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Chapter 724: Immeasurable Merits

In terms of cultivation qualifications, Ice Fairy Snow Witch is the best among the best. Her cultivation level has skyrocketed, and she is much higher than this little brother Shen Fengshu.

But when it comes to knowledge, the Ice Fairy plus the Snow Witch and then multiplying them by ten may not be as knowledgeable as Shen Fengshu.

In the era of information explosion on earth, Shen Fengshu has access to all aspects of knowledge and knowledge that people in this world simply cannot imagine.

The vast knowledge and various magical knowledge that Shen Fengshu showed before made the two sisters believe in him without hesitation. If they don't believe in their own younger brother, how can they believe in a few common people who have never met Demon Continent?

Not to mention the Ice Fairy and the Snow Witch, even Senior Liu and the beautiful Master were aroused by Shen Fengshu's words and listened with great interest. As for Old Man Jiang, Old Man Shan and Long Jianxin, they were originally other than the small gang. As a Lord who doesn’t care about other people and things outside, it’s okay to just listen to him, or it doesn’t matter if you don’t listen.

"What are the criteria for judging right and wrong?" Shen Fengshu poured a cup of Eight Treasures Immortal Tea for each of his two sisters. By the way, several seniors also poured a cup for them. Then he sat at the tea table and asked: "What is right? What is wrong?"

What is the standard of right and wrong? Isn’t this established by convention? Is there anything else that can be disputed?

But Sister Ru Bing and Sister Ru Xue were just confused for a moment and instantly understood what their younger brother meant.

The same thing may be wrong in Haotian Sect, but it is right in Tianxuan Sect. Everyone has different standards, so why should others judge what is right or wrong?

"Understood?" Shen Fengshu knew from the expressions of the two sisters that they had thought of the key, so he simply explained in more detail.

"They do not follow the sect's rules. They are mortals. They only need to be judged according to the laws of the world. But in different countries, the laws are different." Shen Fengshu tried his best to let the sisters understand, so he spoke very thoroughly. : "The law is the bottom line of morality. Maybe from a legal perspective, certain things are not illegal, but they violate public order and good customs that are generally recognized in people's hearts. Do you think it is right or wrong?"

"In addition, some things may be wrong now, but after a while, the law has changed and it is no longer wrong, so what?" Having mentioned the regional issue, Shen Fengshu also mentioned a time-sensitive issue. question.

"How could there be such a law?" Sister Ru Bing thought it was impossible.

"The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds." Shen Fengshu shook his head slightly. His sister was still too naive, and didn't know how high the sky was. "Maybe it's illegal to steal things now, but maybe at some point, it's illegal to steal things below a certain value." It’s not illegal if it’s something.”

Have you ever heard of zero-yuan shopping?

"Don't talk about stealing." Shen Fengshu gave another example: "Maybe someone is a boy today and said he is a girl tomorrow. How do you judge? If someone says it to you, how dare you do it casually? How about defining my gender?”

Have you ever heard of ninety-seven genders?

Poor sister, she is ignorant and has never seen the world!

Sisters Ru Bing and Ru Xue were both dumbfounded. Is it not illegal to steal? Is there such an outrageous law? Can a man say he is a woman? How could there be such a thing? Did I just make it up?

Not to mention that the Ice Fairy and the Snow Witch don't believe it, even Senior Liu and the beautiful Master don't believe that there is such a ridiculous thing. Just kidding, this is fine, is there any justice in this world?

Facing a lot of questioning eyes, Shen Fengshu slowly raised his right hand and put three fingers together: "I can swear to God and my inner demons, there is definitely such a thing."

Of course, don’t forget to add in your mind later: “It’s just in another world.”

Seeing that Shen Fengshu spoke so solemnly, even daring to swear to God and his inner demons, everyone also paid attention to it. Neither Senior Liu nor Senior Beauty thought that commenting would affect the Taoist heart, and they all listened attentively at this moment.

"Don't underestimate these trivial matters." Shen Fengshu then reminded: "Once you fall into it, it will be unclear right and wrong, unclear cause and effect. One or two things are fine, but the more things happen, the more mistakes will be made. If you have too much inner persistence, you will lose confidence because your own judgments frequently make mistakes.”

Inner persistence, what is that? Isn’t it the Taoist heart? If the heart is shaken and loses confidence, the Taoist heart will naturally be shaken.

"As long as I stick to my own judgment, no matter how those people question it, just going my own way is not a kind of practice." Sister Ruxue suddenly said: "It will only make my Taoist heart more and more stable."

Shen Fengshu nodded. What Sister Ruxue said makes sense. In fact, it is like this in many cases. The Snow Witch can be hard-hearted and unwavering, but not everyone can do it.

"That's right." Shen Fengshu agreed very much: "What is the original intention? What is true without regrets is the original intention. As long as you have a clear conscience, you will continue to strengthen your Taoist intention."

"As long as you stick to your heart, it doesn't matter, right?" Sister Ruxue then asked.

"It still doesn't work." Shen Fengshu smiled and shook his head.

Everyone was confused again, why can't you stick to your heart?

