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Chapter 789 It’s really hard to find

Fortunately, the virtuous Xiaobai came out with a few little vixens to help. Although they didn't know what their master was doing with these things, they were good at it. If they didn't understand, they just did as they were asked without asking.

With Xiaobai and the others helping to arrange detectors and explosive sites, Shen Fengshu's efficiency has become much higher.

Explosions kept going off every day, which finally made a few guys playing cards feel curious and ran out to watch the fun.

For this reason, Shen Fengshu had to explain the principle of the acoustic wave detector. Anyway, there is no need to explain too much how to implement it. Just let everyone know that it was learned from the instinct of the bat demon.

This was so fun that everyone stopped playing cards for a while. Led by the little old man Jiang, he happily helped Shen Fengshu set up the explosion points and then detonated them one by one, having a great time.

Shen Fengshu was able to completely explore the landscape beneath the glacier that covered tens of thousands of miles in just one month.

Because the explosion points are arranged densely enough, there are almost several detectors per square kilometer, so the landforms are detected in very detail.

Everyone watched helplessly as Shen Fengshu used a series of explosions to recreate the glacier area bit by bit on a flat ground in Yixin Tiandi.

Shen Fengshu is a physical sandbox, and it can be easily achieved. Not only are the terrains below real rock formations, but even the glacier caps covering the top are real ice. The difference is that the glacier caps above can fly up and be exposed at any time. The surface below.

It's so intuitive and clear when you look at it this way.

Everyone looked at it in amazement. Although Shen Fengshu explained the principle, everyone was still amazed that it could be shown so simply and clearly.

However, it seems that it is not unusual for this kind of thing to happen to Shen Fengshu, and everyone is used to it.

During the detection process, Shen Fengshu had compared several similar terrains, but none of them matched appropriately. It can only be said that after thousands of years of glacial movement and squeezing, the original terrain has also undergone significant changes. changes.

How could the fifth matryoshka hide the body in such an unreliable place? If the other person is not a monk similar to the female driver who does not know the direction, then she must be a confused person.

It's quite secretive enough. It's so secretive that you can't even find yourself after you take away the body. Where can you explain it?

What do you think? Not to mention that the glacier can move, and it may also affect the change of the landform under the glacier. Simply speaking, this is a world of cultivation. How difficult can it be for a monk with a high level of cultivation to move mountains and seas?

Shen Fengshu could at least tell from the sand table that there were at least 1278 deep sword marks, which lasted for hundreds of miles on average and were crisscrossed. There were at least two people looking at the swords, and they didn't know what they were like. The powerful monks competed with swords here, and the battle was too fierce.

What left Shen Fengshu speechless the most was that the battle at that time was probably not just about the sword energy making deep sword marks on the ground under the glacier, splitting mountains and ridges, etc. It was very likely that large glaciers had been involved in fierce battles. melted.

This is troublesome. The fifth matryoshka doll is hidden in the glacier. If the glacier melts, wouldn't the body be drifting with the current? Who knows where it will drift? Not to mention the fragments of the mountain falling down, maybe the matryoshka doll will be destroyed directly. Possibility of burial.

Why did the matryoshka think of hiding the body here? The more Shen Fengshu thought about it, the more puzzled she became.

Fortunately, the address in the nesting doll's memory has several clear peaks and valleys. Originally there was a tall snow peak, but now there is no reference to the most obvious snow peak, causing all these landform memories to be lost. It became a decoration.

The tall snowy peak is still relatively obvious. Now Shen Fengshu can re-deduce the original location of the fifth matryoshka as long as he finds the traces of that snowy peak.

As for whether the matryoshka doll is still there, it all depends on Shen Fengshu's luck.

There are 17 or 18 traces that are consistent with the mountain being cut off, scattered over tens of thousands of miles. It seems that the monks who fought at that time changed their positions while fighting, and they were very fast. They may have thought that this place is inaccessible, so they can rest assured that they will not take action. As for what will happen to it?

Among the two great warriors, at least one was very ungrateful in martial arts. The opponent only split the mountain peaks with one sword and cut the mountains with one sword. But this guy with no martial ethics actually shattered the mountain peaks every time. , there are scattered boulders and broken peaks everywhere.

You guys kept the highest mountain peak after all! Without that obvious mark, aren’t you afraid of getting lost?

At this time, the advantage of Shen Fengshu's collection of books is reflected. There are always some books that record the local customs and customs, which record the landforms of these glaciers thousands of years ago. Shen Fengshu compares the current actual landforms with some The contents recorded in these books finally limited the suspicious locations to less than five places.

Sometimes, Shen Fengshu also had to lament that the academy had done a lot of good things. For example, the books had the same text, and the whole world had one set of characters. And the habit of inheriting and ordering historical records they promoted also made many monks and monks from the academy Scholars were willing to record these things, so Shen Fengshu was able to eliminate possible methods by combining ancient books with reality.

