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Chapter 189 Still have vision

Two days later, Yuan Suijun handed this article to Su Yueling.

"I happened to have free time yesterday, so I wrote to pass the time."

When Su Yueling was reading the article, he stepped back first, thus avoiding the embarrassing situation of having to read his own article.

Su Yueling read the article with a smile on her face. Yuan Suijun's writing style is really good. He can praise her for more than a thousand words without any repetition, and it is also full of persuasion. Every viewer feels that, yes, she is

So good, so outstanding, worthy of everyone's praise! In comparison, her modern followers are all weak, and none of them can compare to Yuan Suijun.

It seems that he didn't fool her and wrote it seriously.

After nearly a year of study, Su Yueling still had some appreciation for it. The more she read it, the more she felt that this article was really well written, and it completely touched her heart.

She was wondering whether she should reciprocate the courtesy and prepare a gift for Yuan Suijun.

But what do you want to give? She heard that Yuan Suijun's calligraphy and paintings sold very well, and there was no shortage of money. If you have money, you can definitely buy the things you usually use.

Su Yueling herself was not happy to give away gadgets that could be seen everywhere.

If it's a mall, you can exchange it for a lot of things. But the exchange of things like this is meaningless.

Her eyes fell on the charcoal pens on the table, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

Yes, she can draw a small portrait of him with charcoal. She can't draw with a brush, but she can still sketch with charcoal. And some time ago, in order to draw the design of the spinning wheel and the house, she re-drawed the drawings.

This skill was picked up.

She originally wanted to put it on the table and help her put away the article written by Yuan Suijun when Wu Shu came back, but in the end she opened a nanmu box. This box previously contained the first draft of "The Legend of Su Yuan".

Everyone knows that she cherishes this very much, and no one will open this box at will.

She put this article together with these manuscripts, and also placed a sachet containing insect repellent spices inside.

Once Su Yueling makes up her mind to do something, she will take full action. She spreads out the rice paper, holds the charcoal pencil with her slender white fingers, and starts drawing with concentration.

She looked attentive. Although Yuan Suijun himself was not in front of her, she could outline his image in her mind because they had been together for a long time.

She has extremely handsome facial features and perfect contours. She looks gentle, but she also reveals a touch of alienation that is alienating people thousands of miles away. Her arrogance is hidden under the gentle appearance. Speaking of her at the beginning, she was still...

I hate him very much. I think this person is not very defensive. He is always arrogant and very annoying.

When did you start to change your opinion of him?

Su Yueling found that she didn't even notice it, and it seemed that the relationship between the two of them had become much harmonious without even realizing it.

If you don't pay attention, your pen will be crooked, and you will draw something wrong.

Su Yueling crumpled the paper into a ball, put it aside, and continued to draw a new one.

This painting took more than an hour and more than a dozen versions were scrapped. In each previous version, Su Yueling could always find something wrong.

The eyes are not bright enough, the shape of the lips is not well drawn, and they are not as good-looking as him.

Every scrap of paper was thrown into the brazier.

When the painting was finally finished, Su Yueling let out a long sigh of relief.

Yuan Suijun in the painting has a faint smile on his face, as if he is looking at her.

It was obviously her drawing, but Su Yueling couldn't help but avoid it. She clenched her hand into a fist and gently pressed it against her chin, acting as if nothing had happened, and said to Song Xiaoqiao: "Xiaoqiao, take this to Suijun.


She paused and said, "Just say that I painted to pass the time when I had nothing to do. If he doesn't like it, it doesn't matter if he throws it into a brazier and burns it."

Of course, if he really dared to burn it, don't blame her for being rude!

It took her three hours in total. She didn't feel it when she was painting, but now she realized that her wrists were sore.

It's just that as a person who cares about face, Su Yueling just said that he was using it to kill time. Of course, Su Yueling would not admit this.

If Wu Shu had been present, he might have noticed that she didn't mean what she said. But Song Xiaoqiao completely accepted Su Yueling's statement and nodded, "Okay, I'll take it right away."

When she crossed the threshold holding the painting, she turned her head and saw Su Yueling fidgeting with a jade pen holder on the table, with a faint smile on her lips, and the candlelight gave her a soft light.

Even the arrogant Song Xiaoqiao thought Madam's smile was particularly beautiful at this time. Of course, Madam was also very beautiful in normal times and was the most beautiful woman in the world.

She couldn't help but move softer, for fear that she would ruin the painting by being clumsy.

"She drew this for me?"

Yuan Suijun held Su Yueling's charcoal painting with a somewhat surprised look on his face.

"Yes, Madam painted it to kill time when she was bored." Song Xiaoqiao repeated Su Yueling's words.

Ah Wu sighed, "Madam's painting is really good. Although it is only a few strokes, it captures your charm." He knew it was the master at a glance.

You have to be very familiar with the master to be able to draw this.

Yuan Suijun couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, and looked at the painting quietly. The painting was indeed simple, with not many strokes, but the emotions reflected in the painting could be seen.

For some reason, Song Xiaoqiao felt that the master's expression when looking at the painting was strangely similar to his wife's just now. It was clear that their personalities were completely different.

"Okay, you go back."

He paused and said, "Just tell her that I quite like it."

Song Xiaoqiao wrote down these words and went back obediently.

Yuan Suijun put the painting into a box and told Ah Wu, "Don't put anything else in this box in the future."

Ah Wu nodded. He usually wouldn't touch the things in the master's study casually. In fact, this order was unnecessary.

Probably because the master also cherishes this painting of his wife.

After delivering the paintings, Song Xiaoqiao returned to Su Yueling to wait on her.

At this time, Su Yueling was reading a book and seemed not to notice that she was back.

Song Xiaoqiao sat beside him in a daze.

She didn't know how long it had passed before she heard Su Yueling ask.

"Did he get the painting? Did he say anything?"

The casual tone, as if he just suddenly remembered the matter and mentioned it casually.

Song Xiaoqiao said seriously: "Yes, the master said he likes it very much."

"It's because Madam paints well!" Anyway, in her heart, Madam is the best, Madam is the best, and she doesn't accept any refutation.


The corners of Su Yueling's eyes and brows were filled with joy as bright as the morning sun, and she said: "Who cares whether he likes it or not? I'm just painting casually. I gave it to him because he was given a place here."

After a while, she muttered something.

"It's quite discerning."


There will be an update on the 20th~

This chapter has been completed!
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