"Vision, pattern, Taoist heart." Shen Fengshu explained: "To often judge these entanglements, and try to be fair and just, you have to have a deep understanding and dig into the root causes of conflicts, and you will also be involved in the actions of both parties, and your own thinking You will get stuck in trivial matters, your horizons will be constrained, and your thinking pattern will not be grand enough."

"Sisters are supposed to be soaring rocs in the sky, why do they still have to duck into the nest of ants and pay attention to those scrappy flies and dogs?" Shen Fengshu said with a smile, and before they could refute, she went on to herself. Go on: "I'm not talking about monks, I'm just talking about the mortal court. Take a look, which king or governor would pay attention to the filial piety of the parents of every humble citizen. Is the country raising so many subordinates just to let them eat for free?"

"Don't compare with those monks in the academy." Shen Fengshu saw that his two sisters had already understood something, and continued: "What they cultivate is to regulate the family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world. That is their way, and the world is for the common good. But you are not cultivators. This is the road, so why stop and walk into this side road?"

"Then what should we do?" Sister Ru Bing asked quickly.

"If you are not in your position, you will not seek to govern." Shen Fengshu said categorically: "You can be kind, but you cannot let others use your kindness to plot against you. Believe me, if we take care of these things today, what will happen next? There are thousands of trivial and trivial matters waiting for us, which is very annoying."

"The road is long and difficult. What we have to do is stick to our true intentions and not go astray." Shen Fengshu began to conclude: "There are many temptations on the road, and there are many calculations. It is better to walk more cautiously than to be plotted to death. .”

Everyone fell into deep thought. They were silent and thinking along the way.

As if to verify Shen Fengshu's statement, they soon encountered another small village. As soon as they saw them, the villagers still collectively knelt down to worship the Immortal, and then some people immediately jumped up to ask the Immortal to administer justice.

And there are almost endless such people, one after another. There is no one living in the village who doesn't have some minor entanglements with their neighbors. Almost everyone in the village wants to let the immortal tell the difference between right and wrong.

However, as soon as those noisy guys spoke, they disappeared and were all thrown into Old Man Shan's country by Shen Fengshu.

It may be a coincidence that one village is like this, and it may be a coincidence that two villages are like this, but all the villagers encountered in seven or eight consecutive villages are like this. Even a fool can see that there must be something wrong with it, not to mention the two sisters and those seniors. They are all extremely smart masters.

Obviously, these guys must have come out to plot against the three siblings. Otherwise, how could mortals who have lived in the Demon Continent their whole lives seek justice from someone they have never seen before?

Even Senior Liu and the beautiful Master didn't see this plan at the beginning. It was really hard to guard against and it made people's hair stand on end. Who knew that a moment of good intentions to help a few ordinary people to judge their truth might shake their own Taoism?

"How dare they? Aren't they afraid of death?" After confirming that this was really a plot, Sister Ru Bing, who had always been good-tempered, couldn't help but grit her teeth.

"Sister, don't forget, even if these mortals lose their lives when their souls are stolen and refined by demonic cultivators, they still think it is a gift from the gods. They wish they could kneel down and beg those demonic cultivators for a chance." Shen Fengshu said with a smile: "How can you be afraid of death? ?”

Thinking of the behavior of the mortals they met before, the Ice Fairy and the Snow Witch had to admit that these mortals were really not afraid of death. Mortals brainwashed by fanaticism were so pitiable.

"Brother, what should we do if there is really a tragic injustice?" Sister Ru Bing thought of a possibility and asked directly.

"If you really want to help, then reach out and help!" Shen Fengshu said with a smile: "As I said, just don't forget your own heart. However, there are some mortal things that you don't have to do yourself."

"What should we do?" Sister Ruxue and Sister Rubing took turns asking in harmony.

"Go to the court, go to the monarch, go to the prime minister, and let them arrange someone to deal with it." Shen Fengshu replied patiently: "If you don't want to deal with mortals, just go to the academy disciples in that place and let them deal with it. In your name , they would never dare to do anything half-heartedly.”

"If there are too many similar things, you don't have to find someone to solve them one by one." Shen Fengshu didn't wait for her sister to go further, and directly took the initiative to discuss: "Remember what I said before? Be the one who makes the rules. Find the academy, Go to the court and ask them to change some of the existing unfair laws, so that the laws are tilted in the direction of protecting the weak. Changing the rules can help many more people than you can help by being heroic all your life. That is how we can save all sentient beings and give birth to Buddhas in every family."

Speaking of making rules, everyone immediately remembered the scene when Shen Fengshu talked about how to lead the sect with Fairy Hao Miao and the beautiful Master. At this moment, the Ice Fairy and the Snow Witch suddenly felt relaxed and their thoughts were clear, and they only felt that there was something to say Without being able to transcend easily, both of you will break through at this moment.

"Don't break through in the Demon Continent. Let's wait until we can make a breakthrough outside." The beautiful master's words came softly, but she suppressed the urge of the two sisters to break through and quickly calmed them down.

"Xiao Shen, we monks from the Taoist and Divine Sect don't like those bald donkeys' opinions." After giving instructions to the two women, the beautiful master turned to Shen Fengshu: "I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

"To reach the extreme of emptiness, stay still and sincere, and return to nature, your merits will be immeasurable!"

This chapter has been completed!
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