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Chapter 982 Zen position

Chapter 982 Zen Position (1st update)

Author: Moon Meow

The machine box was opened and a thin piece of paper was pulled out.

Rong Zhao unfolded the paper. After seeing the contents clearly, his young and handsome face immediately showed a deep joy. He presented the paper to Rong Ji, "Father, look at it!"

Rong Ji took it and remembered every word in his mind, stroking his hands and laughing, "Okay, this is really good."

"This medicine has a miraculous effect on inflammation!"

When they are sick and injured, what they worry about most is inflammation, which can easily take away people's lives. Especially on the battlefield, countless soldiers died from this.

Wuyun flower... the main ingredient of the medicine actually requires flowers unique to the Tianshan Mountains of Di Kingdom. At that time, Yueling took ten carriages to bring back her favorite Wuyun flower. Rong Ji knew that some people must have objections and thought she was too arrogant.

But because Di Guoshang rushed to prepare the carriage for her, and Yueling's holy family members were placed there, she kept her opinions to herself.

Who would have thought that Wuyun Flower could have such an effect. What made him most gratified was that this flower did not only grow in the Tianshan Mountains of Di Kingdom, otherwise they would be constrained by Di Kingdom in this regard. Although Daxia and

The relationship between Di and Guo is now as good as ever, but who knows what you will be like a hundred years from now.

Rong Ji was still a little proud. Wu Yunhua had been growing on the Tianshan Mountains for hundreds of years. However, over the years, Di Guo had not discovered its true effects. As soon as it was in Yueling's hands, it only took a few months.

She got this magic medicine.

It can be seen that Yueling is indeed protected by heaven!

Fortunately, Yue Ling is from Daxia, and fortunately she is Suijun's wife. This is Daxia's blessing.

What a great gift!

Rong Ji happily told the gift. As for the secret recipe, it was naturally impossible to tell.

Everyone present was very happy about it. Even those who were jealous of Su Yueling had to admit that this medicine was indeed very good. People may have accidents while living in this world, but with this medicine, their lives can be longer.

A guarantee. The happiest people were the generals. They couldn't help but greet Su Yueling from a distance with their wine glasses in their hands, and then drank the wine in one gulp.

Rong Ji collected the paper himself. This thing couldn't be lost. They also had to find some trustworthy people to deal with this.

Rong Ji thought about the female doctors Su Yueling had trained over the years, and thought thoughtfully. Maybe he could select some of them to do this job. Compared with the imperial doctors, these female doctors would be more loyal to the royal family because they had no one to rely on. Well, every one of them

The steps must be separated.

With the news of this prescription, the originally lively atmosphere became even more lively.

When the last dish was presented by the palace maids - people were surprised to find that the presentation of this dish looked like a map of Daxia.

Some older officials stroked their long white beards and had to admit that since Princess Wei entered the palace more than ten years ago, the imperial chefs in the palace had a sense of crisis and constantly created new dishes.

.Otherwise, they can insist on keeping the same dishes for ten years at a banquet like this. Especially in the past, the dishes were often served cold, or the cold dishes were reheated in a hurry. Now it is much better to eat.

After Rong Ji waited for everyone to use their chopsticks, he looked at the dishes on the table and showed a pleased expression, "Who made this dish? It tastes good and has a good meaning."

The chamberlain said respectfully, "It's Chef Sun."

Sun Yuchu is Sun Xiaoyu.

Rong Jidao: "Reward her with fifty gold pieces and a pair of jade Ruyi."

After picking up a few chopsticks, he said with emotion: "I have been on the throne for more than thirty years and have worked hard to govern. Although I cannot be compared with the legendary saints, over the years, I have been worthy of my heart, worthy of my ancestors, and have never let down the people of Ming Dynasty."

Although everyone didn't know why the emperor suddenly had these emotions, they still flattered him one after another. They praised the emperor for being too humble. He was already a wise king and holy master who was rare to see in a hundred years.

When they praised, they did so from the bottom of their hearts. Under the emperor's rule, Great Xia prospered and ushered in a new prosperous age. Moreover, the emperor was not unkind to his courtiers, and they did not need to worry about being punished.

Rong Ji looked at the son he had high hopes for - among the three sons, he had the deepest affection for Rong Zhao. The birth of Rong Zhao solved the dilemma between him and the queen, and Rong Zhao had a gentle temperament and was decisive and enterprising.

I think it can lead Daxia to go further.

"Give the prince this river and mountain in front of me."

Some sensitive people seemed to have smelled something and looked at the Tian family father and son in surprise.

When the food was delivered to Rong Zhao, and after Rong Zhao used his chopsticks, Rong Ji said with a smile: "In recent years, I have felt that my health has become worse than before, and I am even more incapable of handling state affairs."

"Now that the crown prince has grown up, he is endowed with brilliant talents, filial and generous to his friends, his virtues can be admired all over the world, and his kindness can bring peace to the people. I am the one who favors him. In ten days' time, the enthronement ceremony will be held, and he will be crowned emperor."

The reason why he chose ten days later was because Rong Ji didn't want his son's enthronement ceremony to be too crude, otherwise he would have wished for his son to ascend the throne earlier.

Well, ten days is enough time for the Ministry of Rites.

The entire audience was stunned by the emperor's sudden decision to abdicate, and everyone turned into stone and turned into statues.

They have never seen someone abdicate the throne so early in advance like today's emperor. The emperor who promised to value power attaches great importance to it, and he wants to seize it until the last moment of his life?

The officials of the Ministry of Rites were about to cry. It was only ten days! The normal preparation time is one month! And the emperor is still here, so the regulations for the new emperor's enthronement need to be re-drafted. If it is exceeded, it will offend the emperor. If

If you neglect it, you may be written down in the notebook by the new emperor.

The officials of the Ministry of Etiquette looked at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in each other's eyes - well, they can't even think about going home these ten days, so they should work overtime on the floor in the Yamen.

"Father, you must not do this. I still need to learn from my father." Although Rong Zhao had already been warned, his first reaction when he heard this was still rejection.

Under normal circumstances, according to the process, he can't accept it all at once, but has to decline three times, which will make him look particularly impatient.

Rong Ji looked serious, "Don't you want to share my worries?"

"The imperial doctor also said that my body has long needed to put down political affairs and take good care of myself."

The imperial doctors who suddenly took the blame:...

No! They never said that! How could they have the courage to say such things? The most they could do was to ask the emperor not to work too hard.

"Okay, I have made up my mind, there is no need for you to say anything more."

Rong Ji looked at Yuan Suijun and said, "Prince Rong, please prepare an edict for me."

Yuan Suijun stood up, and his servant was grinding ink beside him.

The emperor had already prepared the draft in his mind, and he read it slowly while taking in the different expressions of everyone in the audience.

Soon, the edict of abdication was completed.

Rong Zhao took the edict respectfully and calmly.

Rong Ji smiled calmly and said, "Let's all disperse."

Then the ministers and the female relatives watched as the whole family waved their sleeves and left without taking away a single cloud, leaving them alone to continue to be stone statues.

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