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Chapter 103 house

Ke Wen took a deep breath, but he couldn't suppress the expectation in his heart at all.

Slightly excited, he swung the 'floo powder' in his hand towards his feet, and then couldn't help shouting: "Wonderful House!"


A stream of green flames shot up from Kewen's feet, instantly engulfing his figure.

The next moment, Ke Wen's figure also disappeared.

As if lying in a washing machine, after a period of dizziness, Ke Wen's body was pulled forward by an invisible force. Soon the feeling of pulling disappeared, and an inertia caused his body to fall forward involuntarily.

Ke Wen, who had already used Floo Powder, did not panic and instantly stabilized his body's balance.

After stepping out of the fireplace, what you saw in front of you was a very high-end living room.

He didn't bother to talk to Dumbledore, who was standing in front of him and looking at him with a smile.

Ke Wen immediately began to look around with some impoliteness, carefully observing the layout of the living room.

Glossy brown wood floors, brand new sofa and coffee table sets, bright crystal hanging lamps, high-end handmade tapestries on the walls, and several empty picture frames.

Turn around and look behind you.

The red brick fireplace has brand new cabinets displayed on both sides. There are also some small photo frames hanging on the wall above the fireplace, which contain some "living" landscape paintings.

Turn around again.

A wide arched doorway connects the restaurant, where tables and chairs are neatly arranged, and numerous kitchen utensils are fully and orderly placed.

The living room is also connected to three other rooms, but because the doors are blocking it, Ke Wen cannot know what is going on inside.

Finally, Coven set his sights on a milky-white spiral staircase. Apparently this house had a second floor.

Seeing this, Dumbledore finally spoke and chuckled softly: "The second floor has the master bedroom, a terrace garden, three guest bedrooms, and a bathroom."

"Is there a third floor?" Ke Wen asked expectantly.

"Of course." Dumbledore still introduced with a smile: "The spell practice room, the alchemy laboratory, the studio for storing herbs and preparing potions, and the same garden platform. You can rest there when you are tired from work. See

Look at the scenery.”

"This is really..." The smile on Ke Wen's face was almost full, and he said in a very excited tone: "Thank you so much! I like it here so much!"

"Then you have to thank your Professor Flitwick." Dumbledore said with a smile: "Including the 'portkey' in your hand, as well as this house and all the household items inside, are your Flitwick

The professor organized it for you."

Ke Wen nodded heavily to express his understanding.

Next, Dumbledore first took Coven to the underground warehouse to have a look, and then went up to the second and third floors.

Finally, on the garden platform on the third floor, Kewen raised his hand and held the railing on the edge of the platform, looking forward. Looking at the rolling mountains, rivers and giant lake in front of him, he couldn't help but feel that it looked so familiar.

After observing carefully for a long time, Ke Wen suddenly looked stunned.

Dumbledore might have been waiting here for a long time, so he immediately smiled and said: "Haha, yes! This is the edge of 'Hogsmeade Village'. Look over there."

Corwin looked in the direction of Dumbledore's finger and heard the other party smile: "Behind that mountain is the Black Lake. You can clearly see the college from the top of the mountain."

Ke Wen was even more surprised when he heard this. This location is too convenient.

Not to mention that it is so close to the academy, not far in the other direction is the wizarding village of 'Hogsmeade', which is almost the center of the magical town in the UK.

It is the only gathering place composed entirely of wizards. There are no ordinary people there, and both transportation and wizard life are very convenient.

"Thank you!" Ke Wen was so happy that he couldn't help but thank you again: "Thank you and the professors!"

"No, it's me who should thank you." Dumbledore patted Coven's shoulder kindly: "Compared to what you have paid, these things we have prepared are nothing at all."

Coven didn't want to continue to be polite to Dumbledore, so he kept his gratitude deep in his heart and never mentioned it again.

Next, Kewen continued to carefully observe the entire house again with a fresh and expectant mood.

While observing, Ke Wen was making plans in his mind. Planning how to decorate this house that was completely his own in the future.

More than a month later, through correspondence exchanges with Nicol Flamel during this period, Coven finally made his alchemy knowledge richer and more professional.

In the end, Ke Wen succeeded in alchemy and enchanted an alchemical scale that can detect the medicinal properties of herbs.

The three alchemical devices, including the scale, the crucible, and the stirring rod, were handed over to Principal Dumbledore. It took a few more days to perfect the thesis, and the rest could only be left to the professors.

Among them, in addition to Professor Snape, Dumbledore and the other three deans need to do a lot of work for the publication of the paper.

But Snape's task was the heaviest. He needed to use the 'Alchemy Scale' to organize and write a book to standardize the amount of herbs required when making potions.

The successful publication of Kewen's paper this time is far more difficult than the last 'Dementor' paper, because there are too many things that need to be dealt with and prevented in advance.

Until the end of this semester, Coven still had not heard any news from Dumbledore...

It's another year's end-of-semester farewell dinner, and Slytherin has won the House Cup again.

There is no way this year because of the Forbidden Forest incident, Ke Wen and the twins were deducted 150 points.

In addition to the usual point deductions from the twins, they also lost Quidditch, and even during the time when Corwin kept harassing Snape, they were frequently deducted a lot of points by the opponent.

In the end, Gryffindor's house points were only ranked third, and the second place went to Ravenclaw House.

However, Kewen didn't care much about the House Cup. After all, the four deans were so kind to him, so he didn't have any special sense of belonging to Gryffindor House.

Of course, if Professor McGonagall directly asks him to compete for the Academy Cup, Coven will go all out and try to score as many points as possible for Gryffindor.

However, Professor McGonagall has not said so in the past three years, so Kewen just went with the flow and let nature take its course.

After all, the 'protagonist' of this world will come to the academy next year. In Kewen's memory, the Academy Cup in the next few years will belong to Gryffindor.

Therefore, Kewen didn't have to worry about it.

Students of all grades left the campus early the next morning. After arriving in Hogsmeade village, those who used Floo powder and those who took the train took the train to bid farewell to the college and began to enjoy their holiday life.

Coven passed through the public fireplace and used Floo powder to teleport directly into Diagon Alley. He greeted the store managers and clerks he knew along the way, and finally returned to the door of Ollivander's Wand Shop.

He reached out to push the door open, and with the pleasant ringing of the doorbell, Ke Wen entered the store.

But after seeing the situation in the store, I couldn't help but be stunned, because Ollivander was talking to a "white-haired lolita" with a kind face...

This chapter has been completed!
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