land.

But the problem is, isn’t it possible to use spiritual energy and consciousness now? It screamed and was smashed down from a height of more than 70 meters, and there was no sound on the spot.

The companion who was following was startled. He stopped and took a closer look and discovered that there was an obvious turning mark two steps before the cliff. It was just that someone unethically made a forward mark and misled his companion.

Someone accidentally tripped over a vine and hit the blade of the damaged flying sword that turned into a V shape.

Some people didn't pay attention to their feet and stepped on the tip of a certain upright sword, and the sole of their foot was pierced. When they fell to the ground, they found that there was still a half-cut sword waiting for them to pounce.

If you are lucky, you will react quickly, and nothing will happen. You will just break out in a cold sweat. If you are unlucky, your reaction will be slow, and you will be killed or injured, and the tracking speed will also slow down.

...There are many people who have had accidents. They are either careless here or careless there. In short, all accidents can be attributed to carelessness. There is no way, if you want to catch up with Shen Fengshu, those little brats are running so fast. If you slow down, you will lose it.

You can’t catch up if you don’t hurry up!

That's the problem. If you chase quickly, you won't observe enough in some places, so something goes wrong.

There are many people chasing, and there is always a sequence. The people in front catch up, and the people behind slowly catch up suddenly realize that as long as they follow the traces in front, they will not lose them even if they cannot catch up, and they immediately feel relieved.

Then, those injured monks fell into the eyes of many people.

Everyone didn't know each other, and they all came here to seek money and resources. The things on An Zhengling's body were the resources that everyone dreamed of, but the things on these injured people didn't seem to be waste, right?

In just one day, there were suddenly more than a dozen attacks on each other, and dozens of people died. I'm afraid the people following them didn't expect that just four teenagers could cause so many things. ?

Shen Fengshu didn't care what happened behind them, but sometimes they could hear the screams coming from behind very clearly, and they could probably guess what happened.

These masters of practice have become mortals, but when they scream, their voices are extremely loud and full of energy. They can be heard in half the mountainous area. It is so loud!

"Alas!" Shen Fengshu could only sigh, and by the way told the young monk: "Yichen, I have time to recite two more sutras on the way and save a few lives! Poor man! Isn't it good for people who are popular outside to drink spicy food? You have to come in and die. !" As a tester of nano-armor, Shen Fengshu has experienced complete military skills training. He is very proficient in survival training and special operations in various environments. He can make a few small tricks on the way to deceive those who are chasing him. Bing, it’s really too


Many people died behind, but the current situation was in favor of Shen Fengshu and the others. The people who were pursuing them were not too eager and allowed them to move forward easily. The number of monks who came after them were at least dozens or hundreds. In their minds, seniors who are 4 years old have eaten more salt than four young people and have walked on more bridges than a few kids. Especially Shen Fengshu, who is rumored to have

How could a mortal be their opponent? With this mentality, everyone was more wary of those comrades who were also tracking Shen Fengshu. Who would have thought that many of them actually fell into the hands of Shen Fengshu? Some of them were It looks like it was a deliberately arranged trap, with four young people escaping in a hurry.

Qing Neng has such a method? Isn't it the same old fox's comrade?

Now that many people have died, a group of monks are alert and careful. The few temporary groups who are chasing are wary of each other and restraining each other. Instead, they have relaxed their pursuit of Shen Fengshu, the real person they were originally tracking. The pressure of four people.

A few young people didn't even know how to cover up their tracks, so long as they couldn't lose it. Maybe this method of maintaining some dangerous pressure could force An Zhengling to show up. Throughout the day, Shen Fengshu and others climbed seventeen mountains. , ran for a hundred miles. When everyone was marching, Ding Jian was at the front to clear the way according to Shen Fengshu's instructions. Xiaoman and Yichen followed behind. Shen Fengshu broke away and pulled back and forth for about a mile.

Keep a long distance and rely on communication headsets to keep in touch and provide direction.

Who can believe that under such circumstances, four mortals, so far apart, can still communicate as if they were right next to each other?

"How should we go next?" Ding Jian was at the highest point of a mountain, waiting for everyone to come and join him. At the same time, he did not forget to seize the time to rest. After a whole day on the mountain road, Ding Jian was the one at the front to open the way, and he was very tired.

"Let's meet up first." Xiaoman and Yichen didn't have any ideas. They all relied on Shen Fengshu to make decisions. When they heard Shen Fengshu's voice in the headphones, everyone felt at ease.

If you have never used Nano Armor, you will never know how powerful it is.

Under Shen Fengshu's suggestion, everyone came in with almost no food or water, only carrying weapons and some elixirs and clothes, and went into battle lightly. Unlike many monks who came in, they were fully prepared, but it also slowed down the speed in disguise.

In the mountains and forests, how could Shen Fengshu, who had received jungle survival training, make everyone run out of water? The nano armor itself has a battlefield survival system, and condensing and collecting water is only the most basic function.

As for the food, it's even simpler. A huge wild boar that Ding Jian killed while clearing the road had some meat cut off it. The nanorobots could even roast it evenly from the inside to the outside. The heat was full, and it could be cooked with just a little salt. Eat with gusto.

The poor little monk had to be forced to eat meat, but even if he killed people, eating some meat was nothing, right?

After the rendezvous, while everyone was eating, drinking and resting, Shen Fengshu did not forget to use the battlefield rescue system to relieve everyone's fatigue.

Everyone knew that Shen Fengshu still had useful magic weapons, but no one found it strange. There are always exceptions to the rules, right?

"Have a rest tonight and let's go in that direction tomorrow!" In the direction Shen Fengshu pointed, there was a piece of sparkling water hundreds of miles away, and the sea could not be seen at a glance. This was what Shen Fengshu had decided before coming in. Good goal.

The secret realm of Qiancheng has been opened several times. It is easy to buy a map of a thousand-mile radius near the portal in the market on Qiancheng Island.

Since monks have searched for it many times, there will definitely not be anything good left near the portal, at least the possibility is very low. Seniors have searched in several directions, but no one has explored it in depth on the sea side. Some seniors tried to build a boat and go to sea, but it took more than half a month just to rush to the beach to build the boat and store water. After launching, the wind direction was not suitable. There is only the sun and no stars here, and the vast sea Even the direction is lost at night

I couldn't tell the difference. I didn't find anything good until I left the secret realm of Qiancheng. I didn't even reach the other side and returned empty-handed.

The exploration of the sea was only done once. After that, no one tried to explore the sea. At most, they traveled along the seaside, basically looking for opportunities on land. But for Shen Fengshu, these are not problems. Qiancheng Secret Realm is a master After all, the refining space is not a real sea. There are no tides, the wind is very gentle, there will be no big waves, and a small sampan can go out to sea. It is simply specially designed for

The place created by Shen Fengshu to escape tracking!

The Battlefield Survival System has the ability to desalinate seawater. Shen Fengshu can go to the sea directly without preparing fresh water, but can others? Can his strengthened body drink saltwater directly? As long as he wanders around the sea for more than ten days, he will never be left behind. If there is one person following him and he can land on any shore, who else can follow him?

This chapter has been completed!
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