In any case, a radius of tens of thousands of miles has been reduced to five places, each of which is no more than a thousand miles in radius. This difficulty has been reduced hundreds of times, and we should be satisfied.

"Do you want my help?" Old Man Shan said in a rare voice.

As long as Old Man Shan is willing to lie down on the glacier, it won't take long before everything under the glacier is under his control.

However, Shen Fengshu brought the unruly young master out to enjoy the fun of treasure hunting. How could there be any joy in searching like Old Man Rushan?

"Let's look for it ourselves!" Shen Fengshu was not tactful at all and directly refused Old Man Shan's help: "Searching is also happiness and training. You can't deprive us of our happiness."

Old Man Shan shrugged his shoulders and said nothing, "With all this trouble, what kind of happiness is there?"

Seeing Old Man Shan's puzzled look, Shen Fengshu knew what he was thinking. He could only say that human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same.

But Old Man Jiang obviously found it interesting, and Long Jianxin was a good boy who was open-minded and eager to learn, so he always followed.

The unruly young master followed Shen Fengshu to study with great interest. Although playing mahjong is fun, playing for a few days requires a change of mind. Besides, the process of searching for things all over the world like a Taoist couple is so fresh and fun. .

In several places, the entire mountain was shattered by force. One can imagine the strength of the monks who took action back then.

Shen Fengshu and Fu Xi could only try to restore the original peak from the fragments scattered under the surrounding glaciers. Mainly based on the volume, due to the erosion and movement of the glaciers over the years, the fragments had long since lost their original appearance. They could only restore the original peak from The volume roughly estimates the original height of the mountain.

Everyone spent a long time eliminating and selecting, and finally selected two from the five mountain peak sites. If these two are restored, the height of the mountain should be equivalent to the snow peaks in the memory of the matryoshka.

Then we speculated on the direction of the surrounding mountains, dug out the messy sword marks and battle traces, and tried to restore them. Finally, we selected one of the two mountain ruins that was more likely to be the main search target.

To be honest, no matter how well the remains of the matryoshka doll were hidden in the glacier, how could they still be in their original position after the entire glacier melted?

Carving a boat to find a sword will not happen to Shen Fengshu. Once the starting point is determined, the rest can only be a blanket search.

Everyone, including Mr. Jiang and Long Jianxin, each had an ice sonar detector and lined up to fly from one end to the other to conduct under-ice ultrasonic testing.

Although everyone can control these detectors to fly across a large area with weapon skills, and can also use their spiritual consciousness to penetrate into the ice for detailed exploration, but how can anyone walk and look at the sand table over Shen Fengshu's side? Is it fun to detect things that appear out of thin air?

What's more, only Old Man Jiang Toushan and Long Jianxin can detect spiritual consciousness. Maybe Shen Fengshu can also completely penetrate hundreds of feet of ice with his spiritual consciousness. Others may not have such strength. Even if they can. , the cost of detecting under the ice is also very huge, and it is far less fun than the things Shen Fengshu gave everyone.

The feedback results will be returned to Fuxi for detailed analysis. Fuxi will draw the general shape of the object below based on the sonar feedback results, and then display it in Yixin Tiandi so that everyone can clearly see it. The real-time presentation will make everyone feel more interesting.

Taking advantage of everyone's interest, Shen Fengshu carefully explored the glacier, and then came to a depressing conclusion. Maybe, maybe, or... the body of the fifth matryoshka doll was not here.

After searching and searching, no fragments were found that resembled the shape of a human body or were about the same size as a human body.

Is it really not here? Shen Fengshu fell into deep thought.

Even if the two monks fight and the entire glacier thaws, it is impossible for the body of the matryoshka to drift thousands of miles during the battle. If it is, it must still be in this area.

What went wrong?

"Master, how about we go under the ice and have a look?" Xiaobai and Xiaoqing looked at Shen Fengshu and frowned in thought, and couldn't help but volunteer.

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing are all water-type, they can control water, and can also escape through water. Although the ice layer is thick, its essence is still water, but it will be more laborious to escape through water.

Firstly, it is cold, and secondly, it consumes more spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness. Normally, you can escape a hundred meters in the water, but you may only be able to escape one meter in the ice, and the danger is even higher. Once the spiritual energy is exhausted or the operation If it is not done properly, there is a risk of being frozen in the ice.

Shen Fengshu didn't want Xiaobai Xiaoqing to take risks on such a trivial matter, so he just shook his head in denial.

"Mr. Shen, don't let Xiaobai and Xiaoqing take risks." The unruly young master agreed: "At worst, we will try our best to find it again. You said, the mountain collapsed. Is it possible that when the monks fought, the corpses were already there?" Was it shattered into pieces?"

"Fragments!" Shen Fengshu's eyes suddenly lit up, it's possible!

How could you forget what happened back then?

This chapter has been completed!
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